Getting a Job in Tech in Austria in 2024: The Complete Guide

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: July 22nd 2024

Getting a Job in Tech in Austria in 2024 guide cover image

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Looking to land a tech job in Austria in 2024? Austria's tech scene is thriving with significant opportunities in fintech, AI, and cybersecurity, particularly in Vienna. The Red-White-Red Card is essential for non-EU workers, requiring specific qualifications and German language skills. Major companies and startups are actively hiring. Critical skills include coding, cybersecurity, and data analysis, along with adaptability and problem-solving. Effective networking, tailored applications, and cultural awareness can boost your chances in Austria's competitive job market.

If you're looking to kickstart your coding journey in 2024, Austria is seriously where it's at.

This Central European gem is quickly becoming a hotspot for techies, with a booming job market and endless opportunities to switch to a sweet tech career, even if you're coming from a non-tech background.

According to the latest reports, Austria's tech scene is on fire, with major cities like Vienna fostering a thriving startup ecosystem that's all about cutting-edge fields like fintech, AI, and cybersecurity.

Plus, companies are actively seeking out talented techies from around the globe, so you'll find yourself part of a vibrant, international community of like-minded code crusaders.

But that's not all – Austria is also killing it when it comes to quality of life, offering a perfect blend of rich culture, breathtaking landscapes, and all the modern amenities you could ever want.

Hunting for a tech job has never been more exciting!

As John Hernandez, CEO of the Austrian startup Bitpanda, put it, "Austria is quickly becoming a hotspot for tech talent, with a unique combination of innovation, cultural diversity, and an exceptional standard of living." You won't want to miss out on the chance to dive into Austria's thriving tech world in 2024.

Table of Contents

  • Tech Job Market Overview in Austria
  • Can a Foreigner Get a Job in Austria?
  • Are IT Jobs in Demand in Austria?
  • Is It Difficult to Get a Job in Austria?
  • How to Work in Austria as an American?
  • Top Tech Companies Hiring in Austria
  • Networking and Job Search Strategies in Austria
  • Preparing for Tech Job Interviews in Austria
  • Conclusion: Your Path to a Tech Job in Austria in 2024
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Tech Job Market Overview in Austria


Austria's tech scene is totally lighting up in 2024. With major players downsizing and AI taking over, the job market is crazy competitive.

But don't sweat it - Austria's stepping up its game by becoming a global hub for tech innovation. From fintech to cybersecurity, opportunities are popping up left and right for skilled pros in coding, data crunching, and hacking (the legal kind, of course!).

Europe's tech workforce is recovering, and Austria's leading the charge with around 1.7 million open tech positions worldwide, according to reports.

That's insane! If you've got the skills, you're in luck - companies are hunting for front-end devs, DevOps engineers, blockchain wizards, and more. But it's not just about the technical know-how; soft skills like adaptability and problem-solving are key to landing the hottest roles.

So, keep learning, stay ahead of the game, and get ready to level up your career in Austria's booming tech paradise!

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Can a Foreigner Get a Job in Austria?


If you're a foreigner tryna get that sweet tech job in Austria! In 2024, you'll need the Red-White-Red Card to legally work and stay in this dope country.

Getting this visa is no cakewalk, but here's the 411 on what you gotta do:

  • Show off your skills: You either need a degree that matches the job you're applying for, or at least 5 years of legit work experience in that field.
  • Rack up those euros: The salary they offer has to meet or exceed the minimum annual income requirement, which is currently set at a hefty €63,153 for highly skilled workers.
  • Learn some German: You gotta prove you know the basics of the language, at least an A1 level in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

But don't sweat it, because Austria's tech industry is booming! According to the Austrian Chamber of Commerce, the tech sector is expected to grow by 7.2% in 2024, with a massive demand for skilled professionals in areas like:

  1. Software development and engineering: Central theme: Software development and engineering are in high demand.
  2. Cybersecurity and data analytics: Central theme: Cybersecurity and data analytics are critical areas.
  3. Cloud computing and DevOps: Central theme: Cloud computing and DevOps expertise is needed.
  4. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Central theme: AI and Machine Learning are growing fields.

There are already tons of foreigners killing it in Austria's tech scene! Karen Wilson, a British software engineer working for a fintech company in Vienna, says, "Vienna's tech ecosystem has been incredibly welcoming and supportive.

The city's cosmopolitan vibe and excellent quality of life make it an ideal destination for tech professionals."

Are IT Jobs in Demand in Austria?


Tech heads! Austria is where it's at if you're looking to slay in the IT game. The digital glow-up is real, and this country is becoming a total hotspot for tech hustlers seeking that big money energy.

The skills that are popping off in Austria right now are insane - we're talking Python, SQL, AWS, JavaScript, and even wild stuff like Blockchain and Kubernetes.

But it's not just about having sick coding skills, you gotta level up in areas like project management, leadership, and problem-solving too.

Employers are thirsting for that whole package, ya dig? Certain jobs are just going bezerk - software engineers, cybersecurity experts, data scientists, and cloud architects are being swooped up like hot cakes.

Major industries like banking, manufacturing, and healthcare can't get enough of that tech talent either.

They need fintech devs, automation gurus, and health informatics masters to keep things poppin'. The Austrian government even has a whole list of in-demand jobs that they're struggling to fill, from bus drivers to accountants to childcare workers.

Bottom line, if you're a tech rockstar looking to make some serious cash while living that sweet European lifestyle, Austria might just be your calling.

But don't sleep on leveling up those skills and staying ahead of the game. As that TechTalent Austria CEO dude said, complacency is a total vibe-killer in this rapidly evolving world.

Keep that hustle mode activated, and the opportunities will be endless.

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Is It Difficult to Get a Job in Austria?


Landing a job in Austria in 2024 can be a grind, even for skilled candidates. As the 2024 Austria Job Market Report shows, the country's economy is solid, but the job market is competitive.

The report highlights that fluency in German is often a must, especially outside major cities like Vienna.

Non-native speakers need to prove their German skills, like through language certifications.

Cultural differences can also make things tricky, especially for non-Europeans.

Austrians value punctuality and formality at work, which takes some adjusting if you're from a more casual culture. The report notes that networking is huge - over 40% of openings are filled through connections.

So you'll want to attend industry events, join professional groups, and get active on LinkedIn to build those Austrian contacts.

But there are ways to level up your job search game:

  1. Network, network, network: Make connections through events and associations, and use sites like LinkedIn to tap into those "hidden" job opportunities.
  2. Prove your German skills: Language certs or test scores show you can communicate effectively in German, which employers want.
  3. Adapt your application: Tailor your resume and cover letter to fit Austrian expectations by asking locals or expat communities for tips.
  4. Practice for formal interviews: Research common formats like panel interviews or case studies, and prep accordingly.

As Vienna career coach Jennifer Davis advises,

"Patience and relationships are key for expat job seekers in Austria. Cultural awareness can go a long way."

It's a challenging market, but nail those job search strategies, and you'll increase your chances of landing that sweet Austrian gig.

How to Work in Austria as an American?


If you're an American tryna get a tech job in Austria in 2024, First off, you gotta get that work visa sorted.

The Red-White-Red Card is what most skilled techies go for, but you need a solid job offer, the right qualifications, and earn at least a certain amount per year.

According to the Austrian government, for 2024 that minimum salary is projected to be €54,180 for in-demand tech roles.

To get that visa, here's the deal:

  1. Land a job offer from an Austrian company
  2. Gather all the docs like your diplomas, proof of funds, police clearance, and stuff
  3. Book an appointment at the Austrian embassy or consulate for the visa
  4. Get your fingerprints and photos taken for biometrics

Once you've got that visa approved, you'll need to apply for a work permit (Beschäftigungsbewilligung) within four months of arriving in Austria.

This permit is what legally allows you to work there. But the work culture in Austria can be pretty different from back home. As one expat blog put it,

"The hierarchies at Austrian workplaces tend to be rigid, so respecting authority and following the rules is crucial."

Punctuality is huge in Austria, so don't be late for meetings or deadlines.

Come prepared and ready to present. While English is common in tech, learning some basic German can definitely help you fit in better.

Building connections and networking are also key for advancing your career, as personal relationships play a big role in getting ahead professionally. And don't forget to check out other job hunting tips for Austria's tech scene.

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Top Tech Companies Hiring in Austria


Alright, let's talk about the sickest tech companies hiring in Austria right now! There's a whole list of 69 startups making major moves, but I'll hit you with some of the standouts:

  1. enspired: These guys are all about AI-powered energy trading, scoring a solid 64 on the hype meter with $27M raised. If you're into cutting-edge AI and renewable energy, this could be your jam.
  2. Refurbed: Who doesn't love saving money and the planet? Refurbed is an e-commerce marketplace for refurbished electronics, raising a massive $57M to keep that sustainable hustle going strong.
  3. Storebox: Fintech is where it's at, and Storebox is killing it with their digital receipt and loyalty program solutions. They've raked in $70M, so you know they're onto something big.

A whole bunch of software companies are also making serious waves, like with their social media risk prediction tech, revolutionizing healthcare data, and PlanRadar offering dope field management software.

The opportunities are endless if you're a coding wizard!

Now, landing one of these sweet gigs isn't always a cakewalk, but the big dogs at Tech Jobs Fair dropped some serious knowledge: craft a killer resume, show your passion, and master those interview skills.

And don't sleep on your online presence either – LinkedIn is your new best friend for networking and showcasing that professional swag.

Bottom line, Vienna and the rest of Austria are brimming with innovative tech companies that are changing the game.

If you've got the skills and the hustle, there's no shortage of opportunities to snag your dream job in this thriving scene. Just stay hungry, keep grinding, and you'll be coding your way to the top in no time!

Networking and Job Search Strategies in Austria


In Austria's booming tech world, it's about who you know. Over half of Austrian startups rock female founders or co-founders, the highest rate in the EU. To secure your dream gig, you need to network like a pro.

Connect with mentors, join online communities, and attend industry events. Student teams and organizations at universities like TU Graz are prime spots to expand your circle and gain hands-on experience.

When you're ready to apply, sites like, LinkedIn, and company career portals are go-to resources. But don't overlook Austria's thriving tech ecosystem - it's attracting startups, investors, and global giants alike.

With the right mindset and network, you'll be securing job offers in no time!

Preparing for Tech Job Interviews in Austria


If you're gunning for that sweet tech gig in Austria next year, you've gotta be prepared to slay those interviews.

While in-person meetings are still the norm (67% according to the Austrian Recruitment Association), virtual interviews are catching up fast at 28%.

But no matter the format, nailing the prep work is key to leaving a killer impression.

During the grilling session, expect all sorts of questions testing your technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and cultural fit.

Some common ones include:

  • "Walk me through your most recent project and the challenges you faced." Here's your chance to flex those practical experience muscles. Give a snappy overview of the project, your role, the hurdles you stumbled upon, and how you overcame them like a boss.
  • "What's your strongest programming language, and how have you used it to solve complex problems?" Time to showcase that technical prowess! Pick a language you're a total pro at and give a specific example of how you wielded it to conquer a mind-bending problem. Highlight that thought process and how your solution was an epic win.
  • "How do you stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends and emerging technologies?" Employers dig candidates who are always learning and adapting to new tech. Spill the deets on your go-to sources for staying in-the-know, like tech blogs, online courses, or industry events. Then, share how you've applied that fresh knowledge in your work like a true innovator.

Now, when it comes to nailing the cultural vibe, punctuality and professionalism are huge in Austria's business scene.

Rock up at least 10 minutes early, dressed to impress in your business-casual finest.

And don't beat around the bush – clear, confident communication is highly valued. As an Austrian tech recruiter puts it,

"In Austria, we value candor and transparency in the interview process. Candidates who can articulate their thoughts clearly and confidently tend to make a positive impression."

Conclusion: Your Path to a Tech Job in Austria in 2024


Landing a sweet tech gig in Austria by 2024 is totally doable if you play your cards right. Here's the lowdown: sharpen up those in-demand skills like coding, cybersecurity, and data wizardry - that's what employers are thirsty for, according to the Himalayas report.

But skills alone won't cut it - you gotta network hard and schmooze with the right crowd. Check out this WeAreDevelopers article on how Austria's tech scene is poppin' off, especially in Vienna, Graz, and Linz.

The job hunt can be a grind, but don't let it get you down.

A positive mindset is key, and don't be afraid to lean on your support squad, like the homies at Vienna Tech Meetup Community.

They'll keep you motivated and share insider tips. Don't sleep on those online resources either - sites like AustriaTech, LinkedIn's Austrian Tech Professionals group, and TechCareers Austria are goldmines for job listings and industry intel.

Bottom line: scoring that dream tech role in Austria by 2024 is totally achievable if you hustle hard, stay focused, and surround yourself with a solid support system.

As they say,

"When we can't change the situation, we gotta change ourselves."

So embrace the grind, keep leveling up those skills, and trust the process.

You got this!

Frequently Asked Questions


Can a Foreigner Get a Job in Austria?

Yes, a foreigner can get a job in Austria. In 2024, you'll need the Red-White-Red Card to legally work and stay in Austria. Requirements include having a degree or relevant work experience, meeting a minimum salary threshold of €63,153 for highly skilled workers, and demonstrating basic German language skills (A1 level in CEFR).

Are IT Jobs in Demand in Austria?

Yes, IT jobs are in high demand in Austria, particularly in fields such as software engineering, cybersecurity, data science, and cloud architecture. Employers are also looking for soft skills like project management, leadership, and problem-solving.

Is It Difficult to Get a Job in Austria?

Landing a job in Austria in 2024 can be challenging due to the competitive job market. Important factors include networking, proving your German language skills, and adapting your application to Austrian standards. Formal interview preparation and cultural awareness are also crucial.

How to Work in Austria as an American?

Americans looking to work in Austria in 2024 need to obtain the Red-White-Red Card, which requires a job offer, relevant qualifications, and a minimum projected salary of €54,180 for in-demand tech roles. Additional steps include gathering necessary documentation, attending an embassy appointment, and applying for a work permit upon arrival in Austria.

What Are the Top Tech Companies Hiring in Austria?

Some leading tech companies hiring in Austria include enspired (AI-powered energy trading), Refurbed (marketplace for refurbished electronics), and Storebox (digital receipt and loyalty program solutions). Other notable mentions are,, and PlanRadar.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.