Top 10 Tips for Building a Stand-Out Tech Portfolio in Belgium

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: July 22nd 2024

A person showcasing a tech portfolio on a laptop in Belgium.

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Building a standout tech portfolio in Belgium is essential, with 64% of employers prioritizing portfolios and candidates receiving 61% more interview requests. Include varied projects showcasing skills in Python, Java, React, and Git. Use GitHub effectively, contribute to open-source projects, and create a personal website. Highlight soft skills, get strong endorsements, and tailor your portfolio to Belgium's job market trends. Regularly update it to stay relevant in the fast-changing tech landscape.

Having a killer tech portfolio is the key to unlocking those dream job opportunities. It's like your own personal website, showcasing your mad skills and projects to potential employers.

According to the experts, 64% of employers consider a portfolio a top factor when evaluating candidates. Candidates with portfolios receive a whopping 61% more interview requests than those without one.

That's a major advantage in today's competitive tech scene.

Your tech portfolio is your chance to make a lasting impression, so you better bring your A-game.

It's where you can:

  • Flex your technical muscles by highlighting your best projects and code samples.
  • Show off your problem-solving abilities and thought processes, proving you're a real problem-solver.
  • Demonstrate your passion for continuous learning and staying on top of the latest tech trends, like leveraging digital tools for career growth.

As the legend Steve Jobs said,

"The only way to do great work is to love what you do."

A killer tech portfolio is your chance to showcase your love for the craft, making you stand out from the crowd.

And don't forget to check out these effective job hunting strategies for Belgium tech pros from Nucamp.

Table of Contents

  • Highlight Relevant Skills and Projects
  • Use GitHub Effectively
  • Create a Personal Website
  • Incorporate Open Source Contributions
  • Showcase Soft Skills and Team Collaboration
  • Include Strong Recommendations and Endorsements
  • Optimize for Local Job Markets in Belgium
  • Keep Up with Industry Trends and Technologies
  • Regularly Update and Improve Your Portfolio
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Highlight Relevant Skills and Projects


If you're trying to land a sweet tech job in Belgium next year, you gotta have a killer portfolio that'll make employers drool.

According to the latest research, some of the hottest skills employers are thirsting for in 2024 include Python, JavaScript, cloud computing, cybersecurity, and AI/ML.

So, make sure to load up your portfolio with projects that flex those muscles.

When picking projects, think about how they showcase your problem-solving skills and align with the roles you're gunning for.

Variety is key, so mix it up with personal projects, coursework assignments, and contributions to open-source projects. A well-rounded portfolio should cover a range of skills like programming languages (Python, Java, C++), web development (React, Node.js), database management (SQL, NoSQL), cloud platforms (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud), and version control (Git, GitHub).

Create dedicated project pages with detailed descriptions, screenshots/videos, and links to live demos or code repos. As Jennifer Jones, a badass software engineer, puts it, "A well-documented portfolio not only shows off your technical chops but also proves you can communicate clearly and pay attention to detail." So, get creative, showcase your skills, and let that portfolio shine brighter than a disco ball!

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Use GitHub Effectively


GitHub is the place to be if you're a techie looking to land a sweet gig. According to the experts, this platform lets you collaborate and show off your coding skills.

Employers love to see a killer GitHub portfolio when they're hiring, so you better make yours stand out.

Setting up your GitHub portfolio is easy-peasy.

First, create an account if you haven't already. Then, start a new repository specifically for your projects. Make sure to organize it with a clear README file and separate folders for different types of work.

Commit your changes regularly and write detailed messages to keep things looking professional.

Now, the real key to an impressive GitHub portfolio: showcase your best stuff.

Curate your repository to highlight your most impressive projects and cleanest code. Don't forget to document everything thoroughly, so even a newbie could understand your thought process.

And if you've contributed to open-source projects, flaunt that experience – it shows you're a team player.

But it's not just about the code itself. Staying active on GitHub is crucial.

Employers want to see that you're passionate about coding and constantly learning. According to the pros, over 80% of companies value candidates with an active GitHub presence.

So, keep pushing those updates and watch your portfolio shine!

Create a Personal Website


Having a dope personal website is a total game-changer for showing off your tech skills and standing out to potential employers. According to the experts, it's like having an online resume on steroids.

Check it out: Every academic should have a personal website, says this blog post from a researcher.

It's a perfect way to showcase your skills, add a personal touch, and build your brand online.

20 experts share the benefits of having a personal website, like controlling your narrative, creating a hub for your achievements, and generating leads.

One expert even landed a $25,000 contract thanks to their personal site!

So, how do you create a killer personal website? First, choose a domain name that represents your brand (like

Then, either use a website builder like Wix or Squarespace, or code it from scratch with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Make sure to include sections for your portfolio, skills, experience, and maybe even a blog to show off your tech knowledge.

  • Choose a domain name that represents your brand (like
  • Use a website builder like Wix or Squarespace or code it from scratch with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Make sure to include sections for your portfolio, skills, experience, and maybe even a blog to show off your tech knowledge.

But don't just slap some content on there – make it pop! Use visuals like screenshots, videos, or GIFs to showcase your projects.

Describe the technologies you used and your specific contributions. And most importantly, make sure it's responsive and looks awesome on any device.

With a well-designed personal website, you'll be ready to impress any employer in Belgium's tech scene.

It's like having your own online business card, but way cooler. So, start building your digital portfolio today and get ready to level up your career!

With a well-designed personal website, you'll be ready to impress any employer in Belgium's tech scene. It's like having your own online business card, but way cooler.

So, start building your digital portfolio today and get ready to level up your career!

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Incorporate Open Source Contributions


Open source contributions are a total game-changer for building a killer tech portfolio and leveling up your career. This recent study shows that a whopping 63% of hiring managers consider open source work when evaluating candidates.

That's some serious value right there, proving your skills and passion for the industry.

Contributing to open source projects isn't just about flexing your coding muscles; it's also a testament to your ability to collaborate, problem-solve, and make a real impact.

As Danese Cooper, a renowned open source advocate, put it, "Open source is one of the most powerful movements of the current era, expanding access to tech and enabling widespread innovation." By contributing, you gain hands-on experience, learn from industry pros, and build connections within the tech community.

Ready to dive into the open source world? Check out platforms like GitHub Explore, CodeTriage, and Up For Grabs – they've got a ton of beginner-friendly projects to get you started.

Follow these steps to make your mark:

  1. Pick a project that aligns with your interests and skill level.
  2. Study the codebase, docs, and contribution guidelines like a pro.
  3. Start small by fixing minor bugs or documentation issues.
  4. Engage with the community, seek guidance, and collaborate like a boss.
  5. As you level up, take on bigger challenges or propose new features.

By showcasing your open source contributions in your portfolio, you're proving your commitment to continuous learning and your passion for creating impactful software.

This can seriously boost your job prospects, as employers are increasingly valuing candidates who can contribute to open source projects and foster a culture of collaboration and innovation.

Showcase Soft Skills and Team Collaboration


In this fast-paced tech world, soft skills are the real deal - they're not just a bonus, they're a must-have.

According to recent studies, employers are seriously prioritizing these talents when hiring, with a whopping 84% of them agreeing that soft skills are essential for newbies.

In the tech industry, where teamwork is crucial, showcasing your ability to collaborate and communicate effectively can make you stand out from the crowd. To really impress, highlight projects where you crushed it with:

  • Clear and concise communication through well-written docs, killer presentations, or kickass team meets
  • Resolving conflicts like a pro, keeping things chill and focused
  • Staying adaptable and solving problems on the fly when things got hectic

According to the latest buzz, some of the most sought-after soft skills for tech pros in 2024 include critical thinking, teamwork, top-notch communication (written and verbal), creativity, and emotional intelligence.

Basically, employers want well-rounded individuals who can not only code like a boss but also work seamlessly with others and bring fresh ideas to the table.

As that former Google bigwig James Thomas once said,

"The highest performing teams have one thing in common: psychological safety - the ability to take risks without feeling insecure or embarrassed."

So, if you've got examples of projects where you fostered a chill and inclusive team environment, showcasing that can seriously level up your portfolio and demonstrate your leadership and emotional intelligence skills.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Include Strong Recommendations and Endorsements


Having solid endorsements and recommendations on your portfolio is a real game-changer when it comes to landing that dream tech job.

It's like having your own personal hype squad vouching for your mad skills and work ethic. These third-party validations don't just boost your credibility, but they also give potential employers a glimpse into the awesomeness that you bring to the table.

To score those sweet endorsements, start by reaching out to the real MVPs who can back you up – former colleagues, managers, or mentors who've seen you in action.

Don't be shy about hitting them up and politely requesting a recommendation. Give them a heads up on the specific skills or projects you want them to highlight.

You could even target industry experts or influencers, 'cause let's face it, their testimonials carry some serious weight.

Now, let's talk about how to make those endorsements pop in your portfolio:

  1. Dedicate a section just for them: Give those endorsements a prime spot in your portfolio, so employers can easily see the love you're getting.
  2. Sprinkle in some quotes: Drop in some killer quotes or excerpts from the endorsements throughout your portfolio, like in the "About" section or project descriptions. It adds instant cred and reinforces your expertise.
  3. Get creative with visuals: Why settle for boring text when you can display those endorsements in a slick testimonial slider or something eye-catching? It'll make them way more engaging and memorable.
  4. Flaunt that social proof: Share those endorsements on professional platforms like LinkedIn, GitHub, or your personal website. It's like a virtual flex, showing off the love you're getting from your peers.

By incorporating those strong endorsements and recommendations into your tech portfolio, you're not just showcasing your skills, but you're also building trust and credibility with potential employers.

So, don't sleep on this secret weapon – it could be the edge you need to land your dream gig.

Optimize for Local Job Markets in Belgium


If you want to crush it in Belgium's tech scene, you gotta let your portfolio do the talking. The job market here is straight-up booming, with the government predicting a 7.2% annual growth and over 15,000 new tech jobs on the horizon.

But you can't just slap together any old portfolio and expect to stand out.

According to this 2024 study by TechScale Belgium, the hottest skills Belgian tech companies are hunting for are cloud computing (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud), data analytics (Python, SQL, Machine Learning), cybersecurity (ethical hacking, network security), DevOps (containerization, CI/CD), and mobile app development (React Native, Flutter, Swift).

Nail these bad boys, and you'll be a shoo-in at top dogs like Proximus, Agfa-Gevaert, and Barco.

But it's not just about the technical know-how. Mary Thomas, the Engineering Director at, said, "We look for candidates with a strong command of cloud technologies and a passion for problem-solving.

A well-curated portfolio demonstrating these skills can set an applicant apart." Belgian companies also dig soft skills like communication, teamwork, and adaptability.

So, make sure to showcase those collaborative projects or open-source contributions to prove you're a team player.

Keep Up with Industry Trends and Technologies


Keeping your finger on the pulse of the tech world is seriously important if you want to build a portfolio that makes employers go "damn, this person really knows their stuff." You know how fast technology moves, right? According to this study, technical skills become outdated in just 5 years! That's crazy! So, if you want to stay relevant and have a portfolio that shines brighter than your friend's Fortnite gaming stats, you gotta put in the work to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and tech.

Here's how to keep your portfolio fresh and make it stand out:

  • Get your hands dirty with the newest tech: Dig into those hot new programming languages, frameworks, and tools that everyone's talking about. Build some personal projects or take courses using them, and boom - your portfolio instantly levels up and shows you're not afraid to embrace change.
  • Become a part of the tech community: Join online forums, attend meetups, and follow the coolest cats in the game on platforms like GitHub, Stack Overflow, and Reddit. You'll get the inside scoop on what's happening in the industry and stay ahead of the curve.
  • Subscribe to the hottest tech publications: Sites like Wired, TechCrunch, and The Verge are like cheat codes for staying informed about the latest trends, innovations, and game-changing breakthroughs in the tech world.

Continuous learning and staying plugged into the right sources is the key to crafting a portfolio that screams "hire me" to potential employers.

Put in the work, and your portfolio will be an absolute beast!

Regularly Update and Improve Your Portfolio


Having a fresh tech portfolio is straight-up essential if you wanna get noticed in Belgium's booming tech scene. It's gotta be constantly updated with your latest skills and projects to show employers you're always leveling up.

According to this article, a stale portfolio gives the impression you're not evolving, and that's a big no-no.

Here's the deal: Set some goals for your portfolio, like more website visits or landing interviews.

Then, use tools to track those metrics and see what's working and what needs a revamp. Don't be afraid to keep it updated regularly with your latest achievements and projects.

And get feedback from mentors or experienced devs – they'll point out areas for improvement you might've missed.

The key is showing employers you're always learning and growing.

A study by HackerEarth found that 86% of companies want candidates who can adapt to new tech trends. By constantly polishing your portfolio, you're proving you're that person.

Plus, using tech to manage your portfolio also demonstrates your skills with the latest tools and practices.

Don't forget to check out Nucamp's job-hunting tips for Belgium tech pros – they've got some solid advice on building an impressive portfolio that'll help you stand out from the crowd.

Frequently Asked Questions


Why is having a tech portfolio important for job seekers in Belgium?

Having a tech portfolio is crucial as 64% of employers consider it a top factor in evaluating candidates. Those with portfolios receive 61% more interview requests, giving them a significant advantage in Belgium’s competitive tech scene.

What are the hottest tech skills employers in Belgium are looking for?

Employers in Belgium are looking for skills in cloud computing (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud), data analytics (Python, SQL, Machine Learning), cybersecurity (ethical hacking, network security), DevOps (containerization, CI/CD), and mobile app development (React Native, Flutter, Swift).

How can GitHub enhance my tech portfolio?

GitHub is a valuable platform for showcasing coding skills and contributions. Employers appreciate a well-organized GitHub portfolio with clear documentation, regular commits, and highlighted projects. An active GitHub presence demonstrates passion for coding and continuous learning.

What are the benefits of having a personal website for a tech portfolio?

A personal website acts as an enhanced online resume, giving you control over your narrative and showcasing your achievements. It's a space to display your portfolio, skills, experience, and personal brand, significantly improving your chances of impressing potential employers.

How can contributing to open-source projects benefit my tech portfolio?

Contributing to open-source projects demonstrates your coding skills, collaboration ability, and passion for the industry. It improves hands-on experience, learning from industry professionals, and building connections within the tech community, all of which are highly valued by employers.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.