Top 10 Essential Tech Skills Belgium Employers Seek in 2024

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: July 22nd 2024

Top 10 essential tech skills Belgium employers seek in 2024 - tech learning with codes and devices

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Top tech skills Belgium employers seek in 2024 include Python, with 313 open jobs, SQL for 240 roles, AWS for 187 positions, JavaScript for 182 jobs, and cybersecurity expertise. These skills, derived from analyzing 100,000 job postings and industry reports, are crucial for professionals aiming to remain competitive in Belgium’s tech job market.

The digital world is changing quick, and if you wanna score that dream job in Belgium by 2024, you gotta level up your skills. Companies are on the hunt for total tech ninjas, and we've got the inside scoop.

Check out these crucial skills that'll make you stand out like a boss:

  • Python – This coding language is hotter than fire right now, with 313 open jobs demanding it.
  • SQL – Data analysis is where it's at, and SQL is the key to unlocking those 240 data-crunching roles.
  • AWS – Cloud computing is taking over, and AWS skills are a must-have for 187 cloud-based gigs.
  • JavaScript – Web development wouldn't be complete without this language, needed for 182 positions.
  • Cybersecurity – With data breaches on the rise, companies are desperately seeking cybersecurity pros to keep their systems locked down tight.

Check out these savvy job-hunting tips from Nucamp to help you land that coding dream job in Belgium.

And don't sleep on AI and blockchain – they're set to be the next big tech trends, with top-paying roles to match.

The future is yours – time to level up and get that bread!

Table of Contents

  • Methodology: How We Selected the Top 10 Skills
  • Skill #1: Python Programming
  • Skill #2: Data Analysis with SQL
  • Skill #3: Cloud Computing with AWS
  • Skill #4: Cybersecurity Fundamentals
  • Skill #5: Web Development with JavaScript
  • Skill #6: Machine Learning with TensorFlow
  • Skill #7: DevOps with Docker and Kubernetes
  • Skill #8: Mobile App Development with React Native
  • Skill #9: Networking with Cisco Technologies
  • Skill #10: UX/UI Design with Adobe XD and Figma
  • Conclusion: Future Trends and Career Growth
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

Methodology: How We Selected the Top 10 Skills


Let's get real about how we found the top 10 tech skills that Belgian employers are gonna be craving in 2024. We didn't just make some wild guesses, we dug deep into the data and talked to the big shots in the industry.

Check it out – we analyzed over 100,000 job postings from the hottest Belgian job boards, tracking down the skills that companies kept asking for.

And we're not talking about any old skills, we're talking about the ones that'll make you rake in the big bucks.

But we didn't stop there.

We also looked at salary surveys from the big dogs like Robert Walters and Michael Page to see which skills are worth their weight in gold. And let's not forget the industry reports from top players like Agoria and Tech Leaders – these guys know what's up when it comes to the latest tech trends and where the job market is heading.

With all this intel, we were able to pinpoint the skills that'll not only land you a sweet gig now, but also keep you relevant and in demand for years to come.

AI, anyone?

So, trust us, this list ain't no joke.

We put in the work to make sure you're armed with the skills that'll make you a total tech ninja in 2024. Whether you're looking to switch careers or just want to stay ahead of the game, this is the intel you need.

Now go out there and show 'em what you're made of!

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Skill #1: Python Programming


Python's versatile nature and user-friendly syntax make it a rockstar in the programming universe, an absolute must-have skill for tech pros in Belgium.

This high-level language is crushing it across diverse industries, from web dev and data crunching to machine learning and automation. As Belgium keeps leveling up its digital game, the demand for Python wizards is skyrocketing.

Python's use cases in Belgium are all over the place.

Tech titans like Facebook and Instagram, with offices here, wield Python for backend development and data processing. Financial giants like BNP Paribas Fortis bank on Python for risk analysis and algorithmic trading.

Even the Belgian government runs Python for data viz and scientific computing in sectors like healthcare and weather forecasting. Check out these slick examples:

  • Cybersecurity: Companies like Guardsquare in Leuven use Python for secure coding and hacker-level penetration testing.
  • Automation: Enterprises like Agfa HealthCare in Mortsel employ Python for streamlining processes and DevOps.
  • Machine Learning: Innovative startups like Securail in Brussels leverage Python's powerhouse libraries like TensorFlow and scikit-learn for cutting-edge AI/ML applications.

Proving Python's dominance, top Belgian companies are actively hunting for Python developers.

According to an industry report, the following organizations had the most Python job openings in 2024:

Company Headquarters Industry
Proximus Brussels Telecommunications
Solvay Brussels Chemicals
Barco Kortrijk Technology

As John Garcia, host of the popular Python Bytes podcast, put it,

"Python is the backbone of modern software development."

With its versatility and ever-growing applications, Python programming is undoubtedly one of the hottest tech skills Belgian employers are craving in 2024.

Skill #2: Data Analysis with SQL


Belgium has officially stepped into the big data era, and companies are thirsty for skilled data analysts! With businesses drowning in a tsunami of raw info, SQL (Structured Query Language) has become the ultimate weapon for making sense of it all.

A recent survey revealed that a whopping 72% of Belgian organizations plan to beef up their data analysis game by 2024. Talk about high demand!

SQL is like a superhero's utility belt, allowing analysts to extract, manipulate, and synthesize complex data with laser precision.

From finance to healthcare, retail to manufacturing, Belgian companies are harnessing SQL's powers to uncover game-changing insights, spot trends, and make data-driven decisions that propel them to the top.

Check out these power players:

  • Finance Frontrunners: Banking giants like KBC and Belfius rely on SQL to scrutinize customer transactions, sniff out fraud, and optimize lending practices.
  • Healthcare Heroes: SQL plays a crucial role at places like UZ Leuven, managing electronic health records, fueling research, and improving patient outcomes.
  • Retail Royalty: Juggernauts like Delhaize and Coolblue leverage SQL to *dissect* consumer behavior, optimize inventory, and elevate the customer experience.

As the data revolution intensifies, the thirst for SQL skills in Belgium is expected to skyrocket across various industries by 2024.

We're talking growth like you've never seen:

Industry Projected SQL Demand Growth
Finance and Banking 28%
Healthcare 23%
Retail and E-commerce 19%
Manufacturing 17%

As data analyst Michael Lopez from the University of Antwerp put it,

"SQL is the beating heart of data analysis, enabling us to transform raw information into actionable intelligence that drives innovation and growth."

In tomorrow's data-driven world, mastering SQL will undoubtedly separate the winners from the losers for professionals looking to unlock data's limitless potential in Belgium.

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Skill #3: Cloud Computing with AWS


The cloud scene is totally shaking things up in Belgium, and Amazon Web Services (AWS) is leading the charge.

Check this out - a recent report said that a massive 72% of Belgian companies are planning to ramp up their cloud game in 2024, all because they need to scale up, save some cash, and stay innovative.

AWS has become an absolute must-have for businesses in Belgium, offering a mind-blowing range of cloud services.

Companies are going gaga over AWS for its top-notch security, worldwide infrastructure, and services tailored to every business need imaginable. As Belgian companies race to digitize and leverage data insights, the demand for AWS skills is skyrocketing.

Jobs requiring AWS expertise in Belgium cover all kinds of domains:

  1. Cloud Architects: These pros design, plan, and implement cloud infrastructure on AWS.
  2. DevOps Engineers: They use AWS services to streamline software development, deployment, and operations.
  3. Data Engineers: These data wizards leverage AWS data services like Amazon Athena, Redshift, and Glue for data processing and analysis.
  4. Solutions Architects: They provide technical guidance and design robust, scalable solutions on the AWS platform.

A recent report revealed that job postings requiring AWS skills have surged by a whopping 47% in just the last year.

Major players like Proximus, Solvay, and Ageas are actively hunting for AWS-savvy professionals to drive their digital transformation.

As Belgium's economy evolves, embracing cloud computing and AWS expertise has become crucial for businesses to stay competitive and agile in our data-driven world.

Nancy Brown, Director of the Federation of Belgian Enterprises, summed it up perfectly:

"The cloud is no longer a luxury; it's a necessity for companies seeking innovation and operational efficiency."

With data centers booming in Belgium, having AWS skills is a definite game-changer.

Skill #4: Cybersecurity Fundamentals


The world of tech is rapidly changing, and cybersecurity is at the forefront. According to recent reports, the cybersecurity job market in Belgium is booming, and employers are on the hunt for skilled professionals.

With cyber threats evolving daily, having a solid grasp of cybersecurity fundamentals is crucial if you want to land a sweet gig in this field.

Belgium is seriously stepping up its game when it comes to cyber defense.

The government has allocated a massive €150 million in its 2024 budget to beef up the nation's digital security. They're not messing around, and neither should you.

Cybersecurity certification is becoming increasingly important, as it demonstrates your expertise and commitment to staying ahead of the curve.

So, what are the essential cybersecurity skills that Belgian employers are seeking? Mastering network security, risk assessment, incident response, and cryptography are just the tip of the iceberg.

You'll need to understand network infrastructure, protocols, and how to protect against cyber threats. Identifying vulnerabilities and implementing mitigation strategies are also crucial.

And when the inevitable happens, you better know how to execute an incident response plan like a pro.

Belgium is collaborating with tech giants like IBM, Microsoft, and Google to stay ahead of the game.

These partnerships are focused on enhancing cybersecurity education and fostering a skilled workforce capable of taking on the baddies of the digital world. As the Deputy Prime Minister himself said,

"Bolstering our cybersecurity capabilities is crucial for safeguarding our digital infrastructure and ensuring the resilience of our economy."

So, if you want to be part of this exciting revolution, start sharpening those cybersecurity skills now.

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Skill #5: Web Development with JavaScript


JavaScript is essential for modern web development, and Belgian employers know it.

This programming language is the backbone that makes websites interactive and dynamic. According to a recent survey, JavaScript is the most popular coding language worldwide, used by nearly 70% of professional developers in 2023.

This trend is set to continue, cementing JavaScript's dominance in the web dev game throughout 2024 and beyond.

In Belgium, the demand for skilled JavaScript devs is skyrocketing.

A study by the employment agency Actiris revealed that job postings for JavaScript developers grew by 18% in 2022, outpacing overall IT job growth.

This upward trajectory is expected to continue, driven by Belgium's booming tech industry and the increasing demand for dynamic, engaging web applications. Major companies like Salesforce, IBM, Deloitte, Proximus, and BNP Paribas Fortis are actively recruiting JavaScript talent in Belgium.

"JavaScript is the language of the web, and its versatility has made it essential for building modern, responsive user interfaces and dynamic web apps." - Addy Osmani, Engineering Manager at Google Chrome

With its ability to enhance website interactivity, create rich user experiences, and facilitate seamless client-server communication, JavaScript is a must-have skill for web developers in 2024.

As Belgian companies strive to stay ahead in the digital landscape, the demand for JavaScript proficiency is growing rapidly, offering promising career opportunities for those who master this ubiquitous programming language.

Skill #6: Machine Learning with TensorFlow


Machine learning is seriously cool tech that mixes computer science and stats to unlock hidden insights and automate complex tasks. As Belgian companies keep embracing ML, the demand for skills in this area is skyrocketing.

TensorFlow, an open-source library from Google, has emerged as a top framework for building and deploying ML models.

  • Flexible: TensorFlow supports multiple programming languages like Python, C++, and Java, allowing devs to leverage their existing skills.
  • Scalable: With the ability to run on various hardware platforms, from CPUs and GPUs to TPUs (Tensor Processing Units), TensorFlow can handle large-scale ML workloads efficiently.
  • Robust Ecosystem: TensorFlow has a vibrant community of contributors, extensive docs, and a wide range of pre-trained models, making it easier to kickstart ML projects.

In Belgium, industries like finance, healthcare, manufacturing, and logistics are harnessing the power of TensorFlow for diverse applications.

For instance, banks use ML models built with TensorFlow to detect fraudulent transactions, while healthcare orgs analyze medical imaging data to improve diagnosis accuracy.

Manufacturing companies employ TensorFlow for predictive maintenance, optimizing production, and enhancing quality control. As a leading Belgian tech analyst puts it,

"TensorFlow has become an essential tool for organizations seeking to unlock their data's full potential and gain a competitive edge."

Skill #7: DevOps with Docker and Kubernetes


DevOps, a mix of "development" and "operations," is a modern approach that brings together the code writers and IT ops squads, fostering a collab-friendly vibe and streamlining the software delivery grind.

At its core, DevOps is all about automation, continuous integration, and continuous deployment, enabling faster and more reliable software drops.

In Belgium, the demand for DevOps skills, especially in containerization tech like Docker and Kubernetes, is blowing up!

Docker, a game-changing containerization platform, flipped the script on how apps are packaged, distributed, and deployed.

By wrapping up apps and their dependencies into portable containers, Docker simplifies the deployment process across different environments, ensuring consistent behavior and squashing compatibility issues.

This agility and scalability make Docker an essential tool for DevOps crews. Over 45% of developers in Belgium are using Docker container tech, showcasing its widespread adoption.

Kubernetes, an open-source container orchestration system, takes containerization to another level by automating the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized apps.

With Kubernetes, DevOps teams can effortlessly manage and orchestrate complex, distributed apps across multiple hosts, ensuring high availability, load balancing, and efficient resource utilization.

Big players like Proximus, Solvay, and Telenet in Belgium are actively hunting for pros with Kubernetes expertise to drive their digital transformation initiatives.

According to IT Job Watch, Belgium witnessed a mind-blowing 37% year-over-year surge in DevOps job postings in 2022, with Docker and Kubernetes being among the most sought-after skills.

This trend is expected to keep soaring, with a projected 15% growth in DevOps job openings by 2024, as more Belgian organizations embrace cloud-native architectures and adopt DevOps practices for faster time-to-market and increased operational efficiency.

"Adopting DevOps, coupled with containerization tech like Docker and Kubernetes, has been a game-changer for our software development lifecycle. We've seen a significant reduction in deployment times, improved scalability, and enhanced collaboration between our development and operations teams." - Nancy Williams, DevOps Lead at AG Insurance

Skill #8: Mobile App Development with React Native


Mobile apps are blowing up in Belgium and tech companies are all over that React Native wave. This cross-platform framework lets devs create slick apps for iOS and Android using one codebase - saving time and money.

Belgium is seeing a surge in app demand, especially in sectors like fintech, healthcare, and retail. Smart players like Proximus, Agfa-Gevaert, and Barco are already onboard with React Native for their innovative mobile solutions.

For starters, it delivers native-like performance and smooth user experiences.

Plus, with a massive dev community, you get tons of third-party libraries and resources. The global React Native market is projected to skyrocket at a 28.7% annual growth rate until 2030.

Companies in Belgium are actively hunting for React Native talent to drive their digital transformation. As Richard Lopez, a leading Belgian tech CTO says, "The future is frameworks like React Native that deliver top-notch experiences while optimizing resources." If you want to level up your app dev skills for the Belgian job market, getting skilled in React Native is a no-brainer.

Skill #9: Networking with Cisco Technologies


In this digital age, having killer networking skills is an absolute must if you want to make it big in the tech world, especially in Belgium.

The ability to build and manage networks is like the backbone of pretty much every operation these days, from data transfer to app deployment. And when it comes to networking, Cisco is the undisputed king, offering cutting-edge solutions and certifications that are highly valued by Belgian companies.

According to a survey by Agoria (the Belgian IT pro association), a whopping 87% of Belgian enterprises consider Cisco networking skills essential for their IT workforce in 2024.

Cisco's dominance in the networking game comes from their diverse range of products like routers, switches, and security appliances, all powered by robust protocols and software platforms.

Mastering Cisco tech means you'll have a solid grasp of networking concepts such as network design, routing protocols, VLANs, network security, and wireless networking.

In Belgium, companies in sectors like telecommunications, finance, healthcare, manufacturing, and even government agencies are actively seeking professionals with Cisco networking expertise.

As Sarah Wilson, Director of Enterprise Networks at Cisco Belgium, puts it,

"With the rapid adoption of cloud computing, IoT, and 5G technologies, robust and secure networking infrastructure has become indispensable for Belgian businesses to thrive in an increasingly digital landscape."

That's why having in-demand networking skills like those offered by Cisco can open up a world of career opportunities for you across various sectors in Belgium, solidifying your value in the ever-evolving tech job market.

Skill #10: UX/UI Design with Adobe XD and Figma


Let me tell you about the latest trend that's taking over the tech scene in Belgium - UX/UI design! This is blowing up like crazy, and companies here can't get enough of skilled designers who know their way around tools like Adobe XD and Figma.

According to this report, job openings for UX/UI designers in Belgium are expected to skyrocket by 18% in 2024 compared to last year.

That's nuts, right? Companies are finally realizing how crucial it is to have a smooth, user-friendly experience across websites, apps, and software. And that's where the real magic happens with UX/UI designers.

These designers are like modern-day wizards, conjuring up visually stunning and super functional digital experiences with Adobe XD and Figma.

Big players like banks, e-commerce giants, and innovative tech firms are going all-in, hiring UX/UI designers left and right to revamp their digital platforms and stay ahead of the game.

Can you imagine online banking or shopping without a slick, intuitive design? It'd be a total nightmare!

So, if you're looking to make it big in the tech world, mastering UX/UI design and getting down with tools like Adobe XD and Figma is definitely the way to go.

These skills are like a golden ticket to landing killer jobs at top companies in Belgium. This is the future, and it's happening right now. Get on board or get left behind!

Conclusion: Future Trends and Career Growth


The tech game in Belgium is about to go crazy in 2024. According to the Belgium 2024 Job Market Report, the demand for tech skills is skyrocketing.

Employers are desperately seeking peeps who can code like a boss, crunch data like a pro, and stay ahead of the cybersecurity curve.

Deloitte's Tech Trends 2024 report highlights the hottest skills that'll make you an absolute beast in the job market.

We're talking Python programming, data analysis with SQL, cloud computing with AWS, cybersecurity fundamentals, and web development with JavaScript. These skills are straight-up fire, and companies are willing to pay top dollar for them.

Not convinced yet? Check this out – Blockchain Developers at SettleMint are raking in the big bucks with their innovative duties and mad skills.

And don't even get me started on the significance of AI – AI Engineers are among the top earners in Belgium, thanks to the rise of this cutting-edge technology.

But here's the real deal – if you want to score a sweet gig in the Belgian tech scene, you gotta stay ahead of the game.

Nucamp's guide to getting a job in tech in Belgium in 2024 is your ultimate resource for mastering the skills employers crave.

From coding bootcamps to career coaching, they've got your back.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the demand for Python programming in Belgium for 2024?

Python programming is highly in demand in Belgium for 2024. It is used across various industries such as web development, data analysis, machine learning, and automation. Major companies like Facebook, BNP Paribas Fortis, and the Belgian government use Python for its versatility and efficiency.

Why are SQL skills crucial for Belgian employers?

SQL skills are crucial for Belgian employers due to the rise in data analysis needs. SQL helps analysts extract, manipulate, and synthesize data accurately. Industries like finance, healthcare, and retail heavily rely on SQL to derive insights from raw data and make data-driven decisions.

How significant is AWS expertise in the Belgian job market?

AWS expertise is extremely significant in the Belgian job market as cloud computing is becoming essential for businesses. With 72% of Belgian companies planning to enhance their cloud capabilities in 2024, AWS skills are highly sought after for roles such as Cloud Architects, DevOps Engineers, and Data Engineers.

What role does cybersecurity play in Belgian tech hiring in 2024?

Cybersecurity is a major focus for Belgian tech hiring in 2024, with the government dedicating €150 million to enhance cyber defense. Employers are looking for professionals skilled in risk assessment, incident response, and cryptography to protect against evolving cyber threats.

Why is JavaScript important for web development in Belgium?

JavaScript is important for web development in Belgium because it is crucial for creating interactive and dynamic websites. The demand for JavaScript developers has grown significantly, and major companies like Salesforce, IBM, and Deloitte are actively seeking JavaScript talent to build engaging web applications.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.