What are the soft skills important for a cybersecurity professional?

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: April 25th 2024

Cybersecurity professional focusing on enhancing soft skills

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Soft skills are crucial for cybersecurity pros, with emphasis on communication, problem-solving, adaptability, teamwork, and leadership from industry studies like ISACA and (ISC)². Employers value soft skills due to their impact on managing digital ecosystems. Enhance them through training for a successful cybersecurity career.

In the fast-moving world of cybersecurity, people often hype up the technical skills, but we can't sleep on the soft skills either. ISACA just dropped a truth bomb – soft skills are becoming more crucial as AI tech advances and regulations keep changing.

They're recognizing the importance of soft skills now.

First up, communication skills are a must-have.

The EC-Council found that 93% of job listings mentioned them. Being able to break down complex security concepts for different audiences is clutch. Next, you gotta have problem-solving skills on lock.

(ISC)² says 90% of postings want that talent, which is key for shutting down cyber threats.

But that's not all – adaptability is also crucial, according to Flatiron School and others.

You gotta stay agile in this fast-paced digital world. And teamwork? It's becoming even more important. 88% of cybersecurity teams emphasized needing better collaboration tools after the pandemic (ISC2).

Solid relationships and negotiation skills are key when you're constantly working across teams.

As Nucamp's article on preparing for a cybersecurity career points out, these soft skills are just as vital as the technical know-how for building successful security strategies and protecting digital assets.

Table of Contents

  • Top soft skills required in the Cybersecurity field
  • How soft skills impact cybersecurity
  • Why employers value soft skills in cybersecurity professionals
  • Enhancing your soft skills for a successful cybersecurity career
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Top soft skills required in the Cybersecurity field


With all the cybersecurity threats out there, it's not just about having technical skills, but also some crucial soft skills. First up, communication is key.

You gotta be able to explain complex tech stuff to people who might not get it, like your boss or clients. That way, you're all on the same page and can work towards the company's goals.

EC-Council and the Swiss Cyber Institute emphasize how important it is to communicate effectively.

Another biggie is problem-solving.

When new security issues pop up, you need to be able to come up with creative solutions. ISC² and 84% of cybersecurity job postings highlight this skill. And let's not forget teamwork.

According to SANS Institute, 77% of cybersecurity operations rely on collaboration. You can't work in silos; you gotta work together to keep the organization secure.

Critical thinking is also a must-have. You need to be able to spot potential threats and deal with them before they become a problem. 68% of job listings mention this, according to CyberSeek.

The InfoSec Institute agrees that soft skills are just as important as technical knowledge.

The key is to keep learning and improving these soft skills.

Industry experts suggest getting involved in cross-functional projects, taking communication workshops, practicing critical thinking exercises, and participating in team-building activities.

The Flatiron School also emphasizes that soft skills complement technical knowledge.

If you want to level up your skills, check out Nucamp Coding Bootcamp's offerings to prepare for the cybersecurity challenges of today. As Michael Perez says, a business's strength doesn't just come from its tech but also from the skills of its team.

The best cybersecurity pros combine soft and technical skills to be fully prepared.

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How soft skills impact cybersecurity


In this whole cybersecurity game, soft skills are like the MVPs. Being able to communicate clearly and get your point across is important, especially when 84% of cybersecurity pros have to break it down for the non-techies on the regular.

You gotta have that gift of gab to make sure everyone's on the same page.

But it's not just about talking the talk. Problem-solving is where it's at.

Like, 76% of the pros agree that thinking outside the box is what really levels up your cybersecurity game. It's all about finding creative ways to shut down those cyber threats.

And let's not forget about that teamwork flow.

When everyone brings their A-game and works together, 92% of teams have seen their incident response times go down. That synergy is key to keeping those threats at bay.

Leadership is another big one.

When you got that strong guidance, you're 30% more likely to shut down threats before they become a real problem. Cybersecurity Chief Daniel Gonzalez said it best:


"Leadership and critical thinking go hand in hand with the stewardship of digital assets," which means that being able to think on your feet and make those tough calls is crucial when you're dealing with high-stakes situations in the cyber world.


So, if you can foster an environment where these soft skills can thrive, you're gonna have a crew that's not just technically skilled, but also adaptable and ready to take on whatever comes their way.

Emotional intelligence and conflict resolution? Yup, those are part of the package too. The stats don't lie – soft skills ain't just a side dish; they're the main course when it comes to being a cybersecurity badass.

Why employers value soft skills in cybersecurity professionals


In this crazy digital world we live in, employers are really stressing the need for soft skills when it comes to cybersecurity talent. The industry reports are going wild, like the ISACA State of Cybersecurity 2023, pointing out a major lack of these skills among professionals, as this article explains.

The demand for soft skills has skyrocketed because they're crucial for dealing with complex digital ecosystems that include cutting-edge tech like AI, as Flatiron School highlights with the importance of persuasion, humility, and teamwork alongside technical know-how.

Recruiters are now looking for soft skills as a must-have; effective communication, which Forbes emphasizes, is key for getting everyone on the same page and working together across departments.

Likewise, skills like problem-solving, adaptability, and being able to learn on the fly are essential for staying ahead of cyber threats and keeping up with the latest advancements.

It's clear that cybersecurity isn't just about tech—it's also about the human factor and strategic thinking.

That's why companies are putting a lot of weight on evaluating soft skills during the hiring process. As the pressure cooker of cybersecurity keeps heating up, they're on the hunt for pros who can balance technical skills with interpersonal finesse.

Recruiters are raising the bar, looking for people who not only have the technical chops but also bring empathy, clear communication, and ethical decision-making to the table—qualities that are essential for building a solid cybersecurity defense.

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Enhancing your soft skills for a successful cybersecurity career


Leveling up your soft skills is a never-ending grind, especially for cybersecurity pros who gotta stay on their toes with all the new threats and dynamic squad vibes.

The game's shifting, and the industry's finally recognizing that soft skills matter just as much as the technical know-how.

The Cybersecurity Education & Training Report (CETR): Workforce Study 2021 found that around 60% of organizations with soft skills training saw their squads perform better.

To build these skills, peeps can get involved in activities and training that'll sharpen their people skills:

  • Industry-Specific Learning: Workshops and seminars, like those offered by the Flatiron School, provide scenarios to level up your negotiation, leadership, and communication game, which are crucial in cybersecurity.
  • Cyber Incident Simulations: Interactive role-playing sessions train you to keep your cool and think critically, essential skills for cybersecurity's adaptive and problem-solving nature.
  • Guided Skill Development: Mentorship programs offer guidance and facilitate critical discussions to enhance your soft skill proficiency.
  • E-Learning Platforms: Online courses, like those on Coursera, cover cybersecurity-focused soft skills, including risk management and critical thinking.

Books like "Soft Skills: The Software Developer's Life Manual" by John Sonmez deliver tailored advice, while strategies for developing cybersecurity soft skills underscore the importance of reflection and feedback.

A reflective journal and constructive feedback can lead to measurable skill enhancement. Communication, a vital skill as


Brian Tracy suggests, can be mastered with dedication, significantly improving every aspect of one's professional life.


By fostering these soft skills, cybersecurity pros not only level up their careers but also become instrumental in protecting the digital infrastructure.



The importance of soft skills in cybersecurity is evident. As we break it down, it's crystal clear that blending people skills with technical expertise is crucial.

The ISACA State of Cybersecurity 2023 report reveals a surprising twist: while tech know-how is vital, soft skills are the glaring weakness in the industry, and they're more important than ever in this AI-driven era.

  • Communication: Communicate clearly, especially when explaining the intricacies of AI in cybersecurity, ensuring transparency in AI-based decision-making.
  • Adaptability: Stay flexible and adaptable to the ever-changing tech and regulations, a must-have trait in cybersecurity's rapidly evolving landscape.
  • Ethical Decision-Making: Make ethical choices, as professionals need to navigate the ethical complexities that AI brings to the table.

Research shows that cybersecurity pros with strong soft skills can boost their team's effectiveness by up to 12% and are 23% more likely to handle breaches effectively, according to the Cybersecurity Workforce Gap analysis.

Employers are actively seeking these skills, often valuing them just as much as technical qualifications when hiring.

To sum it up, the benefits of soft skills for cybersecurity pros are game-changers, leading to:

  1. Managerial and Leadership: Leveled-up management and leadership abilities, especially when it comes to AI and regulations.
  2. Negotiation and Empathy: Next-level negotiation and empathy, which are essential in our interconnected world where human touch in AI interactions is irreplaceable.
  3. Strategic Translation: Better translation of cybersecurity challenges into strategies that protect against evolving threats, as outlined in the latest cybersecurity threats and trends.

At the end of the day, our takeaway on cybersecurity pros' soft skills is that they're invaluable.

Industry experts agree that striking the perfect balance between human elements and AI is key to optimizing cybersecurity measures. To stay competitive in the field, cybersecurity enthusiasts should focus on continuously honing these skills, as they're essential for navigating the complexities of the cybersecurity world effectively.

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Frequently Asked Questions


What are the top soft skills required in the cybersecurity field?

The top soft skills required in the cybersecurity field include communication, problem-solving, adaptability, teamwork, critical thinking, and leadership.

How do soft skills impact cybersecurity?

Soft skills impact cybersecurity by enhancing operational communications, fostering problem-solving abilities, promoting teamwork for enhanced incident response, and providing decisive leadership that improves threat neutralization.

Why do employers value soft skills in cybersecurity professionals?

Employers value soft skills in cybersecurity professionals because these skills are crucial for managing complex digital ecosystems, collaborating across various departments, adapting to cyber threats, and integrating ethical decision-making into cybersecurity practices.

How can one enhance their soft skills for a successful cybersecurity career?

One can enhance their soft skills for a successful cybersecurity career by engaging in industry-specific learning, participating in cyber incident simulations, joining mentorship programs, enrolling in online courses focused on cybersecurity soft skills, and practicing communication, leadership, and critical thinking exercises.

What soft skills are essential for cybersecurity professionals to develop?

Soft skills essential for cybersecurity professionals to develop include communication, problem-solving, adaptability, teamwork, critical thinking, leadership, negotiation, empathy, and ethical decision-making.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible