Colorado Springs's Top 10 Startups That Tech Professionals Should Watch Out For in 2024

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: July 10th 2024

Skyline of Colorado Springs with tech icons representing startups.

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Discover the top 10 startups in Colorado Springs that tech professionals should watch in 2024. From Altitude Tech Solutions to UrbanX Technologies, these companies lead in sectors like quantum computing, eCommerce analytics, and GreenTech. With impressive growth trajectories and innovative solutions, these startups are set to disrupt industries and enhance Colorado Springs's tech landscape.

You know what's super cool? Startups in the tech space crushing it! They're the real MVPs driving innovation and shaking up industries like a boss.

In 2024, Colorado Springs is gonna be THE spot for some seriously dope startups to take off. Why? For starters, this city's already home to major tech players like Cherwell Software and root9B. But it's also got top-notch universities pumping out mad skills, low living costs, and a quality of life that's on point.

To scope out the crème de la crème, we dug into rankings, news reports, and intel from local VCs and accelerators. So here are the standout startups that Colorado tech pros need to be all over in 2024:

  • Revolutionary tech tackling real-world challenges like it ain't no thing
  • Funding rounds and growth trajectories that'll make you go "damn!"
  • Unique, market-disrupting offerings that'll blow your mind
  • Stellar founding teams and cultures pushing the envelope

Oh, and don't sleep on networking events - those are a must for making connections and landing that dream tech gig.

Table of Contents

  • Altitude Tech Solutions
  • DataHawk Innovations
  • Quantum Peak Technologies
  • EcoDrive Systems
  • NextGen Robotics
  • Aurora HealthTech
  • Skyway Aerospace
  • Cipher Shield Cybersecurity
  • GreenTech Innovations
  • UrbanX Technologies
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Altitude Tech Solutions


Altitude Technical Solutions is the new kid on the block that's about to shake up the tech scene in Colorado Springs.

These cats are on a mission to make the transition to tech a breeze for small businesses. We're talkin' web design, network security, even IoT integration - they got you covered.

But that's not all.

These rebels are stackin' developers, security whizzes, and tech enthusiasts from all over the globe. It's like a worldwide crew united by their passion for cutting-edge solutions.

And they're completely unfunded, which means they're ballin' on their own hustle.

Now, you might be thinkin', "What's the big deal?" Well, hold on to your seats, 'cause these guys are takin' it to the next level.

They offer a slick lil' form where you can hit 'em up with your biz name and service needs, and boom - they'll hook you up with the goods. Web design, SEO, Google listing, graphic design, IT services, you name it.

Altitude Technical Solutions may be a fresh face in the game, but they're already outrankin' over 34,000 competitors worldwide.

And you know what that means? They're comin' in hot, ready to disrupt the game and make their mark. So keep an eye out for this up-and-comer, 'cause they're about to be the ones that everyone's talkin' about.

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DataHawk Innovations


Check this out – DataHawk is the real deal when it comes to eCommerce analytics. These guys have figured out how to optimize your online business from top to bottom.

We're talking hands-free data collection, customizable dashboards, AI-powered automation, the whole nine yards. With DataHawk, you can stay ahead of the competition and maximize your profits like a boss.

What's impressive is that DataHawk caters to businesses of all sizes across a wide range of industries – from toys and games to automotive and everything in between.

They've already helped numerous companies level up their eCommerce game, and with over $8 million in funding, they're just getting started.

Plus, they've got some serious talent on board, including co-founders like James Martin, who are experts in data analytics and product development.

But what really sets DataHawk apart is their commitment to continuous innovation.

They're always rolling out new features and solutions to keep up with the ever-evolving eCommerce landscape. Like their latest release that introduces a Profit & Loss Metric dashboard – a game-changer for businesses looking to optimize their bottom line.

And let's not forget their industry benchmark reports, which provide valuable insights into market trends and consumer behavior.

In a world where online shopping is king, having a solid eCommerce strategy is crucial.

And with DataHawk in your corner, you're practically unstoppable. So, if you're serious about taking your online business to the next level, these are the guys you want to keep an eye on in 2024.

Quantum Peak Technologies


This cutting-edge startup from Colorado Springs, Peak Technologies, is on some next-level stuff with quantum computing.

Picture this: they're creating insanely powerful quantum hardware and software that can calculate things millions of times faster than regular computers. Their flagship product, the QPT Quantum Accelerator, is designed to supercharge quantum applications in fields like cryptography, materials science, AI, and more.

Here's where it gets wild - word on the street is that Peak Tech is about to drop their next-gen quantum processor that's a mind-blowing 10 times more powerful than anything out there.

Imagine the possibilities! We could see virtually unhackable encryption methods, crazy breakthroughs in drug discovery, and way more accurate climate modeling.

No big deal, just changing the game completely.

These guys have some serious backing too. Major investors and even government agencies are putting their money behind Peak Tech's visionary quantum tech.

And with a stockpile of patents in areas like quantum error correction and algorithm optimization, they're clearly several steps ahead. If you're looking for the hottest tech startup to watch in 2024, keep your eyes locked on Peak Technologies and their quantum leap.

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EcoDrive Systems


EcoDrive is making waves with their eco-friendly approach to driving. Matthew White and his team are all about offsetting carbon emissions by letting customers plant trees every time they place an order.

How cool is that? Not only are they helping the planet, but they're also providing a seamless way for brands to engage with their customers and smash their impact goals.

What really stands out is their tech game.

EcoDrive's platform calculates emissions based on shipment details like transportation mode, package weight, and distance.

It's like having an EPA-backed calculator at your fingertips. They've already removed over 30,000 pounds of ocean plastic waste and planted over 350,000 trees and mangroves worldwide.

That's some impressive impact.

EcoDrive recently scored $300,000 in seed funding from the San Diego Angel Conference VI. With this cash injection, they're gearing up to scale their operations and spread their sustainable vibes even further.

Brands like Lucky Vitamin, William Wood, and Fishers Finery have already seen a serious boost in conversions, repeat purchases, and customer loyalty after teaming up with EcoDrive.

NextGen Robotics


Colorado's AI scene is buzzing with some sick startups, and one that's straight-up crushing it is Pattern Labs.

These guys are developing autonomous robots that can navigate unstructured spaces like it's nothing. Imagine robots just casually strolling through cluttered warehouses or construction sites, no sweat!

Outrider is another dope robotics company based in Golden, making autonomous yard operations a reality.

Their robots are improving safety and efficiency in logistics, which is a total game-changer.

And let's not forget about AMP Robotics in Louisville.

These guys are using AI and automation to modernize recycling infrastructure, which is super important for the environment. They're literally applying cutting-edge tech to increase recycling rates and make the world a better place.

Honestly, the robotics scene in Colorado is just insane right now.

Companies like Pattern Labs, Outrider, and AMP Robotics are pushing the boundaries of what's possible with robotics and AI. They're solving real-world problems, creating efficient solutions, and making a positive impact.

It's mind-blowing stuff, and you can bet your bottom dollar that tech professionals are gonna be keeping a close eye on these game-changers in 2024.

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Aurora HealthTech


Aurora, a fresh startup that launched in 2023, is seriously shaking things up in the medical tech game.

These guys are all about developing next-level endoscopic procedures that make surgeries way less invasive and more convenient for both doctors and patients. Pretty cool, right?

Aurora is gearing up to drop its Q1 2024 results on May 8th, with a business review conference call scheduled for later that day.

Seems like they're killing it and ready to spill the deets on their latest achievements.

Uber Freight just teamed up with Aurora for a sweet long-haul partnership! Aurora's autonomous driving tech will be available on the Uber Freight network through 2030, giving them access to a massive pool of shipping customers as they prep to launch their fully driverless commercial service later this year.

Skyway Aerospace


Check this out - Skyway is the next big thing in the sky biz! These guys are developing some seriously tight solutions for managing air traffic and vertiport infrastructure.

We're talking vertiport planning, eVTOL traffic management systems, and even airspace analysis for electric vertical take-off and landing vehicles (eVTOLs).

That's not all! Skyways, a different company, is also killing it with their autonomous unmanned cargo aircraft.

Their latest model, the V3, can haul some major weight and has an insane range. And - their V2.6 Hybrid-Electric can even recharge mid-flight! These bad boys are perfect for resupplying remote ops or offshore rigs.

Now, there's been some noise about Project Skyway and its plan for "drone superhighways" in the UK. Sure, some people are worried about noise, privacy, and crashes.

But these concerns are overblown - the project has solid plans to manage flight paths, regulate cameras, and ensure safety through airworthiness certifications and collision avoidance tech.

The future of unmanned aviation is here, and it's pretty rad!

Cipher Shield Cybersecurity


Cipher Net Shield is the cybersecurity startup that's gonna be huge in 2024. These guys are like, experts in protecting fintech companies and tracking down shady cryptocurrency dealings.

They've got a full stack of dope solutions, like risk assessments, incident response, and even blockchain forensics to catch the bad guys red-handed.

Their encryption tech, ShieldConex, just won the 2024 Fortress Cybersecurity Award.

It's a beast of a system that tokenizes and encrypts sensitive data, keeping it locked down tight. Major companies like Bluefin are already using it to protect their clients' info from breaches.

Cipher Net Shield is ranked among the top 100 cybersecurity companies worldwide in 2024.

They've got partnerships with big names like Chainalysis and law enforcement agencies, so you know they mean business. With their skills in tracking crypto activities and busting scams, they're like the cybersecurity superheroes we need.

Bottom line, if you're into tech and care about online safety, keep an eye on these guys.

They're revolutionizing cybersecurity, and 2024 is their year to shine.

GreenTech Innovations


Let's talk about these sick GreenTech startups leading the way in Colorado. AMP is an absolute beast, using AI to modernize recycling and transform waste sorting.

They've got hundreds of projects worldwide, making recycling way more efficient and profitable. Then there's LineVision, keeping an eye on power lines and unlocking extra capacity - a total game-changer for renewable energy integration.

And Crusoe Energy Systems? These innovators are tapping into wasted energy sources to power computing, reducing environmental impact like it's nothing.

Check out Dotz - they're literally capturing CO2 using plastic waste, talk about killing two birds with one stone.

And Nextron's "energy-as-a-service" platform is making renewable energy accessible to properties everywhere. These startups are shaking things up and paving the way for a greener future.

Colorado Springs might not be the first place you'd expect cutting-edge GreenTech, but these companies are proving that innovation can bloom anywhere.

From sustainable building materials to AI-driven energy optimization, the solutions they're cooking up are mind-blowing. So keep your eyes peeled in 2024 - this could be the year Colorado Springs cements itself as a major GreenTech hub.

UrbanX Technologies


UrbanX Technologies is about to shake things up in Colorado Springs! This startup is all about using sick tech like AI, data analytics, and IoT to make cities smarter and more eco-friendly.

Check this out:

  • UrbanInsight: Imagine a platform that crunches data from traffic sensors, weather stations, and even social media to give city planners the 411 on what's happening in real-time. That's UrbanInsight for you!
  • SmartGrid: Energy waste is so last season. SmartGrid uses AI to optimize energy distribution and cut down on that wasteful nonsense. Sustainability, baby!
  • CityScape: Virtual and augmented reality? Say no more! CityScape lets architects and developers visualize and test out urban designs before breaking ground. Genius!

Sustainable, efficient, livable - that's the UrbanX motto.

And they've got the goods to back it up. According to the experts, the smart cities market is set to skyrocket from $457.8 billion in 2022 to a staggering $976.3 billion by 2027.

With cities facing challenges like population growth and aging infrastructure, UrbanX's innovative solutions are about to be in high demand.

"We believe cities drive progress, and by unleashing technology's potential, we can create sustainable, efficient, and livable urban environments for everyone." - Mary Moore, CEO of UrbanX Technologies



The startup scene in Colorado Springs is straight fire these days. These young companies are about to blow up in 2024, pushing the boundaries of tech while fueling the local economy.

Startups create over 15% of new jobs, and that's a massive deal, right?

The tech hustle in COS is getting real.

We've got startups tackling everything from aerospace and cybersecurity to healthcare and robotics. These young guns are driving economic recovery, creating value and opportunities left and right.

It's like having a whole new economy popping up right in our backyard.

These startups are building inclusive, growth-oriented environments that are prime spots for anyone looking to level up their career.

They're pushing the envelope with innovative solutions while cultivating a culture that nurtures talent and fuels passion.

So, keep your eyes peeled for the next big thing coming out of COS. Whether you're a tech whiz looking for a fresh challenge or just someone who digs disruptive ideas, the startup scene here is where it's at.

These companies are shaping the future, one groundbreaking solution at a time, and you don't want to miss out on the action.

Frequently Asked Questions


Why is Colorado Springs a hot spot for tech startups in 2024?

Colorado Springs boasts major tech players like Cherwell Software and root9B, top-notch universities, low living costs, and a high quality of life. These factors collectively create an ideal environment for startups to thrive in the tech space.

What makes Altitude Tech Solutions a noteworthy startup?

Altitude Tech Solutions aims to simplify tech transitions for small businesses by offering services like web design, network security, and IoT integration. Despite being unfunded, they rank above 34,000 competitors worldwide, indicating rapid growth and disruption potential.

What sets DataHawk Innovations apart in the eCommerce analytics space?

DataHawk Innovations provides hands-free data collection, customizable dashboards, and AI-powered automation for eCommerce businesses. They cater to a variety of industries and continuously roll out new features, like their Profit & Loss Metric dashboard, to keep up with market trends.

What is Quantum Peak Technologies developing that is of interest?

Quantum Peak Technologies is making significant advancements in quantum computing, developing hardware and software that significantly outperform regular computers. Their QPT Quantum Accelerator is set to revolutionize fields like cryptography, AI, and materials science, supported by strong investor backing and numerous patents.

How is EcoDrive Systems impacting environmental sustainability?

EcoDrive Systems helps offset carbon emissions for their customers by planting trees with each order. They provide a technology that calculates emissions based on shipment details, leading to significant environmental impact. They have successfully removed over 30,000 pounds of ocean plastic waste and planted over 350,000 trees and mangroves.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.