Getting a Job in Tech in Boulder in 2024: The Complete Guide

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: July 1st 2024

Tech job guide for Boulder in 2024, Colorado, US

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In 2024, Boulder is a prime location for tech careers, boasting top companies like Google, Apple, and Amazon, plus a thriving startup ecosystem. With a projected 18% tech industry growth, average salaries around $112,000 for developers, and abundant networking opportunities, Boulder offers robust career prospects. Pursue skills in Python, Java, cloud computing, and cybersecurity, and leverage local programs and meetups to maximize job search success. Achieve a balanced lifestyle with Boulder's excellent quality of life features.

Boulder is totally luring newcomers with its red-hot tech scene and rad Colorado lifestyle! It's like a magnet for us young techies looking to kickstart our careers.

With giants like Google, Amazon, and Apple setting up shop, plus a crazy amount of startups (over 24,000 tech businesses, no big deal), the job opportunities are insane.

But it's not just about work - Boulder ranks No. 1 in Colorado for Gen Z tech jobs, offering solid pay and an unbeatable quality of life.

We're talking hiking trails, craft breweries, and a buzzing social scene. Plus, the University of Colorado Boulder is a total pipeline for fresh talent and cutting-edge research.

Nucamp lists it as a prime spot to transition into tech.

With its perfect blend of work and play, Boulder is seriously tempting for us millennials and Gen Zers seeking an awesome tech career in 2024.

Table of Contents

  • The Tech Job Market in Boulder in 2024
  • Why Choose Boulder for Your Tech Career?
  • How to Break into Tech in Boulder in 2024?
  • Which IT Fields are Best in Boulder for 2024?
  • How to Get Started in Tech with No Experience in Boulder?
  • Top Tech Companies to Work for in Boulder in 2024
  • Networking and Community: Building Your Tech Network in Boulder
  • Job Hunting Tips for Tech Roles in Boulder
  • Conclusion: Launching Your Tech Career in Boulder in 2024
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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The Tech Job Market in Boulder in 2024


Boulder is about to be the next big thing for tech in 2024! This place is stealing Silicon Valley's thunder, with founders and big bucks flocking here left and right.

We're talking billions in VC funding over the past few years. It's like a real-life gold rush, but for tech startups and innovators.

The secret sauce? Boulder's got that perfect combo of a killer talent pool and a startup scene that's hotter than the summer heat.

With top-notch universities like CU Boulder cranking out brilliant minds, major players like Google, Amazon, and Salesforce are setting up shop here.

Plus, accelerators like Techstars are giving new startups the boost they need to take off.

But it's not just the big names making waves. From cutting-edge quantum computing to revolutionary biotech firms, Boulder is quickly becoming a hub for all things innovative and disruptive.

And let's not forget about the booming renewable energy scene – solar, wind, you name it, Boulder's got it.

If you're looking to break into tech, this is definitely the place to be in 2024.

Whether you're a coding whiz, data guru, or cyber ninja, companies here are hiring like crazy for roles in software engineering, data analytics, cybersecurity, and beyond.

Just imagine landing your dream gig at a company that's changing the game. That's what Boulder's all about these days – pushing boundaries and making waves in the tech world.

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Why Choose Boulder for Your Tech Career?


Boulder is straight up the place to be if you're trying to get your tech career poppin' in 2024! This city has got it all going on - mad outdoor adventures and a booming tech scene, so you can grind at work and recharge in nature.

It's like having your cake and eating it too.

Boulder earned a spot in the top 10 best places to live in the US, scoring big on the quality of life scale.

We're talking over 60 miles of hiking trails, easy access to the majestic Rocky Mountains, and a cultural scene that'll keep you entertained AF. Plus, Boulder is all about that sustainable life with bike paths and public transit, so you can do your part for the planet while getting around.

But let's talk tech, cuz that's what we're here for, right? According to, Boulder is home to over 20 tech companies, including giants like Google, IBM, and Oracle.

You'll be rubbing shoulders with the big dogs and networking like a boss. And if that's not enough, there are over 200 active tech meetup groups in Boulder, covering everything from coding languages to emerging tech.

You'll be learning and growing like crazy.

Sarah Gonzalez, a seasoned software engineer at a top Boulder tech firm, says it best:

"The wealth of networking opportunities and the supportive tech community in Boulder have been invaluable in propelling my professional growth and staying at the forefront of industry trends."

So, if you're looking to level up your tech career while living that balanced life, Boulder is definitely the move in 2024.

How to Break into Tech in Boulder in 2024?


Landing your dream tech gig in Boulder in 2024 is all about mastering the essential skills that companies are hungry for.

Sure, you'll need to flex your coding muscles in languages like Python, Java, and JavaScript, but the real flex is having that well-rounded skillset. We're talking cloud computing, cybersecurity, and data analytics know-how, plus those crucial soft skills like collaboration, problem-solving, and communication that make you a team player.

Want to level up your qualifications? Industry certs are where it's at.

Top tech jobs in Boulder are looking for pros with badges like the Certified Cloud Professional (CCP) to prove your cloud game is strong, the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) for those cybersecurity skills, and the AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate to show you're an AWS wizard.

Can't afford to sleep on online courses and bootcamps either.

Platforms like Coursera, Udacity, and top coding bootcamps in Boulder are serving up the tech training you need to stay ahead of the curve.

And for those trying to break into Boulder's tech scene, here are some insider tips to make you stand out:

  1. Build that online presence with a slick portfolio site, an active LinkedIn, and engage in those online communities.
  2. Network at local tech events and meetups. It's where the job opportunities are at.
  3. Show off your passion with personal projects that flex your skills and problem-solving abilities.
  4. Don't sleep on internships or entry-level roles. That hands-on experience is invaluable.

As David Gonzalez, CEO of Techtonic Group, one of Boulder's top tech talent developers, puts it,

"In today's fast-paced tech world, continuous learning and adaptability are key to scoring and thriving in those tech roles. Embrace that growth mindset, stay curious, and don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone."

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Which IT Fields are Best in Boulder for 2024?


Boulder is where it's at for tech jobs in 2024! The city is buzzing with opportunities, especially in some hot IT fields.

Software development is killing it with all the startups and big dogs like Google calling Boulder home. Expect to rake in around $112,000 as a software dev next year.

Data science and analytics are also major moves - companies need peeps who can crunch numbers and uncover insights. The projected average pay for data scientists is a solid $128,000.

And cybersecurity! With all the tech firms and government agencies, Boulder needs cyber experts to keep things locked down. The average cybersecurity salary is projected to be around $105,000 in 2024.

Fields like cloud computing, AI, and IoT are also blowing up, offering dope career moves.

According to the Boulder Economic Council, the local tech scene is expected to grow by 18% over the next five years. That's some serious expansion! Michael Wilson, CEO of TechBoulder, summed it up perfectly: "Boulder's focus on innovation and killer quality of life make it a magnet for top tech talent." So if you're looking to level up your career in IT, Boulder should definitely be on your radar.

How to Get Started in Tech with No Experience in Boulder?


If you're a total newbie trying to break into the tech scene in Boulder, you've got options.

This city is packed with sweet programs to help you level up your skills and get that first job. One solid choice is Skill Distillery - based on the reviews, they're crushing it with a 91% job placement rate for their coding bootcamp grads within 180 days of finishing the program.

Not too shabby, right?

But if you're looking to go all-in on your tech education, check out University of Denver Boot Camps. Their full stack web dev course covers the full monty - HTML, CSS, JavaScript, you name it.

And they've got a solid 77% placement rate for grads scoring jobs within six months.

Pretty impressive stuff.

Don't just take my word for it, though. David Hernandez, a former barista, is living proof that you can make the switch with zero coding experience.

After crushing it at University of Denver Boot Camps in 2022, he landed a sick gig as a junior web dev at a dope Boulder startup in under four months. His exact words:

"That bootcamp was no joke, but the career support was on point. I went from mixing lattes to writing code and scoring my dream job in less than a year. Insane!"

If you're still looking for more options, Boulder's got your back:

  • Boulder Startup Week: Epic networking and learning from the local tech leaders.
  • Coding Cafe: Free intros to programming with mentors to guide you.
  • Boulder Public Library: Access to free online courses to get your feet wet.

The bottom line is, if you're motivated and willing to put in the work, Boulder's got plenty of ways to go from zero to hired in tech.

The resources are all here - just gotta take that first step.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Top Tech Companies to Work for in Boulder in 2024


Boulder's tech scene is absolutely thriving! If you're looking to secure a rewarding career in 2024, you should check out these remarkable startups and companies that are making significant progress:

  • Scythe Robotics: Excelling in the industrial robotics field, with an astonishing 10,155% growth rate and generating $35.7M. It presents an exceptional opportunity to engage with cutting-edge technology!
  • Yes Energy: This tech services firm is an absolute powerhouse, with a staggering 26,849% growth and $42.7M in revenue. They are solving major energy problems, offering a meaningful and challenging work environment.
  • Swimlane: Cybersecurity is a critical domain, and Swimlane is leading the way. With $159M in funding and a 2,548% growth rate, they are undoubtedly securing significant clients. Their careers page is highly recommended.
  • Enliven Therapeutics: If you're driven to make a real impact, this biotech powerhouse is growing at an impressive 6,650% and generating $10.2M. The future of medicine is being shaped right here!

Boulder has numerous other remarkable startups experiencing significant growth at the moment.

Whether your interests lie in fintech, e-commerce, analytics, or AI, there is an opportunity for you to excel in this thriving tech hub. The energy here is truly unparalleled - startups are raising millions, and the potential for growth is boundless.

Undoubtedly, Boulder presents an exceptional prospect in 2024!

Networking and Community: Building Your Tech Network in Boulder


Look, in 2024, networking is everything if you wanna make it big in the tech world. And Boulder? It's like a goldmine for young techies tryna get their careers poppin'.

The scene here is buzzing with meetups and communities where you can connect with the right people and stay on top of the latest trends.

First up, you gotta check out Boulder New Tech.

These guys gather speakers to talk about new technologies and startups, so you can get a taste of what's hot in the game. And don't sleep on New Tech Colorado either – they host monthly events all over the state, perfect for expanding your network.

But that's just the tip of the iceberg! Boulder is packed with groups for every interest, from AI and data science to cybersecurity and coding.

The more you immerse yourself in these communities, the more doors will open. Trust me, building connections is how you'll score the best opportunities and level up your career faster than you can say "Silicon Valley".

Just remember, networking isn't about collecting business cards – it's about making real connections with people who share your passions and can open your eyes to new possibilities.

So get out there, introduce yourself, and let the tech magic happen!

Job Hunting Tips for Tech Roles in Boulder


Alright, tech geeks! Scoring that sick job in Boulder's booming tech scene isn't easy.

You have to play your cards right and follow some solid strategies. First off, networking is key - make those connections count by hitting up events like Boulder Startup Week and mingling with the Boulder Software Club crew.

Don't just be a wallflower! Engage with pros, ask questions, and let your passion shine through.

When it comes to applying, forget those generic resumes and cover letters.

Tailor that stuff to each role, highlighting your mad skills and quantifying your achievements. Show them how you boosted customer satisfaction by 18% or streamlined processes like a pro.

Tech companies appreciate data-driven professionals, so flaunt those numbers! And don't slack on working with Boulder tech recruiters - they're your inside scoop to navigating the hiring maze.

Now, when that interview rolls around, be ready to bring your A-game.

Prep for coding challenges, system design questions, and behavioral interviews like it's your job (literally!). Don't just regurgitate theory - show how you tackle real-world problems and collaborate like a pro.

As for that company research? Go deep! Know their mission, values, and what makes them tick. Asking insightful questions demonstrates your genuine interest and curiosity, setting you apart from the pack.

The key to landing that dream tech gig in Boulder? A solid strategy, polished application, and undeniable passion for the role.

Update that LinkedIn, hit those career fairs, and let your skills do the talking. With determination and a bit of hustle, you'll be coding alongside Boulder's finest in no time!

Conclusion: Launching Your Tech Career in Boulder in 2024


Alright, let's wrap up this guide on scoring that sweet tech gig in Boulder for 2024! By now, you know this city is a hotspot for innovative companies and a tight-knit community of tech enthusiasts.

But to truly thrive, you gotta stay on top of your game. A recent study reveals that over 75% of Boulder tech pros credit continuous skill development as the key to their success.

So, keep sharpening those coding chops, master data analysis, and get cozy with cloud computing – these will make you a total catch for employers.

Scoring that dream job isn't just about technical wizardry, though.

You gotta network like a boss! Join groups like the Boulder Tech Meetup or the Boulder Tech Hub, attend local events, and connect with industry pros.

A solid network can open doors and even lead to mentorship opportunities. Oh, and don't forget to tailor your application materials to each company – show them how your skills and projects make you the perfect fit.

Entry-level gigs and internships are golden opportunities to gain hands-on experience and build an impressive portfolio.

Check out the key tech companies in Boulder and keep an eye out for these roles.

And stay in the loop with industry trends by following tech blogs, podcasts, and newsletters – knowledge is power!

Nucamp's coding bootcamps and job hunting programs can give you a serious edge in this competitive market.

Their curriculums cover everything from HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to cloud computing and job interview prep. Plus, they offer scholarships and financing options to make it all happen.

With dedication, continuous learning, and a solid game plan, you'll be well on your way to a thriving tech career in Boulder.

So, keep grinding, stay connected, and remember – every challenge is an opportunity to level up in this exciting field!

Frequently Asked Questions


Why Choose Boulder for Your Tech Career?

Boulder offers a perfect blend of work and play, with a thriving tech scene and an excellent quality of life. With over 20 major tech companies, including Google, IBM, and Oracle, and a myriad of tech events and meetups, Boulder is an ideal place for tech professionals to grow. The city also offers ample outdoor adventures, cultural activities, and sustainable living options.

How to Break into Tech in Boulder in 2024?

To land a tech job in Boulder in 2024, focus on acquiring a strong coding skillset in languages like Python, Java, and JavaScript, along with cloud computing, cybersecurity, and data analytics. Boost your qualifications with industry certifications and build an online portfolio. Networking at local tech events and working on personal projects can also help you stand out.

Which IT Fields are Best in Boulder for 2024?

The top IT fields in Boulder for 2024 include software development, data science and analytics, and cybersecurity. These fields offer lucrative opportunities, with average salaries projected at around $112,000 for software developers and $128,000 for data scientists. Cloud computing, AI, and IoT are also experiencing significant growth in Boulder.

How to Get Started in Tech with No Experience in Boulder?

Boulder offers various programs to help newcomers break into tech. Coding bootcamps like Skill Distillery and University of Denver Boot Camps provide intensive training and strong job placement rates. Participating in events like Boulder Startup Week and using resources from Boulder Public Library for free online courses can also help you gain relevant skills and experience.

What Are the Top Tech Companies to Work for in Boulder in 2024?

In 2024, top tech companies in Boulder include Scythe Robotics, Yes Energy, Swimlane, and Enliven Therapeutics. These companies are leading in fields such as industrial robotics, tech services, cybersecurity, and biotechnology, offering significant growth and innovative work environments.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.