Nucamp's Predictions for 2023

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: January 6th 2023

2023: precictions for the role of coding bootcamps in training today's workforce

The New Year brings a heightened awareness of the need for a tech-savvy workforce.

As we wrap up another eventful year, we can’t help but be excited.

Coding bootcamps will play an integral role in quickly educating today’s workforce to meet the growing demand for technical talent.

As innovation in the tech industry continues to increase, businesses in every industry will prioritize the need to train current employees and attract new technical talent.

These innovations will also impact the skillsets and tools required to keep pace with the expanding digital economy.

We believe 2023 will be the year most employers prioritize training. They realize that technical expertise is crucial for their businesses to stay competitive.

In addition, this shift will create more development jobs and an increased interest in technical careers.

Here’s what we anticipate:

1. More focus on back-end roles and skillsets:

For the last few years, the most popular program taught by coding bootcamps has been front end development and full stack development.

But enrollment in back-end coding bootcamps will rise.

It’s a great way for beginners to learn the basics of programming.

Back-end languages like Python and SQL are very similar to human speech.

Back-end developers focus on server-side development.

This where the data lives, and this where the APIs serve up the data to the front-end.

Front end development focuses on the client-side development.

A well-designed user interface is extremely important to attract customers and clients.

But without the ability to send and retrieve data, the app or website won’t have robust functionality.

From eCommerce to social media, every industry needs back-end development.

With increased adoption of cloud computing, and more focus on DevOps, the role of back-end developer is evolving.

At the time of this writing, LinkedIn reported over 63K open job positions in the US for back-end developers and engineers, many with average salaries over $100k a year.

There will be many job prospects in 2023.

2. Decreased interest in Web3/Blockchain learning programs

Web3 / Blockchain learning programs will suffer in 2023. The technology is not gaining wide public acceptance, except in the crypto currency space.

There’s still confusion about what it is.

Which leads to a reluctance to adopt, and a lack of interest to learn the technology.

But this may actually be the best time to invest in building those skills if you have a killer idea for a web app.

Web 3 (the next generation of the internet) is not dead.

Although it hasn’t fully matured, it will continue to progress.

Web3 is inevitable, but it has a long way to go.

Web3 will leverage Blockchain, a cyber-security technology.

Blockchains are digital transactions chained together.

Users will own the content they create and have control over who has access.

They don’t need to rely on corporations or the government to store and secure their data.

This decentralized data is not stored on one central server.

It’s distributed across several servers. Only the person who owns the data can give permission to access it.

Since there are many copies of the chain, which need to stay in sync, it’s more secure.

Hackers would need to gain access to all copies to do any damage.

Some doubt that it’s even possible to not have a central entity as a gate keeper.

At the time of this writing, Indeed listed only 5,800 full-time jobs in the US that listed blockchain in the job descriptions.

3. Increased interest and enrollment in Coding Bootcamps

Coding Bootcamp enrollments will continue to rise as an alternative to a computer science degree.

The most expensive bootcamps will suffer though.

Here’s why:

People don’t want to accumulate student debt.

It will be hard to justify a high price for online education.

Most coding bootcamps aren’t coming back to in-person classes.

The bootcamp is saving money by educating on-line, shouldn’t they pass that savings on to the students?

The answer is, “Yes.”

High interest rates mean fewer people will have access to expensive student loans.

They’ll consider more accessible and affordable options such as online coding bootcamps, like Nucamp.

More and more companies are dropping their degree requirements.

And graduates of coding bootcamps are finding jobs in the tech industry.

4. Increased collaboration between online coding bootcamps and employers

Greater collaboration in the coding bootcamp / online learning industry will mean greater opportunities for students.

Many companies will seek new education & training partnerships to reduce costs, continue to grow, and provide opportunities for employees and bootcamp graduates seeking employment.

Employers who want an affordable, high-quality training option for their workforce will benefit from partnering with a coding bootcamp.

It’s much more cost effective than having to maintain their own training resources.

Many companies are creating hiring partnerships with coding bootcamps to have access to the bootcamp graduates who have the skills they need to fill their open positions.

Fortune 500 companies such as Accenture and JP Morgan Chase have great technical apprenticeship opportunities.

Many of these apprenticeships are specifically recruiting candidates who got their training in a non-traditional way, such as coding bootcamps.

We'll see the creation of new organizations such as the Workforce Talent Educators Association (WTEA), of which Nucamp is a founding member.

WTEA is “trying to align educators and employers so they can match the skills students learn to the needs of evolving job markets.

And companies, like Google Cloud, are contributing to coding bootcamp curriculum, such as the partnership between Google Cloud and Nucamp.

5. Continued growth in demand for software engineers

Overall employment of software developers, quality assurance analysts, and testers is projected to grow 25 percent from 2021 to 2031.

Expect a renewed momentum at the end of 2023: interest rates will come down, the economy will recover, and more companies will be hiring tech talent.

Use this time to learn to code.

Be ready for it!

Enroll now.

In 2023, we look forward to continuing our mission of making coding education affordable and accessible to everyone.

Happy Learning!


Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible