Scholarships and Funding for Coding Bootcamps in Belgium

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: July 22nd 2024

Scholarships and funding for coding bootcamps in Belgium

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Explore various scholarships and funding options for coding bootcamps in Belgium, including merit-based, need-based, and diversity-focused scholarships. Top funding sources include BeCode Scholarships, BeCentral Digital Talent Scholarship, and VDAB Training Vouchers. Government programs like "Formation Professionnelle" and "Chèque Formation" offer tuition assistance. Private grants from companies like Google, Amazon, and BNP Paribas Fortis also provide substantial support, making coding education more accessible.

Coding bootcamps are the hottest thing in Belgium right now, with more and more people jumping on the tech train.

These intensive programs have gained major popularity, promising to transform you into a certified coding pro in just a few months. And let's be real, who doesn't want to land a sweet tech job with a fat paycheck? But the catch is – these bootcamps can cost a pretty penny, with prices ranging from a few grand to over 15K euros.

That's where financing options and scholarships come into play, helping you score the skills without breaking the bank.

And if you're still on the fence, just remember – tech is the future, and these bootcamps could be your ticket to ride. Just be sure to check out places like Nucamp that offer job guarantees and other sweet perks.

Table of Contents

  • Types of Scholarships Available in Belgium
  • Government Funding Options for Belgian Residents
  • Private Grants and Sponsorships in Belgium
  • Tips for Applying for Scholarships and Funding in Belgium
  • Conclusion: Making Coding Education Affordable in Belgium
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Types of Scholarships Available in Belgium


Funding your coding bootcamp dreams in Belgium is totally doable, thanks to a ton of scholarship options.

If you're a straight-up genius, you can snag one of those merit-based scholarships that recognize your mad skills. But even if your grades ain't that fire, there are need-based scholarships for those struggling financially, making sure everyone gets a fair shot at learning to code.

Belgium is all about promoting diversity in tech, so they've got scholarships specifically for underrepresented groups like women and minorities.

Case in point: the BeCentral Digital Talent Scholarship covers the entire cost for qualified ladies pursuing coding bootcamps.

And the BeCode Diversity Scholarship is a game-changer for individuals from underrepresented communities, giving them a chance to break into the tech scene.

Here's the lowdown on some of the top scholarship and funding options for coding bootcamps in Belgium:

  • BeCode Scholarships: This coding school hooks you up with scholarships based on merit, financial need, and diversity. They'll cover a huge chunk of the tuition, making it easier for anyone to learn to code, regardless of their background.
  • BeCentral Digital Talent Scholarship: Calling all badass ladies! This scholarship covers the entire cost for qualifying women enrolling in BeCentral's coding bootcamps, helping to close the gender gap in tech.
  • VDAB Training Vouchers: The Flemish Employment and Vocational Training Service (VDAB) has got your back with training vouchers that can be used to cover the costs of coding bootcamps and other educational programs, as long as you meet the requirements.

"The diversity-focused scholarships have opened doors for me to pursue my passion for coding. As a woman from an underrepresented community, this financial support has been invaluable in helping me acquire the skills I need to succeed in the tech industry." - Jessica Moore, recipient of the BeCode Diversity Scholarship

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And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Government Funding Options for Belgian Residents


If you're a Belgian resident trying to score some sweet coding bootcamp deals, the government has your back.

They've got these programs called "Formation Professionnelle" and "Chèque Formation" that can hook you up with tuition assistance. But you gotta meet some criteria, like being a legit Belgian citizen or resident, proving your income sitch, and all that jazz.

For the "Formation Professionnelle" program, they give priority to people who are unemployed, at risk of losing their jobs, or trying to level up their skills.

You'll need to hit up the regional employment offices like FOREM, VDAB, or Actiris and submit your docs. Mark these dates on your calendar for 2024: Initial application - September 30, 2023, Supporting docs - November 15, 2023, Final approval - January 15, 2024.

Then there's the "Chèque Formation" program, which gives you vouchers to cover part of the bootcamp costs.

They look at your job status and income level, and you can apply online with ease. As they say on their website, "Our goal is to make quality education accessible to all, regardless of financial circumstances."

So, if you're a Belgian resident trying to break into the tech scene without breaking the bank, these government programs have got your back.

Just make sure you get your ducks in a row and hit those deadlines, and you'll be coding like a pro in no time!

Private Grants and Sponsorships in Belgium


The tech scene in Belgium is getting real with all the coding bootcamp funding options popping up.

It's not just the government stepping up, but major companies too. We're talking Google, Amazon, Microsoft - the big guns are investing in Belgian coding talent through scholarship programs.

Like, Google's Grow Scholarship? That covers the full bootcamp tuition for underrepresented groups in tech.

And Amazon's Career Choice program? They pre-pay 95% of software development courses. Crazy, right?

But it's not just the tech giants. Local Belgian companies are getting in on the action too.

BNP Paribas Fortis is offering €5,000 scholarships for digital skills bootcamps. Proximus Foundation is sponsoring coding programs, especially for women and diversity in tech.

And Solvay? They're giving out grants up to €10,000 for STEM education, including coding bootcamps for Belgian residents.

To snag one of these opportunities, you gotta hustle.

Online applications, personal statements, academic records - the whole nine yards. But it's worth it. Just ask Charles White, a coding bootcamp grad who landed a sweet web dev gig thanks to Solvay's scholarship.

He said

"It was a life-changing opportunity that equipped me with the skills to launch a successful career."

See? Private grants and sponsorships are the key to making coding education affordable and accessible in Belgium.

So, get out there and apply!

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Tips for Applying for Scholarships and Funding in Belgium


Applying for scholarships and funding opportunities in Belgium can be a grind, but if you prep right and pay close attention to the details, you'll boost your chances of scoring that cash.

One major key is nailing that scholarship essay by showing off your drive, accomplishments, and future goals. The experts say a winning essay needs to be well-structured, engaging, and give a unique take on why you deserve that scholarship.

But don't sleep on proofreading – no spelling or grammar mistakes allowed. Most scholarship apps in Belgium will also need you to submit:

  • Transcripts: Official grade reports from all your past schools.
  • Recommendation letters: Get professors, bosses, or mentors to vouch for your skills and character.
  • Enrollment proof: Documents confirming you're enrolled or accepted into a coding bootcamp.
  • Financial docs: Tax returns, pay stubs, etc. to show your money situation.

Common mistakes to avoid when gunning for Belgian scholarships:

  1. Follow instructions: Not following the instructions to a T can ruin your chances.
  2. Complete submissions: Submitting incomplete or late applications reflects poorly.
  3. Proofreading: Forgetting to proofread your materials can lead to avoidable errors.
  4. Specificity: Giving vague or generic responses dilutes your application.

If you score an interview, be ready to explain your goals, qualifications, and why you deserve that funding.

According to the experts, successful interviews often involve:

"Showing genuine passion for your field, knowing the organization's mission and values, and asking insightful questions that prove you've done your homework."

The application process is your chance to flaunt what makes you unique and showcase your potential.

Put in the work, pay attention to the details, and you'll increase your odds of locking in the financial support you need to make your coding education dreams in Belgium a reality.

Conclusion: Making Coding Education Affordable in Belgium


Let's be real, chasing your tech dreams doesn't have to break the bank. There are so many great opportunities to score some financial aid for coding bootcamps in Belgium; you just gotta know where to look.

From government funding to private sector scholarships, the options are there for making this education affordable.

Take landing a job in Belgian tech for example.

Once you're familiar with the workplace norms, you're set to rake in those developer paychecks. And with affordable coding bootcamp options like BeCode Belgium, you can skill up without going broke.

If you're all about that job guarantee life, some bootcamps in Belgium have got your back.

No need to stress about employment after graduation. Just focus on leveling up your coding game, and let the job offers roll in.

Speaking of leveling up, don't sleep on checking out Nucamp's scholarship offerings.

From "Women in Tech" to "Natives in Tech," they've got options for all kinds of backgrounds. And let's not forget about exploring those student loans and income share agreements too.

There are ways to make this happen without selling a kidney, trust me.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

*By checking "I Agree", you are opting-in to receive information, including text messages from Nucamp. You also agree to the following Terms of use, SMS Terms of use & Privacy Policy. Reply STOP to stop receiving text messages.

Frequently Asked Questions


What types of scholarships are available for coding bootcamps in Belgium?

In Belgium, there are various types of scholarships available for coding bootcamps, including merit-based scholarships, need-based scholarships, and scholarships aimed at promoting diversity in tech. Notable examples include BeCode Scholarships, BeCentral Digital Talent Scholarship, and VDAB Training Vouchers.

What government funding options exist for Belgian residents attending coding bootcamps?

Belgian residents can take advantage of government funding options such as the 'Formation Professionnelle' and 'Chèque Formation' programs. These programs offer tuition assistance, especially for individuals who are unemployed, at risk of job loss, or seeking to upskill. Applicants typically need to contact regional employment offices like FOREM, VDAB, or Actiris.

Are there any private grants or sponsorships available for coding bootcamps in Belgium?

Yes, there are several private grants and sponsorships available in Belgium for coding bootcamps. Major companies such as Google, Amazon, and Microsoft offer scholarship programs. Additionally, local companies like BNP Paribas Fortis, Proximus Foundation, and Solvay provide substantial financial support for digital skills and STEM education.

What should I include in my scholarship application for a coding bootcamp in Belgium?

A strong scholarship application for a coding bootcamp in Belgium should include a compelling essay, official transcripts, letters of recommendation, proof of enrollment, and financial documents. Ensuring your application is complete, well-structured, and error-free can significantly increase your chances of success.

How can I avoid common mistakes when applying for coding bootcamp scholarships in Belgium?

To avoid common mistakes when applying for coding bootcamp scholarships in Belgium, make sure to follow all application instructions precisely, submit complete and timely applications, proofread all materials thoroughly, and provide specific, well-articulated responses. Additionally, being well-prepared for any interviews can further enhance your chances.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.