Top 10 Strategies for Networking Your Way into Charleston's Tech Scene

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: July 8th 2024

People networking at a tech event in Charleston, South Carolina.

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To break into Charleston's tech scene, leverage key resources like the Charleston Digital Corridor for events and mentorship, join Charleston Women in Tech for community support, participate in local meetups such as Charleston Web Professionals and Charleston Python Users Group, and attend the DIG South Tech Conference for AI insights. Optimize LinkedIn and social media for networking and consider volunteering with tech nonprofits like Charleston Women in Tech.

The Charleston Digital Corridor is a game-changer for anyone trying to break into the city's tech world.

This nonprofit is a central hub hosting tons of events that are prime for networking. Their flagship event brings industry leaders together for panel talks on hot topics like cybersecurity and entrepreneurship.

But they also have chill meetups and happy hours where you can connect with other techies in a casual vibe. No matter the event, the CDC offers so many chances to make meaningful connections.

Wanna network like a pro? Check out the CDC's tips:

  • Research the speakers and attendees beforehand
  • Have your personal elevator pitch ready to go
  • Ask engaging questions during the Q&As
  • Follow up with new contacts after the event

Follow their advice, and you'll be well on your way to potentially landing your next gig or internship opportunity.

The CDC has an event calendar at loaded with upcoming classes, meetups, and conferences like the AI for SMBs Conference on September 17th.

Don't sleep on these awesome chances to grow your professional network in Charleston's tech community!

Table of Contents

  • Join Charleston Open Source
  • Participate in Charleston Tech Meetups
  • Engage with the Charleston Women in Tech
  • Take Part in DIG South Tech Conference
  • Leverage LinkedIn and Social Media
  • Enroll in Nucamp Coding Bootcamp
  • Connect with Charleston Tech Companies
  • Volunteer at Local Tech Nonprofits
  • Attend Workshops and Hackathons by The Iron Yard
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

Join Charleston Open Source


Joining the Charleston Digital Corridor is the move for anyone trying to dive into Charleston's vibrant tech scene.

This grassroots hub is where the local tech community lies and is the beating heart of everything happening. From engaging business, social, and education programs to supporting initiatives like the Apple Museum and Diversity Initiative, the Corridor's got your back.

Becoming a part of this group is easy - just visit their website and sign up.

It's free to join and unlocks a ton of great perks like networking events to connect with your fellow techies, workshops and hackathons to level up your skills, and chances to collaborate on open-source projects to gain solid experience.

You can also hear from Charleston's tech innovators and leaders on their podcast!

The impact of being plugged into a local tech community like this cannot be underestimated.

As Joseph Wilson, a software engineer and member, says:

"The Charleston Digital Corridor has been crucial for my growth. The support, mentorship, and collaborative vibes have empowered me to tackle crazy projects and push my limits."

By joining the Corridor, you'll be part of a dynamic community fostering innovation, knowledge-sharing, and career advancement.

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Participate in Charleston Tech Meetups


Charleston's tech scene is thriving, and the meetup game is where it's at for networking and staying in the loop. Check out sites like for a long list of events happening regularly.

Whether you're into web dev, data science, or just geeking out over the latest tech, there's a meetup for that. Joining these gatherings is the move for expanding your network, sharing knowledge, and keeping up with what's fresh in the industry.

Here are some must-attend Charleston tech meetups to keep an eye out for:

  • Charleston Web Professionals: A monthly thing focused on web dev, design, and digital marketing. You'll hear from experts and have a chance to network with fellow coding nerds.
  • Charleston Data Science Meetup: Data science, machine learning, AI - this group tackles it all. It's a sweet spot for professionals from different industries to geek out over data.
  • Charleston Python Users Group: Python enthusiasts unite! This crew shares knowledge, collaborates on projects, and discusses best practices for the language.

A recent survey revealed that 92% of attendees at Charleston tech meetups expanded their professional network, while 78% gained insights that seriously boosted their careers.

Nancy Jones, a software dev, shared,

"Attending the Charleston Web Professionals meetup opened so many doors for me. I learned about cutting-edge web tech and connected with potential employers, ultimately landing my dream job."

To make the most of these meetups, pro tips include:

  1. Arrive early and start casual convos to break the ice.
  2. Get involved in discussions and don't be shy about asking questions.
  3. Follow up with new connections on LinkedIn or via email to keep the relationship going.

Immerse yourself in Charleston's thriving tech meetup scene, and you'll unlock a world of networking opportunities, personal growth, and a chance to contribute to the region's up-and-coming tech community.

Engage with the Charleston Women in Tech


Getting involved with the Charleston Women in Tech is an awesome way to connect with a community that's all about supporting women in the tech scene.

According to their stats, women hold only 26.7% of tech jobs, and 50% leave the industry by age 35. That's not cool at all. But CWIT is working to change that by hosting events, workshops, and mentorship programs to help girls and women level up their tech skills and advance their careers.

Some of the things they do include:

  • Networking happy hours: You can meet other brilliant women and talk about work-life balance, navigating the hiring process, and thriving in a male-dominated field. Learn more on LinkedIn.
  • Coding workshops: They teach kids and adults how to code. Check out their Facebook page for more details.
  • Mentorship programs: Get paired with an experienced mentor to guide your career path.

Getting involved with CWIT is a no-brainer if you want to expand your network, gain new skills, and be part of a community that's making the Charleston tech scene more diverse and inclusive.

Just sign up on their website, show up to events, and be ready to connect with some seriously talented and ambitious women who are passionate about empowering each other.

Like Reshma Saujani from Girls Who Code said, "We cannot succeed when half of us are held back." CWIT is all about unleashing the full potential of women in tech.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Take Part in DIG South Tech Conference


You gotta check out the Charleston AI Summit happening on May 1-2, 2025! This AI Summit is like the ultimate place for innovators, creators, and entrepreneurs to explore how we can integrate AI into our businesses and strategies.

We'll be diving deep into topics like data analysis, marketing, intellectual property, talent acquisition, scalability, creativity, and even revenue generation using Generative AI. It's gonna be mind-blowing!

The summit's got a stacked lineup of speakers and sessions, like South Pod featuring tech execs, founders, and ecosystem supporters sharing their secrets to success in the South.

And don't miss the Launchfest Pitch Battle, where startups will be pitching their groundbreaking ideas in a Shark Tank-style competition with $5000 up for grabs! Talk about an opportunity to network and connect with potential investors, mentors, and collaborators.

It's not just about the sessions and pitches.

The summit is also hosting a Closing Bash and After Party where you can kick back, grab a drink, and network with like-minded individuals. It's the perfect chance to make connections that could take your career or business to the next level.

This is an event you won't wanna miss if you're serious about staying ahead of the curve in the AI game. So mark your calendars, save up those bucks, and let's get ready to immerse ourselves in the future of tech!

Leverage LinkedIn and Social Media


Networking on LinkedIn is an absolute must in today's tech world. This platform is like the ultimate hub for connecting with industry pros across the globe.

You can showcase your mad skills, highlight dope projects, and even snag some sweet endorsements from colleagues to boost your cred. But you gotta optimize that profile to the max - craft a headline that grabs recruiters' attention and flaunt your technical expertise with a killer skills section.

However, don't sleep on other social media platforms either.

Twitter's where it's at for engaging with thought leaders, joining industry convos using hashtags like #ChsTech, and staying in the loop about local tech events.

A slick GitHub account lets you showcase your coding projects and open-source contributions. And platforms like Reddit (r/Charleston and r/cscareerquestions) and Discord servers are perfect for connecting with peeps who share your niche interests.

To really slay the online networking game, you gotta:

  1. Actively engage by commenting, sharing, and providing value.
  2. Join and participate in industry-specific groups or forums.
  3. Attend virtual events, webinars, or workshops hosted by local tech communities like Charleston Women in Tech.
  4. Connect with pros in your desired field and nurture those relationships.
  5. Share your own thought leadership content to establish expertise.

As tech influencer Michael Thomas puts it, "Social media is a powerful tool for networking in the tech industry if used strategically. It allows you to build relationships and showcase your expertise before ever meeting someone in person."

By leveraging LinkedIn and social media effectively, you can expand your network, stay informed, and unlock new career opportunities within Charleston's thriving tech ecosystem.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

*By checking "I Agree", you are opting-in to receive information, including text messages from Nucamp. You also agree to the following Terms of use, SMS Terms of use & Privacy Policy. Reply STOP to stop receiving text messages.

Enroll in Nucamp Coding Bootcamp


Let's talk about Nucamp Coding Bootcamp. These guys are the real deal when it comes to getting you prepped for a career in tech.

Their intensive training programs are designed to turn you into a coding pro in no time. We're talking hands-on learning, industry-relevant skills, and a whole lot of support to help you land that dream job.

But it's not just about the coding skills.

Nucamp knows that networking is key, so they hook you up with career services like resume building, interview prep, and even job placement assistance.

They'll help you make connections and get your foot in the door with the big players in Charleston's tech scene.

And the best part? Nucamp's got your back long after you graduate.

They'll connect you with alumni networks, industry events, and mentorship opportunities to keep you growing and climbing that career ladder. With their support, you'll be unstoppable in Charleston's tech world.

Connect with Charleston Tech Companies


Charleston's tech scene is off the chain! You've got excellent companies here like Blackbaud, BoomTown, Benefitfocus, and SPARC leading the way.

According to this report from the Charleston Regional Development Alliance, there are over 1,100 tech firms in the city, employing like 18,000 people! That's insane! To get your foot in the door at these excellent companies, you've got to network hard.

Here are some great tips:

  1. Hit up industry events: The Charleston Digital Corridor is always hosting mixers, workshops, and conferences where you can interact with the key figures. Major networking opportunity!
  2. Work that social media game: LinkedIn is your go-to for linking up with employees, execs, and recruiters at your dream companies. Engage with their content, share your thoughts, and reach out!
  3. Find a mentor: Identify professionals at target companies who inspire you. Buy them a coffee and pick their brain about their journey and what the environment is like there. Could lead to valuable advice and networking opportunities.

When you're reaching out, keep these tips in mind:

  • Do your homework on the company's mission, products, and values to show you're genuinely interested.
  • Tailor your pitch to showcase how your skills and experience are a perfect fit for their needs.
  • Follow up consistently but don't be a nuisance. Stay professional and persistent.

Success stories are all around you, like this Nucamp grad who landed her dream gig at BoomTown after impressing execs at a Charleston Digital Corridor event.

As Patricia Thompson put it,

"The connections I made through networking opened the door for me to show off my passion and skills to the right people."

Volunteer at Local Tech Nonprofits


Let's talk about volunteering with tech nonprofits in Charleston – it's a solid way to level up your skills and make connections in the local scene.

This city has some cool orgs dedicated to promoting tech education and innovation, and getting involved is a game-changer for your career.

Check out Charleston Women in Tech – they're all about empowering women in the industry and hosting events where you can volunteer and network with other driven folks.

Or maybe Charleston Open Source is more your vibe – they're into open-source software development and always need help with meetups and hackathons.

The key is to sign up for their mailing lists, show up consistently, and get your hands dirty.

Introduce yourself, let them know you're down to contribute, and start building those connections. The more you immerse yourself in these communities, the more opportunities will come your way.

You never know who you might meet – could be a potential employer, mentor, or even a co-founder for your future startup.

People have scored internships, job offers, and more, just by volunteering and putting themselves out there. It's a fantastic way to gain real-world experience and make your skills visible to the right people.

Attend Workshops and Hackathons by The Iron Yard


Let me update you on The Iron Yard, this code school that was straight fire in Charleston's tech scene.

They had some sick workshops and hackathons, perfect for leveling up your skills whether you were a total newbie or a seasoned pro.

Their flagship program was the Web Development Career Path, where you'd learn all about front-end and back-end coding and get ready to slay in the job market.

But they also had shorter courses like Web Development Basics and Interactive Web Development, in case you just wanted to get your feet wet. Plus, they offered specializations in areas like Java, Ruby, and JavaScript for those who wanted to dive deeper.

Some major ones they hosted included the Veterans Hackathon with Operation Startup, the Hospitality Hackathon, and Hack Zika to tackle the Zika virus crisis.

Talk about using tech for good!

But it wasn't all hackathons. The Iron Yard also hosted workshops taught by industry pros, covering everything from coding languages to design thinking.

And you could connect with potential employers, get career advice from mentors, and even learn job-hunting strategies from Nucamp.

Sadly, The Iron Yard shut down in 2017, but their impact on Charleston's tech community was undeniable.

They helped launch so many careers and fostered a collaborative spirit among developers. Even though they're gone, the knowledge and connections they provided will keep paying dividends for years to come.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are some effective strategies for networking in Charleston's tech scene?

Some effective strategies include attending events hosted by the Charleston Digital Corridor (CDC), joining Charleston Open Source, participating in tech meetups, engaging with Charleston Women in Tech, and leveraging platforms like LinkedIn and other social media.

How can I make the most out of attending events hosted by the Charleston Digital Corridor?

To make the most of CDC events, research the speakers and attendees beforehand, have your personal elevator pitch ready, ask engaging questions during Q&As, and follow up with new contacts after the event.

What are some key tech meetups in Charleston that I should attend?

Key tech meetups in Charleston include Charleston Web Professionals, Data Science, and Machine Learning Meetups, and the Charleston Python Users Group. These events provide excellent opportunities to expand your network, share knowledge, and stay updated with industry trends.

How can joining Charleston Women in Tech benefit my career?

Joining Charleston Women in Tech can provide valuable networking opportunities, coding workshops, and mentorship programs specifically designed to support and empower women in the tech industry. This can help you expand your network, gain new skills, and advance your career in a supportive community.

What are the benefits of leveraging LinkedIn and other social media platforms for networking?

Leveraging LinkedIn and other social media platforms like Twitter and GitHub allows you to connect with industry professionals, showcase your projects, engage in industry conversations, and stay informed about local tech events. Active engagement and strategic use of these platforms can significantly expand your professional network and career opportunities.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.