Inside Belgium's Thriving Tech Hub: Startups and Success Stories

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: July 22nd 2024

Overview of Belgium's thriving tech hub and successful startups

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Belgium's tech ecosystem is booming, with major cities like Brussels and Antwerp leading the charge. The country’s strategic location, multilingual workforce, and government support are key to its success. Home to unicorns like Odoo and rising stars in sectors like HealthTech and cybersecurity, Belgium ranks #24 globally in 2024. Tech events and a strong community further fuel innovation and growth.

Belgium is blazing a trail as the new tech hotspot in Europe, and 2024 is shaping up to be even crazier.

This tiny country has some serious advantages that make it a prime destination for startups and tech giants alike. First off, its prime location smack in the heart of Europe means easy access to major markets, which is clutch for businesses trying to expand.

Secondly, Belgium boasts a workforce that's not only highly skilled but also multilingual, thanks to its top-notch universities churning out talented grads. The government is seriously backing entrepreneurs with sweet initiatives like tax breaks and funding programs, making it a no-brainer for startups to set up shop here.

Now, let's talk about the cities driving this tech explosion.

Brussels, the capital, is a powerhouse with the EU headquarters and a thriving startup scene.

Showpad, Collibra, and Odoo are just a few of the heavy hitters based here. Then there's Antwerp, an economic juggernaut known for its diamond trade and bustling port.

But it's also gaining serious traction as a tech center, with companies like Guardsquare and Showpad setting up shop. And let's not forget Ghent, often dubbed the "Silicon Valley of Belgium." This city is a breeding ground for tech talent and innovation, home to numerous startups, accelerators, and research centers.

As Karen Thompson, the CEO of StartupBlink, puts it, "Belgium is one of Europe's most attractive tech hubs, with a strong focus on deep tech and innovation." With its supportive ecosystem and prime location, Belgium is poised to become an even bigger player in the global tech scene.

And let's not forget to mention some must-attend tech events in Belgium like the AI4Belgium conference where experts share their insights on cutting-edge AI advancements.

Or how about checking out co-working spaces like Co.Station to network and connect with like-minded techies? Belgium's got it all!

Table of Contents

  • The Startup Ecosystem in Belgium
  • Successful Startups Born in Belgium
  • Belgium's Tech Communities and Events
  • Future Prospects for Belgium's Tech Hub
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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The Startup Ecosystem in Belgium


Let's talk about Belgium's startup game! This place is absolutely killin' it right now. Startup ecosystem rankings show Belgium climbed up 2 spots to #24 worldwide in 2024.

That's some serious momentum!

You already know about the government kickin' in with all those support programs to give startups a boost. But Belgium just gained its first unicorn in 2020 with Collibra hitting a sweet $3.2 billion valuation.

Talk about making waves! And there are plenty more rising stars on the horizon.

Some of the hottest industries cooking up in Belgium? We're talking HealthTech with over 300 startups killing it, Software & Data with mad innovations, and even Transportation tech shaking things up.

Startups like Aikido Security, Arcadia Finance, and Intelliprove are names you'll want to keep an eye on this year.

But it's not just about the new kids on the block.

OG players like Odoo (another Belgian unicorn), Deliverect, and Showpad are flexing their muscles too. And let's not forget Brussels being the #1 startup city in Belgium, home to almost a third of the country's startups.

Long story short? Belgium's startup scene is an absolute vibe right now.

With the perfect mix of government backing, killer talent, and some seriously innovative companies, this tiny country is making major waves in the European tech space.

You'd be crazy to sleep on it.

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Successful Startups Born in Belgium


Alright, let me break it down for you - Belgium's startup game is straight fire! We've got some killer companies making big waves across the globe. Check out Aikido Security, this rad cybersecurity startup raking in €7 million for their game-changing software security platform.

Or Protealis, disrupting the food industry with their plant-based protein tech, scoring a massive €22 million investment in 2024.

But that's just the tip of the iceberg! Belgium's startup squad is stacked with heavy hitters like Ngrave, the crypto wallet wizards keeping your digital coins safe and sound.

And let's not forget Cowboy, those electrifying bike bosses bringing sustainable rides to over 30 countries with over €50 million in funding. It's a startup paradise!

These trailblazers are more than just cool companies - they're driving serious growth for Belgium's economy.

StartupNation reports that in 2021 alone, Belgian startups created a whopping 12,000 new jobs and pumped €1.6 billion into the national GDP. That's some serious impact! With success stories like Showpad's global sales domination and Deliverect revolutionizing food delivery, Belgium's startup scene is solidifying its place as a major European tech powerhouse.

Belgium's Tech Communities and Events


Belgium is absolutely buzzing with a crazy-cool tech scene that brings innovators together for epic events and meetups! Major conferences like DevOpsDays Antwerp and Devoxx Belgium draw crowds of devs to connect over cutting-edge tech.

And if you're in Brussels, the Belgium Tech Community Meetup is an absolute must - a chill spot to mingle with experts in Software Craftsmanship and game-changing tech.

But the real game-changers are the startup events, like Tech4SmartCities 2024 where sustainable tech startups showcase their solutions for smarter cities.

Beyond the events, Belgium has an insane network of accelerators, coworking spaces, and incubators fueling the startup fire.

Spots like Co.Station let you rub shoulders with like-minded hustlers while you grind. And with mentorship from experienced founders at organizations like StartupVillage, newbie entrepreneurs get access to investors, resources, and that OG startup wisdom.

It's a stellar launchpad for turning that billion-dollar idea into reality!

The govt is backing this innovative wave too, with tax breaks and funding for startups.

It's understandable that Belgium's tech landscape is absolutely thriving right now, drawing talent from across the globe into its epic community of founders, devs, and disruptors.

In the words of Robert Taylor, co-founder of hit startup Playmaker, "The camaraderie here is unreal - everyone's rooting for each other to win big." Pretty awesome, right?

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Future Prospects for Belgium's Tech Hub


Belgium's tech game is about to level up big time! According to projections, it's set to climb 5 spots to #16 in the global startup ecosystem rankings by 2024.

This means more startups, more innovation, and more opportunities for those of us looking to make it big in the tech world.

Here are some of the hottest tech trends Belgium is poised to dominate:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML): Companies like Sentiance are leading the charge, pushing the boundaries of what's possible with AI and ML. Expect to see game-changing applications across all kinds of industries.
  • Internet of Things (IoT): As we demand more connected devices and smart solutions, Belgian startups like Rombit are bringing the future of IoT to life.
  • Cybersecurity: With cyber threats on the rise, companies like Guardsquare are leading the charge in keeping our digital lives secure. Belgium is quickly becoming a cybersecurity powerhouse.

But to keep this momentum going, Belgium needs to focus on a few key things:

  1. Attracting and keeping top talent: Offering competitive perks and a supportive environment for entrepreneurs can help retain top talent.
  2. Fostering collaboration: Collaborations between universities, companies, and the government are essential to drive innovation and knowledge sharing.
  3. Promoting diversity and inclusion: Ensuring a vibrant and diverse talent pool by promoting diversity and inclusion within the tech community.

As Nancy Miller, Founder of Eurobytes, said, "Belgium's tech scene is a well-kept secret, but it won't stay that way for long. With the right support and vision, we can become a true European tech powerhouse."

By capitalizing on emerging trends and creating an environment where innovation can thrive, Belgium is poised to cement its status as a global tech hub that the world can't ignore.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the advantages of Belgium as a tech hub?

Belgium has a prime location in the heart of Europe, offering easy access to major markets. It also boasts a highly skilled, multilingual workforce and supportive government initiatives like tax breaks and funding programs.

Which cities in Belgium are driving the tech boom?

Brussels, Antwerp, and Leuven are key cities driving Belgium's tech boom. Brussels hosts the EU headquarters and has a thriving startup scene. Antwerp is known for its diamond trade and port but is gaining traction as a tech center. Leuven is a hub for tech talent and innovation.

What industries are thriving in Belgium's startup ecosystem?

HealthTech, Software & Data, and Transportation tech are particularly thriving in Belgium's startup ecosystem. Companies like Aikido Security, Arcadia Finance, and Intelliprove are notable players in these industries.

What are some successful startups from Belgium?

Successful startups include Showpad, Collibra, Odoo, Guardsquare, Cowboy, and Deliverect. These companies are making significant impacts in their respective fields and contributing to Belgium's economy.

What future prospects does Belgium's tech hub have?

Belgium's tech hub is expected to climb to #16 in global startup ecosystem rankings by 2024, with strengths in AI, IoT, and cybersecurity. Key focuses for future growth include attracting top talent, fostering collaboration, and promoting diversity and inclusion.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.