Most in Demand Tech Job in Belgium in 2024

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: July 22nd 2024

Graphic illustrating the most in-demand tech jobs in Belgium in 2024, highlighting roles like software developers, cybersecurity experts, data scientists, and AI specialists.

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In 2024, Belgium's tech job market will experience significant growth due to its push for digital transformation and innovation. Key roles in demand include software developers, forecasted to see a 15% increase in job openings, cybersecurity experts with a 25% rise, data scientists with a 28% surge in demand, and AI specialists with a 27% growth. Average salaries for these positions range from €40,000 to €95,000, depending on experience and location. The Belgian government and multinational corporations are driving this increase, seeking talent skilled in languages like Python, Java, and machine learning algorithms.

Alright, Belgium's tech scene is about to blow up in 2024! With businesses going all-in on digitalization, the demand for tech whizzes is through the roof.

A few key reasons why tech jobs are gonna be so hot:

  • Innovation powerhouse: Belgium wants to be an innovation powerhouse in Europe, pouring cash into cutting-edge tech like AI, IoT, and cybersecurity.
  • Prime location: The country's prime location makes it a sweet spot for multinational tech giants hunting for talented techies.
  • Digital transformation: The Belgian government's digital transformation moves are driving new tech adoption across industries.

This digital wave is seriously shaking things up in the job market.

According to the experts, there could be a shortage of over 500,000 tech pros in Belgium by 2025. Companies are scrambling to fill roles like software developers, cybersecurity gurus, and data scientists.

The impact of technology on Belgium's job scene can't be downplayed - it's disrupting every industry and creating a massive skills gap that needs to be filled, like, yesterday.

Table of Contents

  • The Role of Software Developers in Belgium
  • Demand for Cybersecurity Experts in Belgium
  • Opportunities for Data Scientists in Belgium
  • Emerging Role of AI Specialists in Belgium
  • Conclusion: The Future of Tech Jobs in Belgium
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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The Role of Software Developers in Belgium


The tech game in Belgium is about to be lit in 2024! Software developers are gonna be the real MVPs, driving that digital wave across all kinds of industries.

According to the latest reports, the Belgian tech sector is expecting a massive 15% surge in software dev job openings, leaving other fields in the dust.

To slay in this competitive arena, Belgian software devs gotta have that diverse skill set on lock.

We're talking coding ninjas who can flex their muscles in programming languages like Python, Java, and C++. But that's not all - they also need to be down with agile methodologies, version control, and debugging.

Companies these days are all about problem-solving skills and the ability to communicate effectively within cross-functional squads.

The earn game for software developers in Belgium in 2024 is about to be insane, according to the latest salary surveys:

  • Entry-level: €40,000 - €50,000
  • Mid-level: €55,000 - €70,000
  • Senior-level: €75,000 - €95,000

These numbers can vary based on experience, specialization, and location, with Brussels and Antwerp offering some seriously fat stacks.

As Jessica Taylor, the boss lady of TechBelgium, puts it,

"The digital revolution is just getting started, and software developers are the architects building this future."

So if you're looking to make some serious bank in the tech world, Belgium is where it's at in 2024.

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Demand for Cybersecurity Experts in Belgium


The cyber world is going crazy, and Belgium is no exception! Top cybersecurity companies like Palo Alto Networks, CrowdStrike, and Cisco are ramping up their presence here, with a ton of job openings expected in 2024.

According to the Cyber Security Challenge Belgium, the demand for cybersecurity pros is skyrocketing, with a mind-blowing 25% increase in job opportunities on the horizon.

But what does it take to land one of these sweet gigs? First off, you've gotta be a tech wizard, mastering everything from network security to cryptography and risk management.

But it's not just about the tech know-how; you also need to be a master problem-solver, able to analyze complex data and come up with solid solutions. And don't even think about slacking off – the cybersecurity world is constantly evolving, so you've gotta stay on top of the latest trends and tools.

If you've got the skills, the possibilities are endless.

You could be an Information Security Analyst, identifying and mitigating risks for companies.

Or maybe you'd prefer to be a Cybersecurity Consultant, advising businesses on how to beef up their security game. Feeling a bit more daring? Become an Ethical Hacker and try to hack your way into systems (legally, of course!) to expose vulnerabilities.

And if you really want to call the shots, aim for that Chief Information Security Officer role and lead a company's entire cybersecurity strategy.

As James Martin, a prominent industry expert, put it, "Cybersecurity is no longer an option, but a necessity for businesses of all sizes."

So, if you're ready to take on the challenge and dive into this exciting, high-stakes world, now's the time to level up your skills and secure your spot in the cybersecurity realm!

Opportunities for Data Scientists in Belgium


Data science is where it's at in Belgium these days! Companies can't get enough of those data wizards who turn messy data into solid gold insights. In 2024, if you've got skills in coding, stats, and just generally being a numbers ninja, you'll be mad in demand across all kinds of industries.

To land one of those sweet data scientist roles in Belgium, you'll need a solid education under your belt.

We're talking a master's degree in data science, computer science, or something equally number-crunchy.

And you better know your way around Python, R, SQL, and all those machine learning algorithms that make the magic happen.

Now, the job prospects for data scientists in Belgium are looking promising.

According to the European Commission, the demand for data pros is set to skyrocket by 28% across the EU by 2030. That means companies in finance, healthcare, manufacturing, you name it, will be scrambling to get their hands on data-driven solutions to stay ahead of the game.

And let's talk about that paper.

Data scientists in Belgium are raking it in with an average annual salary of around €60,000. But for the real ballers with mad skills and experience, we're talking €90,000 and beyond, according to the data gurus at Glassdoor.

Your earning potential depends on factors like your experience, the industry you're in, your technical chops, and where in Belgium you're based.

Bottom line, if you've got the brains and the drive to become a data science master, Belgium is the place to be in 2024.

Companies are thirsty for those data-driven solutions, and they're willing to pay up for the talent that can deliver. So, get those coding skills on point, and get ready to be the new oil refiner of the data age.

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Emerging Role of AI Specialists in Belgium


Belgium is all in on AI, and if you're good with the tech side of things, there's a solid career waiting for you as an AI specialist.

According to the latest data, job openings for AI experts are skyrocketing, with a 27% increase expected by 2024.

That's a huge spike, proving AI is the future.

To make it in this field, you gotta be a coding whiz with skills in Python, R, Java - the whole nine yards.

But it's not just about the programming languages; you need to really understand machine learning algorithms, data mining, neural networks, and all that jazz.

Knowing your way around data viz tools and cloud computing platforms like TensorFlow and Apache Spark is also a major plus. As Mary Wilson, an industry pro, puts it,

"In the ever-changing AI world, being able to adapt and keep learning is key. Those who can blend tech skills with creative problem-solving will have a serious edge."

The Belgian government is all about fueling innovation, so AI jobs are booming across industries.

In healthcare, AI specialists are in high demand for developing diagnostic tools, personalized medicine, and patient monitoring systems.

Job growth in this sector is expected to hit 32% by 2024. The finance world also needs AI talent for fraud detection, risk management, and algorithmic trading, with a 28% job increase projected over the next two years.

And in manufacturing, AI-driven automation, predictive maintenance, and supply chain optimization are driving a 24% spike in AI job opportunities by 2024.

Belgium is serious about creating an AI-friendly environment, which means endless possibilities for those with the right skills.

If you've got the technical know-how and a passion for innovation, an AI specialist career in Belgium could be your ticket to success.

Conclusion: The Future of Tech Jobs in Belgium


The tech scene in Belgium is about to be lit in 2024! According to this dope article from Robert Half, some of the hottest and highest-paying tech jobs will be stuff like DevOps engineer, data scientist, and software engineer.

Like, imagine getting paid the big bucks to code the next viral app or develop cutting-edge AI solutions? Crazy! Speaking of AI, this list from Hays says cyber security managers and cloud engineers will also be in high demand.

With all the data breaches and cloud computing needs, companies are thirsting for talent in those areas. But it's not just about the money. Check out Nucamp's guide on landing a tech job in Belgium - they've got the inside scoop on navigating the workplace culture and etiquette.

Crucial stuff if you wanna fit in and climb the ladder, ya dig?

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Frequently Asked Questions


Why are tech jobs in Belgium expected to be in high demand in 2024?

Tech jobs in Belgium are expected to be in high demand in 2024 due to several factors: the country's ambition to become an innovation powerhouse in Europe with investments in AI, IoT, and cybersecurity; its prime location attracting multinational tech companies; and government-led digital transformation initiatives.

What is the expected demand increase for software developer jobs in Belgium in 2024?

The Belgian tech sector is expecting a 15% surge in software developer job openings in 2024, driven by the ongoing digital transformation across various industries.

What skills are necessary to thrive as a cybersecurity expert in Belgium?

To thrive as a cybersecurity expert in Belgium, you need strong technical skills in network security, cryptography, and risk management. Additionally, problem-solving abilities, analytical skills, and staying updated with the latest cybersecurity trends and tools are crucial.

What is the salary range for data scientists in Belgium in 2024?

Data scientists in Belgium in 2024 can expect an average annual salary of around €60,000. For highly skilled and experienced professionals, the salary can go beyond €90,000. These figures can vary based on factors such as experience, industry, technical skills, and location.

How is the demand for AI specialists in Belgium expected to grow?

The demand for AI specialists in Belgium is expected to increase by 27% by 2024. Growth is particularly strong in healthcare, finance, and manufacturing sectors, which require AI-driven solutions for diagnostics, fraud detection, and automation, respectively.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.