Top 10 Essential Tech Skills Denmark Employers Seek in 2024

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: July 27th 2024

Top 10 tech skills in demand in Denmark for 2024

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In 2024, Denmark's tech industry seeks skills in Python programming, data science, cloud computing, cybersecurity, Agile and DevOps, web development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript), AI and machine learning, mobile app development, CRM software, and blockchain technology. With the tech market projected to grow 15%, adding 25,000 jobs, these in-demand skills can unlock lucrative opportunities and help professionals thrive in Denmark’s digital transformation.

Denmark's tech scene is blowing up like crazy, and by 2024, it's gonna be even crazier! Companies are going all-in on new tech to make things run smoother, keep customers stoked, and stay ahead of the game.

This digital craze is creating a huge demand for skilled tech pros.

According to the nerds at the Danish IT Industry Association, the tech industry is expected to grow by 15% between 2020 and 2024, opening up over 25,000 new job opportunities.

A survey by the Confederation of Danish Industry found that 92% of Danish companies see digital skills as essential for their future success.

So, if you're looking to score a sweet tech gig in 2024, you're in luck! The hottest skills employers will be hunting for include:

  • Programming languages like Python and JavaScript
  • Data science and analytics
  • Cloud computing (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud)
  • Cybersecurity
  • Agile and DevOps methodologies

As Danish entrepreneur Robert Thomas puts it,

"The future is all about embracing digital transformation. Leveling up your tech skills is crucial for landing the best jobs out there."

Table of Contents

  • Methodology Used to Identify the Top 10 Skills
  • Python Programming
  • Data Science & Analytics
  • Cloud Computing (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud)
  • Cybersecurity
  • Software Development (Agile, DevOps)
  • Web Development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • Mobile App Development (iOS, Android)
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software
  • Blockchain Technology
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Methodology Used to Identify the Top 10 Skills


To nail down the top 10 essential tech skills that Danish employers are craving in 2024, we went all in with a solid game plan. We hit up all the legit sources to dig into the nitty-gritty of what's really popping in the job market.

Job posting trends from major sites gave us the 411 on which skills are in high demand.

We also checked in with the bigwigs at companies across Denmark to get their take on where they see the job scene headed.

And we couldn't overlook what the Danish government has to say about the direction of the digital landscape.

With all that intel, we ranked the skills using a system that factored in job growth projections, employer wish lists, and how crucial each skill is for Denmark's digital transformation game plan.

We made sure our top 10 lineup is loaded with the skills that'll have you landing those high-paying tech gigs and staying ahead of the curve in 2024.

It's a roadmap for anyone looking to level up their career in Denmark's fast-paced tech scene.

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Python Programming


Python is absolutely crushing it in the Nordics, and Denmark is no exception! The latest stats show that nearly 30% of programmers are rolling with Python as their main language.

This beast is so flexible, companies of all sizes are putting it to work for everything from web dev to data science.

According to the March 2024 TIOBE index, Python's popularity grew by like 0.8% in just one year! It's now the most used programming language hands down, leaving C and Java in the dust.

Firms can't get enough of Python's straightforward syntax and massive library support for tasks like machine learning and data processing.

Companies in Denmark are all over Python for projects involving AI, automation, and analyzing massive datasets.

Tech giants like Novo Nordisk and Vestas are tapping into Python's power for advanced analytics and building predictive models. Meanwhile, banks like Danske Bank turn to Python for risk management, algorithmic trading, and driving FinTech innovations.

With Python skills being so in-demand, knowing this language is a real career boost.

Polls show job postings for Python devs in Denmark went up by over 32% compared to last year. We're talking average salaries north of DKK 675K (around €90K)! Employers dig Python's huge community, easy learning curve, and ability to scale across different platforms and systems.

It's a total no-brainer to level up your Python game if you want to thrive in Denmark's tech scene.

Data Science & Analytics


2024 in Denmark is all about that data-driven decision-making life! Companies are obsessed with using data to level up their game.

We're talking 82% of Danish companies seeing data analysis as crucial, according to the Danish IT Industry Association. It's a total game-changer for staying ahead of the competition and keeping that innovation flowing.

Where's the demand really heating up? Let me break it down:

  • Finance: Banks and fintech crews are using data science to keep risks low, catch those fraudsters, and give you personalized money services that'll make your wallet smile.
  • Healthcare: Data analytics is like a superhero for medical research, managing patient data, and making sure healthcare runs smoothly.
  • E-commerce: Online shopping empires use data science to understand how we shop, target their marketing efforts, and keep those supply chains running like a well-oiled machine.

So, what skills are Danish tech employers hunting for in 2024? According to the Danish Data Science Society, mastering data science tools like R and SQL is an absolute must.

R lets you create mind-blowing statistical models and data visualizations that'll make your head spin. And SQL? That's your key to efficiently managing and querying those massive databases.

With Danish companies going all-in on data-driven strategies, these skills are like a golden ticket to scoring your dream tech job.

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Cloud Computing (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud)


Alright, let's talk about cloud computing in Denmark - it's positively booming! The stats show the market is projected to grow by a mind-blowing 17.90% from 2024 to 2029, hitting a massive $11 billion in revenues.

This tech is revolutionizing how businesses operate, enabling them to rapidly scale, innovate, and adapt like never before.

While major players like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud reign supreme, smaller contenders like Alibaba and Tencent Cloud are making waves, especially in the Asia-Pacific region.

But mastering the big three is key for landing those prime tech gigs in Denmark. Each platform has its unique strengths - AWS dominates serverless computing and machine learning, Azure excels at hybrid cloud solutions, and Google Cloud is the go-to for cutting-edge data analytics and AI/ML.

To really validate your cloud skills, certifications are where it's at.

A recent survey revealed that a whopping 66% of Danish firms consider the cloud more secure than traditional IT, and 62% say it accelerates product launches.

Plus, with cloud adoption associated with creating over 9,200 jobs in young Danish companies, the future looks bright for certified pros. So, if you're gunning for those high-paying tech roles in 2024, better start prepping for certs like AWS Certified Solutions Architect, Microsoft Azure Administrator, and Google Cloud Professional Cloud Architect.



The cybersecurity game in Denmark is getting intense! The Danish Data Protection Authority just dropped their 2024 focus areas, and they're not playing around.

They're zooming in on everything from how companies use AI to how employees are monitored. It's like they're on a mission to make sure your data is locked down tighter than Fort Knox.

But it's not just the authorities getting serious.

Danish companies are waking up to the fact that cybersecurity is a must-have, not a nice-to-have. According to Statistics Denmark, strong data protection is essential for maintaining trust with the public and businesses.

They've got procedures and systems in place to protect your info from external threats like hackers and internal risks like rogue employees.

And if you're thinking about getting a job in cybersecurity, you'll want to brush up on your skills.

Danish law firms are on the lookout for pros who can handle everything from network security to ethical hacking.

Companies need people who can identify vulnerabilities, respond to incidents, and keep those cloud environments secure. It's a hot market, and the demand for cybersecurity experts is only going to keep rising.

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Software Development (Agile, DevOps)


The tech scene in Denmark is lit when it comes to Agile and DevOps! Companies are all about dropping dope software products fast, and these methods are like cheat codes for that.

A massive 72% of Danish tech firms plan to go Agile by 2024, and 65% want that sweet DevOps action too! It's like they're speedrunning their way to success or something.

So, why are Agile and DevOps the hottest duo since peanut butter and jelly? For starters, they let teams get that software out quicker than you can say "time-to-market." You've got Agile's iterative approach and DevOps' automated pipelines working together like a well-oiled machine.

It's a one-two punch that puts companies ahead of the game.

But that's not all! These methodologies are all about fostering that sweet, sweet collaboration.

Agile brings cross-functional teams together like a Brady Bunch reunion, while DevOps makes dev and ops teams besties for life.

Communication is on point, and problems get squashed like bugs.

And let's not forget about quality! With continuous integration, automated testing, and continuous deployment practices, the software that comes out is cleaner than a whistle.

No more dealing with buggy messes - it's smooth sailing all the way.

The hottest tech jobs in Denmark for 2024 include Agile Project Managers and DevOps Engineers.

Companies are going all-in on their digital transformation, and they need peeps who can keep that software train running on time. As Barbara Taylor at the Danish IT Industry Association said, "Adopting Agile and DevOps isn't just a flex anymore - it's a must for Danish tech companies to stay in the game."

Web Development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)


Check this out - web development is where it's at in Denmark right now! IT Project Managers are in high demand too, but mastering HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is crucial for building killer websites and apps.

The tech industry in Denmark is going all-in on digital transformation, so companies are desperately seeking devs who can create slick, user-friendly web experiences.

We're talking prepping for one of the most in-demand tech jobs in 2024! Nearly 90% of Danish companies need web dev skills to level up their online game.

E-commerce, online banking, and digital services are booming, which means businesses want their web presence to be on point.

Around 72% of Danish companies aim to enhance their websites next year, while 68% plan to invest in web-based solutions for better customer engagement. That's why 61% of them are hunting for front-end wizards who can wield HTML, CSS, and JavaScript like pros.

Plus, with progressive web apps and single-page applications taking over, knowing your way around React, Angular, and Vue.js is a major advantage. Coding bootcamps like Nucamp can help you get up to speed with all these technologies.

Denmark is serious about digital innovation, and web development skills are in high demand.

According to the Danish Employment Ministry, the need for web devs is expected to grow by a whopping 12% annually over the next three years. That's way more than most other tech roles! Bottom line: if you want a future-proof career in Denmark's tech scene, learning web development is a smart move.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning


Denmark is going all in on AI and you need to be ready! These cutting-edge technologies like natural language processing and computer vision are about to turn industries upside down.

By 2024, over 60% of Danish companies will be using AI solutions according to the Danish AI Society, so companies in healthcare, finance, manufacturing, and retail are all looking for real AI talent.

In healthcare, AI can help diagnose diseases faster, discover new drugs, and give personalized treatments.

Banks and finance companies need AI for fraud detection, risk assessment, and algo trading. Manufacturers want AI for predictive maintenance and supply chain optimization.

Even retailers are using AI to analyze customer behavior and target their marketing better.

So if you want to get hired by these Danish companies, here are the AI and machine learning skills they're looking for:

  • Programming: Know Python, R, Java, C++, and use libraries like TensorFlow, Keras, and scikit-learn.
  • Data Analysis: Get good at data mining, data visualization, and statistical modeling.
  • Machine Learning: Understand supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning, plus deep learning and neural networks.
  • Big Data: Work with Hadoop, Spark and other frameworks for handling massive datasets.
  • Industry Knowledge: Learn about the specific field where the company uses AI.

Danish businesses are going all in on AI and there's a huge shortage of talent.

The Confederation of Danish Industry says there will be over 20,000 job openings for AI skills by 2024! If you can get these in-demand AI skills, you'll have your pick of awesome career opportunities in Denmark's booming tech scene.

Mobile App Development (iOS, Android)


The app game in Denmark is straight-up fire in 2024! The mobile app market is exploding, with Danish devs cranking out dope apps for lifestyle, health, and education.

We're talking an average of 131k downloads per app, which is insane! While the ratings could be better at 2.77/5 stars, the potential is off the charts. Revenue is projected to hit $1.27 billion by 2027, with an 8.45% annual growth rate.

That's some serious cash flow!

If you're looking to get in on this action, you gotta level up your skills in iOS and Android dev. For iOS:

  1. Master Swift or Objective-C: These are the fundamental programming languages for iOS development.
  2. Apple's interface guidelines: Following these ensures your apps look and feel consistent across Apple devices.
  3. Xcode IDE: This is your main development environment for creating iOS apps effectively.

Android devs need to know:

  1. Java or Kotlin: These are the principal languages for Android development.
  2. Android Studio: Your go-to integrated development environment for building Android apps.
  3. SDK: The software development kit essential for developing applications for the Android platform.

But that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Employers want the full package – UI/UX design, API integration, data storage smarts, and killer testing/debugging abilities.

It's all about creating slick, user-friendly apps that people can't get enough of.

The Danish ICT Industry Association sums it up perfectly: "Companies are going all-in on mobile solutions to level up their customer experience and operations."

If you can deliver high-performance, secure apps that keep users hooked, you'll be a hot commodity in Denmark's job market.

The future is mobile, and those with the right skills are gonna cash in big time!

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software


In Denmark's fast-paced biz world, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software is straight-up essential for companies trying to level up their customer interactions and drive growth.

A recent survey by the Danish Chamber of Commerce showed that a whopping 87% of businesses prioritize CRM tools to streamline sales processes, enhance customer service, and boost profitability.

As the demand for efficient CRM solutions skyrockets, employers in Denmark are actively hunting for professionals who can slay at managing and optimizing these systems.

Among the hottest CRM tools dominating the Danish market in 2024 is Salesforce, a cloud-based platform that allows companies to centralize customer data, automate workflows, and gain valuable insights.

According to Salesforce's annual report, their Danish customer base grew by a massive 23% in 2023, reflecting the widespread adoption of their solutions across various industries.

Other widely used CRM tools in Denmark include HubSpot, Zoho CRM, and the locally developed Pipedrive, catering to businesses of all sizes.

To crush it in this CRM-driven landscape, professionals need a well-rounded skillset that combines technical prowess with a deep understanding of customer behavior and business processes.

Key skills that Danish employers are craving include:

  • Data analysis and reporting: Ability to extract, analyze, and interpret customer data to drive informed decision-making.
  • Process automation: Knowledge of workflow automation tools to streamline repetitive tasks and improve operational efficiency.
  • Integration expertise: Skills to integrate CRM systems with other business applications, such as marketing automation and ERP software.
  • Training and change management: Proficiency in training end-users and facilitating seamless adoption of CRM solutions within organizations.

As Danish businesses continue to embrace digital transformation, the demand for CRM expertise is set to skyrocket, making it an essential skill for job seekers to possess in 2024 and beyond.

Blockchain Technology


Blockchain tech is the new hotness, and Denmark is definitely on board! This decentralized ledger system is about way more than just cryptos like Bitcoin. It's being adopted across industries from supply chains to healthcare, with companies tracking goods, securing medical records, and even running secure voting systems.

The IT University of Copenhagen found that a whopping 68% of Danish firms are already using blockchain or plan to by 2024.

With applications booming, Danish employers can't get enough blockchain talent.

A survey revealed 71% of tech companies in Denmark expect to hire blockchain experts next year to stay ahead of the game.

Skills like Ethereum, Hyperledger, Solidity, and smart contract development are in high demand for building unstoppable apps and secure digital agreements.

Blockchain is being called "the trust machine for a distrustful age," and for good reason.

By enabling transparent, tamper-proof record-keeping without a central authority, it's revolutionizing how we handle transactions, data sharing, and digital assets.

If you want a future-proof career in Denmark's tech scene, gaining blockchain expertise from a top coding bootcamp is an absolute must in 2024.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the current and projected demand for tech skills in Denmark?

Denmark's tech industry is currently experiencing rapid growth and is expected to grow by 15% between 2020 and 2024, creating over 25,000 new job opportunities. A survey by the Confederation of Danish Industry found that 92% of Danish companies see digital skills as essential for their future success.

Which programming languages are most in demand in Denmark for 2024?

Programming languages like Python and JavaScript are among the most sought-after skills. Python's popularity is attributed to its straightforward syntax and massive library support, making it essential for projects involving AI, automation, and data analysis.

Why are data science and analytics important skills for Danish employers in 2024?

Data science and analytics are crucial as 82% of Danish companies see these skills as essential for staying ahead of the competition. The ability to analyze and leverage data is key in fields such as finance, healthcare, and e-commerce to manage risks, improve operational efficiency, and enhance customer experiences.

What are the key cloud computing skills required by Danish tech employers?

Cloud computing skills in platforms like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud are highly valued. Each of these platforms has unique strengths, and certifications in these areas can significantly enhance job prospects. Cloud computing is associated with rapid scaling, innovation, and substantial job creation in Denmark.

How important is cybersecurity as a tech skill in Denmark's job market?

Cybersecurity is crucial for maintaining data protection and trust. Danish companies are increasingly prioritizing cybersecurity measures, and there is high demand for professionals who are skilled in network security, ethical hacking, and incident response.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.