Developing a true commitment to learning

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: June 5th 2024

Developing a true commitment to learning

Behind the scenes of a DevOps Specialist who teaches at Nucamp

"I love sharing my knowledge and being able to mentor others." -Ahmed Mabrouk, Nucamp Instructor

Ahmed Mabrouk is a DevOps specialist living in Egypt working for the multi-national telecommunication company, Vodaphone.

He also supplemented his CS degree teaching himself from YouTube the skills missed at his university.

Ahmed started his coding journey earning his Computer Science degree and becoming a back end engineer at a startup.

Working within a startup meant he wore many hats and worked on a little bit of everything, including front end development.

Ahmed's love of learning steered him into learning about DevOps and automation.

He taught himself enough about it to earn himself DevOps related tasks at work.

Ahmed's curiosity for knowledge and drive to learn more allowed him to move into an Integration Engineering role at Vodaphone and eventually the DevOps Specialist role he is in today.

He is so passionate about DevOps that he started to look for ways to pass along what he knew with others.

At first he considered starting a YouTube channel and I even tried writing a few articles, but eventually came across Nucamp's DevOps instructor openings for the newly launched Back End with Python Bootcamp.

Ahmed has been hooked ever since; he loves sharing his knowledge and mentoring his students.

Ever since his first course taught, Ahmed has consistently given his students an amazing coding bootcamp experience.

He definitely brings his enthusiasm and expertise to his classes as he has received an impressive average student rating of 4.92/5.

Nucamp is proud to have skilled professionals like Ahmed a part of our instructor team.

What is one piece of advice you would give bootcamp students (future or current)?

“The world is changing very fast, you need to adaptive. Don't say no to opportunities to learn something new. You never know what is going to become obsolete and what upcoming skill is going to be the next requirement.“

How do you continue to find the drive to learn around a busy life schedule?

“Start by learning what you love and fall in love with what you are doing. I have a lot of passion when it comes to coding and DevOps topics. I genuinely enjoy it. I also make sure to scheduled time to study and practice.”

Watch Ahmed's live Campfire interview with Nucamp's CEO, Ludo, here.


Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.