What tools do remote workers use in Dallas?

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

A workspace representing the remote work culture in Dallas

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Dallas sees a 20% surge in tech job postings with a 140% rise in remote work options since 2005. Remote tech roles in Dallas grew by 12% annually, with a 3% rise in average tech salary to $95,000. AI-related job openings in Dallas soared by 250% since 2020.

The tech job scene in Dallas is straight-up booming. Just last year, there was a wild 20% spike in tech job postings, according to those CompTIA folks. This city is rapidly becoming a major hub for techies, ranking as the second-fastest-growing in the entire U.S. The remote work craze has definitely played a big part in this, expanding the talent pool and opening up more flexible career options.

A report from CBRE dubbed Dallas a top city for high-tech software job growth, with a solid 12.7% increase over the past couple of years.

Companies are all about that remote life too; around 36% of Dallas-based firms have upped their remote workforce game. It's a whole new world out there!

  • Remote Work on the Rise: Since 2005, remote work opportunities have skyrocketed by a whopping 140%, and Dallas has been riding that wave hard post-pandemic.
  • Show Me the Money: Thanks to the remote work boom, tech salaries in Dallas have seen a 3% boost, now averaging a hefty $95K. Not too shabby!
  • Growth Spurt: According to Indeed, remote tech roles in Dallas have grown by 12% year-over-year. The future looks bright.

But it's not just about the numbers.

This remote work shift has diversified the Dallas tech scene, opening up opportunities in everything from cybersecurity and cloud computing to data analysis. As we dig deeper, we'll see how this remote work wave is reshaping the entire workspace vibe.

Dallas is keen on keeping up, collaborating with schools like UT Dallas to cultivate a skilled and adaptable tech workforce that can tackle whatever challenges come their way.

If you need a refresher on how to transition into a remote tech career from Dallas, check out our previous discussions on that topic.

Table of Contents

  • How is Artificial Intelligence Shaping Job Opportunities in Dallas?
  • Top 10 Remote Work Platforms That Dallas Professionals Love in 2024
  • What Remote Job Listings Should Dallas Residents Keep an Eye On?
  • Which E-Learning Platforms Are Popular Among Dallas's Tech Community?
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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How is Artificial Intelligence Shaping Job Opportunities in Dallas?


The Dallas job scene has been hit hard by AI. It's shaking things up and bringing in a whole new wave of tech jobs. Companies like Prolucent Healthcare are using AI to tackle healthcare staffing issues.

AI jobs in Dallas have skyrocketed by a massive 250% since 2020.

Startups focused on AI solutions and top AI companies in Dallas are hiring like crazy. This AI boom has put Dallas on the map as a major AI hub, pumping $2 billion into the local economy last year alone.

With industry growth in 2024 on the horizon, Dallas is set to be a key player in shaping the future of tech jobs.

The types of AI jobs and skills needed are diverse.

AI specialists, data scientists, machine learning engineers, and AI researchers are in high demand. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts 377,500 job openings per year in computer and IT occupations, so the opportunities are endless.

Companies are battling for talent, and the median salary for AI roles in Dallas is now over $120,000.

Lisa Harris, Chief Technology Officer at Dallas-based AI enterprise InnoTech AI, says, "The growth we are witnessing in AI job opportunities in Dallas is unparalleled.

It's a goldmine of potential for professionals who are equipped with AI-centric skills." Schools like UT Dallas are stepping up their AI and Machine Learning programs to meet the demand for AI skills.

In short, AI has transformed the Dallas job market, launching it into a new era of tech-driven employment.

As AI continues to evolve, the combination of cutting-edge AI businesses and a skilled workforce is positioning Dallas as a major AI talent hub, promising even more economic benefits and job opportunities down the line.

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Top 10 Remote Work Platforms That Dallas Professionals Love in 2024


The remote work scene in Dallas is lit! By 2024, the top 10 platforms that the city's tech pros will be rocking are seriously fire.

Leading the pack is Slack, with its user base in the tech community growing by a massive 18%.

It's a total gamechanger for seamless team collaboration and easy-to-use interface. Speaking of communication, Zoom is still a vital player, with 5 million video conference minutes logged daily in Dallas.

It's a must-have for remote meetings and catch-ups.

When it comes to project management, Asana takes the third spot. 30% of Dallas's project managers swear by its efficiency for staying organized.

Microsoft Teams is also making waves, with a 25% adoption spike among local businesses. It's a total lifesaver for remote collaboration.

Check out these other platforms that are slaying the game:

  • The project management app Trello sees a 35% uptick in active boards within the Dallas tech industry. It's a killer tool for managing tasks.
  • Google Workspace is gaining serious traction, with a 20% rise in adoption by local enterprises. Its versatility for remote work is on point.
  • Notion, the all-in-one workspace tool, secures the sixth rank with a 22% increase in use. It's the go-to for consolidating team resources and knowledge bases.
  • For creative collabs, Miro's digital whiteboard is a game-changer. It sees a 40% surge in its user base, making it the top choice for remote brainstorming sessions.
  • Basecamp, designed for project oversight, captures the small business segment with a 28% increase in subscriptions. Its straightforward functionality is a total win.
  • Monday.com carves its niche with a 25% growth amongst Dallas professionals. Its adaptability across diverse workflows is on point.
  • Last but not least, GitHub, crucial for developer collaboration, completes the list with a steady 15% rise in local engagement.

Industry leaders at the EntreLeadership Summit in Dallas are hyping up the benefits of these platforms, saying,

The diversity and adaptability of remote work platforms have underpinned the expansion of Dallas's technology job market. The capability to customize and scale these tools mirrors the city's zest for innovation.

With features covering everything from communication to project management, these apps are redefining the workplace.

Their popularity is a testament to Dallas's vibrant tech ecosystem's demand for adaptability and productivity. Looking ahead, these platforms are set to shape the future of work, cementing Dallas's status as a prime hub for tech innovation and remote tech career opportunities.

What Remote Job Listings Should Dallas Residents Keep an Eye On?


Dallas, the job game is changing rapidly with the rise of remote work in 2024. Certain remote job listings are looking fire for locals seeking flexible opportunities.

The summer internships in Dallas are lit, showing the city's commitment to helping youngins kickstart their careers in industries like IT, marketing, and business.

According to the latest trends, the tech sector is leading the pack for remote jobs, with a massive spike in listings for software developers, data analysts, and cybersecurity experts.

The expansion of remote work tools that Dallas pros now rely on has been a game-changer, making processes smoother and opening up job opportunities beyond the city limits.

To navigate this vibrant job market, Dallas job seekers are exploring empowering opportunities like the entry-level positions and internships at PwC, which offer immersive experiences to kickstart their careers.

The focus is not just on remote job boards but also on specialized platforms that provide access to industry-oriented roles and comprehensive development programs.

FlexJobs, one of the popular platforms, has seen a massive uptick in Dallas-based users, emphasizing the city's shift towards remote work careers, where boutique firms and big companies alike are opening avenues for remote SEO specialists and telemedicine physicians—a testament to the growing diversity in the Dallas employment landscape.

To stay competitive in this evolving landscape, Dallas professionals need to level up their in-demand remote skills for 2024:

  • Programming: Mastering programming languages like Python and JavaScript
  • Marketing Analytics: Expertise in digital marketing analytics and SEO strategies
  • Cloud Computing: Knowledge of cloud computing services like AWS and Azure
  • Artificial Intelligence: Understanding AI and machine learning fundamentals

The commitment to these skills is visible, as local educational pathways, like Nucamp Coding Bootcamp's programs, demonstrate Dallas's dedication to technology and life-long learning.

Investing in these competencies opens doors to a variety of high-demand roles, from project management in virtual team settings to innovation-driven jobs in booming industries like fintech and edtech.

Industry experts suggest focusing on job listings that emphasize collaboration and adaptability, considering employers in Dallas highly value these traits.

With dynamic work cultures seeking candidates who can seamlessly integrate, and the regional job market expanding, the future looks promising for Dallas residents who are attuned to technological advancements and remote work flexibility.

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Which E-Learning Platforms Are Popular Among Dallas's Tech Community?


The tech scene in Dallas be popping off with all these online learning platforms helping IT pros level up their skills. Check it – a recent survey showed that a whopping 85% of tech workers in the city are using digital education to boost their careers.

This online learning craze ain't no joke, with the e-learning market expected to hit $325 billion by 2025, according to some market research peeps.

Schools like Texas Tech University and Dallas College are getting in on the action too, offering online programs that reach far beyond the city limits.

  • Coursera: Dallas IT workers love Coursera for its massive course selection, especially in data science and machine learning.
  • Udemy: Udemy's flexible learning with pay-per-course options appeals to those looking for affordable ways to level up their skills.
  • Pluralsight: Known for its specialized tech courses, Pluralsight is a fave among Dallas tech pros for its role-based learning paths.
  • Articulate 360: Hailed as the "world's best creator platform for online workplace learning", Articulate 360 is used by all 100 Fortune 100 companies, including many in Dallas, to develop online training on a massive scale.

As Nucamp Coding Bootcamp's articles mention, this online education craze ain't just happening at traditional schools, but also at cutting-edge tech companies.

Dallas IT pros are going hard for certifications like AWS Certified Solutions Architect, Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), and Project Management Professional (PMP), showing how much they value having a diverse skillset backed by continuous learning.

Dallas's tech community is a prime example of how educational technology needs to keep innovating to keep up with the ever-changing demands.

With remote work on the rise and more flexibility for pros, e-learning has become the go-to solution in a world where skills quickly become outdated. In Dallas's tech sector, lifelong learning ain't just a trend – it's deeply ingrained in their professional mindset, with tech leaders emphasizing how e-learning is crucial in an industry where technology moves faster than a speeding bullet.

Dallas is a city where the future of work and learning collide, fitting for a region at the forefront of technology and education.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the surge in remote work options in Dallas since 2005?

Dallas has seen a 140% upswing in remote work options since 2005, reaching its peak post-pandemic.

What is the average tech salary in Dallas after the rise of remote work?

The pivot towards remote work has led to a 3% increase in average tech salary in Dallas, now standing at $95,000.

How much has the remote tech roles in Dallas grown annually?

Dallas has experienced a 12% year-over-year growth in remote tech roles, as reported by Indeed.

What is the increase in AI-related job openings in Dallas since 2020?

Dallas has seen a remarkable 250% increase in AI-related job openings since 2020, showcasing the city's focus on AI innovation.

Which are the top 10 remote work platforms preferred by Dallas professionals in 2024?

The top 10 remote work platforms in Dallas in 2024 include Slack, Zoom, Asana, Microsoft Teams, Trello, Google Workspace, Notion, Miro, Basecamp, Monday.com, and GitHub.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.