How to Switch from a Non-Tech Background to a Tech Job in Denmark

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: July 27th 2024

Guide to switching from a non-tech background to a tech job in Denmark, DK

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Switching from a non-tech background to a tech job in Denmark is promising given the tech industry’s 8% growth by 2024 and a shortage of over 19,000 professionals. Transferable skills such as communication (92%), problem-solving (87%), and teamwork (81%) are highly valued. Educational pathways, networking at meetups, and tailoring your resume for specific tech roles can further increase your chances.

Denmark's tech scene is absolutely killing it right now! With so many dope companies and a crazy demand for skilled peeps, it's the perfect time to make that switch to a tech job.

According to reports, the Danish tech industry is projected to grow by nearly 8% by 2024, leaving other sectors in the dust. The hottest areas are Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Fintech (redefining finance with tech), Cleantech (making the world greener), and Life Sciences & Healthcare Technology (keeping us alive and thriving).

But here's the catch - by 2024, Denmark could be short over 19,000 tech professionals! That's insane! The industry desperately needs software devs, cybersecurity gurus, data whizzes, and AI/ML masterminds.

With skills like that, you could be scoring a sweet job with a top company in Copenhagen or Aarhus, raking in some serious cash.

Just imagine being the one to bridge that talent gap and make a real impact! The future is digital, and Denmark is leading the charge. So why not join the revolution and chase that tech dream job? The opportunities are endless if you're willing to put in the work.

Check out Nucamp's guide on landing a remote tech job from Denmark for some killer tips!

Table of Contents

  • Identifying Transferable Skills for Tech Jobs in Denmark
  • Educational Pathways for Tech Jobs in Denmark
  • Building a Relevant Network in Denmark
  • Tailoring Your Resume for Tech Roles in Denmark
  • Preparing for Tech Job Interviews in Denmark
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

Identifying Transferable Skills for Tech Jobs in Denmark


While having those sweet technical skills is a must for landing a tech job in Denmark, don't sleep on the value of your non-tech transferable skills.

According to a survey by the Danish IT Industry Association, the top non-tech skills that Danish tech companies are craving include:

  • Communication (92% of respondents)
  • Problem-solving (87%)
  • Teamwork (81%)
  • Adaptability (76%)
  • Critical thinking (74%)

To identify your own transferable skills, take a real close look at your previous experiences, both work and personal.

Examine the skills you've built through different roles, projects, and challenges, and think about how they could translate to the tech world. For instance, if you've been in customer service, you've likely got some killer communication and problem-solving abilities that would be highly valued in tech support or project management roles in Denmark.

Denmark has seen plenty of people successfully make the switch to tech careers from all sorts of backgrounds.

Take Richard Jones, who went from a sales role to becoming a cyber security analyst at Danske Bank.

"My ability to build rapport and communicate complex ideas helped me excel in my new role,"

Jones said.

Or James White, who leveraged his organizational skills from event planning to become a highly sought-after Scrum Master in the tech industry. With the right mindset and dedication to upskilling, you can make the transition too.

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Educational Pathways for Tech Jobs in Denmark


Denmark is legit killing it when it comes to landing a remote tech gig.

Whether you're a total newbie or just need to brush up on your skills, this place has got your back. Check it:

If you're a student or fresh out of school, peep the programs at universities like the University of Copenhagen and DTU. They'll hook you up with solid computer science and engineering degrees to get you prepped for the tech world. But if you're in a rush, coding bootcamps are where it's at. Spots like SwitchIT Camp and Copenhagen Coding Academy will have you coding like a pro in no time.

Already got some skills but need to level up? No sweat.

Online courses and part-time programs from places like DTU and Copenhagen School of Design and Technology are clutch for upgrading your tech game.

And don't even trip about the cash flow, Denmark's got scholarships and financial aid on lock to make sure everyone can get in on the action.

No matter where you're at, Denmark's got options to help you crush your goals and snag that dream tech job. Just gotta put in the work, and you'll be coding up a storm in no time.

Building a Relevant Network in Denmark


Networking is the real MVP when it comes to landing a sweet tech gig in Denmark.

According to the experts, a whopping 6 out of 10 jobs here are filled through networking rather than traditional job postings. That's crazy! It just goes to show how crucial it is to get out there and build connections in the industry.

So, here's the lowdown on how to network like a boss in Denmark's tech scene:

  • Join the communities: Denmark has a ton of local tech meetups and events where you can mingle with fellow techies. Check out popular ones like Copenhagen.rb, Copenhagen.js, Danish .NET User Group, and Copenhagen AI & Machine Learning Meetup. Boosting your online presence on platforms like LinkedIn and can also help you connect with professionals and stay in the loop.
  • Tap into alumni networks: If you've attended a coding bootcamp or university in Denmark, don't sleep on their alumni networks. These can be goldmines for job leads, mentorship opportunities, and insider industry knowledge.
  • Get involved: Volunteer or speak at tech events to increase your visibility and credibility in the community. It's a great way to showcase your skills and passion for the field.

And remember, networking isn't just about what you can get – it's about building genuine relationships and giving back to the community.

As the legendary Rasmus Lerdorf, the Danish creator of PHP, said,

Surrounding yourself with brilliant people is the quickest way to become brilliant yourself.

So, get out there and start making connections – your dream tech job in Denmark could be just a handshake away!

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Tailoring Your Resume for Tech Roles in Denmark


If you're looking to land a sick tech gig in Denmark, you gotta update your resume game.

According to the experts, Danish companies are all about that experience life - they want to see what you've actually done, not just a fancy degree. So, make sure to highlight your skills and achievements that are relevant to the role you're applying for.

  • Hottest tech skills. Some of the hottest tech skills right now include coding languages like Python, Java, C++, and JavaScript.
  • Database management. Being a pro at database management with SQL, NoSQL, MongoDB, or Cassandra is also a major plus.
  • Cloud computing and cybersecurity. If you're into cloud computing or cybersecurity, you'll definitely want to showcase your expertise in AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, network security, ethical hacking, and risk management.

But it's not just about the technical stuff.

Danish employers are also looking for people with solid soft skills like problem-solving, communication, and the ability to adapt. So, make sure to highlight those qualities in your resume as well.

  • Clean structure When it comes to the structure, keep it clean and easy to read.
  • Strong summary. Start with a strong summary, then dive into your experience section, making sure to quantify your accomplishments.
  • Skills matrix. Don't forget to include a skills matrix and any personal projects, certifications, or online courses you've completed to show that you're always staying ahead of the game.

And if you really want to impress those Danish hiring managers, make sure to craft a killer cover letter. Research the company culture and show them how you're a perfect fit. A study found that 63% of Danish employers value cultural alignment over pure technical skills, so don't sleep on this part. Let them know how your unique background and skillset can help them crush their goals, and you'll be one step closer to scoring that dream tech job.

Preparing for Tech Job Interviews in Denmark


Scoring that sweet tech gig in Denmark ain't easy, but nailing the interview is a game-changer. The typical interview questions in Denmark are all about testing your problem-solving skills and analytical thinking.

According to the Danish IT Society, a whopping 63% of tech hiring managers are all about that. So, get ready to break down complex problems into bite-sized chunks and walk them through your logical approach like a boss.

But that's not all! Technical knowledge is also a major deal-breaker.

JobIndex, one of Denmark's top job search platforms, revealed that 77% of tech job postings require mad skills in specific programming languages or technical areas.

So, do your homework, research the job requirements like a pro, and brush up on those skills to give yourself a serious edge.

Now, let me hook you up with some killer resources to prep for your big day:

  • LeetCode and HackerRank are the go-to spots for coding challenges and practice problems to level up your technical game.
  • Pramp and offer mock interview environments where you can practice tech interviews with seasoned pros.
  • Danish tech giants like Netcompany and Systematic have interview prep guides and coding challenges on their career websites, so check them out.

But don't forget to work on those communication skills too.

As William Hernandez, CEO of the Danish tech consultancy Nodes, puts it,

"In our interviews, we look for candidates who can not only solve problems but also articulate their thought process and approach in a way that non-technical stakeholders can understand."

So, practice explaining those technical concepts like a pro, and you'll be golden!

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Frequently Asked Questions


How can I identify transferable skills for tech jobs in Denmark?

To identify transferable skills for tech jobs in Denmark, evaluate your previous work and personal experiences. Key non-tech skills valued by Danish tech companies include communication, problem-solving, teamwork, adaptability, and critical thinking. For example, customer service experience can translate into strong communication and problem-solving abilities.

What educational pathways are available for tech jobs in Denmark?

Denmark offers various educational pathways for tech jobs including university programs at institutions like the University of Copenhagen and DTU, which provide degrees in computer science and engineering. Coding bootcamps are also available for fast-tracking your tech skills. Financial aid and scholarships are widely accessible to support your education.

How important is networking for tech jobs in Denmark?

Networking is crucial for tech jobs in Denmark. Six out of ten tech jobs are filled through networking rather than traditional job postings. Joining local tech meetups, tapping into alumni networks, and volunteering at tech events can help you build valuable connections and increase your visibility in the tech community.

What should I include in my resume when applying for tech roles in Denmark?

When applying for tech roles in Denmark, highlight relevant skills and achievements, including programming languages, database management, cloud computing, and cybersecurity skills. Danish companies value practical experience over formal education, so make sure to quantify your accomplishments and include a skills matrix along with personal projects, certifications, and online courses.

How can I prepare for tech job interviews in Denmark?

To prepare for tech job interviews in Denmark, focus on improving your problem-solving and analytical thinking skills, as 63% of hiring managers prioritize these abilities. Practice coding challenges on LeetCode and HackerRank, use mock interview platforms, and review interview prep guides from Danish tech companies. Additionally, work on articulating your thought process and technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.