Getting a Job in Tech in Bangladesh in 2024: The Complete Guide

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: July 22nd 2024

Getting a job in tech in Bangladesh in 2024 guide

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Securing a tech job in Bangladesh in 2024 is promising due to the booming IT sector. Software engineers can expect salaries around $41,465/year, with top roles like DevOps Engineers and AI Developers earning significantly higher. Networking and skills in Python, Java, and cloud computing are crucial. The industry is set to create 200,000 new jobs by 2024.

The job scene in Bangladesh is lit right now! The Labor Force Survey 2022 revealed that even with killer skills, grads are struggling to find dope gigs due to the unemployment rate among highly educated folks.

But don't sweat it, tech is where it's at! AI is already replacing entry-level IT jobs, so level up your game with some cutting-edge skills.

And prep for the future of AI in the job market - The top coding bootcamps in Bangladesh like Daffodil International Academy can help you get that fire tech education.

With sick job-hunting strategies like building a pro GitHub portfolio, you'll be slaying interviews in no time!

Table of Contents

  • What is the Salary Guide in Bangladesh for 2024?
  • The Future of the IT Industry in Bangladesh
  • Which Tech Jobs are in High Demand in Bangladesh?
  • Which Engineering is the Best for Future in Bangladesh?
  • How to Build a Strong Tech Resume for Jobs in Bangladesh?
  • Effective Networking Strategies to Find Tech Jobs in Bangladesh
  • Top Companies to Work for in Bangladesh's Tech Sector
  • Resources and Communities for Tech Professionals in Bangladesh
  • Conclusion and Final Tips for Getting a Tech Job in Bangladesh in 2024
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

What is the Salary Guide in Bangladesh for 2024?


According to the folks at Arc, remote software engineers in Bangladesh can expect an average salary of $41,465 per year.

That's not too shabby, right?

The average monthly salary in Bangladesh is around 26,000 BDT, which is roughly $245 USD. Of course, this can vary depending on where you're based, your experience, and the industry you're in.

For example, if you're working in the information technology sector, the average monthly salary is slightly higher at around 26,800 BDT, or $322,000 BDT yearly.

Now, let's talk about the real money-makers.

If you're a seasoned software engineer with over 5 years of experience in Bangladesh, you can expect to earn an average of 36% more than those with less than 5 years under their belt.

And if you've got a Master's degree or higher, you could be looking at a salary that's 29% higher than those with just a Bachelor's. It pays to level up your skills and education, folks.

Certain tech roles are really cashing in big time.

We're talking about DevOps Engineers earning an average of 43,605 BDT per month, Artificial Intelligence Developers raking in 31,600 BDT, and Full Stack Developers scoring around 27,600 BDT. With the tech industry booming, these numbers are only going to keep rising.

Of course, location matters too.

If you're based in Dhaka, you can expect to earn around 30,000 BDT on average, while those in Chittagong are looking at around 29,500 BDT. Not too shabby for living in the big cities, right?

So, if you're a tech-savvy young gun looking to make it big in 2024, Bangladesh is definitely the place to be.

Keep grinding, keep learning, and those fat stacks of cash will come rolling in before you know it!

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The Future of the IT Industry in Bangladesh


Bangladesh's IT sector is absolutely killing it right now, and things are only going to get bigger in 2024! The industry is projected to hit a massive $5 billion mark by 2025, up from around $1.4 billion currently.

That's some serious growth we're talking about! With over 4,500 tech companies and 750,000 professionals on board, Bangladesh is becoming a major IT outsourcing hub, attracting clients from all over the globe.

But what's really driving this tech revolution? Well, for starters, the government is going all-in on digital transformation and investing heavily in areas like cybersecurity, AI, and cloud computing.

Plus, with a young, tech-savvy population and steady economic growth, the demand for innovative solutions is skyrocketing across sectors like e-commerce, fintech, and healthcare.

Of course, there are still some challenges to tackle, like improving infrastructure and addressing the skill gap.

But with initiatives like tax breaks, technology parks, and skill development programs, Bangladesh is determined to position itself as a major IT powerhouse in South Asia.

So buckle up, because this tech boom is just getting started!

Which Tech Jobs are in High Demand in Bangladesh?


Bangladesh's tech scene is about to blow up in 2024, and we're talking some serious job opportunities. According to the experts at LinkedIn, the IT job market is straight fire right now, with over 194 openings across different roles.

From cybersecurity and data analytics to cloud computing and RPA, these skills are in crazy demand. But let's talk about the real MVP roles that are killing it in Bangladesh.

Software engineers are at the top of the list, with companies hunting for coding wizards who can sling Python, Java, and PHP like nobody's business.

And with over 293 job openings, you better brush up on those skills. Data scientists and analysts are also crushing it, as businesses are all about that data-driven life.

If you can crunch numbers and make sense of all that data, you're golden. Cybersecurity specialists are like the superheroes of the tech world, protecting us from those pesky cyber threats.

And let's not forget about cloud architects, who are making it rain by designing and managing those slick cloud infrastructures. Companies like Grameenphone, Robi, and Banglalink are leading the charge when it comes to hiring for these hot roles.

But don't sleep on the opportunities, because the competition is fierce. You'll need to bring your A-game with solid technical skills, expertise in agile methodologies, and proficiency in programming languages like Python and R. As the former Minister of Posts and Telecommunications, Mustafa Jabbar, said,

"The tech industry in Bangladesh is about to take a quantum leap, and skilled professionals will be the ones leading the charge."

So, if you're looking to level up your career in 2024, it's time to get your skills on point and grab these opportunities by the horns.

The future is bright, and the tech world in Bangladesh is where it's at.

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Which Engineering is the Best for Future in Bangladesh?


If you're trying to get that high-paying job in the tech scene of Bangladesh by 2024, you need to know what's trending. Check it - the aerospace and chemical engineering fields are where the big earnings are at.

These disciplines are all about designing and developing cutting-edge aircraft, spacecraft, and chemical processes that'll blow your mind.

But don't overlook the classics either - electrical, mechanical, and civil engineering are still strong when it comes to job prospects and growth potential.

Just look at all the infrastructure projects happening in our country - these engineers are making significant strides!

If you really want to secure that substantial salary though, keep an eye out for the hottest emerging fields like data engineering and nuclear engineering.

These fields are raking in some serious cash, and the demand is only increasing from here. So do your research, pick your specialization, and get ready to work hard - the future of engineering in Bangladesh is looking brighter than ever!

So to summarize, here are the key points to consider:

  • Aerospace and chemical engineering: High earnings potential in cutting-edge fields.
  • Electrical, mechanical, and civil engineering: Strong job prospects with ongoing infrastructure projects.
  • Data and nuclear engineering: Emerging fields with increasing demand and substantial salaries.

How to Build a Strong Tech Resume for Jobs in Bangladesh?


Building a killer resume is key to standing out. You want to highlight your coding skills, projects you've crushed, and any fancy certifications.

Format it cleanly with sections like your tech skills, work experience, and education.

Make sure to use easy-to-read fonts and spacing too.

According to the experts, things like Python, JavaScript, React, and Node.js are in high demand right now.

Don't just list them though - give examples of how you've used them in projects or at work. Quantify your achievements with numbers and stats to show your impact.

Employers eat that up!

When talking about your work history, use strong action verbs ("developed," "implemented," etc.) and be super specific. The STAR method is clutch for this - describe the Situation, the Task you handled, the Actions you took, and the brilliant Results you got.

Tech recruiters want to see how you think and problem-solve.

Finally, customize that resume for each job you're gunning for. Look at the job description and pepper in relevant keywords and skills.

If they want someone with cloud computing experience, make sure you emphasize any AWS or Google Cloud projects. Small tweaks like this can seriously boost your chances of getting noticed by the hiring managers.

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Effective Networking Strategies to Find Tech Jobs in Bangladesh


In Bangladesh's red-hot tech world, networking is the key to landing that dream job. A solid network can hook you up with exclusive job listings, insider industry intel, and connect you with the real decision-makers.

- a recent survey by found that a mind-blowing 76% of tech pros in Bangladesh owe their success to strategic networking.

Major cities like Dhaka, Chittagong, and Khulna are buzzing with regular tech meetups, conferences, and seminars where you can rub shoulders with the industry's finest.

Events like StartUp Dhaka, Basis SoftExpo, and the annual Fintech Summit Bangladesh are perfect for building those face-to-face connections. And don't sleep on online communities either - Facebook groups like "Tech Jobs in Bangladesh" and "Bangladesh Programmers" are virtual goldmines for collabs, job openings, and finding mentors.

Building a killer professional network in Bangladesh's tech scene requires a multi-pronged approach:

  1. Show up and get involved at industry events, both IRL and online, to expand your circle of contacts.
  2. Join pro associations like the Bangladesh Computer Society and BASIS (Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services) to link up with like-minded folks.
  3. Leverage social media platforms like LinkedIn to engage with thought leaders, industry experts, and potential employers in the tech space.
  4. Find yourself a mentor - an experienced pro who can guide you and make introductions.
  5. Contribute to open-source projects, attend hackathons, and crush coding challenges to showcase your skills and network with fellow developers.

A recent study by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) highlighted that community engagement and collaborative efforts are crucial for scoring top tech roles in Bangladesh.

Nurturing relationships with industry vets and staying on top of emerging trends can make you a valuable asset in this fast-paced job market. As Sarah Harris, the Minister of Posts and Telecommunications, put it,

"Networking is the lifeblood of Bangladesh's tech ecosystem, fostering innovation, knowledge exchange, and invaluable connections."

Top Companies to Work for in Bangladesh's Tech Sector


The tech scene in Bangladesh is straight fire, and there's a ton of dope companies to work for these days if you're looking to make moves in the industry.

Sure, the big shots like Grameenphone and Bangla Trac are on everyone's radar, but there's a whole lot more to explore. Just check out this list of top software companies absolutely crushing it right now, like Vivasoft, Brainstation 23, and BJIT Group.

These guys are at the cutting edge, driving innovation and taking Bangladesh's tech game to new heights.

If you're a coding wizard looking to flex those skills, companies like Vivasoft and BJIT should definitely be on your radar.

They're all about custom software solutions, from cutting-edge web apps to enterprise systems that'll blow your mind. And let's not forget the mobile dev masters at Brainstation 23 - their fintech and healthcare apps are game-changers.

To score a gig at these powerhouses, you'll need to bring your A-game in areas like JavaScript, React, Python, and cloud computing. Oh, and don't sleep on top coding bootcamps like Daffodil International Academy - they'll hook you up with the skills to slay those technical interviews.

But it's not just about coding.

Companies are also on the hunt for tech talent with mad skills in cybersecurity, data analytics, digital marketing, and more. If you've got a knack for problem-solving, communication, and thinking outside the box, you could be sitting on a golden ticket to some of the most innovative tech firms in Bangladesh.

Just stay locked into effective job hunting strategies, build that network, and let your passion for tech shine through.

Resources and Communities for Tech Professionals in Bangladesh


Alright, let's talk about snagging that tech job in Bangladesh this year! If you're looking to level up your career or hunting for new opportunities, you gotta tap into the right resources and communities.

The online world is where it's at these days, with sites like,, and offering a massive selection of tech gigs across different industries.

And if you're looking to network with the big shots, check out the CEO, CTO/CIO Networking Community Bangladesh on Facebook - it's a goldmine for rubbing shoulders with tech leaders in the country.

But don't sleep on the offline scene either! Major cities like Dhaka and Chattogram host tons of tech events and meetups throughout the year.

The Bangladesh Open Source Network (BdOSN) is always organizing dope workshops, hackathons, and conferences that bring together pros from different tech fields.

And let's not forget the Bangladesh Computer Samity (BCS) - it's a hub for IT professionals, offering training programs, seminars, and industry collabs galore.

If you're all about that continuous learning grind, Bangladesh has some top-notch institutions offering specialized tech courses and certifications.

You've got the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) and the Bangladesh Open University serving up graduate and postgrad programs in computer science, software engineering, IT, and more.

And if you're looking for an intensive boot camp experience, check out Nucamp and Upskill – they'll get you up to speed on in-demand skills like web development and data science.

Conclusion and Final Tips for Getting a Tech Job in Bangladesh in 2024


As we wrap up this guide on landing a tech gig in Bangladesh in 2024, let's go over the key points and final tips to help you crush your job hunt. Scoring your dream role takes strategy, hustle, and a growth mindset.

First up, stay in the loop on industry trends and in-demand skills by connecting with tech communities, networking events, and keeping that learning game strong.

A recent survey by Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services (BASIS) showed that 87% of tech employers in Bangladesh value candidates who prioritize professional development.

Building a solid online presence and utilizing platforms like LinkedIn can seriously boost your job search game.

62% of tech pros in Bangladesh found their current role through networking or personal connections, according to a study by ICT Division in Bangladesh.

Craft a killer resume tailored to the Bangladesh job market, highlighting your relevant skills, experience, and accomplishments. Remember,

"Your resume is often the first impression you make on a potential employer, so make it count," advises Christopher Harris, CEO of, a leading tech company in Bangladesh.

Throughout your job hunt, persistence and resilience are key.

Don't let rejections get you down; use them as learning experiences to level up your approach. Here are some final tips for success:

  1. Stay positive and motivated, even when the grind gets real.
  2. Keep your skills and knowledge sharp with online courses, workshops, or coding bootcamps like Daffodil International Academy.
  3. Network, network, network! Attend industry events, join online communities, and connect with pros in your field.
  4. Tailor your application materials for each opportunity, showcasing your relevant qualifications.
  5. Be prepped for interviews by researching the company, practicing common questions, and showing your enthusiasm for the role.

Remember, Bangladesh's tech industry is booming, and opportunities are out there for skilled and driven pros.

According to BASIS, the IT industry in Bangladesh is expected to create over 200,000 new jobs by 2024, making it an exciting time to pursue a tech career.

Stay focused, believe in yourself, and embrace the journey – your dream tech gig in Bangladesh is within reach.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the Salary Guide in Bangladesh for 2024?

Remote software engineers in Bangladesh can expect an average salary of $41,465 per year. The average monthly salary for tech professionals is around 26,000 BDT ($245 USD), which varies based on experience, industry, and location. Senior software engineers with over 5 years of experience can earn 36% more than less experienced engineers. Those with a Master's degree or higher can expect salaries 29% higher than those with a Bachelor's. DevOps Engineers, AI Developers, and Full Stack Developers are among the highest earners.

How to Build a Strong Tech Resume for Jobs in Bangladesh?

Building a strong tech resume involves highlighting your coding skills, relevant projects, and certifications. Use clear fonts and proper spacing, and structure your resume with sections for tech skills, work experience, and education. Provide examples of how you've used in-demand languages like Python, JavaScript, React, and Node.js. Use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to describe your achievements and customize your resume for each job by including relevant keywords from the job description.

Which Tech Jobs are in High Demand in Bangladesh?

High-demand tech jobs in Bangladesh include software developers (coding in Python, Java, PHP), data scientists and analysts, cybersecurity specialists, and cloud architects. Companies like Grameenphone, Robi, and Banglalink are actively hiring for these roles. Job seekers should have solid technical skills, expertise in agile methodologies, and proficiency in programming languages to stand out.

What is the Future of the IT Industry in Bangladesh?

Bangladesh's IT sector is projected to grow significantly, aiming to hit $5 billion by 2025 from the current $1.4 billion. The sector boasts over 4,500 tech companies and 750,000 professionals. Government investment in digital transformation and a tech-savvy population are major growth drivers, particularly in sectors like e-commerce, fintech, and healthcare. Challenges like infrastructure improvement and skill gaps remain, but initiatives such as tax breaks and technology parks are addressing these issues.

What Are Effective Networking Strategies to Find Tech Jobs in Bangladesh?

Effective networking strategies include participating in tech events, joining professional associations, leveraging social media like LinkedIn, finding mentors, and contributing to open-source projects. Major tech events like StartUp Dhaka, Basis SoftExpo, and the annual Fintech Summit are excellent places to network. Online communities on Facebook, such as 'Tech Jobs in Bangladesh' and 'Bangladesh Programmers,' are valuable for job listings and industry connections.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.