How to Land a Remote Tech Job from Boulder: A Step-by-Step Guide

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: July 1st 2024

A person working remotely on a tech job from Boulder, Colorado.

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To land a remote tech job from Boulder, leverage its top-ranked tech talent concentration and work-friendly environment. Build essential skills, network actively, and create a standout resume highlighting local connections. Use Boulder’s resources like workshops, coding bootcamps, and coworking spaces to enhance your qualifications and balance work-life effectively.

Remote tech jobs are blowing up and borderless hiring is the new wave.

Turns out, hiring managers are going global to find the best talent, with over half of them sourcing international candidates according to Gartner's 2023 CEO Survey.

But even with this borderless mindset, some remote gigs still have location requirements for things like taxes, time zones, and labor laws.

That's where a place like Boulder comes in clutch. Not only is it a legit tech hub home to giants like Google and Microsoft, but Boulder also ranks #1 for tech talent concentration, making it a prime spot for remote recruiters to scope out top-notch workers.

Plus, the city's chill, outdoorsy vibe is perfect for that work-life balance remote employees are always chasing. So while your job might be virtual, planting yourself in Boulder can seriously up your chances of landing that dream remote tech role you've been eyeing.

Table of Contents

  • Building the Right Skill Set in Boulder
  • Networking and Community Involvement in Boulder, Colorado
  • Creating a Winning Resume and Online Presence from Boulder
  • Applying for Remote Tech Jobs from Boulder, Colorado
  • Preparing for Remote Job Interviews in Boulder
  • Balancing Work-Life When Working Remotely from Boulder
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Building the Right Skill Set in Boulder


If you're looking to land that sweet remote tech gig from Boulder in 2024, you gotta level up your skills. Digital literacy and communication are absolute musts – you need to be a pro at online team tools, write clearly, and stay up-to-date with the latest tech.

Emotional intelligence and cultural awareness are also key, so you can vibe with people from all walks of life. And don't sleep on cybersecurity best practices – strong passwords, two-factor authentication, and the whole nine yards.

Remote project management, virtual collaboration, and video conferencing skills are essential too.

You gotta be able to stay organized, brainstorm online, and look good on camera. And let's not forget about AI and automation – you'll need to learn how to work alongside these fancy tools and upskill in data analysis.

The good news is, Boulder has tons of resources to help you get there.

Tech Pals offers workshops and training for older adults, so you can learn from the pros. The SBDC TechSource program is also a solid option, with consulting and accelerators for science and tech startups.

And don't sleep on coding bootcamps like Nucamp – they'll hook you up with the latest skills and certifications.

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Networking and Community Involvement in Boulder, Colorado


Landing that sweet remote tech gig is all about networking, even in this digital age we're living in. A whopping 85% of peeps found their current jobs through connections, according to Jobvite.

And if you're kicking it in Boulder, Colorado, the thriving tech scene there is a goldmine for meeting new people and expanding your circle. Check out local meetup groups like Boulder New Tech, Boulder Ruby Group, and Boulder JavaScript.

Rubbing elbows with these communities can give you the inside scoop on industry trends, job openings, and potential connections that could lead you straight to your next remote opportunity.

But let's not forget about virtual networking, which has become a total game-changer.

LinkedIn's research shows that 72% of job seekers lean hard on online communities during their search. If you're a Boulder resident, here are some virtual networking tips: optimize that LinkedIn profile to the max, join relevant online groups, and get active in the discussions.

Platforms like LunchClub and make it easy to set up one-on-one virtual meetings, so you can connect with professionals worldwide. And don't sleep on virtual events hosted by organizations like Boulder Startup Week or Built In Colorado – those can be super valuable too.

No matter how you approach networking, consistency and keeping it real are key.

According to the Harvard Business Review, building a strong network requires regular engagement and a genuine interest in others' work and aspirations. So here are some networking strategies for remote tech job seekers in Boulder:

  • Alumni network: Reach out to fellow grads from your university or coding bootcamp in the Boulder area.
  • Professional associations: Groups like the Boulder Software Club or Women Who Code Boulder can hook you up with connections in the local tech community.
  • Virtual career fairs: Companies often host these specifically for remote roles, giving you a chance to connect with potential employers.
  • Industry influencers: Follow and join convos with influential tech pros on platforms like Twitter or LinkedIn.

Remember, networking is a long-term investment.

By consistently nurturing those connections, you'll increase your chances of landing that dream remote tech job from Boulder, Colorado.

Creating a Winning Resume and Online Presence from Boulder


Creating a killer resume and online presence is everything when applying for remote tech jobs from Boulder.

You gotta make sure you stand out from the crowd. According to the experts, hiring managers are all about well-crafted resumes and professional online profiles when looking at tech candidates.

Here's how to capture their attention and show off your Boulder connection:

  • Resume: Sprinkle in keywords like "Boulder, Colorado" and "Remote Tech Professional in Boulder" throughout your resume. Mention any local tech communities or events you've been involved with to prove your Boulder cred.
  • LinkedIn Profile: Optimize your LinkedIn headline and summary with location-specific keywords like "Remote Software Developer in Boulder, CO". Join relevant Boulder-based tech groups and engage with their content to build your network.
  • Personal Website: Create a personal website to showcase your skills, projects, and experience. Highlight your base in Boulder and your interest in remote opportunities in the area. Use local SEO tactics to boost visibility for Boulder-related searches.

To build a strong online presence, keep these tips from the experts in mind:

  1. Update LinkedIn Regularly: "Regularly update your LinkedIn profile with new skills, projects, and accomplishments," advises the pros at Dice. "Engaged profiles are way more likely to get noticed by recruiters."
  2. Showcase Technical Expertise: "Show off your technical expertise on your personal website with detailed project descriptions, code samples, and certifications," recommends the experts at Indeed.
  3. Tailor Your Resume: "Tailor your resume to each job posting, highlighting relevant skills and experience," suggests the career coaches at Get Merit. "Customized resumes have a much better chance of getting past those pesky applicant tracking systems."

By leveraging your Boulder connection and following best practices for online branding, you'll increase your chances of landing that dream remote tech job in Colorado.

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Applying for Remote Tech Jobs from Boulder, Colorado


If you're trying to land a sweet remote tech gig from Boulder, you gotta play it smart.

First things first, get yourself on the right sites like FlexJobs, Built In, and Wellfound - these platforms are all about those dope remote jobs, so you know you're in the right spot.

But don't sleep on the big dogs like Indeed and LinkedIn either, they got plenty of remote listings too.

Here's the real key though: you gotta make your applications pop for each job you apply to.

We're talking custom resumes and cover letters that show you're the perfect fit.

Highlight any remote work experience you got, those tech skills you're packing, and any wins that make you look like a rockstar for that role. If you're light on the remote experience, no sweat - just sell those time management skills, that self-motivation hustle, and how you're a pro at collaborating remotely.

Now, being based in Boulder is a low-key flex when it comes to remote work.

This place is an absolute vibe with crazy-fast internet speeds, a thriving tech scene with big names like Google and IBM, and that outdoor lifestyle that just can't be beat.

Trust me, working remotely from Boulder is an absolute game-changer.

Just ask Patricia Moore, this software engineer who's living her best life here. The community, resources, and overall quality of life are just chef's kiss.

Preparing for Remote Job Interviews in Boulder


Landing a remote tech job from Boulder ain't easy, but with the right prep, you'll ace those virtual interviews.

First up, set up a workspace with solid lighting and a clean background. Test your gear - webcam, mic, the whole shebang - to avoid any tech fails mid-interview.

Next, dress like you're meeting the CEO, even if you're just rocking sweats from the waist down. Eliminating distractions is key too, so silence those notifications and find a spot to focus.

During the interview, make eye contact with the camera, not your screen - a sticky note can help you stay locked in.

Positive body language goes a long way, so sit up straight, uncross those arms, and lean in a bit. Stay engaged by taking notes and prepping some killer questions to ask the interviewer.

And don't stress if tech issues pop up - just have a backup plan ready and communicate clearly.

Of course, you'll likely face some common remote work questions, like "Have you worked remotely before?" or "How do you stay motivated independently?" Brush up on your time management skills and remote work experience to slay those queries.

And remember, Boulder's tech scene is buzzing, so highlight your passion for the industry and eagerness to join a dynamic team.

With some solid prep, that dream remote gig is within reach!

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Balancing Work-Life When Working Remotely from Boulder


Look, working remote is sweet, but keeping that work-life flow on point is key. That's where living in Boulder comes in—this place has all the vibes for balance.

According to the peeps at, over 77% of remote workers say their life is way more balanced, mostly 'cause they ain't stressing about commutes anymore.

For us in Boulder, we got nature spots galore to recharge when we need a break from the screens. Chautauqua Park tops BoulderColoradoUSA's list for outdoor working with its scenic trails, chill meadows, and WiFi access to keep the grind going.

When it's time to lock in, Boulder's remote work scene is on fire.

NomadList rates these local gems:

  • Boxcar Coffee Roasters - Cozy AF, crazy fast WiFi, and killer brews to fuel the hustle.
  • DRIFTER'S Coffee - Tons of space, outdoor seating, and local snacks to refuel.
  • Innosphere - This coworking spot has private offices, conference rooms, and a dope community.

Keeping your mental health in check is crucial too, and Boulder's got your back.

As psychologist Dr. Emma Seppälä says, "Stress drains your mental energy, making it way harder to stay focused and productive." Boulder's mindfulness scene comes through with guided meditation sessions, yoga classes, and wellness workshops made for remote pros.

One Boulder resident, William Perez, put it best:

"The work-life balance here is unreal. With world-class outdoor adventures and a tight community of like-minded hustlers, I've never felt more grounded and motivated."

Don't sleep on the Boulder Tech Meetup Group either—it's a great way to connect and collab with the local tech scene while you're at it.

Frequently Asked Questions


Why is Boulder, Colorado a good location for landing a remote tech job?

Boulder is a prime location for remote tech jobs due to its high concentration of tech talent, presence of industry giants like Google and Microsoft, and supportive community for tech professionals. Additionally, the city's work-life balance and high quality of life make it an attractive spot for remote work.

What skills are necessary to land a remote tech job from Boulder?

To land a remote tech job from Boulder, you need proficiency in team collaboration tools, clear communication, and up-to-date technical skills. Emotional intelligence, cultural awareness, cybersecurity practices, virtual collaboration, and video conferencing skills are also essential.

How can I network effectively to find a remote tech job in Boulder?

Effective networking in Boulder involves joining local tech community groups like Boulder Ruby Group and Boulder JavaScript, optimizing your LinkedIn profile, engaging in online groups, and attending virtual events. Engaging with professional associations and leveraging alumni networks are also valuable strategies.

What should I include in my resume and online presence to attract remote tech jobs?

Your resume should include keywords like 'Boulder, Colorado' and 'Remote Tech Professional in Boulder,' highlight involvement in local tech communities, and showcase your skills and remote work experience. Optimize your LinkedIn profile and create a personal website with detailed project descriptions and local SEO tactics.

How can I balance work-life when working remotely from Boulder?

Balancing work-life when working remotely from Boulder involves leveraging the city's natural spots like Chautauqua Park for breaks, working from cozy local cafes with good WiFi like Boxcar Coffee Roasters, and engaging in wellness activities like yoga and meditation sessions. Boulder offers an environment that supports mental health and productivity.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.