What coding bootcamps are available in Dallas?

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: June 5th 2024

Picture of a classroom in a coding bootcamp in Dallas

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Dallas coding bootcamps, like Nucamp, offer affordable options averaging $12,953 with starting salaries around $65,000. Graduates experience a 51% salary increase post-bootcamp. Dallas's tech hub provides ample job opportunities, making coding bootcamps a strategic investment for a tech career.

We're talkin' about how much bang you get for your buck with those coding bootcamps in Dallas. The average cost is around $12,953, but there are some sweet deals like Nucamp offering programs from $458 to $2,904.

They keep it real with affordable quality and even let you pay monthly. You can pick from a ton of specialties like Full Stack and Back End, SQL, and DevOps, all tailored for the Dallas tech scene.

Check out the success stories from places like Tech Elevator.

Their grads are scoring starting salaries around $65,000, which just shows the upward mobility these bootcamps can unlock. Studies even show bootcamp grads see an average salary boost of 51% after finishing.

Alumni are out here living proof, talking about how these programs helped them level up their careers big time. With how intense these bootcamps are, their solid job placement support, and the booming Dallas tech market, they're more than just education – they're a strategic investment in your professional future.

Table of Contents

  • Can Attending a Coding Bootcamp in Dallas Boost Your Career?
  • How Do Dallas Coding Bootcamps Compare to Traditional Computer Science Degrees?
  • Is Dallas the Best City to Start Your Coding Bootcamp Journey?
  • Which Coding Bootcamps in Dallas Offer Job Placement Support?
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Can Attending a Coding Bootcamp in Dallas Boost Your Career?


Let me break it down for ya - doing a coding bootcamp in Dallas can seriously level up your career game. With the crazy number of bootcamp options out there, it's a no-brainer if you wanna make some serious bank in the tech world.

We're talking an average of $94,040 for IT pros, and the cost of living ain't too bad either.

The tech job listings in Dallas went up by a whopping 14% last year.

Talk about being in the right place at the right time!

If you need more convincing, just check out the success stories of coding bootcamp grads in Dallas.

We're talking a 95% employment rate within a year, with peeps landing jobs in software development, IT services, and even startups. It's like these bootcamps know exactly what employers are looking for.

One former sales associate turned full-stack developer said, "The hands-on experience and the portfolio I built during the bootcamp were invaluable during my job search." It's all about getting that practical experience and building up your portfolio to show off your skills.

With big-name companies and a thriving startup scene, Dallas is where it's at for tech careers.

These coding bootcamps hook you up with the skills you need to crush it in the digital world. It's not just an educational thing - it's a straight-up gateway to a dope tech career in Dallas' booming industry.

So, what are you waiting for? Get on that coding grind and level up your life!

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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How Do Dallas Coding Bootcamps Compare to Traditional Computer Science Degrees?


If you're stressing about whether to go for a Dallas coding bootcamp or a traditional Computer Science degree, let me break it down for you.

Coding bootcamps in Dallas are like a shortcut to getting those coding skills on lock.

We're talking 3 to 6 months, compared to the 4-year grind of a university degree. But it's not just about the time, you feel me? These bootcamps can cost you around \$10,000 to \$15,000, while Dallas College might be a more budget-friendly option if you're trying to save some dough.

Here's the deal, though: coding bootcamps like the ones at UT Dallas Tech Bootcamps are all about teaching you the skills that companies are thirsting for right now.

We're talking JavaScript, Python, and full-stack development. On the flip side, a CS degree from places like UT Dallas will take you deeper into the theory and algorithms that could be clutch if you're eyeing those super technical roles in research and development.

But here's the real tea: around 80% of bootcamp grads in Dallas land a job in tech within 6 months, with an average starting salary of \$65,000 per year.

Not too shabby, right? CS degree holders might start off a little higher at around \$68,000, but with Dallas being a booming tech hub, there are plenty of opportunities for both bootcamp grads and degree holders at companies like AT&T and Capital One.

And let's talk about that investment.

Bootcamps give you a quicker return since they're shorter and often cheaper than a traditional degree. Plus, some Dallas bootcamps like Nucamp offer flexible payment plans, scholarships, and even "income share agreements", which makes it way more accessible.

Check out Nucamp's financing options to see what I mean.

In the end, it all comes down to your goals. If you're trying to get into the industry fast, a coding bootcamp might be the move.

But if you're all about those deeply technical roles or want to get into research and academia, a CS degree could be the way to go. Either way, Dallas has got your back with opportunities for both bootcamp grads and degree holders in this booming tech scene.

Is Dallas the Best City to Start Your Coding Bootcamp Journey?


Dallas is blowing up as a tech hub! The growth rate of the tech industry here is like 2.7% higher than the national average, according to some data from CompTIA. Check it out.

Starting your coding journey in Dallas has perks.

For one, the cost of living for tech students is pretty chill compared to other major tech cities like San Francisco. You can ball on a budget while still being part of the bustling tech scene.

With over 373,695 tech workers, the Dallas-Fort Worth area added a whopping 22,000 tech jobs in October 2021 alone. Talk about a fast-growing tech hub, am I right?

The tech community here is lit.

There are always dope networking events happening, like Dallas New Tech and Startup Week, where you can link up with fellow techies and maybe even collab on some sick projects.

If you're in a coding bootcamp, you'll have opportunities to get plugged into the local tech scene real quick.

Speaking of coding bootcamps, Dallas has some serious success stories.

Nucamp coding bootcamp has Dallas grads who are killing it in the tech industry, and you can read all about their journeys on the Nucamp website.

According to a survey by Course Report, bootcamp alumni in Dallas reported an average salary increase of 59% after graduating. That's insane!

Here's a quick rundown of why Dallas is a prime spot for aspiring coders:

  • Recognition of Credentials: 73% of tech employers in Dallas see bootcamp credentials as just as valuable as a four-year degree, according to an Indeed survey.
  • High Employment Rate: Dallas-based bootcamps have an 89% employment rate for grads within 180 days of finishing the program.
  • Impressive Salary Increases: The average bootcamp grad in Dallas goes from making $45,000 to $72,000. That's a serious glow-up!

With all these factors working in your favor, Dallas is definitely the move if you're trying to level up your coding skills.

As Jessica Martinez said,

"Dallas' collaborative tech environment transformed my bootcamp experience into a career gateway."

The city's thriving tech landscape combined with the intensive training from coding bootcamps is a match made in heaven.

It's not just about the education, but being part of a living, breathing ecosystem where you can truly thrive as a developer. Dallas is the place to be!

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

*By checking "I Agree", you are opting-in to receive information, including text messages from Nucamp. You also agree to the following Terms of use, SMS Terms of use & Privacy Policy. Reply STOP to stop receiving text messages.

Which Coding Bootcamps in Dallas Offer Job Placement Support?


Let me break it down for you about these coding bootcamps in Dallas.

Dallas is the new Silicon Valley, and coding bootcamps are the way to go if you want to get a great job in tech.

They don't just teach you how to code, but they also hook you up with job placement support to help you land that opportunity.

Check it out - Tech Elevator has a great graduation rate, and their grads are making $65K straight out of the program.

Coding Dojo has your back for life with their Career Services team - they'll make sure you're ready for the job search.

  • Tech Elevator - Extensive network with over 900 partners and career support to get you hired.
  • Coding Dojo - Lifetime career services and a curriculum that'll prepare you for the real world.
  • Nucamp - Affordable, but still hooks you up with career services and networking events to get you in the game.

Nucamp's alumni are sharing their experiences about how these bootcamps helped them get their foot in the door.

One grad said,

"The job support was instrumental in landing my first developer role—Nucamp's direct line to the industry made all the difference."

And let's not forget about the University of Texas at Dallas Bootcamp.

They've got your back with career coaching and real-world projects to prep you for those in-demand tech jobs. Nucamp's got articles breaking down if their bootcamps are good for career changes and how to pick the right one for your return on investment.

Bottom line, these Dallas bootcamps are providing career counselors and employer networks, so you can secure a great role with their high job placement rates.

They're training up the future tech workforce.

BootcampJob Placement RateKey Services
Tech ElevatorHigh Graduation RateHiring network, Career support
Coding DojoComprehensive Lifetime SupportAdaptability, Industry connections
University of Texas at Dallas BootcampHigh Demand AlignmentCareer coaching, Real-world projects
NucampHigh SatisfactionNetworking, Industry direct line

So if you're looking to level up your career and get into tech, these Dallas coding bootcamps have you covered.

They'll give you the skills and the connections to make it happen.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the average cost of coding bootcamps in Dallas?

The average cost of coding bootcamps in Dallas is $12,953. For example, Nucamp offers bootcamps ranging from $458 to $2,904, providing affordability and quality with monthly payment options available.

What is the starting salary range for coding bootcamp graduates in Dallas?

Coding bootcamp graduates in Dallas typically start with salaries averaging around $65,000. Additionally, post-bootcamp completion, graduates experience a 51% salary increase on average.

Why are coding bootcamps in Dallas considered a strategic investment for a tech career?

Dallas's tech hub provides ample job opportunities, with coding bootcamps offering a concentrated education that leads to a promising tech career. With a median salary for IT professionals around $94,040, Dallas is a significant tech hub, making coding bootcamps a strategic investment for career growth.

How do Dallas coding bootcamps compare to traditional computer science degrees?

Dallas coding bootcamps offer an accelerated pathway to practical coding skills in 3 to 6 months, while traditional computer science degrees from institutions like UT Dallas delve deeper into theory and algorithm concepts. Job prospects for bootcamp graduates are promising, with starting salaries around $65,000, making bootcamps a cost-effective and efficient alternative to traditional degrees.

Which Dallas coding bootcamps offer job placement support?

Dallas coding bootcamps like Tech Elevator, Coding Dojo, University of Texas at Dallas Bootcamp, and Nucamp offer job placement support through extensive hiring networks, career services, lifetime support, and industry-aligned projects. Graduates benefit from high job placement rates and industry connections, setting a solid foundation for their tech careers.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.