Get unstuck in landing your first job in tech with the Job Hunting Bootcamp

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 5th 2024

Get a job in tech after a coding bootcamp with the Job Hunting Bootcamp

Learn everything you need to know to succeed in your job search.

The hardest part is behind you.

You’ve done an immense amount of work, you’ve developed coding skills, you’ve built websites and designed databases with your skills, and now it’s time to land a job.

Job openings for those with coding skills are at an all-time high, but so are the number of applicants.

How will you break through to hiring managers so they respond to YOU when there are so many other applicants?

One way to do that is to send out hundreds of applications, into the void, and hope to get lucky.

I don’t know about you, but that sounds rough. And if you’ve tried that already, it’s okay, we’ve all tried to brute-force something before.

There’s a better way.

What if you could get hiring managers, recruiters, and companies to reach out to you instead of the other way around?

Does the mere idea of “networking” bother you? What if there was an algorithm, a step-by-step plan you could follow, to win at making meaningful connections that could help you land a job?

Do you feel anxious just thinking about the interview? What if I told you there’s a silver bullet you can use to slay interview fears? (Hint: there is).

What about the catch-22 that everyone knows about—you’ve seen it before: an entry-level position is posted that requires X number of years of experience. How do you get around it?

How much practice do you have writing code, by HAND on a whiteboard…in front of people? You’re going to need it.

The Job Hunting Bootcamp is going to transform your entire approach to landing your first job in tech.

What will you learn during the Job Hunting Bootcamp?

The Job Hunting Bootcamp is an online, instructor-led bootcamp that covers the four essential job search preparation categories: First Impressions, The Hunt, The Interview Process, and Technical Know-how.

Over the four-week course, each week is dedicated to one of the essential job search prep categories:

Week 1: First Impressions

Frame yourself for the job you want so that you can leave a strong first impression well before you even talk to employers.

In this first week, you will begin with an evaluation of yourself and the types of jobs you are interested in pursuing. You will learn about some methods to offer a great first impression and some tips on what interviewers are looking for in a candidate.

Week 2: The Hunt

Get out of the numbers game of sending applications in the void that make you feel like you’re going nowhere.

In this second week, you will learn about tools and techniques for maximizing the efforts of your job hunt. You will learn things like where to look, and how to build more connections to increase your opportunities and exposure. You will also explore freelancing topics with some basics on contracting, project management, planning and scoping, and proposal writing.

Week 3: The Interview Process

Conquer your interview anxiety so you can have a strong footing well before you show up.

In the third week of the course, you will concentrate on the interview. You will learn about both the technical and non-technical parts of an interview. You will find out some best practices for accepting an interview, preparing for an interview, how to handle technical and soft interview questions, and more.

Week 4: Technical Know-how

Some say the technical interview is the hardest part. Make it like a walk in the park.

In the fourth and last week of the course, we take a deep dive into the technical topics you need to know to be successful during your interview. You will learn about common data structures and algorithms, learn how to describe them during a whiteboard interview, and practice coding techniques for take-home assignments.

You will also receive some resources for further study to continue your preparation and to stay up-to-date with the latest technologies. We will also cover some information on finding internships and apprenticeships, volunteering, and expanding your personal portfolio projects to help build your technical knowledge base.

Is the Job Hunting Bootcamp for me?

The Job Hunting Bootcamp was created for anyone needing help getting their first coding job or mid-level developers who need to brush up on technical interviews.

Whether you are a Nucamp or another bootcamp graduate, a Computer Science grad, or a self-taught developer you can utilize this course to get an edge in securing your first, or next, job.

No matter the programming language or frameworks you use the lessons are relevant.

You will get live instruction from professionals that work in the industry as they are only part-time with Nucamp.

Our instructor’s real-world experience will help you even further in your job search prep.

Can I complete the Job Hunting Bootcamp around my busy schedule?

The Job Hunting Bootcamp is structured to work around your already busy schedule by being designed for real life.

Like all Nucamp bootcamps, the Job Hunting Bootcamp is online, part-time, and instructor-led.

During the week you learn at your own pace for about 2-4 hours each day.

Then each Saturday morning, come together with your class of up to 15 other students for 4-hours of live online instruction.

What does the Job Hunting Bootcamp cost?

Tuition is two payments of $229, or $458 in total when you register at least two weeks prior to the start date to qualify for early-bird pricing (the full price is two payments of $249, or $498 in total).

How do I register?

Enrollment is easy and simply done in a few steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Scroll down and select which time zone you live in, or if you are international, whichever is best for your schedule.
  3. Once selected, scroll down again and you will see the list of available bootcamps and start dates in the ‘Bootcamp Schedule’ section.
  4. Click on ‘Register’ next to the bootcamp of your choice and follow the instructions.

I have more questions. How do I contact Nucamp?

If you have unanswered questions, schedule a call with one of our Advisors by following this link:

Otherwise, you can email us at or you can ask your questions live at via the chat feature.

While breaking into the tech industry and landing your first coding job can be a daunting endeavor, having Nucamp’s robust community on your side as you work to set yourself apart puts you a step ahead.


Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible