How to Switch from a Non-Tech Background to a Tech Job in Charleston

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: July 8th 2024

Switching from a non-tech background to a tech job in Charleston, South Carolina.

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Switching to a tech job in Charleston is achievable with the city's thriving $51.1 billion regional economy and ample job opportunities. Enhance your skills with coding bootcamps, online courses, or internships. Network at local events to connect with industry professionals, and tailor your resume to highlight transferable skills.

Charleston, South Carolina is thriving when it comes to the tech scene. With over 400 tech companies calling it home, this city is seriously making waves.

From homegrown successes like Blackbaud and BenefitFocus to major players like Google and Infosys setting up shop here, Charleston's tech industry is booming.

But it's not just the companies that make this place a tech hotspot.

The numbers speak for themselves – we're talking about a $51.1 billion regional economy, with tech being one of the top industry sectors driving that growth.

The Charleston region added over 25,000 new jobs between 2015 and 2020 alone.

What's the secret sauce? Well, Charleston's top industries like aerospace, automotive, and defense are major players, but the city's quality of life and affordability are also huge draws.

With a steady influx of talent from top universities and a rapidly growing population of young professionals, Charleston is quickly becoming a prime spot for anyone looking to break into the tech world.

Plus, with resources like job hunting strategies from Linda Martinez, landing that dream tech gig just got a whole lot easier.

Table of Contents

  • Assessing Your Current Skills and Interests
  • Educational Pathways and Bootcamps in Charleston
  • Gaining Hands-on Experience in Charleston
  • Job Hunting Strategies in Charleston's Tech Market
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Assessing Your Current Skills and Interests


Switching careers into Charleston's booming tech scene is a challenge, but you have the ability to succeed! The key is to take a real look at the skills you already have.

Skills like problem-solving, communication, and teamwork - those are incredibly useful in tech jobs like project management or business analysis.

And your interests are also valuable - they could line you up with the perfect role.

Conduct research and check out different job descriptions, connect with people in the industry for insights on what they do.

Charleston's tech world is everywhere - healthcare, finance, startups, you name it. If you are passionate about helping people, maybe a role like healthcare IT support or medical coding could be a good fit.

If you love working with teams, look into project coordination at one of the city's dynamic tech startups.

And do not worry about the new skills you need to learn - Charleston offers ample opportunities to enhance your skills:

  • Coding Bootcamps like Nucamp offer fast-paced training in web dev, data, and more. Their Charleston campus is excellent.
  • Meetup Groups like Charleston Web Pros and Charleston Data Science allow you to network and gain knowledge.
  • Online Courses from places like Coursera and Udemy have numerous affordable (or free) tech classes.

The data confirms - tech jobs in Charleston are on the rise, with over 24,000 workers already in the field.

With strategic planning and the right resources, you can secure your dream role in no time!

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Educational Pathways and Bootcamps in Charleston


Charleston's tech scene is lit, and there are so many ways to learn to code if you're switching careers.

Coding bootcamps like Nucamp are super popular for getting hands-on coding skills fast. Their programs cover web dev, data analysis, and cybersecurity, so you can find your vibe.

A recent grad, Elizabeth Johnson, said

"The instructors were so knowledgeable and supportive. I went from zero coding experience to landing my dream web dev job in just 6 months after graduating."

But Nucamp isn't the only in town.

Charleston has options for tech education like College of Charleston's Computer Science program, Trident Technical College's Associate's in Computer Programming, and The Citadel's Bachelor's in Cybersecurity.

These schools are helping Charleston's tech industry blow up - the Charleston Regional Development Alliance says tech job opportunities went up 17% in the last 5 years thanks to all these programs.

Gaining Hands-on Experience in Charleston


If you're trying to score a sick tech job in Charleston, getting some hands-on experience is crucial.

And we're talking more than just playing video games all day (although that's pretty tech-y too, am I right?). One solid move is to check out internships or apprenticeships related to the tech role you're eyeing.

According to the Charleston Regional Development Alliance, over 75% of local tech companies offer paid internship programs, and many of those can lead to full-time gigs.

Companies like Boeing, MUSC, and the big dogs at Blackbaud hook it up with cybersecurity, software engineering, and data science internships, just to name a few.

Networking events are where it's at if you want to connect with the movers and shakers in Charleston's tech scene and stay on top of the latest trends.

Mark your calendars for stuff like Charleston Tech After 5 on March 14th – it's a monthly networking mixer that brings together the city's tech community. And don't sleep on the Charleston Women in Tech Summit happening on September 27th – it's an annual conference celebrating the ladies killing it in STEM fields.

If you're more of a hands-on learner, volunteering for local tech projects could be your jam.

Groups like Charleston Open Source and Code for Charleston are always looking for volunteers to lend a hand with web dev, data analysis, and software engineering initiatives.

As Robert Lopez, the prez of Code for Charleston, put it, "Volunteering is a win-win situation – you gain invaluable real-world experience while making a positive impact." And let's not forget about the meetup scene! Charleston JS, Charleston Data Science Society, and Charleston Cyber Society are just a few of the groups that host regular knowledge-sharing sessions and collaborative project opportunities.

It's a great way to level up your skills while connecting with like-minded tech enthusiasts.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

*By checking "I Agree", you are opting-in to receive information, including text messages from Nucamp. You also agree to the following Terms of use, SMS Terms of use & Privacy Policy. Reply STOP to stop receiving text messages.

Job Hunting Strategies in Charleston's Tech Market


Job hunting in Charleston's tech scene ain't no joke, but with the right moves, you'll be slaying those interviews in no time. First things first, hop on sites like SC Works Online Services to streamline your job hunt and access all the sweet tech gigs in town.

Plus, you'll find handy tips tailored for techies like us. Next level? Check out these six techniques to turbocharge your search game.

Mastering that LinkedIn profile, reaching out directly to hiring managers, and organizing your applications like a pro.

But here's the real deal: your resume has to be on point.

Highlight those transferable skills from your past jobs that scream "tech genius in the making." Anything from problem-solving to project management can give you an edge.

And if you've leveled up with coding bootcamps or online courses, flaunt those tech muscles, baby! According to Charles Wilson, resumes with certs and hands-on projects get way more love from employers.

Now, when it comes to interviews, study up on that Charleston company like your life depends on it. Be ready to show them how your skills are the missing puzzle piece they've been searching for.

Nail those technical questions by practicing your coding kung-fu. And don't forget to ask your own questions – the more you know about the role and company culture, the better you can slay that interview.

Remember, problem-solving skills are the real MVP, so let your critical thinking shine bright. With the right hustle and a thirst for knowledge, Charleston's tech scene is yours for the taking.

Check out these coding bootcamps to kickstart your journey, and keep grinding, future tech star!

Frequently Asked Questions


What makes Charleston an attractive place for tech jobs?

Charleston is thriving in the tech scene with a $51.1 billion regional economy driven by tech. Homegrown companies like Blackbaud and BenefitFocus and major players like Google and Infosys contribute to its booming industry. Additionally, the city's quality of life, affordability, and influx of talent from top universities make it a prime spot for tech professionals.

How can I assess my current skills and interests to switch to a tech job?

To switch careers into Charleston's tech scene, start by evaluating your existing skills and interests. Skills in project management, business analysis, and other areas can be very useful. Conduct research on different job descriptions and connect with people in the industry to gain insights. Additionally, consider roles in healthcare IT or medical coding if you are passionate about helping people or enjoy working with teams.

What educational pathways and bootcamps are available in Charleston?

Charleston offers several educational opportunities like coding bootcamps such as Nucamp, which provide training in web development, data analysis, and cybersecurity. Other options include programs at the College of Charleston and The Citadel's Bachelor's in Cybersecurity. These institutions are contributing to the region's growing tech job opportunities.

How can I gain hands-on experience in Charleston's tech scene?

Gaining hands-on experience is crucial. Explore internships or apprenticeships offered by local companies like Blackbaud and others. Attend networking events like Charleston Tech After 5 and the Charleston Women in Tech Summit. Volunteering with groups like Charleston Open Source and Code for Charleston, or joining meetup groups like Charleston JS and Charleston Data Science Society, can also provide valuable real-world experience.

What strategies should I use for job hunting in Charleston's tech market?

For job hunting, use job sites to find tech positions and optimize your LinkedIn profile. Highlight transferable skills on your resume, and showcase any tech certifications or projects. Research prospective companies thoroughly and practice for technical interviews. Networking with hiring managers and having a keen understanding of problem-solving will help give you an edge in securing a tech role.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.