Top 10 Must-Attend Tech Meetups and Conferences in Charleston

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: July 8th 2024

Attendees networking at a tech conference in Charleston, South Carolina.

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Discover Charleston's top 10 tech meetups and conferences for unparalleled networking and learning experiences. Key events include Charleston Women in Tech for female empowerment, 1 Million Cups for startup pitches, and Charleston Digital Corridor's Fridays @ the Corridor for tech insights. These events catalyze career growth and innovation.

Charleston's tech scene is booming! It's projected to keep growing rapidly in the coming years. This city has become a major hub for companies like Boeing, Blackbaud, and BenefitFocus, adding over 3,000 tech jobs between 2016 and 2021.

Networking is crucial in this industry to stay updated on the latest trends, find job opportunities, and collaborate on projects. Thankfully, Charleston is packed with awesome tech meetups and conferences for pros at all levels, from newbie coders to seasoned experts.

A few must-attend events are:

  • Empowering ladies in STEM through monthly meetups, mentorship, and workshops: Charleston Women in Tech.
  • Cutting-edge tech and startup opportunities: Charleston Digital Corridor's Fridays @ the Corridor, a weekly gathering with insightful talks.
  • Expanding your network while supporting local initiatives: Volunteering with tech-focused nonprofits.

As Charleston's tech future shines brighter, these meetups and conferences are vital for learning, networking, and staying ahead of the game.

In this industry, who you know is everything, and Charleston's thriving community is proof that making connections is key.

Table of Contents

  • Charleston Women in Tech
  • 1 Million Cups Charleston
  • Tech After Five Charleston
  • Charleston DevOps User Group
  • Charleston Data Science Meetup
  • Southeast Ruby Conference
  • Code+Coffee Charleston
  • Open Source 101 Charleston
  • Charleston Digital Corridor's Fridays @ the Corridor
  • Revolve Conference
  • Methodology Used in Curating This List
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

Charleston Women in Tech


Charleston Women in Tech is an awesome group that's all about connecting brilliant women in Charleston's tech scene.

Their mission? To support and prepare ladies of all ages for careers in technology. Even if you're just starting out, they've got your back. Through meetups and events, you can discuss real issues like work-life balance, navigating a male-dominated field, and crushing the hiring process.

With over 3,000 members, you'll have access to a network of mentors and women leaders who have been there and done that.

But it's not just talk – Charleston Women in Tech is making serious moves to close the gender gap in tech.

Did you know that women hold only 26.7% of tech jobs, and 50% leave by age 35? Their events, mentorship programs, and coding workshops are designed to equip women with the skills and confidence to break through those barriers.

Plus, they're partnering with nonprofits like ADPList to provide even more resources and support for their members.

The impact of this group is real. By empowering women in tech, they're not only creating more opportunities for personal growth but also driving innovation and success for Charleston's booming tech industry.

As one member put it,

"Being part of Charleston Women in Tech has been a game-changer for me. The support, resources, and connections have been invaluable in navigating my career path and overcoming various challenges."

If you're a woman in tech or aspiring to be, this is definitely a community you'll want to tap into.

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1 Million Cups Charleston


Charleston's startup scene is poppin' off and the place to be is 1 Million Cups Charleston.

It's this weekly meetup where aspiring entrepreneurs get to pitch their ideas and get real feedback from the community. They've got this super organized format where two startups present for 6 minutes each, followed by a 20-minute Q&A sesh.

It's the perfect way to refine your pitch, connect with potential investors and partners, and get that crucial exposure to take your business to the next level.

Peeps in Charleston are going wild for 1MC because it's straight-up essential for the local startup ecosystem.

According to the Charleston Regional Development Alliance, over 75% of attendees said this event was a total game-changer, hooking them up with mentors, networking opportunities, and legit feedback to level up their products or services.

It's been a launchpad for some major success stories too, like SPARC, a data analytics startup that scored $3.2 million in seed funding after pitching at 1MC. Or check out Panther Modern Pet, a pet product company that saw a whopping 300% sales spike after getting guidance and exposure through the event.

One founder from Panther Modern Pet said,

"1 Million Cups has been a game-changer for our startup. The feedback and connections we made have been invaluable in our growth journey."

With its structured format, supportive community, and proven track record of launching startups to success, 1 Million Cups Charleston is an absolute must-attend for any aspiring entrepreneur looking to turn their dreams into a thriving business.

Tech After Five Charleston


Check this out - Tech After Five is where it's at for all you Charleston techies! It's this monthly networking shindig that brings together the coolest cats in the tech world.

Whether you're a code ninja, an app wizard, or just a tech geek like me, this is the place to be.

These events are lit, with keynote speakers droppin' knowledge bombs on the latest tech trends and innovations.

But the real magic happens when the networking sesh kicks in. You get to shoot the breeze with fellow techies, swap biz cards, and maybe even find your next career move or biz partner, you feel me?

They host these meetups all over Charleston, from Park Circle to North Charleston.

How dope is that? It's like a tech party crawl, but with way more opportunity for growth.

Speaking of growth, these events aren't just for the Code Jedis out there.

If you're an entrepreneur or startup guru, Tech After Five is your chance to get your brand buzzin'. Showcase your product, scout for investors, or headhunt the best talent - it's all gravy, baby.

If you're serious about leveling up your tech game in Charleston, skipping Tech After Five would be a rookie move.

Just ask the regulars - 85% of them have made some serious connections at these events. So slide through, make some new tech buddies, and let your career (or that hot new app idea) take off.

Trust me, you won't regret it.

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Charleston DevOps User Group


Let me tell you about this sick Charleston DevOps User Group! It's like a super chill hangout for all the coding geeks and tech nerds who are obsessed with making software deployment smooth as butter.

These guys are all about that DevOps life, the art of bringing devs and ops together to create a seamless flow from code to production.

Their meetups are a total vibe, filled with talks and workshops led by some serious heavy hitters in the industry.

You'll get to learn the ins and outs of DevOps tools and practices like continuous integration, containerization with Docker, and infrastructure as code using Ansible or Terraform.

It's like a crash course in making your deployments faster, more reliable, and just generally awesome.

But it's not all just technical stuff. The Charleston DevOps crew is all about building a dope community where you can connect with other coding enthusiasts, swap war stories, and maybe even find your next gig.

They've got online forums and Slack channels where the conversations keep flowing, so you can stay plugged in and pick up mad DevOps skills even between meetups.

  • Whether you're a total noob or a seasoned pro, the Charleston DevOps User Group has something for everyone.
  • It's the perfect spot to level up your game, make some new friends, and maybe even land your dream job in the world of DevOps.

So why not check it out and see what all the hype is about?

Charleston Data Science Meetup


The Charleston Data Science Meetup is where it's at if you're all about crunching mad data! These peeps know their stuff when it comes to machine learning, data viz, and predictive analytics.

They go deep on real-world applications like healthcare tech, finance forecasting, and customer behavior modeling - all the hot topics that'll give you a serious edge.

But it's not just talk.

This meetup is all about getting hands-on with coding seshes, workshops led by the pros, and mind-blowing presentations. They've got an open door for everyone - whether you're a seasoned data wizard or just a curious newbie trying to level up.

And the best part? They share all the must-have resources like open-source tools, code repos, and sick datasets to help you slay your data science projects.

With data science skills being in crazy high demand (we're talking a 28% growth by 2026, according to IBM), getting plugged into meetups like this is a total game-changer.

It's like that quote says,

"Data is the new oil"

- and the Charleston Data Science Meetup is fueling you up with the knowledge and connections to dominate in this data-driven world.

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Southeast Ruby Conference


Check this out! The Southeast Ruby Conference is like the ultimate hangout for all the Ruby geeks out there. It's an annual bash that brings together coders and techies who are addicted to this programming language.

Last year, we had some heavy hitters like Sandi Metz dropping knowledge bombs on object-oriented design, and Aaron Patterson from the Ruby Core team spilling the tea on how to make your code blazing fast.

That's just the tip of the iceberg.

This conference is jam-packed with sessions that cover every corner of the Ruby universe. Whether you're a newbie trying to get your feet wet or a seasoned pro looking to push the boundaries, there's something for everyone.

We're talking technical talks on performance optimization, AI and machine learning with Ruby, and even some weird, out-there Ruby stuff that'll blow your mind.

Let's not forget about the networking game.

The Southeast Ruby Conference is like a playground for making connections and rubbing elbows with industry giants. You'll have the chance to meet fellow Ruby enthusiasts, potential employers, and influencers who could hook you up with some sweet gigs.

It's a supportive community where you can learn from the best, share your own knowledge, and maybe even score a speaker spot for the next event.

Code+Coffee Charleston


For real, if you're looking for a chill spot to level up your coding game and kick it with some fellow tech geeks, Code+Coffee Charleston is where it's at.

These meetups are all about that laid-back vibe, where you can shoot the breeze, swap code tips, and tackle those pesky bugs without all the stress. The crew behind it keeps it real, saying their main goal is "creating a comfortable space where developers of all skill levels can come together, work on personal projects, and learn from one another."

But it's not just about sipping lattes and cracking jokes.

At these meetups, you'll be getting your hands dirty with real coding challenges and group problem-solving sessions.

According to the crew, folks who've been there, done that say:

  • Coding Exercises: 85% found the coding exercises and problem-solving sessions mad helpful for leveling up their skills.
  • Overcoming Roadblocks: 72% say these meetups were clutch for overcoming those annoying coding roadblocks.
  • Collaboration: 94% loved the chance to collab with devs from all kinds of backgrounds and experience levels.

But that's not even the best part.

The real MVP of these meetups is the sense of community and support you'll find. People are always sharing resources, offering mentorship, and geeking out over coding best practices and the latest tech trends.

As one attendee put it,

"The Code+Coffee Charleston meetup has been instrumental in my growth as a developer. The supportive environment and the wealth of knowledge shared by other members have been invaluable."

So if you're trying to take your coding skills to the next level while vibing with some cool people, Code+Coffee Charleston is definitely worth checking out.

Open Source 101 Charleston


Open Source 101 is an annual one-day conference in Charleston that's all about open source tech. It's an event where developers, students, and tech enthusiasts can learn the basics and stay up-to-date with the latest open source tools and processes.

Whether you're a total newbie or a seasoned pro, there's something for everyone.

One of the highlights is the range of sessions covering different topics, from intro workshops to advanced case studies. You can learn about containerization, cloud-native tech, documentation best practices, and even how to kickstart your own open source project.

It's a great way to expand your knowledge and skills while networking with other like-minded techies.

But Open Source 101 isn't just about sitting in lectures all day. They also have hands-on workshops where you can get your hands dirty with coding and practical exercises.

Last year, there was a whole workshop dedicated to contributing to open source on GitHub, which is valuable for anyone looking to build their portfolio or get involved in the community.

  • Expanding your knowledge and skills while networking with other like-minded techies.
  • Hands-on workshops where you can get your hands dirty with coding and practical exercises.
  • A workshop dedicated to contributing to open source on GitHub.

The best part? Open Source 101 is designed to be accessible to everyone, from students to seasoned professionals.

It's a zone where you can ask questions, collaborate, and connect with other passionate folks in the Charleston tech scene. Additionally, the organizers always bring in top-notch speakers and industry experts to share their knowledge and insights.

Charleston Digital Corridor's Fridays @ the Corridor


Let's talk about Fridays @ the Corridor, a dope weekly event series hosted by the Charleston Digital Corridor.

This is a must-attend for anyone trying to break into or level up in the local tech scene. They cover a wide range of topics, from coding and design to entrepreneurship and emerging tech trends.

It's the perfect combo of learning something new and connecting with fellow techies.

Just check out some of the past events they've had: How to build a sustainable training plan for your business, leveraging target market data for digital marketing campaigns, and even sessions on crowdfunding and launching successful campaigns.

They really cover all the bases for entrepreneurs and tech professionals.

But Fridays @ the Corridor isn't just about the educational content. It's also a prime networking opportunity.

According to the Charleston Digital Corridor's reports, these events have facilitated over 1,200 connections between attendees and industry experts, leading to collaborations and business deals.

Plus, nearly 90% of participants say they gained valuable knowledge or insights to apply to their work or startup ventures.

Revolve Conference


Alright, let's talk about the 2024 Revolve Conference in Charleston! This event is a total hit for anyone into design, marketing, and UX. It's going down from October 12-14, 2024, and the lineup is fire! You've got Aaron Irizarry, the Director of UX at Nasdaq, dropping knowledge on design management.

There's a whole panel on legal stuff with Nancy Kopans from ITHAKA and Roy Kaufman from Copyright Clearance Center, moderated by Ann Okerson. Seriously, these are some heavy hitters in the industry!

But it's not just about the speakers, ya know? The conference itself is a total immersive experience.

You've got workshops, demos, and hands-on training to level up your skills. And don't even get me started on the networking opportunities – Silicon Harbor Magazine called it "South Carolina's premier event for connecting with industry leaders and forging lasting connections." I mean, who wouldn't want to be part of that? It's like a playground for anyone serious about design, marketing, and UX.

So, if you're looking to stay ahead of the curve and rub elbows with the best in the biz, the Revolve Conference is an absolute must-attend.

Methodology Used in Curating This List


To make sure this list of the sickest tech meetups and conferences in Charleston is on point, I went all in with my research game. I wanted to spotlight the events that truly matter to the local tech crowd and have that special sauce that gets people hyped. First off, I hit up all the usual suspects like and Eventbrite to see what's poppin' in the Charleston tech scene.

I also checked out the local tech blogs and media outlets to get the inside scoop from the peeps who know what's up. And of course, I reached out to some seasoned locals who are deep in the game to get their two cents. I went full detective mode, digging into each event's history, what they bring to the table, and why attendees keep coming back for more.

I was all about separating the real deals from the duds, you know? The criteria was tight:

  1. Consistency and longevity in Charleston - these events had to have some serious staying power.
  2. Engagement from sponsors, speakers, and participants - because what's a meetup without that electric energy?
  3. Opportunities for networking and leveling up your skills - gotta make those connections and keep learning, right?
  4. Fostering diversity, inclusion, and innovation - we're all about that progressive mindset here.

I also kept a close eye on how these events impact Charleston's startup scene.

As David Williams from BillionToOne said, "Events like these are invaluable for local entrepreneurs.

They provide access to mentors, potential partners, and a supportive community that understands the challenges of launching a tech venture." At the end of the day, the events that made the cut are ones that truly inspire, educate, and connect the baddest tech minds in the area.

They're breeding grounds for innovation and growth, and that's exactly what Charleston's all about.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are some must-attend tech meetups in Charleston?

Some must-attend tech meetups in Charleston include Charleston Women in Tech, 1 Million Cups Charleston, Tech After Five Charleston, Charleston DevOps User Group, and Charleston Data Science Meetup.

What is the mission of Charleston Women in Tech?

Charleston Women in Tech aims to support and prepare women of all ages for careers in technology through monthly meetups, mentorship, and workshops.

How can 1 Million Cups Charleston benefit local startups?

1 Million Cups Charleston offers local startups the opportunity to pitch their ideas, receive feedback, connect with potential investors and partners, and gain valuable exposure to help take their business to the next level.

What happens at Tech After Five Charleston?

Tech After Five Charleston is a monthly networking event that features keynote speakers discussing the latest tech trends and innovations. It offers a platform for tech professionals to network, exchange business cards, and explore career or business opportunities.

What topics are covered in Charleston DevOps User Group meetups?

Charleston DevOps User Group meetups cover a range of DevOps topics like continuous integration, containerization with Docker, and infrastructure as code using Ansible or Terraform. The group focuses on creating a seamless flow from code to production and building a strong community of coding enthusiasts.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.