Washington Residents Retraining Scholarship

Pay just $100 / month for 5 months (total out of pocket: $500). For WA based individuals who are unemployed, under-employed or needing retraining individuals. In partnership with Washington Career Bridge.

Washington Retraining Program 70% Off Tuition

$6,949 of $115,000

Nucamp WA Resident Retraining Program Details

Offering up to 80% Tuition Assistance, the WA Retraining Program Scholarship will cover the bulk of your tuition for a $1,620 to $2,595 value.

Apply Now

Go to https://url.nucamp.co/waretraining to fill the eligibility form.

Bootcamps Offered
  • Web Development Fundamentals + Full Stack & Mobile Development + Job Hunting Bootcamp Bundle
  • Back End with SQL and Python + Job Hunting Bootcamp Bundle
  • Cybersecurity Fundamentals + Job Hunting Bootcamp Bundle
Eligibility Criteria

Individuals who are unemployed, under-employed, needing retraining and matching at least one of the 9 eligibility criteria below can apply for the Washington Residents Retraining Scholarship:

  1. Dislocated worker, claiming UI benefits: Laid-off or otherwise lost employment through no fault of their own and actively claiming WA state UI benefits.
  2. Dislocated worker, exhausted benefits: Unemployed and has exhausted UI benefits within the 48 months.
  3. Dislocated worker, received notice of lay-off: Received a lay-off notice.
  4. Stop Gap employment: Student has taken a stop gap job as defined in published eligibility guidelines.
  5. Displaced homemaker: Has been providing unpaid services to family members.
  1. Formerly self-employed: Unemployed as a result of general economic conditions in the WA state community in which the individual resides, or as the result of a natural disaster.
  2. Active-Duty Military Member: Active-duty military service member with an official notice of separation.
  3. Unemployed Veteran: Separated from the U.S. armed services in the last 48 months, and is currently unemployed.
  4. Vulnerable worker on expanded eligibility policy: Meets two of three published criteria.

Budget remaining in the Scholarship Fund: $6,949

How it Works


Go to https://url.nucamp.co/waretraining to fill the eligibility form.

While there you will need to:

  1. Select the Bootcamps you would like to attend.
  2. Upload the documents needed to confirm your eligibility.
  3. Sign the self-attestation.
The Scholarship team will review your application within 48 hours of receiving it.
If your application is accepted, you will receive a coupon code to register to the bootcamp bundle you selected via email.
Register using the coupon code. You will need to pay $100 at registration.
Welcome to Nucamp!

Current Labor Market Information in Washington

The tech sector employed nearly 1.5 million jobs according to the 2023 job market report published by the Washington Technology Industry Association (WTIA)

WTIA Job Report

Go here to read the report.

Current Entry Level Job Listings
  • 100+ Junior Software Engineering Positions in WA: click here
  • 100+ Junior Backend Engineering Positions in WA: click here
  • 100+ Junior Cybersecurity Positions in WA: click here

Articles About Washington Worker Retraining Program

Everything you need to know about Washington's approach to helping unemployed or under-employed workers getting better jobs.

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