When the cure for user-experience woes is aggregating and presenting the available data in a meaningful way.

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: July 14th 2022

When the cure for user-experience woes is aggregating and presenting the available data in a meaningful way.

Vaccine WA by Nasir Abdirahman

For his final project and graduating with honors in our Front End Bootcamp, Nasir Abdirahman built a mobile app in React Native to help people in Washington State:

  • Find providers that offer the Covid-19 vaccine
  • Find providers nearby using zip codes
  • Book an appointment
  • Overcome accessibility flaws with existing websites

While there were a number of available websites that try to solve some of these problems, most of them showed symptoms of UI/UX flaws, were difficult to find meaningful data, and were not comprehensive.

When you watch Nasir's video, you start to ask yourself "what about X?" but then in mere moments, Nasir demonstrates a feature that remedies the problem you were just thinking about.

Does the provider have vaccines in stock? Check.

When was their in-stock information last updated? Check.

Can I book an appointment? Check.

Which pharmaceutical company made the vaccine they have in stock? Check.

What instructions for the public do users need to follow when setting up and showing up to appointments? Check.

Vaccine WA

In addition, each provider has a link that opens directions on the user's phone, a link to the provider's website, and contact information.

If there are no providers within their zip code that have the vaccine, the app will recommend additional zip codes within 15 miles of their original selection.

It keeps going—are you eligible for a vaccine? Users can read the Washington State's Department of Healtth eligibility and prioritization rules.

Washington State has planned phases that open up eligibility to more groups of people over time and the app indicates which phase is currently active.

Many users complained that the State's naming conventions for the phases were confusing and difficult to understand, so Nasir took the liberty to rename them to something simple and easy to follow.

Finally to top it off, an FAQ is provided that aggregates Washington Department of Health and CFC information into a single page, with sources!

The biggest challenge Nasir faced was finding accurate data, formatting it in a JSON file, and making it readable by the app.

"You need to publish this app right now." —Ludo Fourrage, CEO of Nucamp

Watch Nasir's Project Video.


Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.