Boulder Cybersecurity Job Market: Trends and Growth Areas for 2024

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: July 1st 2024

Boulder, Colorado cybersecurity job market trends and growth areas for 2024

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The Boulder cybersecurity job market is booming, with an average salary of $141,053 and top earners making $178,899 annually. Major tech firms like Google and IBM drive demand, projecting a 32% workforce growth by 2032. Key growth areas for 2024 include cloud security, IoT security, and AI/machine learning security. Remote work trends and continuous upskilling with certifications such as CISSP, CEH, and CompTIA Security+ are essential.

The cybersecurity job market in Boulder is on fire, and it's only gonna get hotter in 2024. With all these cyber threats and data breaches happening, companies are scrambling to lock down their systems, creating a massive demand for people with cybersecurity skills.

Check out these mind-blowing stats to see why cybersecurity is the career path to pursue in Boulder:

  • High salaries in Boulder: According to the data, the average cybersecurity salary in Boulder is a whopping $141,053 per year, with top earners raking in $178,899 annually. Talk about a sweet paycheck!
  • Tech giants presence: Major tech giants like Google, IBM, Oracle, and Lockheed Martin have a massive presence in Boulder, and they're always on the hunt for talented cybersecurity pros.
  • Staggering growth: The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that Boulder's cybersecurity workforce will grow by a staggering 32% by 2032, outpacing the national average of 28%. That's insane growth!

As the world becomes more digital by the day, robust cybersecurity measures are an absolute necessity.

As Robert S. Mueller III, former Director of the FBI, said, "There are only two types of companies: those that have been hacked, and those that will be." With Boulder rapidly becoming a tech hotspot, the demand for skilled cybersecurity pros is only going to skyrocket in the coming years.

Table of Contents

  • Current Trends in Boulder Cybersecurity Jobs
  • Growth Areas for 2024 in Boulder Cybersecurity
  • Educational Pathways and Certifications
  • Navigating the Boulder Cybersecurity Job Market
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Current Trends in Boulder Cybersecurity Jobs


Have you been keeping up with the cybersecurity scene in Boulder? It's straight-up crazy how much demand there is for skilled pros in this field! The latest reports show that cloud security, risk management, and incident response are the hottest skills everyone's looking for in 2024.

With so many businesses going all-in on cloud systems, knowing how to lock those environments down is a total game-changer.

But that's not all – being able to spot and shut down cyber threats before they cause major damage is also super valuable.

Companies in Boulder are scrambling to hire cybersecurity geniuses who can do just that. We're talking about tech giants like Google, Microsoft, and IBM, as well as healthcare orgs like Boulder Community Health and finance powerhouses like JPMorgan Chase.

They all want the best of the best to protect their systems and data.

Thanks to remote work becoming the new normal, a whopping 68% of cybersecurity jobs in Boulder offer the option to work from home or do a hybrid setup in 2024.

Talk about flexibility! But with that comes its own set of challenges, as Michael Wilson from CyberSecure LLC points out:

"The shift to remote work has expanded the attack surface for cybercriminals."

So, keeping those remote setups secure is going to be a major focus for companies this year.

If you're thinking about breaking into the cybersecurity scene in Boulder, now's the time.

Check out this free course from the University of Colorado Boulder to get a taste of what it's all about.

The opportunities are endless, and the pay is no joke either – we're talking some seriously impressive salaries for entry-level gigs. It might be worth considering if you're into that whole "protecting the digital world" thing.

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Growth Areas for 2024 in Boulder Cybersecurity


Check it out, the Boulder cybersecurity scene is going to be on fire in 2024! We're talking major growth in some cutting-edge fields like cloud security, IoT security, and AI/machine learning security.

With businesses going all-in on digital and cloud solutions, the demand for pros who can lock down these environments will skyrocket. According to the experts at CyberSeek, the job growth rate for cybersecurity roles in Boulder is projected to hit a mind-blowing 18% between 2024 and 2029, leaving the national average in the dust.

Key players like LogRhythm, Automox, Swimlane, and Finite State are driving this cybersecurity revolution in Boulder, creating awesome career opportunities.

LogRhythm is excelling with their next-gen SIEM and log management solutions, while Automox is taking cloud-based patch management to new heights. Swimlane is leading the charge with their cloud-scale, low-code security automation solutions, and Finite State is pioneering the IoT security game.

By 2024, these areas within cybersecurity are expected to explode in Boulder:

  1. Cloud Security: As more businesses migrate to the cloud, experts who can secure cloud environments, implement cloud access security brokers (CASBs), and protect against cloud-based threats will be in high demand.
  2. IoT Security: With connected devices taking over our lives (and industries), professionals skilled in identifying and mitigating IoT vulnerabilities will be highly sought after.
  3. AI/Machine Learning Security: AI and machine learning tech are becoming game-changers, so cybersecurity pros who can secure these systems and guard against AI-powered threats will be invaluable assets.

To capitalize on these hot growth areas, aspiring cybersecurity professionals should consider getting certified, like the Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP) or the Certified IoT Security Practitioner (CIoTSP).

As the cybersecurity landscape keeps evolving at warp speed, continuous learning and upskilling will be crucial for staying ahead of emerging threats and landing the best jobs in Boulder's thriving job market.

Educational Pathways and Certifications


The cybersecurity game is constantly evolving, which means we gotta stay on top of our game, ya dig? If you're an aspiring cyber warrior in Boulder, CO, getting the right education and certs is crucial.

A bachelor's degree in computer science or cybersecurity from top spots like the University of Colorado Boulder is a solid start, but the real game-changers are industry-recognized certifications that'll make you stand out.

We're talkin' heavy-hitters like the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), which is like the Holy Grail of cybersecurity certs.

It proves you're a boss at managing information security. Or the Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), developed by the EC-Council, which gives you mad skills in penetration testing and hacking (but like, the legal kind, ya know?).

But don't sleep on entry-level certs either, like the CompTIA Security+.

It's a globally recognized badge that shows you've got the cyber basics down pat. And it's non-negotiable in this game. According to a survey by (ISC)², a whopping 63% of cyber pros believe updating skills and earning new certs is the key to leveling up their careers.

Luckily, local spots like the Community College of Denver, Front Range Community College, and Regis University offer specialized cyber courses and training programs.

Plus, online platforms like Coursera and edX have dope cyber certs too. As Clar Rosso, CEO of (ISC)², said, "The cybersecurity workforce needs to grow by 89% worldwide to close the skills gap and properly defend organizations." So invest in your education and certs, and you'll be ready to snag one of those lucrative cyber jobs in Boulder, which are expected to grow by 35% by 2024.

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Navigating the Boulder Cybersecurity Job Market


The cybersecurity game in Boulder is lit! If you're trying to break into this field, you gotta be strategic.

For starters, get your network on and hit up the local meetups and events. The Boulder Cybersecurity Meetup and SecureSet CORE Cyber Community are where it's at for making connections and staying up-to-date on the latest trends and job openings.

  • Craft a standout resume: Highlight those certifications like CISSP, CEH, and CISM, any projects you worked on, and your mad skills in problem-solving, attention to detail, and analytical thinking. An online portfolio is a solid move to showcase your skills too.
  • Prep for the interview: Check out resources like the CyberSeek Career Pathway and the SANS Institute's cybersecurity interview prep guide. Practice answering those behavioral and technical questions, and be ready to talk about real-world scenarios that prove you're a problem-solving machine.
  • Capitalize on market demand: The (ISC)² Cybersecurity Workforce Study says there'll be 1.8 million unfilled positions by 2024. So, stay hustling, network like crazy, and keep sharpening those skills. If you do it right, you'll be unstoppable in this rapidly growing job market.

Once you land that interview, it's time to prep like a boss.

Check out resources like the CyberSeek Career Pathway and the SANS Institute's cybersecurity interview prep guide. Practice answering those behavioral and technical questions, and be ready to talk about real-world scenarios that prove you're a problem-solving machine.

The demand for cybersecurity professionals is through the roof.

The (ISC)² Cybersecurity Workforce Study says there'll be 1.8 million unfilled positions by 2024. That's insane! So, stay hustling, network like crazy, and keep sharpening those skills.

If you do it right, you'll be unstoppable in this rapidly growing job market.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the salary expectations for cybersecurity jobs in Boulder?

The average salary for cybersecurity professionals in Boulder is $141,053 per year, with top earners making up to $178,899 annually.

What is the projected growth rate for cybersecurity jobs in Boulder by 2032?

The cybersecurity workforce in Boulder is expected to grow by 32% by 2032, surpassing the national average growth rate of 28%.

Which industries and companies are driving the cybersecurity job market in Boulder?

Tech giants such as Google, IBM, Oracle, and Lockheed Martin, as well as healthcare organizations like Boulder Community Health and financial institutions like JPMorgan Chase, are significantly driving the demand for cybersecurity professionals in Boulder.

What are the key growth areas in cybersecurity for Boulder in 2024?

The key growth areas in cybersecurity for Boulder in 2024 include Cloud Security, IoT Security, and AI/Machine Learning Security. Experts in these fields will be highly sought after as businesses continue their digital transformation.

What educational pathways and certifications are essential for a cybersecurity career in Boulder?

A bachelor's degree in computer science or cybersecurity is beneficial, but industry-recognized certifications like CISSP, CEH, and CompTIA Security+ are crucial. Local institutions like the University of Colorado Boulder and online platforms such as Coursera and edX offer relevant courses and certifications.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.