Where to find tech internships in Dallas?

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

Dallas city skyline, representing the tech internship opportunities in Dallas

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Dallas offers diverse tech internships covering fields like information security and software engineering, with an average hourly wage of $16.01 to $33.93. Companies providing internships include AT&T and Texas Instruments. Coding bootcamps like Nucamp prepare candidates for the high-paying Dallas tech job market.

Dallas is the spot to be if you're tryna get your tech game on! Right now, there are 192 tech internships up for grabs in the city.

These gigs let you get your hands dirty in the real world while still learning the ropes at companies like AT&T and Texas Instruments. You could be doing anything from hacking security systems to designing dope websites or coding apps.

And the best part? These internships can be part-time or full-time, with mentors to show you the way. Plus, you'll be raking in an average hourly wage between $16.01 and $33.93.

Not too shabby, eh?

These internships aren't just about the cash. They're a golden opportunity to level up your skills in data analysis, systems integration, and more.

And if you want to really stand out in the job market, check out Nucamp's tips on nailing those tech job applications.

They know what's up.

Speaking of Nucamp, their coding bootcamps like Web Development Fundamentals and Full Stack Web + Mobile Development are legit. These bad boys will prep you for the big leagues, including those sweet remote gigs that let you work from anywhere.

So, if you're ready to kickstart your tech career and make moves in Dallas's booming tech scene, hop on these internships and educational resources. It's time to get that competitive edge and show 'em what you're made of!

Table of Contents

  • What Are the Prospects for Entry-Level Developers in Dallas?
  • What Kind of Tech Internships Are Available in Dallas?
  • What Tips Do Dallas Tech Leaders Have for Aspiring Developers?
  • Where to Find Reliable Coding Bootcamp Reviews in Dallas?
  • Which Dallas Companies Offer High-Paying Remote Jobs?
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

What Are the Prospects for Entry-Level Developers in Dallas?


Dallas is where it's at for all you newbie devs tryna get your career started. The tech scene here is blowin' up, and data shows that the job market for junior devs is straight fire.

Real talk, Tech Titans, the biggest tech gang in Texas, says tech jobs been growin' like crazy every year, with a 3% increase just last year alone.

That means more opportunities for y'all to slide into, feel me?

The CompTIA put Dallas in the top 5 U.S. cities for tech careers 'cause we got all kinds of businesses thirsty for that fresh dev talent.

From startups to huge corps, they all want that new perspective and innovative sauce that you youngins bring to the table.

Now, when it comes to bread , entry-level IT gigs in Dallas pay pretty decent.

Salary.com says the average Entry Level Dev salary here is $71,995, with some makin' between $64,606 and $80,883 per year, depending on your skills and qualifications.

Big dogs like Accenture and IBM got special entry-level programs and internships to help you level up, plus dope benefits like learning opportunities and career advancement programs.

But it ain't just about the money. Dallas tech leaders say networking and keepin' that learning grind going is key for newbies. We got all kinds of meetups, hackathons, and professional groups where you can connect with other devs and keep growing that skillset.

Plus, Dallas tech is all about diversity and inclusion, so it's a welcoming vibe for devs from all walks of life.

Speaking of skills, employers here are lookin' for that specialized sauce like data engineering, machine learning, and blockchain.

Knowing your Python, Java, and JavaScript is a major flex. So hit up some local coding bootcamps that got a track record of landing people jobs, and get your network on at industry events and career fairs.

Bottom line, Dallas is the move if you tryna start your tech journey. Good job prospects, solid pay, and a whole community ready to help you level up and succeed in this Texas tech hub.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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What Kind of Tech Internships Are Available in Dallas?


Dallas is the place to be if you're looking to get your foot in the door of the tech world. This city is booming with internship opportunities that'll give you the real-deal experience you need to make it big.

From software engineering to data analytics and UX design, you name it, they've got it.

We're talking about companies like Motorola Solutions, Highland Springs, and even Southwest Airlines offering full-time, part-time, and even housing for interns.

These gigs aren't just about fetching coffee – you'll be working alongside industry pros, developing your leadership skills, and building your network.

Dallas is keeping up with the times, and the tech scene is evolving faster than you can say "byte." Platforms like Chegg Internships are listing over 50 different tech internships in and around the city.

With over 5,600 tech companies calling Dallas home, the demand for fresh talent is skyrocketing, and job listings have jumped by a whopping 33% in areas like software dev, cybersecurity, data analysis, and IT support.

Landing one of these internships is no walk in the park, but it's all about matching your skills and networking like a boss.

Hit up those tech meetups, career fairs, and stay active on job boards like Indeed and LinkedIn. With the right connections and a little hustle, you could be on your way to scoring a sweet internship in Dallas's booming tech scene.

But these internships aren't just about padding your resume – they're about gaining real-world experience and making a tangible impact.

Whether you're configuring networks, maintaining databases, or supporting end-users, you'll be developing the skills that'll set you up for success in the future.

And let's not forget the perks – some of these tech internships are offering up to $25 an hour, and even equity opportunities with some of the city's hottest startups.

If you're ready to level up your tech game, Dallas is the place to be.

The tech scene is booming, the opportunities are endless, and the future is yours for the taking.

What Tips Do Dallas Tech Leaders Have for Aspiring Developers?


If you're hype about turning your tech obsession into a legit career in Dallas, you gotta pay attention to the OGs in the scene. This city is blowing up as a tech hub, and the industry vets are dropping some serious knowledge on how to level up your skills.

According to the Dallas Tech Industry Report, the hottest skills right now are software development, data analytics, and cybersecurity.

So, if you're just starting out, you better focus on mastering those areas. And don't sleep on resources like The Dallas Developer Network - it's an online goldmine where locals share coding tutorials and upcoming tech events.

But here's the real kicker: 67% of jobs come from networking, according to job market stats.

The tech OGs in Dallas can't stress that enough. Building connections is crucial if you want to land a dope gig.

To slay the Dallas tech job market, the vets have some solid advice:

  • Get involved in local meetups, hackathons, and programs like the Schwab Intern Academy. They'll help you level up your skills and expand your network, which is key.
  • Find a mentor through programs like Tech Stars Dallas. Having a seasoned pro in your corner can boost your chances of getting hired by 25%. Check out mentors like those featured on Extraordinary Women in Tech for guidance and support.
  • Stay ahead of the curve by learning new programming languages and tech trends. Veterans like Jessica Thomas preach the importance of career agility and ambition.

Dallas mentors are all about the 'T-shaped' model for skill development.

It means going deep into one specialty but also having broad knowledge across the tech field. Entry-level devs who rock this approach can expect a 34% salary bump within two years, according to Dallas Tech Advocates.

The OGs have a mantra for you:

"In tech, learning never stops, and your network is your net worth."

And don't sleep on coding bootcamps in Dallas either.

92% of grads land tech jobs within six months after finishing programs like Nucamp Coding Bootcamp.

They're a fast track to filling those skill gaps. Breaking into the Dallas tech scene might seem daunting, but with the right networking, skills, and mentorship, you'll be set to snag those prime opportunities.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

*By checking "I Agree", you are opting-in to receive information, including text messages from Nucamp. You also agree to the following Terms of use, SMS Terms of use & Privacy Policy. Reply STOP to stop receiving text messages.

Where to Find Reliable Coding Bootcamp Reviews in Dallas?


Finding the right coding bootcamp in Dallas is crucial if you wanna level up your dev skills. With so many options out there, it's important to do your research and get the real scoop from those who've been there.

Sites like CourseReport and SwitchUp are like cheat codes, giving you the lowdown from former students on different programs.

Plus, resources like BestColleges break down the tech scene in Dallas and how much cash you could be raking in after graduating.

Word on the street is over 95% of bootcamp grads land a job within 6 months, so choosing the right one is a big deal.

  • Program Stats: Check out the graduation rates, job placement numbers, and average salaries. Sites like BootcampRankings.com and SwitchUp have all the deets.
  • Accreditation: Make sure the bootcamp is legit and has the proper accreditation. It's a sign they're not messing around.
  • Alumni Reviews: Real talk from former students on platforms like LinkedIn can give you the inside scoop on what it's really like.

Checking out personal reviews can give you a better feel for what to expect.

For instance, a grad from Nucamp Coding Bootcamp in Dallas said they dug the balance between hands-on projects and theory, which prepped them well for their tech gig.

Plus, industry rankings factor in things like curriculum relevance, instructor skills, and career support services. When weighing your options, make sure the bootcamp's teaching style and support system vibes with your learning preferences and career goals.

You might be tempted to just compare bootcamps based on job placement rates, starting salaries, and course ratings.

But the numbers alone might not give you the full picture. That's why it's a good idea to attend open houses and trial classes too. At the end of the day, a solid review of both the data and personal fit is key to finding the coding bootcamp in Dallas that's right for you.

Which Dallas Companies Offer High-Paying Remote Jobs?


Dallas is where it's at for techies looking to work remotely! This city's economy is booming, and remote work is totally the norm, especially for software devs killing it in the tech game.

Working from home has become the new norm across the nation, giving you the freedom to work from anywhere while raking in some serious cash. Big-name companies like AT&T and Texas Instruments are offering high-paying remote jobs, along with innovative startups like Pfizer in the pharma scene and Cruise, leading the way in self-driving cars.

Dallas has a ton of companies ready to pay top dollar for remote developers.

IT jobs alone are averaging around $93K a year for remote work, which is insane! You can find all sorts of tech gigs across industries like healthcare, law, insurance, cybersecurity, and advertising, as shown on Built In's job listing.

Companies like Litera in legal tech and CrowdStrike in cybersecurity are hiring for roles like Senior Software Engineer, so there's plenty of opportunity.

The best part? Dallas is way more affordable than tech hubs like Silicon Valley.

The cost of living is actually lower than the national average by about 1.5%, so your paycheck goes further. Working in Dallas means you can live comfortably while still being part of a community where companies like Accenture are pushing the boundaries of tech and making a positive impact.

Remote work isn't just about the money.

It's about having the flexibility to live life on your terms. Companies nowadays realize that offering remote options is crucial for attracting and keeping top talent in the tech field.

It's not just a perk anymore; it's an expectation.

Dallas is the place to be, whether you're a seasoned tech vet or a newcomer. There are opportunities galore in this city that's fully embracing the future of work.

If you're on the job hunt, check out reliable job sites and research companies known for their culture, pay, and flexibility. Dallas is where you can thrive in the world of remote tech jobs!

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

*By checking "I Agree", you are opting-in to receive information, including text messages from Nucamp. You also agree to the following Terms of use, SMS Terms of use & Privacy Policy. Reply STOP to stop receiving text messages.

Frequently Asked Questions


What Are the Prospects for Entry-Level Developers in Dallas?

The tech industry in Dallas is burgeoning, making it a hotspot for entry-level developers. Data indicates consistent year-over-year growth in tech industry jobs, with a notable 3% increase in the last year alone. Entry-level developers in Dallas can expect competitive salaries, with an average of $71,995 for entry-level developers, depending on qualifications and skills. Dallas is rich in networking opportunities with meetups, hackathons, and professional groups active in the tech community.

What Kind of Tech Internships Are Available in Dallas?

Dallas offers a diverse range of tech internships covering fields like software development, cybersecurity, data analysis, and IT support. Companies like AT&T, Texas Instruments, Motorola Solutions, and Highland Springs provide internships with full and part-time engagements, offering mentorship and competitive stipends up to $25 per hour. Internships in Dallas focus on hands-on experiences that provide essential skills and real-world impact.

What Tips Do Dallas Tech Leaders Have for Aspiring Developers?

Dallas tech leaders recommend continuous skill development in areas like software development, data analytics, and cybersecurity. They stress the importance of networking through local meetups and hackathons, engaging in mentorship programs like Tech Stars Dallas, and learning new programming languages and technologies. Following a 'T-shaped' model for skills development and embracing continuous learning are highlighted as key strategies for success in the Dallas tech job market.

Where to Find Reliable Coding Bootcamp Reviews in Dallas?

To find reliable coding bootcamp reviews in Dallas, aspiring developers can explore platforms like Course Report and SwitchUp for aggregated feedback from alumni. These platforms offer insights into bootcamp programs, graduation rates, job placement statistics, and salary outcomes. Considering alumni testimonials, program accreditation, and industry-recognized rankings can help individuals make informed decisions when selecting a coding bootcamp in Dallas.

Which Dallas Companies Offer High-Paying Remote Jobs?

Dallas hosts a variety of companies offering high-paying remote jobs, including established giants like AT&T and Texas Instruments, as well as startups in sectors like legal tech, cybersecurity, and healthtech. Remote roles in Dallas offer lucrative annual salaries, averaging $93,000 for IT positions. The city's affordability and diverse industries make it an attractive hub for tech talents seeking remote opportunities with competitive compensation and flexible work arrangements.

You may be interested in the following topics as well:

  • Witness how innovation in Dallas is spurred on by a vibrant community and numerous networking opportunities.

  • Explore how Nucamp's curriculum in Dallas is a gateway to securing high-paying tech roles in today's dynamic job market.

  • Discover the advantages of remote coding education programs to jumpstart your freelancing career in Dallas.

  • Reveal the most coveted remote work opportunities surfacing in Dallas that can help elevate your work-from-home experience.


Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.