Most in Demand Tech Job in Colorado Springs in 2024

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: July 10th 2024

Overview of the most in-demand tech job in Colorado Springs in 2024, including job roles and skills required.

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The tech job market in Colorado Springs is projected to grow by over 20% in 2024, driven by investments from tech giants like Microchip and Zivaro. In-demand roles include cybersecurity, cloud computing, AI/machine learning, and software engineering. Key skills needed are Python, Java, SQL, and cloud platforms like AWS. The booming tech ecosystem is supported by local universities and incentives like tax credits.

Colorado Springs is turning into a major tech center, and things are only getting better for those hunting for tech jobs in 2024. Based on the latest data from Colorado's booming semiconductor and advanced manufacturing sector, the tech industry in the Springs is expected to surge by over 20% in the next few years, way above the national average.

This growth is driven by tech giants like Microchip and Zivaro investing billions and creating thousands of high-paying jobs, plus the city's lower living costs compared to other major hubs.

Keeping tabs on tech job trends is key for job seekers.

Some of the hottest tech fields projected to be in high demand in Colorado Springs by 2024 include:

  • Cybersecurity: Check out Nucamp's ranking of top-paying cybersecurity roles.
  • Cloud Computing: Expected to see significant growth as more companies migrate to cloud-based systems.
  • AI and Machine Learning: Continues to expand with advancements in technology and applications.
  • Software Engineering: Master in-demand skills like Agile methodologies.
  • Data Science and Analytics: Crucial for making data-driven decisions within companies.

As an industry insider put it,

"Colorado Springs is rapidly transforming into a tech talent magnet, luring young professionals with its affordable lifestyle and flourishing startup scene."

By getting ahead of these trends and leveling up their skills, ambitious tech job hunters in the Springs can set themselves up for major success in 2024 and beyond.

Table of Contents

  • Why Colorado Springs is a Hub for Tech Jobs
  • Top Tech Job Roles in 2024
  • Skills Required for In-Demand Tech Jobs in Colorado Springs
  • How to Land a Top Tech Job in Colorado Springs
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

Why Colorado Springs is a Hub for Tech Jobs


Colorado Springs is straight-up killing it as a tech hub! By 2024, this place is gonna be a prime spot for all you tech wizards looking for high-paying gigs.

We're talking big league players like Aerospace Corporation, Root9B, and FedEx Services already calling it home, setting the stage for a booming tech scene.

But it's not just the companies that make Colorado Springs a total vibe.

The city is hooking it up with sweet incentives, like the Colorado Job Growth Incentive Tax Credit and the Advanced Industry Investment Tax Credit, basically dangling cash in front of companies to bring their tech talents here.

And let's be real, the cost of living is way more chill compared to those overpriced tech hubs, so your paycheck stretches further.

The local crew is also rallying hard for the tech industry.

Universities like the University of Colorado Colorado Springs and Colorado College are teaming up with companies to keep curriculums fresh and pump out skilled talent.

Then you've got incubators and accelerators like Catalyst Campus for Technology and Venture, helping startups get their footing and score funding. And let's not forget the vibrant meetup scene, with groups like the Colorado Springs Developers Union and the Colorado Springs AI & Machine Learning Meetup keeping the knowledge flowing and the networking tight.

With a projected tech industry growth rate of 14.7% between 2021 and 2024, Colorado Springs is about to blow up as a tech powerhouse.

If you're looking to level up your career while living that sweet life with a fat paycheck, this city is where it's at.

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Top Tech Job Roles in 2024


The hottest tech jobs in Colorado Springs for 2024 are going to be way different from what was thought.

According to the latest research, the roles that are seriously in demand are like Registered Nurses, Sales Associates, and Customer Service Reps. Sure, coding is still a big deal with Software Engineer and Developer roles ranking high too, but the job market is looking way more diverse than just tech nerds behind computers.

The pay for these top gigs is no joke either.

We're talking an average of $69,122 for Registered Nurses and a whopping $93,628 for Senior Software Engineers. Even entry-level roles like Sales Associates are pulling in around $35,175 which is solid cash to get started.

But it's not just about the money - employers are also desperate for people with killer soft skills like customer service, problem-solving, and being able to work in fast-paced environments.

So it's a combo of technical know-how and people skills that'll really make you stand out.

Skills Required for In-Demand Tech Jobs in Colorado Springs


If you want to score those sick high-paying tech jobs in the Springs next year! It's all about having the right skills that companies are thirsting for.

You gotta be a coding ninja, mastering languages like Python, Java, and JavaScript. But that's not all - you need to be an expert in database wizardry with SQL and NoSQL. Cloud computing is also huge, so get familiar with AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud.

According to the latest intel from the Colorado tech gurus, the hottest skills for 2024 are:

  • Cybersecurity: With hackers always trying to cause trouble, companies want warriors skilled in network security, ethical hacking, and risk management to keep their data safe.
  • Data Analysis: Being a data whiz who can mine, visualize, and model that big data is crucial for businesses to gain valuable insights.
  • AI/Machine Learning: Companies are all about automating processes and making smarter decisions, so they need people who can develop and deploy AI/ML models like bosses.
  • DevOps: If you've got mad skills in DevOps methodologies, automation tools, and continuous integration/deployment, you'll be a hot commodity for streamlining software development.

Certifications are key to proving your tech skills and showing you're always learning.

Employers in the Springs dig certs like CompTIA A+, Network+, Security+, AWS and Azure certifications, and Certified ScrumMaster®.

To level up your skills, check out places like Nucamp Coding Bootcamp for intensive training in web dev, data analytics, and cybersecurity. And don't forget to join local tech meetups and communities to stay ahead of the game and network like a boss.

As Christopher Wilson, a seasoned software dev here says,

"The tech world never stops evolving, so you gotta keep learning if you want to stay on top!"

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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How to Land a Top Tech Job in Colorado Springs


Colorado Springs has a booming tech scene, and if you want to snag one of those sweet high-paying jobs, you gotta play your cards right. First off, networking is key.

Join groups like the Colorado Springs Technology Social Club and get your face out there. Attend their monthly socials and start making connections - who you know can go a long way.

But having the right skills is just as crucial.

According to the experts, the hottest tech skills for 2024 include Agile methodology, cloud computing, cybersecurity, and data analytics.

So, invest in leveling up your game. Check out programs like Nucamp's coding bootcamps - they'll hook you up with the latest in-demand skills and even help you land a job after graduation.

Over 90% of their grads score jobs within 6 months, so they must be doing something right.

And don't sleep on the power of a killer resume and interview skills.

Nucamp has the lowdown on crafting resumes that'll make hiring managers take notice.

They'll also help you ace those interviews and negotiate top-dollar salaries. With the right prep and strategy, you'll be unstoppable in this competitive market.

Frequently Asked Questions


Which tech job fields are expected to be in high demand in Colorado Springs by 2024?

In Colorado Springs by 2024, some of the hottest tech fields projected to be in high demand include Cybersecurity, Cloud Computing, AI and Machine Learning, Software Engineering, and Data Science and Analytics.

Why is Colorado Springs becoming a major hub for tech jobs?

Colorado Springs is becoming a major hub for tech jobs due to investments from tech giants, lower living costs, state incentives such as the Colorado Job Growth Incentive Tax Credit, collaboration between universities and companies, and support from incubators and accelerators.

What are the projected growth rates for the tech industry in Colorado Springs?

The tech industry in Colorado Springs is expected to grow by over 20% in the next few years, significantly above the national average.

What essential skills are required for in-demand tech jobs in Colorado Springs?

Essential skills for in-demand tech jobs in Colorado Springs include proficiency in programming languages like Python, Java, and JavaScript; expertise in database management with SQL and NoSQL; knowledge in cloud computing with AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud; and specialized skills in Cybersecurity, Data Analysis, AI/Machine Learning, and DevOps.

How can job seekers prepare to land top tech jobs in Colorado Springs?

Job seekers can prepare to land top tech jobs in Colorado Springs by joining networking groups, acquiring in-demand tech skills through programs like Nucamp's coding bootcamps, obtaining relevant certifications, crafting impressive resumes, and honing interview skills. Additionally, attending local tech meetups and communities can provide valuable connections and insights.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.