Learn to Code in Denver: Beginner's Guide to Programming Languages

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: July 14th 2024

Learn to code in Denver: Beginner's Guide to Programming Languages in Colorado, US

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Denver is emerging as a tech hub with companies like Google and Amazon, predicting an 8.3% industry growth by 2024. Key programming languages to learn include JavaScript, Python, Java, C#, and PHP. Coding bootcamps like Turing School and Galvanize offer immersive training, with 74% of graduates securing jobs within six months. Networking events and tech communities in Denver boost growth opportunities significantly. Start your coding journey with consistent practice and leverage local resources and study groups for support.

Denver's tech scene is absolutely killing it, and knowing how to code is essential for landing those sweet tech gigs in Colorado.

With major players like Google, Amazon, and Lockheed Martin setting up shop, the city is quickly becoming a hotspot for startups and established companies alike.

And according to the experts, this growth is just getting started. CompTIA predicts the tech industry in Denver will expand by a whopping 8.3% by 2024, outpacing the national average.

Coding wizards are in high demand across all kinds of industries here.

The Colorado Department of Labor is projecting a massive 24.5% increase in software developer jobs between 2018 and 2028. To get in on the action, you'll want to master languages like Java, Python, JavaScript, C++, and Ruby.

As David Miller from Parsley Health says, "Learning to code is like learning a new language - the more you practice, the more fluent you become." Nail these languages, and you'll have your pick of exciting opportunities in Denver's thriving tech scene.

Plus, with bootcamps like Nucamp offering job guarantees, you'll be well on your way to a lucrative coding career in no time.

Table of Contents

  • Popular Programming Languages to Learn in Denver
  • Learning Resources and Coding Bootcamps in Denver
  • Networking and Tech Communities in Denver
  • Tips for Starting Your Coding Journey in Denver
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Popular Programming Languages to Learn in Denver


If you wanna land a sweet coding gig in the Mile High City, you gotta get your hands dirty with the hottest programming languages.

According to the tech geeks, the top dogs for 2024 are JavaScript, Python, Java, C#, and PHP. Let me break it down for ya:

JavaScript is like the king of the web dev world.

With dope skills in this language, you can create all sorts of mind-blowing interactive websites and apps that'll make your portfolio shine brighter than the Rocky Mountain sun.

JS devs are in high demand all over Denver.

Python is a total beast when it comes to data analysis, machine learning, and even web dev. Tech giants like Google and Amazon can't get enough of this versatile language.

If you're looking to get into the AI game or crunch some serious numbers, Python should be your go-to weapon.

Java is the OG language for building enterprise-level software.

Companies in finance, healthcare, and e-commerce rely heavily on Java-based systems. With Denver's booming tech scene, skilled Java devs are hotter than a fresh batch of green chili.

Don't sleep on C# either, homies.

It's the language of choice for Microsoft apps and game dev studios like the ones headquartered right here in Denver.

And let's not forget PHP, which powers over 75% of websites out there, including the backends of those slick WordPress sites.

Bottom line, if you wanna make it big in Denver's tech world, you gotta master these programming languages.

Treat your coding skills like a fine-tuned instrument, and the opportunities will come knocking, trust me.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Learning Resources and Coding Bootcamps in Denver


Denver's coding scene is fire, with a ton of resources for newbies looking to level up their skills. According to Course Report, there are like 8 major coding bootcamps in the city, including heavy hitters like Turing School and Galvanize.

These intensive programs are all about getting you job-ready with immersive training and career support, making them a solid choice for those just starting out.

For us Coloradans, joining a coding bootcamp comes with some perks.

A survey by Career Karma found that 74% of Colorado bootcamp grads landed a gig within 6 months, raking in an average salary of $68,000. Plus, with Denver being a tech hub hosting companies like Zoom, Oracle, and Amazon, you'll have plenty of opportunities knocking after graduation.

Newbies in Denver have a bunch of options to kick off their coding journey:

  • Turing School of Software & Design: This 7-month full-stack program is known for its killer job placement rates and industry connects. Killer job placement rates highlight the success of this program.
  • Galvanize Denver's software engineering program: With a 13-week full-time course and a 26-week part-time option, Galvanize has you covered whether you're free all day or juggling a busy schedule. They teach full-stack web dev and data science. Flexible schedule options make this bootcamp versatile.
  • Denver University Coding Boot Camp: This 24-week program, partnered with Trilogy Education Services, covers web dev, data analytics, and cybersecurity. Comprehensive curriculum catering to various tech fields.

According to Course Report, the average tuition for a Denver coding bootcamp is around $13,500, but many offer financing plans and scholarships.

If you're looking for a more affordable entry point, local schools like Denver Community College and Metropolitan State University of Denver have intro programming courses and certs.

"The bootcamp experience was intense, but it prepped me for the fast-paced dev world. The support system and industry connections were clutch," shared William Miller, a recent Turing School grad.

Networking and Tech Communities in Denver


Networking is a boss move in Denver's sizzling tech scene, opening doors to mad growth, chill collabs, and skyrocketing your career. According to this dope study by the Denver Tech Center, peeps who network like pros score a 37% higher chance of leveling up compared to those who don't.

Tech meetups and events are the spot to build a killer network within the local coding squad.

In 2024, Denver's firing up an epic lineup of tech happenings for all kinds of coders.

Check out these highlights:

  • Denver Devs Unite (January 12-14) - A three-day coding party with workshops, panel talks, and networking seshes for devs of all levels.
  • Colorado Code Camp (June 5-7) - An immersive coding retreat tailored for newbies, featuring hands-on tutorials and mentorship from industry pros.
  • Rocky Mountain Software Symposium (September 21-23) - A prestigious gathering of software wizards, thought leaders, and innovators, dropping mad knowledge on the latest trends and best practices.

To dive headfirst into Denver's coding crew, scope out these options:

  1. Join local tech orgs like Denver Devs or Women Who Code Denver, offering regular meetups, hackathons, and mentorship programs on the reg.
  2. Hit up free coding workshops and seminars hosted by spots like CodeCraft or Galvanize, for hands-on learning and networking with coding bosses.
  3. Scope out online platforms like Meetup or Eventbrite to find coding events, workshops, and study squads that vibe with your interests and skill level.

As Nancy Thompson, Co-Founder of the Denver Code Club, put it, "Networking isn't just about making connections; it's about building a crew of learners, innovators, and collaborators who lift each other up and inspire one another on their coding journeys."

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Tips for Starting Your Coding Journey in Denver


Starting your coding journey in Denver ain't easy, but you got this! First things first, set yourself up for success by mapping out a solid plan. Maybe aim to master Python in the next few months, then dive into web dev stuff like Django or Flask.

Check out these coding bootcamps with job guarantees - could be a game-changer.

Consistency is key, so try to code at least an hour daily to keep those skills sharp.

Tap into local resources like the affordable coding bootcamps in Denver, or join virtual study groups to stay motivated.

Set SMART goals too - something like "Complete the intro Python course on Codecademy and build a personal finance app in 3 months." Celebrate those small wins, they'll keep you going!

When the grind gets real, remember coding takes time and dedication.

Surround yourself with Denver's buzzing tech scene - attend meetups, follow coders on the 'gram, reach out to mentors. Check out these top coding bootcamps in Denver too.

With a solid plan, support system, and that unstoppable drive, you'll be slaying code like a boss in no time!

Frequently Asked Questions


Why is learning to code important in Denver?

With major tech players like Google, Amazon, and Lockheed Martin setting up shop in Denver, the city has become a hotspot for tech jobs. CompTIA predicts the tech industry in Denver will expand by 8.3% by 2024, and the Colorado Department of Labor projects a 24.5% increase in software developer jobs between 2018 and 2028.

What are the top programming languages to learn in Denver?

The top programming languages to learn in Denver for 2024 include JavaScript, Python, Java, C#, and PHP. These languages are in high demand and essential for web development, data science, enterprise-level software, game development, and more.

What are some popular coding bootcamps in Denver?

Popular coding bootcamps in Denver include Turing School of Software & Design, Galvanize, and Denver University Coding Boot Camp. These bootcamps offer intensive programs, flexible schedules, and strong job placement rates, making them excellent choices for beginners.

How can I get involved in Denver's tech community?

To get involved in Denver's tech community, consider joining local tech organizations like Denver Devs or Women Who Code Denver, attending coding workshops and events such as Denver Devs Unite, Colorado Code Camp, or Rocky Mountain Software Symposium, and participating in local meetups and hackathons.

What tips do you have for starting a coding journey in Denver?

Start your coding journey in Denver by setting clear goals, practicing coding daily, and leveraging local resources such as coding bootcamps and study groups. Stay motivated by celebrating small wins, attending tech meetups, and engaging with Denver’s tech community for support and inspiration.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.