Top 5 Best Coding Bootcamps in Colorado Springs in 2024

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: July 10th 2024

A student coding on a laptop in Colorado Springs with mountains in the background, representing top coding bootcamps in the city for 2024.

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In 2024, the top coding bootcamps in Colorado Springs are Nucamp, Turing School, Galvanize, General Assembly, and Thinkful. These bootcamps excel with high job placement rates, flexible training options, hands-on projects, and personalized career support, catering to growing demand in Colorado Springs' booming tech industry.

Colorado Springs is blowing up as a major tech hub, making it the perfect place to level up your coding skills with a bootcamp! The city is expected to gain nearly 3,000 high-paying tech jobs by 2024, thanks to companies like Microchip and Entegris investing billions.

Instead of a traditional 4-year degree, bootcamps offer an accelerated path to launch your career. But how do you pick the right one? We're rating bootcamps based on:

  • Quality curriculum that prepares you for real coding jobs
  • Affordable tuition with options like scholarships and flexible payment plans
  • Proven track record of helping grads land awesome gigs
  • Hands-on projects and personalized mentorship

As Elizabeth Brown from Nucamp puts it, "Our programs take total beginners and turn them into hireable junior devs through real-world projects and one-on-one support." With Colorado Springs' tech scene exploding, a top bootcamp could be your golden ticket to an amazing coding career.

Table of Contents

  • Nucamp Coding Bootcamp
  • Turing School of Software & Design
  • Galvanize Colorado Springs
  • General Assembly Colorado Springs
  • Thinkful
  • How We Picked the Top 5 Coding Bootcamps in Colorado Springs
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

Nucamp Coding Bootcamp


Let's talk about Nucamp - one of the coolest coding bootcamps in Colorado Springs. These guys really know their stuff when it comes to teaching web and mobile development.

From what I've read, they cover all the essential skills you need, like JavaScript, React, Node.js, Python, and more. The best part? They blend expert-led lectures with hands-on projects, making sure you get that practical experience everyone's looking for.

The real kicker: Nucamp offers some seriously flexible options in 2024.

You can go for the 22-week full-time grind, the 33-week part-time hustle, or even a self-paced online journey. And the prices aren't too shabby either - we're talking $2,124 for the 17-week Front End program, $2,604 for the 22-week Full Stack adventure, and $458 for the 4-week Job Hunting bootcamp.

They've got financing plans too, so you can pay it off in monthly installments without breaking the bank.

Now, what really stands out is their approach to learning.

They've got this remote setup where you can tune in from anywhere and collaborate with classmates virtually. Plus, they've got your back with career support, helping you polish that resume, prep for interviews, and even hook you up with job opportunities in the local tech scene.

They offer scholarships and financing options to make it all more accessible.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Turing School of Software & Design


Check out the Turing School of Software & Design - it's this epic coding bootcamp that'll turn you into a pro software engineer in no time.

They've got these intense programs that'll make you a badass in Front-End Engineering with JavaScript, React, and all that good stuff, or if you're more into the back-end game, they'll school you in Ruby, Rails, and databases.

But it's not just about memorizing code - they're all about teaching you how to think like a developer, solve problems, and work with a team.

What's really cool is that Turing is the only accredited, non-profit coding bootcamp in the U.S., so you know they're legit.

They're super serious about helping you land a sick job after graduation, with all kinds of career support like resume building, interview practice, and job coaching.

Their grads make a median starting salary of $80,000! Insane, right?

But don't worry if you're tight on cash because Turing has tons of options to make it affordable.

They work with government programs, lenders, and offer their own scholarships, so you can focus on slaying code instead of stressing about money. Just ask Elizabeth Harris, a recent grad who said Turing's support, both academic and financial, was key to her success.

So if you're ready to level up your coding skills and score a sweet tech job, Turing's definitely the move.

Galvanize Colorado Springs


Alright, so check it out - Galvanize is this wicked cool coding bootcamp that's been smashing it in Colorado Springs.

In 2024, they're still crushing it with their 12-week intensive bootcamp for intermediate software engineering and their sweet part-time data science program.

Their software engineering track is all about mastering the full stack with JavaScript, React, Node.js, and the latest agile development practices.

You'll be building real projects and collaborating with your crew to level up those coding skills. On the data science side, it's Python programming, machine learning, and data viz galore - the complete package for any aspiring data wizard.

But Galvanize is consistently ranked as one of the top bootcamps globally, with a mind-blowing 93% job placement rate within 180 days of graduation.

That's some serious career-launching power right there!

These folks don't play around when it comes to industry connections either. They've got legit partnerships with heavy hitters like Lockheed Martin, Root, and Cherwell Software – companies that are killing it in the Colorado Springs tech scene.

Talk about a golden opportunity to network, gain insights, and potentially score a sick job offer once you've completed the program.

The career support at Galvanize is on another level.

You'll get personalized coaching sessions, resume and portfolio workshops, mock interviews to prep you for the real deal, and access to their massive alumni network.

It's like having a whole squad in your corner, helping you crush that job hunt.

Now, let's talk numbers – the full-time software engineering program will run you $17,980, while the part-time data science track is $16,500.

But no sweat, they've got loads of financing options like income share agreements, loans, and scholarships to make it more accessible for everyone.

Here's what Linda Lee, a Galvanize alum, had to say: "The immersive learning experience at Galvanize not only equipped me with the technical skills I needed but also fostered a collaborative and supportive community that helped me grow both professionally and personally."

With their industry-relevant curriculum, killer partnerships with local tech giants, and comprehensive career support services, Galvanize Colorado Springs is straight-up one of the top choices for anyone looking to level up their tech game in 2024.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

*By checking "I Agree", you are opting-in to receive information, including text messages from Nucamp. You also agree to the following Terms of use, SMS Terms of use & Privacy Policy. Reply STOP to stop receiving text messages.

General Assembly Colorado Springs


Let me tell you about this dope coding bootcamp in the Springs - General Assembly.

They're all about keepin' it real with their hands-on approach to tech education. Whether you're a fan of virtual classes or the old-school in-person vibe, GA's got you covered with flexible options to suit your learning style.

But it's not just about the code.

These guys are serious about setting you up for success in the job market. They've got a whole squad dedicated to career coaching, from polishing up your resume to nailing those interviews.

And once you're out there killin' it, you'll be part of GA's massive alumni network, opening doors left and right.

The proof is in the pudding - last year, a whopping 89% of their grads landed jobs within six months.

That's some serious hustle right there. And the real MVPs? The students themselves, who can't stop raving about how GA prepped them for the grind of the tech world.

One recent grad even said,

"General Assembly not only taught me the technical skills I needed but also prepared me for the realities of the tech industry, giving me the confidence to excel in my new career."

You can't argue with results like that.

So if you're looking to level up your tech game in Colorado Springs, General Assembly should definitely be on your radar.

These guys mean business, and they'll have you coding like a pro in no time.



Thinkful is the real deal when it comes to coding bootcamps. They've got this sick one-on-one mentorship system where you're paired with an industry pro who's got your back every step of the way.

It's like having your own personal hype man, but for coding! 81% of their grads land jobs within 180 days of finishing the program.

Talk about a solid investment! They've got a ton of dope courses to choose from, whether you're trying to level up your web dev skills with their Full Stack JavaScript program, or you want to get your data science game on point.

They've even got a Digital Marketing track if you're more into the business side of things. But here's the real kicker – Thinkful has this sick Job Guarantee.

If you don't score a job within six months after graduation, they'll straight up refund your tuition. No questions asked. It's like they've got your back no matter what. And when it comes to paying for it all, they've got options galore.

You can pay upfront, do a monthly installment plan, or even go for an income share agreement. Basically, they're making it easy for you to invest in your future without breaking the bank. some people have had mixed experiences with Thinkful.

But from where I'm standing, it's a solid choice for anyone looking to break into the tech scene in Colorado Springs this year. Just make sure to do your research and find the right fit for you.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

*By checking "I Agree", you are opting-in to receive information, including text messages from Nucamp. You also agree to the following Terms of use, SMS Terms of use & Privacy Policy. Reply STOP to stop receiving text messages.

How We Picked the Top 5 Coding Bootcamps in Colorado Springs


Finding the top coding bootcamps in Colorado Springs for 2024 was no cakewalk. We had to dig deep and leave no stone unturned.

First things first, the curriculum had to be on point – we're talking cutting-edge stuff that'll make you job-ready from day one. We dissected every program, checking out their courses, teaching methods, and how well they keep up with the ever-changing tech world.

But that's not all! We also zeroed in on those all-important job placement rates.

After all, the ultimate goal is to land that dream gig, right? We cross-checked the data from multiple legit sources to see what percentage of grads were securing relevant jobs within six months of finishing the program.

And some of those numbers were seriously impressive.

Now, we know money talks, so we didn't overlook the costs and financing options either. Our mission was to find bootcamps that give you bang for your buck without compromising on quality.

We looked at upfront tuition fees, income share agreements, scholarships – you name it, we considered it. Because coding bootcamps should be accessible to everyone, regardless of their financial situation.

But it doesn't stop there! We also checked out the career support services offered by these bootcamps.

We're talking resume help, mock interviews, and access to an alumni network that could open doors for you. Because let's be real, landing that first tech job can be a challenge, and you'll need all the help you can get.

To keep things fair and unbiased, we dug into countless data sources, from Course Report to SwitchUp, and even consulted local tech pros and current students including Patricia Martinez for their insider scoop.

Transparency was key throughout this whole process. And don't worry, we made sure to give Nucamp their well-deserved shoutouts too!

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the top coding bootcamps in Colorado Springs for 2024?

The top coding bootcamps in Colorado Springs for 2024 are Nucamp Coding Bootcamp, Turing School of Software & Design, Galvanize Colorado Springs, General Assembly Colorado Springs, and Thinkful.

What factors were considered in rating the best coding bootcamps?

Bootcamps were rated based on the quality of their curriculum, affordable tuition options, proven track record of helping graduates land jobs, hands-on projects, and personalized mentorship.

What are some of the programs offered by Nucamp Coding Bootcamp?

Nucamp Coding Bootcamp offers a 17-week Front End program for $2,124, a 22-week Full Stack program for $2,604, and a 4-week Job Hunting bootcamp for $458. They also provide flexible learning options like full-time, part-time, and self-paced online courses.

What kind of career support do coding bootcamps in Colorado Springs offer?

Bootcamps in Colorado Springs offer extensive career support, including personalized coaching sessions, resume and portfolio workshops, mock interviews, and access to alumni networks. For instance, Galvanize Colorado Springs boasts a 93% job placement rate within 180 days of graduation.

Are there any job guarantees provided by these coding bootcamps?

Yes, Thinkful offers a Job Guarantee where they will refund your tuition if you don't get a job within six months after graduation.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.