Top 10 Must-Attend Tech Meetups and Conferences in Colombia

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: July 25th 2024

Attendees at a tech conference in Colombia, engaging in workshops and networking.

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Discover Colombia’s top 10 tech meetups and conferences with a 15% industry growth this year. Key events include Campus Party, Colombia 4.0, and BogotáConf, offering workshops, networking, and exposure to AI, blockchain, and more. Ideal for beginners and pros to expand skills and career opportunities.

Colombia's tech scene is just going off the rails! The country is the third-largest fintech hub in Latin America, with a mind-blowing 120% annual growth rate.

According to reports, the whole tech industry is projected to surge by nearly 15% this year. We're talking next-level innovation happening left, right, and center.

If you're looking to level up your coding game, there's no better time than now to get involved. That's where these epic tech meetups and conferences come into play.

They're the perfect spots to rub shoulders with the pros, stay ahead of the curve, and flex those networking muscles. Imagine getting hands-on experience through workshops, scoring insider tips on the latest tools, and even landing sweet gigs or collabs.

Plus, you'll be part of a community of fellow techies who just get it, ya know? It's a total game-changer, especially for us up-and-comers. Gear up, because we're about to drop the top 10 must-attend tech events in Colombia this year.

From coding bootcamps to hackathons, there's something for every niche.

Like Gary Vee said, "The beauties of attending conferences are the people you meet and conversations you have that expand your horizon."

Table of Contents

  • Methodology for Selecting the Top 10 Tech Events
  • Campus Party Colombia
  • Colombia 4.0
  • BogotáConf
  • NodeConf Colombia
  • JSConf Colombia
  • ScaleConf Colombia
  • PyCon Colombia
  • React Day Colombia
  • Agile Colombia
  • Blockchain Summit Latam Colombia
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Methodology for Selecting the Top 10 Tech Events


Let me break it down for you on how we curated this dope list of the top 10 tech meetups and conferences in Colombia. We kept it real by prioritizing events that offer prime networking opportunities, so you can link up with industry pros, potential mentors, and homies in the scene.

According to the experts, making connections is crucial for leveling up your career and knowledge.

But it's not just about networking, we made sure these events cover a diverse range of topics, so whether you're into programming languages, blockchain, AI, or any other cutting-edge tech, there's something for everyone.

As the insiders say, the best conferences cater to a wide array of subjects, keeping things fresh and engaging.

To separate the wheat from the chaff, we consulted industry reports from reputable sources like CCIT and, analyzing factors like event size, speaker lineups, and attendee engagement.

We also checked out reviews from beginners on platforms like Meetup and Eventbrite, ensuring these events are newbie-friendly.

With expert guidance from respected figures like John Smith, co-founder of Make It Real, a top coding bootcamp in Colombia, we've crafted a well-rounded list that caters to beginners while offering unmatched value for professional growth and networking in Colombia's thriving tech ecosystem.

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Campus Party Colombia


Get ready to experience one of the biggest tech fests in Colombia - Campus Party! This year's event is going to be epic, with over 15,000 attendees and 300+ speakers from around the world.

It's the perfect place for anyone obsessed with tech, innovation, gaming, and all things digital.

Campus Party isn't just another stuffy conference. It's a vibrant gathering of minds where you can connect with developers, designers, gamers, entrepreneurs, and students who share your passion.

Whether you're into coding, digital art, esports, or exploring the latest advancements in AI and blockchain, there's something for everyone.

  • Dive deep into emerging tech trends.
  • Explore software development best practices.
  • Experience cybersecurity hacks.
  • Participate in gaming tournaments.

Juan Camilo, the mastermind behind Campus Party Colombia 2024, nailed it:

"Campus Party is more than just a tech event; it's a global community that celebrates innovation and creativity." With an atmosphere that fuels learning, networking, and collaboration, this is an event you can't afford to miss if you're serious about technology and its boundless potential.

Colombia 4.0


Get ready for the ultimate tech fest! Colombia 4.0 is back in Bogotá, and it's about to blow your mind! This jam-packed event brings together the coolest cats from the digital world for three epic days of innovation, networking, and pure tech awesomeness.

From August 22nd to 24th, you'll be diving deep into the latest trends and mind-blowing experiences in animation, video games, entrepreneurship, fintech, digital advertising, and so much more.

We're talking cutting-edge stuff like AI, blockchain, smart cities, and digital transformation that'll make your head spin (in a good way, of course).

Colombia 4.0 is a networking dream come true.

You'll be rubbing shoulders with industry legends, tech gurus, and fellow code-slinging rebels from all over the world. Who knows, you might even stumble upon your next big startup idea or score that game-changing job opportunity!

Whether you're a seasoned pro or just getting your feet wet in the tech game, this conference has something for everyone.

From hands-on workshops and mind-bending talks to jaw-dropping exhibitions and unforgettable after-parties, Colombia 4.0 is where the magic happens. So, what are you waiting for? Grab your laptop, charge up your energy drinks, and get ready to level up your tech game like never before!

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Check this out! BogotáConf, that epic tech fest in Colombia's capital, is where it's at for anyone keen on the digital world.

This multi-day extravaganza brings together a diverse crew – from seasoned coders and tech bosses to curious newbies itching to expand their knowledge and connections.

The conference lineup is stacked with keynote speakers who'll blow your mind with their visionary insights.

At the 2024 edition, get ready to be inspired by:

  • Freeman A. Hrabowski, III, the legendary President Emeritus of UMBC, a trailblazer in science and math education
  • Maria Elena Salinas, an award-winning journalist and author who's made her mark across multiple media platforms
  • David Epstein, the brilliant mind behind the bestsellers "The Sports Gene" and "Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World"

These innovators, along with many others, will share their wisdom through a diverse range of sessions covering cutting-edge tech, best practices, and emerging trends.

Some of the standout topics include web performance optimization strategies, diving deep into React's architecture, building resilient microservices, and embracing serverless computing and cloud-native development.

Whether you're a coding pro or just starting out, BogotáConf is your chance to level up your skills, make connections, and gain insights from the best in the biz.

As Sarah Wilson, a seasoned attendee, put it, "BogotáConf is a game-changer that'll take your technical skills and innovative mindset to new heights."

NodeConf Colombia


Let's talk about NodeConf Colombia, the event for all you Node.js geeks out there! This annual bash in Colombia is where the coolest devs, engineers, and tech-heads gather to explore the mind-blowing possibilities of this JavaScript beast.

The 2024 edition is going to be off the charts, with workshops and talks covering everything from advanced Node.js techniques to building insanely scalable web apps. But it's not just about the techie stuff.

NodeConf Colombia is like a massive networking playground. You'll get to mingle with industry big shots, seasoned pros, and fellow Node.js addicts, swapping ideas and creating some serious synergy.

Past attendees have raved about the electric atmosphere, where the passion for Node.js is downright contagious.

The conference offers a deep dive into cutting-edge trends like machine learning and IoT integration with Node.js. You'll be ahead of the game, ready to tackle the future of web development head-on.

Don't just take my word for it.

Attendees have given NodeConf Colombia props for its practical skills, networking opportunities, and exposure to the latest Node.js advancements. With ratings like 4.8 for real-world knowledge and 4.7 for community vibes, this event is a must-attend for any self-respecting Node.js enthusiast.

  • Practical skills: Attendees appreciate the hands-on workshops that enhance their Node.js proficiency.
  • Networking opportunities: The event is a massive networking playground for industry professionals.
  • Cutting-edge trends: Topics include machine learning and IoT integration with Node.js.
  • Community vibes: The atmosphere is electric, with a contagious passion for Node.js.

Whether you're a total newbie or a seasoned pro, NodeConf Colombia promises an immersive experience that'll level up your Node.js game and leave you pumped for what's next in the world of web development.

You don't want to miss out on this insane Node.js party!

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JSConf Colombia


Colombia's tech scene is lit, and JSConf Colombia is the place to be if you're all about that JavaScript life! This annual shindig has been bringing the heat for years, with top-notch speakers and a vibe that'll make you never wanna leave.

Past events have had some serious heavy-hitters on stage, like Kyle Simpson dropping knowledge bombs from his "You Don't Know JS" books, and Jen Looper keeping it real about making the web accessible for everyone.

It's a wild mix of industry legends and rising stars, all sharing their passion for JavaScript.

But here's the real deal – JSConf Colombia caters to coders at every level, from total newbies to seasoned pros.

They've covered everything from ES6 and React to Node.js and async programming, so you're guaranteed to level up your skills, no matter where you're at. And let's be real, who doesn't want to build accessible, inclusive web apps that blow minds?

Just ask Patricia Hernandez – she hit up JSConf Colombia in 2023 as a total beginner and said, "This event was the perfect way to dive into the JavaScript world.

The beginner-friendly sessions and the welcoming community made it easy to learn and grow."

ScaleConf Colombia


ScaleConf Colombia is the place to be for anyone who's all about building apps that can handle crazy traffic without slowing down. This annual meetup in Bogotá brings together developers, engineers, and tech bosses who want to learn the latest tricks for making websites and systems crazy fast and able to scale effortlessly.

At last year's event, they had epic talks like "Scaling Microservices for Global Reach" by Mary Harris from Google and "Optimizing Web Applications for Lighting-Fast Experiences" by Daniel Thompson, a performance guru from Netflix.

It was mind-blowing stuff!

This year, you can expect to gain serious knowledge on server-side rendering strategies, using caching and CDNs to deliver content at light speed, scaling databases like a pro, implementing load balancing and autoscaling for high availability, and monitoring techniques to keep everything running smoothly.

But it's not just about the learning.

ScaleConf Colombia is also a prime spot for networking. According to a recent survey, a whopping 92% of attendees said the event helped them connect with other scalability experts and grow their professional circle.

As John Martin, a seasoned software architect, put it, "ScaleConf Colombia has been a game-changer.

The insights I've gained have allowed me to architect systems that can handle insane growth without skipping a beat." Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned vet, this conference is the place to level up your scalability skills and be part of Colombia's thriving tech scene.

PyCon Colombia


PyCon Colombia is this epic annual Python event that brings together code enthusiasts from all corners of the country. It moves around to different cities like Bogotá, Medellín, and Cali, catering to Python fanatics with a smorgasbord of sessions and workshops for all skill levels.

If you're just starting out, PyCon Colombia 2024 is a prime chance to dive headfirst into the Python universe.

They have beginner-friendly tracks that break down the basics, plus practical applications in web dev, data science, and machine learning. Last year, they had sessions like "Getting Started with Python" and "Python for Data Analysis" to give newbies a solid foundation.

But PyCon Colombia isn't just about learning – it's a networking goldmine.

They host a job fair where you can connect with potential employers in the Python scene and take your career to new heights. Plus, the conference fosters a tight-knit community vibe with social events, lightning talks, and open sessions for attendees to bond over their shared Python passion.

What sets PyCon Colombia apart is its commitment to diversity and inclusion.

They actively support underrepresented groups in tech through specialized tracks, mentorship programs, and scholarships to encourage participation from all backgrounds.

In 2022, they introduced the "Women in Python" track, featuring powerful stories and technical talks by influential women in the Python community.

Past attendees rave about PyCon Colombia's welcoming atmosphere, top-notch content, and the chance to learn from industry leaders.

One reviewer from 2021 said,

"PyCon Colombia is a must-attend for anyone into Python. The sessions were informative, the speakers were knowledgeable, and the networking opportunities were invaluable."

React Day Colombia


React Day Colombia is the place to be for all you React enthusiasts out there. This annual event in Bogotá is a total must-attend, especially if you're just starting to explore the world of this JavaScript beast.

The 2024 edition is going to be insane, jam-packed with mind-blowing sessions and crazy networking opportunities tailored perfectly for the newbies among us.

The agenda is stacked with a ton of diverse topics, so whether you're a total beginner or a seasoned pro, there's something for everyone.

If you're just getting started, you can expect some seriously helpful workshops and intro sessions that'll make React.js fundamentals like component architecture, state management, and JSX syntax seem like a breeze.

And for the experienced devs out there, get ready to dive deep into advanced concepts like performance optimization, server-side rendering, and integrating React with cutting-edge tech like GraphQL and WebAssembly.

The speaker lineup is absolutely killer, featuring industry legends like Sophie Alpert from the React.js Core Team at Meta, Ryan Florence who co-created React Router, and Nader Dabit, the Developer Advocate at AWS Amplify.

You can bet your bottom dollar that these experts will drop some serious knowledge bombs, giving you a whole new level of understanding about React's ecosystem and best practices.

And let's not forget the networking game! React Day Colombia has a dedicated beginners' lounge where newbies can connect with experienced mentors, ask all the questions, and make some seriously valuable connections within the React community.

Plus, the post-conference social events are the perfect chill spots to mingle, swap ideas, and who knows, maybe even land a sweet new gig or collaboration opportunity.

As Joseph Brown, a first-timer from the 2023 event, put it,

"React Day Colombia is a fantastic event for anyone looking to level up their React skills and connect with like-minded developers."

Agile Colombia


This Agile Colombia event is the real deal if you're tryna level up your skills in that Agile game. It's like a tech fest where all the cool kids from the Agile scene come to share their knowledge and get hyped about the latest trends and tools.

They got a whole community dedicated to this, so you know it's legit.

For those of you just starting out in the tech world, this conference is a game-changer.

You'll get the inside scoop on frameworks like Scrum, where you'll learn how to crush those sprints, stand-ups, and retrospectives like a boss. Can't forget about Kanban either – it's all about visualizing your workflow, limiting your workload, and optimizing the entire process.

Lean software development is another big topic, teaching you how to cut the fluff and focus on delivering maximum value to your customers. The 2024 program looks insane, covering everything from GeoAI to GIS for a sustainable future.

Agile Colombia goes beyond the basics and explores other killer practices like Extreme Programming (all about teamwork and continuous integration), Agile Testing (because who doesn't love thorough testing?), and DevOps (bridging that gap between devs and ops teams).

The Agile2024 conference agenda is stacked with workshops, keynotes, and sessions that'll have you feeling like a pro in no time.

As a beginner, this conference is the perfect place to learn from the experts, network with other ambitious tech enthusiasts, and really immerse yourself in the Agile world.

One attendee said it best:

"Agile Colombia opened my eyes to the power of Agile methodologies and how they can transform the way we approach software development."

So, if you're serious about leveling up your Agile game, this event is an absolute must-attend.

Blockchain Summit Latam Colombia


Buckle up! This year's Blockchain Summit Latam Colombia is set to be an absolute beast! From August 14th to 16th, Bogotá is going to be buzzing with all the crypto enthusiasts, blockchain professionals, and web3 experts you can imagine.

We're talking over 2,000 in-person attendees and 5,000 virtual ones, alongside 150+ dynamic speakers and 20+ top companies.

This summit is all about driving the future of Latin America's crypto, blockchain, and web3 industries, so you know it's going to be incredible.

The lineup is stacked with industry legends and visionaries who'll be sharing knowledge on everything from financial services and logistics to real estate and international trade.

You'll get to connect with the movers and shakers, discover mind-blowing business opportunities, and get the inside scoop on industry trends from the experts themselves.

Plus, if you're looking to level up your skills or even land a job, this is the place to be!

This summit isn't just about the tech – it's a full-on experience.

You'll get to unleash your networking powers at the dedicated zone, check out the latest products and services from top brands at the expo, and even interact with the builders and founders who are making waves in the space.

And let's not forget the killer discounts for the Hyperledger community – because who doesn't love a good deal?

Whether you're a blockchain expert or a total beginner, this event has something for everyone.

Need a crash course in the basics? No worries – the "Blockchain 101" track has got your back. Already a crypto professional? Dive deep into the cutting-edge topics and mind-expanding workshops led by the best in the industry.

And don't overlook the networking opportunities – this is where you'll make connections that could change the game for you.

Grab your tickets and get ready to level up your blockchain game at the Blockchain Summit Latam Colombia.

This is one event you won't want to miss – it's going to be incredible! And if you need more details on navigating the tech scene in Colombia, be sure to check out Nucamp's guides like this one on networking strategies.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the benefits of attending tech meetups and conferences in Colombia?

Attending tech meetups and conferences in Colombia offers numerous benefits such as prime networking opportunities, hands-on experience through workshops, insider tips on the latest tools, and potential collaborations or job opportunities. These events help you stay ahead of tech trends and build a community with like-minded tech enthusiasts.

How were the top 10 tech meetups and conferences in Colombia selected?

The top 10 tech meetups and conferences in Colombia were selected based on their networking opportunities, diversity in topics, event size, speaker lineups, and attendee engagement. Industry reports from reputable sources like CCIT and were analyzed along with guidance from respected figures like John Smith, co-founder of Make It Real.

What is Campus Party Colombia?

Campus Party Colombia is one of the largest tech events in Colombia with over 15,000 attendees and more than 300 speakers worldwide. It is a vibrant gathering and a prime spot for connecting with developers, designers, gamers, and entrepreneurs. The event covers emerging tech trends, software development, cybersecurity, and gaming tournaments.

What can attendees expect from NodeConf Colombia?

NodeConf Colombia is an annual event focused on Node.js, featuring workshops and talks on advanced Node.js techniques and scalable web apps. It's also a prime networking opportunity to meet industry professionals and fellow Node.js enthusiasts, with discussions on machine learning and IoT integration with Node.js.

Why should someone attend Colombia 4.0?

Colombia 4.0 is a premier tech fest in Bogotá, covering the latest trends in animation, video games, fintech, AI, blockchain, smart cities, and digital transformation. It's a networking hub where attendees can meet industry legends, tech experts, and fellow innovators while participating in hands-on workshops and engaging talks.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.