Top 10 Strategies for Networking Your Way into Denmark's Tech Scene

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: July 27th 2024

Networking in Denmark's tech scene featuring professionals at a meetup event

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Unlock Denmark's thriving tech scene with effective networking strategies. Enhance your LinkedIn and Xing profiles, join tech groups, and attend key events like TechBBQ. Utilize coworking spaces such as Talent Garden Rainmaking, volunteer with Coding Pirates, enroll in coding bootcamps, and engage with hackathons like Junction. Connect through professional associations like IDA and leverage social media beyond LinkedIn. Secure mentorship via networks like Tech Nordic Advocates, and participate in university and alumni events for impactful connections. These steps will elevate your career in Denmark's tech industry.

Getting that network game on lock is an absolute must if you're trying to level up in Denmark's tech scene. This tiny country might seem chill, but it's low-key becoming a major player in innovation, ranking 8th globally in the 2022 Global Innovation Index.

And a huge key to that success? The tight-knit tech community always down to connect and collab.

Mastering networking opens up so many doors - from hearing about fresh job opps, to finding co-founders for your startup dreams, to just kicking it with fellow code geeks.

That's why we're breaking down the top ways to take your networking A-game to new heights, like:

  • Polished LinkedIn profile: Flexing that polished LinkedIn profile can significantly boost your visibility to potential employers and network connections.
  • Can't-miss events: Hitting up events like TechBBQ and the High Tech Summit provides golden opportunities to meet influential people in the tech industry.
  • Coworking spaces and coding bootcamps: Grinding at coworking spaces and coding bootcamps offers a productive environment where you can meet like-minded professionals and learn new skills.
  • University alumni networks: Connecting with university alumni networks can open doors to mentorship opportunities and insider job referrals.

Your squad is everything, so get ready to tap into Denmark's buzzing tech ecosystem and watch your career take off.

Table of Contents

  • Leverage LinkedIn and Xing for Professional Connections
  • Attend Meetups and Tech Conferences Such as TechBBQ
  • Join Coworking Spaces such as Talent Garden Rainmaking
  • Volunteer for Local Tech Initiatives like Coding Pirates
  • Enroll in Coding Bootcamps such as the ones offered by Nucamp
  • Participate in Hackathons and Competitions like Junction
  • Engage with Professional Associations like IDA
  • Make Use of Social Media Platforms beyond LinkedIn
  • Attend University and Alumni Networking Events
  • Seek out Mentorship Opportunities through Networks like Tech Nordic Advocates
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Leverage LinkedIn and Xing for Professional Connections


Check this out - if you wanna break into Denmark's lit tech scene, you gotta get your LinkedIn and Xing profiles game on point. Your LinkedIn profile is like your digital resume, so make sure it's all tricked out with a dope headline showcasing your tech skills and a professional pic.

Write an "About" section that'll blow 'em away with your achievements and ambitions in the Danish tech world. And don't sleep on Xing - it's huge in Europe and a great way to connect with folks in the Danish market.

Once your profiles are locked and loaded, join some tech groups to expand your network.

On LinkedIn, check out groups like "Danish Tech Leaders," "Denmark Tech Scene," and "Danish IT Professional Network." Engage with the community by sharing killer content, participating in discussions, and flexing your expertise.

On Xing, explore groups such as "Tech Danmark" and "IT-Professionals Denmark." These groups are prime spots to connect with other tech heads, stay up-to-date on industry trends, and maybe even find your next gig.

Building connections with industry leaders and professionals in Denmark is key for leveling up your career and knowledge.

Here are some tips to grow your network:

  • Tap Into Alumni Networks: Link up with former classmates from your university or coding bootcamp who are killing it in Denmark's tech scene.
  • Hit Up Local Events: Keep an eye out for tech meetups, conferences, and networking events in cities like Copenhagen and Aarhus, and mingle with the attendees.
  • Find a Mentor: Reach out to experienced pros like Elizabeth Harris or Daniel Martin you admire and let 'em know you're interested in learning from their expertise.
  • Personalize Connection Requests: When connecting on LinkedIn or Xing, make it personal by mentioning shared interests or how you stumbled on their profile.

By optimizing your LinkedIn and Xing profiles, joining the right groups, and actively connecting with industry pros, you'll expand your network and unlock sick opportunities in Denmark's thriving tech landscape.

Networking on LinkedIn is crucial for any aspiring tech pro, so don't sleep on it!

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Attend Meetups and Tech Conferences Such as TechBBQ


Attending networking events is a game-changer for leveling up your connections in Denmark's tech scene.

Events like TechBBQ are the real deal, bringing together over 7,000 industry heavyweights, potential employers, and fellow tech geeks from all over the Nordics.

It's the perfect spot to make meaningful connections and maybe even score some solid job leads.

But you gotta be strategic, ya feel me? Research the attendee list beforehand and pinpoint the people or companies you wanna link up with.

Craft a tight elevator pitch that introduces you and your interests, then work the room like a pro. As Rasmus Møgelbjerg from Nordic Makers says, "Don't just hand out biz cards; focus on building real relationships." Follow up with your new connections ASAP to keep the momentum going.

Besides TechBBQ, Denmark has a ton of dope meetups and conferences for tech enthusiasts.

Check out:

  • Copenhagen .NET User Group: For .NET devs.
  • Copenhagen AI Meetup: For all things AI.
  • Copenhagen Coding Nights: For coding challenges and networking.
  • Danish .NET User Group: For nationwide .NET collabs.
  • Danish Ruby User Group: For Ruby devs to geek out together.

By hitting up these events, you'll not only expand your professional network, but you'll also stay in the loop on the latest trends, best practices, and job openings in Denmark's booming tech scene.

Join Coworking Spaces such as Talent Garden Rainmaking


Look, joining coworking spaces like Talent Garden Rainmaking is an absolute game-changer if you want to level up your networking game in Denmark's tech scene.

These places are designed for collaboration and connecting with like-minded techies from all walks of life. According to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, a whopping 84% of coworkers said these spaces expanded their professional networks, while 92% felt they could interact better with others.

At Talent Garden Rainmaking, you gain access to a vibrant community of entrepreneurs, developers, designers, and industry leaders.

They've got private offices and dedicated desks for when you need to grind, meeting rooms and event spaces for team collabs, and even networking events and workshops to share knowledge and level up your skills.

They also have mentorship programs and startup incubators for those looking to launch their own ventures.

To make the most of these coworking spaces, here are some pro tips:

  1. Actively participate in community events and workshops to connect with like-minded professionals.
  2. Look for collaborative opportunities by joining project teams or starting discussions on shared interests.
  3. Don't miss out on networking mixers and socials – they're the perfect chance to expand your circle and make new connections.

As Christopher Lee, the community manager at Talent Garden Rainmaking says,

"Our coworking space is designed to be a launchpad for innovation, where ideas come to life through collaboration and support."

With all the resources and the thriving community, joining a coworking space like this can be a total game-changer for tech professionals looking to network and level up their careers in Denmark.

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Volunteer for Local Tech Initiatives like Coding Pirates


If you wanna get your foot in the door of Denmark's tech scene, volunteering with Coding Pirates is a total game-changer.

These dudes are on a mission to teach kids how to code and get creative with tech, and they need all the help they can get. By joining their squad, you'll be rubbing elbows with industry pros, educators, and fellow techies who share your passion.

Here's the real deal: signing up as a volunteer for initiatives like Coding Pirates is a surefire way to level up your skills and expand your network.

You'll get hands-on experience teaching, public speaking, and managing projects, all while making a positive impact on your community. It's a win-win situation.

But don't just take my word for it.

According to a study by L. Gasant et al., a whopping 84% of volunteers reported boosting their interpersonal skills, and 68% felt more pumped up about their careers after volunteering.

That's some serious motivation right there!

If Coding Pirates doesn't float your boat, no worries! Denmark has a bunch of other awesome tech initiatives that need volunteers, like Coding Club DK, CoderDojo Copenhagen, and TechRetreat Denmark.

These guys are all about empowering kids and promoting diversity in STEM fields, so you know you'll be doing some meaningful work.

At the end of the day, volunteering is a golden opportunity to give back to your community while scoring valuable skills and connections.

As VolunteerHub puts it, "Volunteering provides an opportunity to give back to your community while gaining valuable skills and networking connections." So what are you waiting for? Get out there and start making moves!

Enroll in Coding Bootcamps such as the ones offered by Nucamp


If you're looking to break into Denmark's tech scene, enrolling in a coding bootcamp like Nucamp is a game-changer.

These intense programs aren't just about learning to code – they're a networking goldmine! At Nucamp, you'll be surrounded by a diverse group of tech-savvy students, all passionate about the same thing.

It's the perfect opportunity to exchange ideas, make connections, and who knows? Maybe even find your future business partner or co-founder!

But that's not all – these bootcamps give you direct access to industry pros who serve as instructors and mentors.

Imagine having experts from top tech companies guiding you through the latest trends and job opportunities. It's like having a backstage pass to the tech world! And according to this coding bootcamp in Denmark, their grads see an average salary increase of 38% after completing the program.

That's some serious cash!

Beyond the networking and salary boost, coding bootcamps like Nucamp equip you with practical skills and a portfolio that'll make you stand out in the job market.

They've got your back with resume reviews, mock interviews, and even job placement assistance. It's like having a personal career coach in your corner. Plus, as this article mentions, many companies in Denmark are open to hiring English speakers, so you're already ahead of the game!

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Participate in Hackathons and Competitions like Junction


Hackathons and tech competitions are where it's at when it comes to networking in Denmark's killer tech scene.

Participants go all out at events like Junction, with over 1,500 devs, designers, and entrepreneurs from around the globe coming together for a crazy 48-hour grind to build innovative solutions.

It's a prime spot to make connections, with 79% of attendees locking down solid networks with peers and mentors (Junction XP).

But Junction isn't the only event in town – Denmark has a stacked lineup of hackathons and tech competitions for every interest.

Check out these events:

  • TechBBQ - Europe's hottest startup party, covering tracks like AI, IoT, and fintech (TechBBQ)
  • Hack4DK - A civic hackathon where you get to hack solutions for real-world issues (Hack4DK)
  • Copenhagen Compliance Hackathon - Bringing innovative regulatory compliance ideas (CPH Compliance Hackathon)
  • Danish AI Hackathon - An annual AI showdown to flex your machine learning muscles (Danish AI Hackathon)

Hitting up these events is a strategic move – you expand your network, get hands-on with real problems, collaborate with fresh faces, and level up your tech and soft skills.

As Michael Hernandez, CEO of Chainalytics, says, "Hackathons are a great way to showcase your talents, connect with like-minded individuals, and maybe even catch the eye of potential employers." With the right mindset and preparation, hackathons could be a game-changer for your career and networking opportunities in Denmark's tech scene.

Engage with Professional Associations like IDA


Joining a pro organization like IDA (The Danish Society of Engineers) is a total game-changer for networking in Denmark's tech scene.

With over 115,000 members across all kinds of technical fields, IDA is the spot to make connections and level up your skills. Here's the lowdown:

  • Events for Networking: IDA hooks you up with a ton of events perfect for meeting new people and expanding your circle. We're talking networking nights where you can and interact with others who get your tech hustle.
  • Industry Seminars: They've also got seminars led by industry professionals, breaking down the latest tech trends and sharing tips.
  • Career Fairs: If you're job hunting, their career fairs are an easy way to get face time with potential employers.

But it's not just about the events.

IDA has an online community where members can collaborate on projects, debate topics, and tap into the wisdom of seasoned tech veterans. A recent study showed that a whopping 72% of IDA members grew their network through the association's offerings.

Don't just take my word for it, check out what Daniel Gonzalez, a software engineer at Vivino, had to say: "Being part of IDA has been instrumental in my career growth. The connections I've made and the knowledge I've gained through their events and resources have been invaluable."

If you really want to plug into Denmark's tech community and take your career to the next level, getting involved with IDA is an absolute must.

Their events and resources are the perfect way to build your network and stay ahead of the curve.

Make Use of Social Media Platforms beyond LinkedIn


While LinkedIn is cool for professional networking, the real techies in Denmark go beyond that to increase their connections game. Twitter is where it's at - you can engage with influencers, companies, and people who get your tech lingo.

Follow hashtags like #techindk, #copenhagentech, and #denmarkstartups to join the convos and find out about networking events. Facebook groups like Tech Community Denmark and Danish IT Professionals are also great for getting insider info on job openings and sharing ideas.

To really make the most of your social media networking, try these moves:

  • Share insightful content: Post updates about your expertise, industry trends, or projects you're working on. This could spark interesting chats and attract potential connections who vibe with your style.
  • Engage consistently: Be active in discussions, respond to comments, and share your knowledge. Consistent engagement builds rapport and shows you're a pro worth connecting with.
  • Join communities and forums: Platforms like Danish Dev Collective and Danish Tech Forum bring together tech communities where you can network, get advice, and stay in the loop.

According to a study by IDA (the Danish IT industry association), over 65% of tech professionals in Denmark actively use social media for networking and growing their skills.

Knowing how to leverage these platforms effectively can open up new opportunities and help you connect with the right people in Denmark's buzzing tech scene.

Attend University and Alumni Networking Events


When it comes to networking at university, Denmark's got your back. These places seriously prioritize helping students make connections that'll pay off big time.

At networking events, you're rubbing shoulders with industry pros who've been there and done that.

It's the ultimate way to get insider tips on landing sick jobs and internships. Plus, you never know who you might meet that could hook you up with your dream gig someday.

But it's not just about meeting people at random events.

Universities like Denmark Tech partner up with major companies to create legit internship programs tailored just for their students.

Imagine having a direct pipeline to score an internship at a place like Commvault, where they'll mentor you and potentially even offer you a full-time job after graduation.

That's the kind of opportunity that could seriously fast-track your career in the tech world.

The key is staying actively involved on campus and keeping an eye out for all the networking gold mines.

Join clubs, attend workshops, chat up your professors – do whatever it takes to expand your circle and make those valuable connections. Because in Denmark, they've got networking down to a science, and tapping into those resources could be a total game-changer for landing your dream tech job right out of the gate.

Seek out Mentorship Opportunities through Networks like Tech Nordic Advocates


If you're trying to level up your career in Denmark's tech scene, finding a solid mentor is crucial. These people have been there, done that, and can show you the ropes.

According to some fancy study, folks who get mentored are 25% more likely to get promotions and move up the ladder. Mentors aren't just about dishing out advice; they're a golden gateway to connecting with new people and opportunities.

This dope organization called Tech Nordic Advocates is a non-profit network that hooks ambitious techies up with experienced mentors from major players like Danske Bank, Nets, and IBM. To find your perfect match, you can browse their mentor directory and reach out to someone who's killing it in your dream field.

They also host regular networking events where you can mingle and make those face-to-face connections.

But hold up, building a solid mentor-mentee relationship takes work.

Here's what you gotta do:

  1. Define your goals: Be real clear about what you wanna achieve through this mentorship.
  2. Stay proactive: Don't just sit around waiting. Schedule those meetings, prep those agendas, and follow up like a boss.
  3. Commitment is key: Show up ready to work and respect your mentor's time. Consistency is clutch.
  4. Embrace the feedback: Don't get defensive when they call you out. Use that constructive criticism to level up.
  5. Pay it forward: Once you're killin' it, become a mentor yourself and share that knowledge.

By tapping into mentorship goldmines like Tech Nordic Advocates and fostering those meaningful relationships, you'll gain access to a whole world of expertise, connections, and opportunities to skyrocket your career in Denmark's tech game.

Check out Nucamp's guide on landing that first remote tech gig too.

Frequently Asked Questions


Why is networking important in Denmark's tech scene?

Networking is crucial in Denmark's tech scene for discovering job opportunities, finding co-founders, and connecting with fellow tech enthusiasts. Denmark's tight-knit tech community is integral to the country's innovation and ranking in the 2022 Global Innovation Index.

How can I use LinkedIn and Xing to network in Denmark's tech industry?

Optimize your LinkedIn and Xing profiles by having a professional photo, impressive headline, and a compelling 'About' section. Join tech-related groups like 'Danish Tech Leaders' on LinkedIn and 'Tech Danmark' on Xing. Engage by sharing content, participating in discussions, and making personalized connection requests.

What events should I attend to expand my tech network in Denmark?

Attend major tech events such as TechBBQ, which attracts over 7,000 industry professionals. Other notable events include the Copenhagen .NET User Group, Copenhagen AI Meetup, and Danish Ruby User Group. These events are excellent opportunities to meet influential people and stay updated on industry trends.

How can coworking spaces help in building a network in Denmark's tech scene?

Joining coworking spaces like Talent Garden Rainmaking provides access to a community of entrepreneurs, developers, and industry leaders. These spaces host community events, offer mentorship programs, and provide a collaborative environment that can significantly enlarge your professional network.

What are the benefits of volunteering for local tech initiatives in Denmark?

Volunteering for local tech initiatives like Coding Pirates allows you to meet industry professionals, enhance your skills, and make a positive community impact. Other notable initiatives include Coding Club DK and CoderDojo Copenhagen. Volunteering boosts your interpersonal skills and can positively impact your career.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.