An unexpected change in her career flight plan propelled her into new heights

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: September 5th 2024

An unexpected change in her career flight plan propelled her into new heights

From Aviation Technician to Software Engineer, Apex Legends

"Going through Nucamp has given me more confidence to maneuver around obstacles. It taught me perseverance and helped me think more resourcefully. I feel more empowered. [With Nucamp] I was able to overcome the crisis of losing a career."

2024 Update: Taylor continues to succeed in the tech industry. Since this article was originally created in 2021, she has moved onto being a Software Engineer at Apex Legends. 

This is Taylor Masiello, a Nucamp Full Stack Bootcamp graduate and now an Apprentice Software Engineer at Echobind.

When she isn't spending time with her dogs and friends, playing video games, or watching movies, she is working on a project.

Her ongoing projects include building her own computers, working on cars, and fixing up old video game consoles.

Taylor's affinity for building led her into becoming a skilled aviation technician.

She is also a veteran, but as a civilian technician she most recently had been working in Afghanistan on Chinook helicopters.

2024 Update: Taylor continues to succeed in the tech industry and is currently a Software Engineer at Apex Legends. 

While overseas, both of her legs were injured causing her to no longer have the same confidence or sense of security in her labor-intensive job.

After assessing her situation she took into account her quality of life and the risk of getting hurt again.

They were both indicators for recalibrating her passion for technology into a new career.

She had already chosen Nucamp as a fallback and after her injury, she took the leap.

What else motivated you to consider taking a bootcamp in general?

Taylor enjoys self-learning, but knows having support and guidance is crucial.

She mentioned getting direct feedback during the bootcamp was very helpful, which elevated her experience.

By having an instructor guide her through the material, she was able to avoid the major gaps of self-learning.

Before even starting a bootcamp, Taylor had a specific job in mind so she reached out to her friend, Alex a Sr. Software Engineer, to get her thoughts on Nucamp.

Alex said the MERN stack, covered by Nucamp, was exactly what she needed for the job.

What made you choose Nucamp specifically?

To her, the first thing that stood out was the price tag.

Since it was so much more affordable than the other options, she was able to justify the price of taking the bootcamp.

She also got a feel for what it would be like attending a Nucamp bootcamp by watching a number of Nucamp videos.

Taylor loved Nucamp's mission to make it affordable without trimming off what was necessary and everything Nucamp promised was supported by her experience.

"I loved the model and the system. I realized hybrid learning is definitely my thing."

What was your experience like as you were going through the bootcamp?

"My instructors were great. The encouragement from Nucamp and my instructors made all the difference."

Though she received a high level referral, she still had to go through the interview process and her practice working on projects during the bootcamp was a significant help.

Taylor received a job offer two weeks before the bootcamp even ended.

"If you're looking for an affordable bootcamp, you understand you'll get out what you put in and you're willing to make the commitment—it'll change your life."

Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.