How to Switch from a Non-Tech Background to a Tech Job in Austria

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: July 22nd 2024

Image depicting a person switching from a non-tech job to a tech career in Austria, AT.

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Switching from a non-tech background to a tech job in Austria is achievable with the right approach. Austria's tech job market has over 14,000 listings as of January 2024. Key skills like problem-solving, communication, and project management are highly valued. Pursue coding bootcamps, build a solid portfolio, and network at events to increase your chances. The average tech salary in Austria is €52,000, with top talents earning up to €80,000.

Austria's tech scene is straight fire right now! It's becoming the place to be for tech talent from around the world.

According to the latest report, tech job postings in Austria are on the rise, with over 14,000 active listings as of January 2024.

That's insane!

But here's the real deal – switching from a non-tech background to a tech gig in Austria is totally doable. Companies are looking for fresh talent with diverse skills like problem-solving, communication, and project management.

They know these skills can bring new perspectives to the table. And let's be real, who doesn't want that?

The opportunities are endless. From fintech and blockchain to AI and cybersecurity, Austria has it all.

And don't even get me started on the dope coding bootcamps that can help you level up your skills.

With the right training and determination, you could be landing a sweet job in no time.

So, if you're ready to join the tech revolution and make your mark in Austria, now's the time.

Just remember, the key is to stay hungry, keep learning, and never stop hustling. The future is yours for the taking, my friend.

Table of Contents

  • Assessing Your Current Skills and Interests
  • Essential Tech Skills for Beginners
  • Educational Pathways and Bootcamps in Austria
  • Building a Tech Portfolio and Gaining Experience
  • Networking and Job Hunting in Austria's Tech Scene
  • Navigating the Job Application Process
  • Conclusion: Your Journey to a Tech Job in Austria
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Assessing Your Current Skills and Interests


If you're thinking about switching from a non-tech background to a tech job in Austria, you gotta start by checking your skills and what gets you excited.

According to the research, employers in Austria are looking for people with solid communication, problem-solving, and analytical abilities.

These are the kind of transferable skills you might already have from your current job that can be super valuable in the tech world.

To figure out what tech area you might vibe with, think about:

  • Projects or tasks from your current role that really got you thinking outside the box and solving problems – those are the kinds of things that could lead you to fields like AI/Machine Learning, Cybersecurity, or Cloud Computing.
  • Whether you prefer to work solo or as part of a team. Tech companies have all kinds of setups, so it's good to know your style.

According to the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, companies value fresh perspectives and diverse experiences.

Your unique background could help with:

  1. Understanding different users and improving user experience – a super important factor in today's tech products.
  2. Bringing creativity and new ideas to the table when developing products or solutions.
  3. Communicating effectively between technical teams and non-technical stakeholders, bridging that gap.

So don't count yourself out just because you're not coming from a traditional tech background.

With the right job hunting strategies, your unique skills and perspective could be exactly what an Austrian tech company is looking for.

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Essential Tech Skills for Beginners


If you're an Austrian trying to break into the tech scene, you gotta level up your skills, bro. It's all about mastering the hottest programming languages and tools that companies are craving right now.

Python is an absolute beast, with a whopping 68% of Austrian companies hunting for Python wizards. And let's not forget JavaScript - it's the backbone of web development, and 57% of companies want you to be a pro at it.

But here's the real tea: it's not just about coding skills.

Soft skills are equally crucial in this fast-paced tech world.

Companies dig peeps who can communicate effectively, solve problems like a boss, teamwork like champs, and adapt to changes quicker than a chameleon on a disco floor.

That's what'll make you stand out and climb the career ladder like a pro.

So, if you're a beginner looking to switch to a tech job in Austria, start by nailing those programming fundamentals like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and SQL. But don't sleep on those soft skills, either.

With the right combo of technical and non-technical abilities, you'll be unstoppable in the Austrian tech game, my friend!

Educational Pathways and Bootcamps in Austria


For those looking to break into the tech scene in Austria, there are tons of options to get skilled up. According to student reviews, some of the top coding schools in Vienna include Coders Lab, CodeFactory, and Basecamp.

These bootcamps offer intensive training in areas like web development, data science, and software testing.

But bootcamps aren't the only game in town.

Universities like Graz University of Technology and Johannes Kepler University Linz also have solid tech programs.

Plus, you can find online courses and certifications from big names like Google, Microsoft, and Amazon Web Services.

The key is finding a path that fits your goals and learning style.

Some people thrive in the fast-paced, hands-on environment of a bootcamp, while others prefer the more structured approach of a university degree. And with so many online resources, you can even teach yourself the basics before diving into a more advanced program.

Companies are always on the hunt for fresh talent, so now's the perfect time to level up your skills and land that dream job in tech.

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Building a Tech Portfolio and Gaining Experience


Building a kick-ass tech portfolio is crucial if you want to land those sweet tech gigs in Austria.

These companies are all about checking out what you've got under the hood. According to the experts, around 98% of Austrian manufacturers are SMEs, and they look for real-world examples of your skills.

So, get cracking on projects that align with your dream role – whether it's coding up dynamic websites or whipping up data visualizations using tools like Tableau or Power BI.

Freelancing platforms like Upwork and are goldmines for snagging gigs from Austrian clients and beefing up your portfolio.

The word on the street is that over 35% of Austrian tech startups hire freelance pros, so it's a no-brainer to get your feet wet. And don't sleep on internships either – companies like Runtastic, Dynatrace, and Bitmovin are always on the hunt for hungry interns to join their ranks.

As a newbie, start by building a slick portfolio website to showcase your projects, skills, and work experience.

Platforms like GitHub and Behance are prime real estate for hosting and sharing your portfolio. Take some inspo from the portfolios of Austrian tech titans – they usually feature detailed project breakdowns, live demos, client testimonials, and fancy certifications.

Remember, a killer tech portfolio doesn't just flex your technical muscles; it shows off your passion, creativity, and problem-solving abilities – the qualities that make Austrian tech employers swoon.

As that legend Patricia Williams once said, "A great portfolio is the key that unlocks doors to exciting tech opportunities."

Networking and Job Hunting in Austria's Tech Scene


You know what's really important in the tech scene here in Austria? Networking and building connections.

A recent study found that people who actively network have like a 29% higher chance of leveling up their career in tech. By getting out there and meeting people in the community, you unlock all kinds of insider info, potential job leads, and a whole crew of like-minded folks.

Austria's got a buzzing network of meetups and events for tech geeks like us.

The Vienna Web Workers Meetup, with over 3,000 members, hosts regular get-togethers focused on web dev, design, and the latest tech trends. The Linz Tech Meetup is another hot spot for knowledge sharing, workshops, and connecting with pros across different tech fields.

Plus, groups like the Austrian Computer Society and the Austrian Startup Association are always organizing conferences, workshops, and industry-specific networking events.

When it comes to hunting for jobs in Austria's tech sector, you gotta be strategic.

Leverage platforms like LinkedIn to expand your network and stay updated on job openings. Tailor your resume and cover letter to highlight your transferable skills and passion for tech.

Research companies actively hiring in your desired field, and consider attending career fairs or job expos to directly connect with potential employers. Many tech companies here value practical experience, so contributing to open-source projects or taking on freelance work can really boost your portfolio.

During interviews, be ready to showcase your problem-solving skills and eagerness to learn.

According to a survey by the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, 78% of tech employers here prioritize soft skills like communication, collaboration, and critical thinking when evaluating candidates.

Don't be afraid to highlight your unique background and how it can bring a fresh perspective to the team. Remember, networking extends beyond job hunting – building genuine relationships within the community can open doors to mentorship, collaborative projects, and invaluable industry insights.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Navigating the Job Application Process


Getting a job in Austria's tech scene is no joke, but with the right moves, you can make it happen.

First things first, you gotta sort out that work visa situation. The process can be a headache, but once you secure the right visa, you're golden.

Now, let's talk about landing that dream gig. Online job boards like Hire Tech Talent are your new best friends.

  • Create profiles: Upload your resume (make sure it's fire), and start applying like crazy.
  • Explore company websites: Don't just rely on job boards though, check out company websites and tech events too.
  • Network: The key is to get your name out there and network your butt off.

Austrian employers want to see that you're not just a coding wizard but also a team player who can vibe with their culture.

When it comes to interviews, do your research on the company and be ready to showcase your skills.

Trust me, if you play your cards right, you'll be living that tech life in Austria before you know it!

Conclusion: Your Journey to a Tech Job in Austria


Switching careers from a non-tech background to the booming tech scene in Austria? That's a wild ride, but totally achievable if you play your cards right. The key is to stay laser-focused and keep leveling up your skills.

Start by taking an honest look at what you bring to the table - maybe your experience with project management or problem-solving could be a major asset. Then, arm yourself with the tech know-how by diving into coding bootcamps or online courses that are beginner-friendly.

As you gain traction, start building a solid portfolio to showcase your skills and passion for tech.

Side projects, freelance gigs, or internships are perfect for this. But don't stop there - get plugged into Austria's thriving tech community through meetups and networking events.

Making connections could lead to mentors or even job opportunities down the line. The best part? This journey is all about constantly learning and adapting.

Folks who embrace that mentality are 27% more likely to level up their careers and job satisfaction in Austria's tech world.

And the payoff for making this jump? We're talking competitive salaries averaging around €52,000 yearly, with top talents raking in up to €80,000.

Plus, with Austria's tech industry projected to grow by 8.5% annually until 2026, you'll have solid job security. From fintech and cybersecurity to AI and renewable energy, the opportunities are endless.

And let's not forget the sweet work-life balance perks like flexible schedules and remote options that many Austrian tech companies offer. So, if you're ready to hustle, stay hungry for knowledge, and embrace change, transitioning to a tech career in Austria could be your ticket to a truly rewarding professional and personal journey.

Frequently Asked Questions


How can I transition from a non-tech background to a tech job in Austria?

Switching from a non-tech background to a tech gig in Austria is achievable. Companies are seeking individuals with diverse skills like problem-solving, communication, and project management. Start by assessing your current skills and interests. There are many tech sectors to explore such as AI, cybersecurity, and fintech. Gaining relevant tech skills and building a solid portfolio will set you on the right path.

What are the essential tech skills for beginners looking to enter the tech industry in Austria?

Beginners should focus on programming fundamentals like Python, which is in high demand with 68% of companies looking for Python skills, and JavaScript, essential for web development and sought by 57% of companies. Additionally, strong communication, problem-solving, and teamwork skills are highly valued by tech companies.

What educational pathways or bootcamps are recommended for aspiring tech professionals in Austria?

Top coding bootcamps in Vienna include Coders Lab, CodeFactory, and Basecamp, offering intensive training in web development, data science, and software testing. Universities also offer strong tech programs, and online courses and certifications from Google, Microsoft, and Amazon Web Services provide flexible learning options. Choose a path that fits your learning style and career goals.

How can I build a tech portfolio and gain experience to increase my chances of landing a tech job in Austria?

Building a tech portfolio is crucial. Engage in projects that align with your target roles, using platforms like GitHub to showcase your work. Freelancing on platforms like Upwork can help you gain real-world experience, while internships at companies like Runtastic can further bolster your portfolio. Highlight your technical skills and creativity in your portfolio to attract potential employers.

What strategies should I use for networking and job hunting in Austria's tech scene?

Networking is key. Join meetups like the Vienna Web Workers Meetup or the Linz Tech Meetup to connect with professionals. Use LinkedIn to expand your network and stay informed about job openings. Tailor your resume to highlight transferable skills and consider attending job fairs. Contributing to open-source projects and doing freelance work can also enhance your portfolio.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.