What are the top tech companies and education providers in Dallas?

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: June 6th 2024

View of Dallas skyline, the hub of top tech companies and education providers for 2024

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Dallas is a thriving tech hub with top tech companies like AT&T and Texas Instruments. Universities like SMU and UT Dallas produce tech talent. The city offers high-paying tech jobs like Data Scientists with an average salary of $140,000. Coding bootcamps like Nucamp prepare individuals for tech roles.

Dallas is straight-up killing it in the tech game! All the big dogs like Meta and Amazon are setting up shop here, not to mention dope coding schools pumping out fresh talent.

In 2023, Tech Elevator dropped 6 reasons why Dallas is a tech paradise – we're ranked 6th in the nation for tech jobs, with a 15% job growth since 2016.

Investors are pouring cash into Dallas startups like there's no tomorrow.

We're talking nearly 70,000 new jobs and ranking 5th for startup activity in major cities. Schools like SMU and UT Dallas are cranking out computer nerds, while coding bootcamps like Nucamp are giving peeps the skills to switch careers and get in on the action.

With all these big dogs and fresh blood, Dallas is becoming a tech powerhouse. Even got networking mixers like this one to help you get your foot in the door.

Bottom line, if you're not in Dallas cashing in on this tech boom, you're missing out!

Table of Contents

  • Discover the Top 10 Tech Companies to Work for in Dallas in 2024
  • Ranking the Top 10 High-Paying Tech Jobs in Dallas in 2024
  • The Top 10 E-Learning Platforms for Dallas's Aspiring Developers in 2024
  • Top 10 Coding Bootcamps in Dallas: A Comprehensive Comparison in 2024
  • Top 10 Universities in Dallas for Pursuing a Computer Science Degree in 2024
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Discover the Top 10 Tech Companies to Work for in Dallas in 2024


Dallas is the place to be if you're into the tech scene. The city is buzzing with some seriously cool companies that are not only killing it with their innovative tech but also making sure their employees are living their best lives.

One of the big players in town is ClearDATA, located right in the heart of downtown Dallas.

These guys have raised over $100 million to protect sensitive healthcare data, which is kind of a big deal. And Match Group, where the median salary is a whopping $105,000.

They've got some sweet perks too, like on-site fitness centers and wellness programs.

In the software game, RealPage is killing it with their competitive compensation package and a culture that celebrates diversity and inclusion.

They've got all sorts of cool affinity groups to make everyone feel like they belong.

You can't talk about Dallas tech without mentioning the big dogs like AT&T.

These telecom giants offer a median salary of around $97,431 and some seriously sweet benefits like comprehensive healthcare and flexible work options. And Texas Instruments, where you can keep learning and growing with their tuition assistance programs.

If you're into travel or networking, Southwest Airlines and Cisco Systems are where it's at.

Southwest hooks up their employees with 'Buddy Passes' for air travel, which is pretty dope. And at Cisco, they've got this whole "borderless work environment" thing going on, which means you can work however and wherever you want.

Their CEO even said, "We believe in empowering our people; a happy team means happy customers."

But Dallas isn't just about the big names. They're also hosting TECHSPO Dallas 2024, which is gonna showcase all the latest and greatest tech innovations.

And companies like Salesforce, Headspace, and JPMorgan, who are all about giving back to the community, promoting mental health, and helping their employees level up their careers.

So, if you're looking to make your mark in the tech world, Dallas is definitely the place to be.

It's like an incubator for top-tier tech employers and a beacon for aspiring professionals like yourself.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Ranking the Top 10 High-Paying Tech Jobs in Dallas in 2024


The Dallas tech scene is straight-up fire right now. If you're looking to score some serious cash, you gotta check out these high-paying gigs.

First up, we got Data Scientists raking in an average of $140,000 per year.

That's more than the national average for tech jobs, which ain't too shabby either.

Next, Software Engineers are killing it with all the startups popping up.

They're bringing in around $115,000 on the regular. That's some serious dough.

DevOps Engineers are keeping things tight with their software dev and ops skills, earning around $110,000.

And let's not forget about the Cybersecurity Managers who are battling cyber threats left and right, making close to $105,000.

They're the real MVPs.

But it doesn't stop there! Cloud Solutions Architects are dominating the cloud game, scoring an average of $100,000 with their mad skills.

That's some serious cheddar.

  • Data Scientists: In Dallas, they earn an average salary of $140,000.
  • Software Engineers: With a flourishing startup environment, they can make up to $115,000.
  • DevOps Engineers: They play a critical role in software development with wages around $110,000.
  • Cybersecurity Managers: Facing complex cyber threats, their average earnings are near $105,000.
  • Cloud Solutions Architects: Their expertise in cloud services garners an average of $100,000.

But hold up, it doesn't stop there.

The future is looking bright for AI Specialists and IoT Architects too. As the tech game evolves, those with skills in predictive analytics, AI, and IoT are gonna be the ones leading the charge.

If you want to stay ahead of the curve and land those fat paychecks, you better start leveling up your skills.

Dallas is where it's at for tech jobs, and places like Nucamp are hooking you up with the skills to snag those high-paying roles.

So, what are you waiting for? Get on that grind and start raking in that Dallas tech cash!

The Top 10 E-Learning Platforms for Dallas's Aspiring Developers in 2024


The world of online learning has totally shaken up how aspiring techies in Dallas can level up their skills. Based on some pretty dope reviews and rankings, like the ones from Newsweek and Statista, the top 10 E-Learning platforms for developers in Dallas in 2024 are killing it with their extensive course offerings, flexible pricing models, and proven effectiveness.

Platforms like Codecademy, Udemy, and Coursera are leading the pack, as online colleges have been evaluated and selected for their personal and professional development programs.

When it comes to pricing, flexibility is key, making it easy to fit these courses into your budget and schedule.

For instance, the University of North Texas offers 86 online programs with flexibility and a solid track record, with 86,216 online enrollments so far.

Meanwhile, Udemy's individual courses often start as low as $11.99 during promotional periods, while Coursera's subscription model gives you access to specializations starting from $39 to $79 per month, covering everything from Python and JavaScript to cyber security, aligning with the diverse tech job market in Dallas.

As for effectiveness, the data shows that learners on platforms like LinkedIn Learning, with a reported 60% course completion rate, are seeing real career benefits.

In 2024, LinkedIn Learning's users saw an average 18% career improvement after completing their courses. Success stories are also unfolding at coding bootcamps, where students dive into project-based learning, seriously boosting their real-world coding skills.

In Dallas, aspiring developers can also check out specialized local bootcamps, which offer intensive, project-based curricula like the ones provided by UT Dallas, designed to fast-track your tech career in web development with the commitment of both short and extended bootcamps.

Moreover, platforms like Codecademy boast a community of over 45 million learners, proving their widespread use and credibility.

In Dallas, users are raving about the value of accessing mentorship and peer support, a key factor in the selection process, which is amplified through networking-focused approaches like those provided at tech events.

As Dallas continues to grow as a tech hub, it's clear that the city's aspiring techies are strategically using online learning to level up.

These platforms are essential tools for developers to stay competitive and informed in the rapidly evolving tech landscape, especially in a city brimming with opportunity and the drive to excel in the tech industry.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

*By checking "I Agree", you are opting-in to receive information, including text messages from Nucamp. You also agree to the following Terms of use, SMS Terms of use & Privacy Policy. Reply STOP to stop receiving text messages.

Top 10 Coding Bootcamps in Dallas: A Comprehensive Comparison in 2024


The coding bootcamp scene in Dallas has been poppin' off lately, with options catering to all kinds of tech goals for 2024. An evaluation of the top coding bootcamps in Dallas reveals a diverse mix of programs, each with its own vibe, duration, costs, and job prospects.

Leading the pack, Nucamp Coding Bootcamp stands out for its affordability and extensive curricula, offering courses in Full Stack Web and Mobile App Development over 22 weeks, with fees starting at a budget-friendly $1,480 – a steal compared to other Dallas bootcamps.

Programs like Tech Talent South focus on Big Data Analytics with a 12-week curriculum, costing around $4,750, while DevMountain Dallas is all about UX Design over a 13-week span for roughly $9,900.

The bootcamps' success is measured by their job placement rate, with top institutions boasting an impressive 89% of grads landing a job within six months of completing the program.

Codeup's data science program costs about $22,500 and has an 88% employment rate, highlighting the growing demand for data expertise in Dallas' tech scene.

For those embarking on their dev journey, here's the lowdown:

  • Program Length: Bootcamps range from 6 to 26 weeks.
  • Specializations: Options include Full Stack, Data Science, UX Design, and more.
  • Costs: Prices vary from $1,480 to $22,500.
  • Outcomes: Top bootcamps report job placement rates as high as 89%.

Nucamp's experienced instructors have some solid advice: Success stories from Nucamp alumni show a massive 56% median salary increase post-graduation, highlighting the life-changing impact of these bootcamps on career paths.

This analysis shows a clear return on investment, directly linked to the depth of the curriculum and the ongoing support provided during and after the program.

As Dallas solidifies its status as an emerging tech hub, the quality of its coding bootcamps shines as a guiding light for those aiming to break into the tech sector or level up their tech skills.

Top 10 Universities in Dallas for Pursuing a Computer Science Degree in 2024


Dallas is like the tech hub of 2024, where all the computer science whiz kids go to level up their skills. The University of Texas at Austin and Texas A&M University are huge, but it's the University of Texas at Dallas (UTD) that's really making waves with their top-notch computer science program.

UTD is like the 82nd best in the nation, and they know how to mix theory and real-world applications, so you're ready to slay in the tech game after graduation.

But real talk, these schools ain't cheap.

We're talking anywhere from $30K to $55K per year for that CS degree. But hey, with 90% of grads landing jobs within six months and entry-level salaries around $70K, it's a solid investment in your future.

The Dallas tech scene is poppin', and these schools are your ticket in.

So, let's break down the 2024 Dallas computer science program rankings:

  1. Strategic education: University of Texas at Dallas (UTD) – the OG, giving you that all-around CS knowledge.
  2. SMU's distinction: Southern Methodist University (SMU) – old-school vibes with a modern tech twist.
  3. Academic excellence: University of Dallas – breeding the next generation of tech innovators.
  4. Expansive reach: Texas A&M University-Commerce – bringing quality education to the masses.
  5. Cybersecurity focus: University of North Texas (UNT) – teaching you how to keep the digital world safe.
  6. Values-driven learning: Dallas Baptist University – mixing faith and tech, keeping it real.
  7. Community empowerment: North Lake College – making tech accessible for everyone.
  8. Urban innovation: El Centro College – bringing tech education to the heart of the city.
  9. Diverse opportunities: Mountain View College – offering a variety of tech programs to choose from.
  10. Academic affordability: Richland College – keeping it budget-friendly for those tech dreams.

The University of North Texas (UNT), coming in at number 5, is like the cybersecurity expert of the bunch.

They're training the future cyber-defenders who'll be keeping the digital world safe from all the hackers and threats out there. One of their professors even said,

"Our graduates will be at the forefront of cybersecurity, thereby becoming invaluable to any organization."

That's some real talk right there.

At the end of the day, these Dallas schools are hooking you up with the skills and knowledge to kill it in the tech game.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

*By checking "I Agree", you are opting-in to receive information, including text messages from Nucamp. You also agree to the following Terms of use, SMS Terms of use & Privacy Policy. Reply STOP to stop receiving text messages.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are some of the top tech companies in Dallas?

Top tech companies in Dallas include AT&T, Texas Instruments, ClearDATA, Match Group, RealPage, Southwest Airlines, Cisco Systems, Salesforce, and JPMorgan.

What are the high-paying tech jobs in Dallas in 2024?

In Dallas in 2024, high-paying tech jobs include Data Scientists earning an average of $140,000, Software Engineers up to $115,000, DevOps Engineers around $110,000, Cybersecurity Managers near $105,000, and Cloud Solutions Architects averaging $100,000.

What are some of the top e-learning platforms for developers in Dallas in 2024?

Top e-learning platforms for developers in Dallas in 2024 include Codecademy, Udemy, Coursera, LinkedIn Learning, and DevMountain Dallas.

What are the top coding bootcamps in Dallas in 2024?

Top coding bootcamps in Dallas in 2024 include Nucamp, Tech Talent South, and Codeup, offering programs in Full Stack Web Development, Mobile App Development, Big Data Analytics, and UX Design.

Which universities in Dallas offer computer science degrees in 2024?

Universities in Dallas offering computer science degrees in 2024 include University of Texas at Dallas (UTD), Southern Methodist University (SMU), University of Dallas, Texas A&M University-Commerce, University of North Texas (UNT), Dallas Baptist University, North Lake College, El Centro College, Mountain View College, and Richland College.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.