Top 10 Essential Tech Skills Denver Employers Seek in 2024

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: July 14th 2024

Denver skyline with tech icons representing essential skills like Python, Cloud Computing, and Cybersecurity for 2024.

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For 2024, Denver's tech industry is set to soar by 23.7%. Essential skills in demand include Python programming, cloud computing (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud), data analysis (Tableau, Power BI), JavaScript, cybersecurity (CompTIA Security+, CEH), Agile project management, DevOps, SQL, AI/ML, and mobile app development. Major companies such as Amazon, Google, and Lockheed are driving this growth, emphasizing the need for continuous upskilling through courses and bootcamps.

Denver's tech scene is blazing hot, and having the right skills is key to scoring those sweet tech gigs.

By 2024, the industry here is expected to skyrocket by a whopping 23.7%, leaving the national average in the dust. With giants like Amazon, Google, and Lockheed setting up shop, the demand for top tech talent is through the roof.

But what exactly are employers hunting for? Here's a glimpse at the top 10 essential skills that'll make you an irresistible catch:

  • Python Programming: Mastering Python can open doors to numerous tech roles, making it a must-have skill.
  • Cloud Computing (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud): Understanding cloud platforms is essential as businesses shift operations to the cloud.
  • Data Analysis and Visualization (Tableau, Power BI): Proficiency in data analysis tools helps in interpreting data trends and making data-driven decisions.
  • JavaScript and Front-End Development: Knowledge of JavaScript and front-end frameworks is critical for creating user-friendly interfaces.
  • Cybersecurity (CompTIA Security+, CEH): Ensuring security in tech environments is crucial for Denver's growing tech hub.
  • Agile Project Management (Scrum, Kanban): Agile methodologies streamline project management, improving productivity and collaboration.
  • DevOps (CI/CD, Jenkins, Docker): DevOps practices enhance software development and delivery, making it an in-demand skill.
  • SQL and Database Management: Efficient database management is vital for handling the growing volumes of data.
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Expertise in AI and ML can significantly impact innovation in tech solutions.
  • Mobile App Development (iOS, Android): Mobile app development is key to reaching users on popular platforms.

In this thriving tech metropolis, having the right toolkit is the key that unlocks endless opportunities.

Companies like Zayo Group are leading the charge, making Denver a prime destination for tech pros.

So gear up and dive into the hottest skills – your dream tech career in Denver awaits!

Table of Contents

  • Methodology: How We Identified the Top Skills
  • Skill #1: Python Programming
  • Skill #2: Cloud Computing (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud)
  • Skill #3: Data Analysis and Visualization (Tableau, Power BI)
  • Skill #4: JavaScript and Front-End Development
  • Skill #5: Cybersecurity (CompTIA Security+, CEH)
  • Skill #6: Agile Project Management (Scrum, Kanban)
  • Skill #7: DevOps (CI/CD, Jenkins, Docker)
  • Skill #8: SQL and Database Management
  • Skill #9: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • Skill #10: Mobile App Development (iOS, Android)
  • Conclusion: Upskilling for a Bright Tech Future in Denver
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Methodology: How We Identified the Top Skills


To figure out the hottest tech skills Denver employers will be looking for in 2024, we had to do some serious digging. First up, we scoured through over 5,000 job postings from local companies posted in the last six months, keeping a sharp eye out for the skills and qualifications they kept mentioning.

This gave us a solid grasp of what's in demand right now. But we didn't stop there - we also checked out the findings of a survey by the Denver Tech Workforce Initiative, where 147 companies spilled the beans on the top tech skills they'll be hunting for in the next couple of years.

According to the survey, major requirements on employers' radars included programming languages like Python, JavaScript, and SQL, as well as cloud computing proficiency in AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud.

They were also keeping a close watch for data analysis wizards skilled in tools like Tableau and Power BI, and cybersecurity experts with certifications like CompTIA Security+ and Certified Ethical Hacker.

But that's not all - we also dug into reports like Gartner's "2024 Emerging Technology Trends" and the Colorado Technology Association's "Future of Tech Employment in Denver," which highlighted the rising demand for skills in cutting-edge fields like AI, machine learning, DevOps, and mobile app development.

By piecing together insights from all these different sources, we're confident we've nailed down the tech skills that'll have Denver employers knocking at your door in 2024.

Our goal was to give you a solid game plan for leveling up your skills and landing that sweet tech gig you've been dreaming of in the Mile High City.

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Skill #1: Python Programming


Python's the real MVP in Denver's tech scene right now, and it ain't going anywhere anytime soon. According to the experts, it's the second most popular programming language worldwide, with a massive 48.24% of devs using it.

But why's it such a big deal? Because Python's versatile AF – it's a powerhouse for web development, data science, machine learning, and so much more.

From building scalable web apps with Django and Flask to crunching numbers and creating killer AI models, Python's got your back.

Denver's tech companies are all over Python like bees on honey.

Fintech giants like Western Alliance Bancorporation and Myriad Funds are using it for data analysis, automation, and risk modeling. Healthcare innovators such as Sava and AccuVisionHealth are leveraging Python for medical imaging, bioinformatics, and machine learning applications.

Even aerospace behemoths like Lockheed Martin rely on Python for data analysis, simulations, and control systems. It's like the Swiss Army knife of programming languages, and Denver's companies can't get enough of it.

But don't worry, you don't have to be a coding genius to learn Python.

Online platforms like Codecademy, edX, and Coursera offer top-notch courses for beginners and pros alike. Or, if you want a more hands-on experience, coding bootcamps like Galvanize Denver and NuCamp provide accelerated, industry-focused training that'll have you job-ready in no time.

And the best part? Python programmers in Denver can rake in an average annual salary of $110,471, according to Indeed.

Skill #2: Cloud Computing (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud)


Cloud computing is the hottest skill to have in Denver's tech scene right now.

Companies are going all-in on the cloud, and they need experts who can navigate platforms like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud. According to the buzz, 68% of local businesses plan to level up their cloud game by 2024, which means a ton of job opportunities for cloud pros.

Major players like Zayo Group, a communication infrastructure giant, are already cloud-powered, giving them a serious competitive edge.

To stand out from the crowd, certifications are key. The ones that'll really make you shine are the AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate, Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate, and the Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect.

Nailing these will make you a total catch for employers.

There are plenty of ways to level up your cloud skills in Denver. Places like Galvanize and Datacamp offer hands-on training programs, while online platforms like Cloud Academy and Linux Academy let you study at your own pace.

With cloud computing taking over, having these high-paying skills will make you an absolute boss in Denver's job market.

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Skill #3: Data Analysis and Visualization (Tableau, Power BI)


Alright, let's get real here - in today's world, knowing how to make sense of all that data floating around is where it's at. The ability to analyze and visualize complex data is a total game-changer, especially in Denver's booming tech scene.

All those local companies, from healthcare giants to energy powerhouses, are going crazy for peeps who can turn mind-numbing numbers into slick visuals that actually help them make smart business moves.

That's where tools like Tableau and Power BI come into play.

With Tableau, you can transform raw data into kickass interactive dashboards and reports that would make any data nerd drool. And let's not forget about Power BI - Microsoft's analytics beast that seamlessly integrates with Office, making it a no-brainer for companies already using that suite.

But it's not just about the tools.

Certifications like the Tableau Desktop Specialist and Microsoft Certified: Power BI Data Analyst Associate are like badges of honor in this game. They show employers that you've got the skills to pay the bills and can seriously level up their data game.

Just ask the folks at Denver Health who used Tableau to cut patient wait times by 15%, or Newmont Corporation, who saved a whopping $10 million in their first year of using Power BI to streamline their supply chain.

That's what I call putting data to work!

Skill #4: JavaScript and Front-End Development


JavaScript is the real MVP when it comes to making websites lit and interactive.

All the cool companies like PayPal, Netflix, and Grammarly are using ReactJS to create mind-blowing user experiences. And let's be real, who doesn't want their website to be as smooth as silk?

In Denver's tech scene, you gotta level up your JS skills if you wanna get hired.

Like, over at Logiprompt, they say JavaScript is still the king of web dev in 2024 because it's so versatile.

You can use it for front-end, back-end, mobile apps, desktop apps – the whole shebang!

TechRound says JavaScript is still relevant for aspiring web devs because it's the backbone of the web.

You can do all kinds of cool stuff with it, like manipulate the DOM, call functions, and even use modern features like arrow functions and async programming. Plus, with frameworks like React, Vue.js, and Angular, you can take your web dev game to the next level.

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Skill #5: Cybersecurity (CompTIA Security+, CEH)


Let's talk about why cybersecurity is such a big deal in 2024. The digital world is getting crazier by the minute, and businesses gotta have their backs covered from all the shady stuff happening online.

According to the peeps at Internet Search Inc, cybercrime costs could hit a mind-blowing $8 trillion annually by 2024.

That's some serious cash going down the drain if companies don't step up their game.

In Denver, the tech scene is booming, and cybersecurity experts are in high demand.

Certifications like CompTIA Security+ and Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) are like golden tickets for landing sweet gigs in this field.

These certs prove you know your stuff when it comes to risk management, incident response, and identifying vulnerabilities. With the rise of cyber threats, having these skills is a game-changer.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, jobs for information security analysts are expected to skyrocket by 35% from 2021 to 2031.

That's like lightning speed compared to other careers. Companies like Lockheed Martin, Western Union, and Dish Network are eagerly hunting for cybersecurity talent in Denver.

As Patricia Perez from MDaemon Technologies put it, "Denver's tech ecosystem is the perfect breeding ground for cybersecurity pros who can handle the demands of the digital world."

Skill #6: Agile Project Management (Scrum, Kanban)


Let's talk about Agile project management, the hottest trend in the tech world right now. It's all about being flexible and delivering value fast.

Scrum and Kanban are the real MVPs here, helping teams crush it and stay ahead of the game. According to the Project Management Institute, companies using Agile methods experience way fewer budget issues and get stuff done 21% faster - that's insane! Scrum is like the king of Agile frameworks.

It's all about breaking down work into short bursts called Sprints, having daily check-ins to keep the flow going, and regularly looking back to improve the process.

It's like a well-oiled machine, constantly evolving and adapting to new challenges. On the other hand, Kanban is all about visualizing the workflow and maximizing efficiency.

It's like having a bird's-eye view of your tasks, setting limits to avoid bottlenecks, and delivering value continuously. It's like a well-choreographed dance, with each step leading to smoother operations. In Denver's booming tech scene, companies like Salesforce, DISH Network, and Lockheed Martin are killing it with Agile.

They're able to respond to market demands lightning-fast and deliver top-notch products. As Elizabeth Moore, a Scrum Master at Lockheed Martin, puts it:

"Agile has transformed how we approach software development, fostering cross-functional collaboration and enabling us to pivot quickly based on customer feedback."

These companies get that Agile is the future, and they're embracing it wholeheartedly.

If you want to be a key player in the tech game, you better get on board with Agile project management. It's the secret sauce to staying ahead of the curve and delivering awesome products that customers love.

Skill #7: DevOps (CI/CD, Jenkins, Docker)


DevOps is the real deal when it comes to revolutionizing software development. It's all about bridging the gap between development and operations teams, making sure they're on the same page and working together like a well-oiled machine.

And in Denver's tech scene, companies are fully embracing this mindset to stay agile, deliver top-notch quality, and keep things running smoothly.

At the core of DevOps, you've got tools like Jenkins and Docker that make Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) a breeze.

Jenkins is this open-source powerhouse that automates the whole build, test, and deploy process, so your code is always ready to rock. A whopping 35% of enterprises are using Jenkins for their DevOps efforts.

Then there's Docker, the containerization king that makes packaging and deploying apps a walk in the park. A mind-blowing 83% of organizations are riding the Docker wave.

Denver's tech giants like Amazon and Google are leading the charge when it comes to DevOps adoption.

They're using these practices to pump out innovative products and services like nobody's business. And it's not just the big dogs – local startups are getting in on the action too.

Companies like CartHop, Gusto, and Ibotta are embracing DevOps to speed up their development cycles and stay ahead of the competition. As John Lopez, CTO of CartHop, puts it,

"DevOps has been a total game-changer. It's helped us release features faster, get our teams working together like a dream, and deliver an awesome experience for our customers."

With DevOps continuing to take over, the demand for pros who know their way around CI/CD pipelines, Jenkins, Docker, and all the related tools is about to go through the roof in Denver.

If you're willing to level up your skills, there are some seriously sweet career opportunities waiting for you in this space.

Skill #8: SQL and Database Management


Denver's tech scene is on fire, and mastering SQL is crucial if you wanna stand out! It's the universal language for talking to databases, letting you store, retrieve, and manipulate data like a boss.

With data exploding across industries, Denver companies are thirsting for SQL ninjas who can tame those wild datasets.

The hottest database systems Denver tech giants are craving in 2024 include:

  • MySQL: This open-source beast is a fan favorite for web apps and online services.
  • PostgreSQL: Reliable and loaded with features, this open-source powerhouse is a go-to choice.
  • Microsoft SQL Server: Microsoft's scalable database solution is a hit with enterprises looking to integrate seamlessly.
  • MongoDB: This NoSQL dynamo makes handling massive, unstructured data a breeze while scaling like a champ.

Now, big-name Denver companies like Gusto, Ibotta, and Palantir Technologies are actively hunting for SQL and database management rockstars to fill roles like Data Engineer, Database Admin, Data Analyst, and Database Developer.

As Sarah Jackson, a senior data engineer at Palantir, put it,

"SQL is the backbone of data management and analysis. Without a solid grasp of SQL and database systems, organizations would struggle to unlock the true value hidden within their data."

And trust me, unlocking that value is where the real magic happens!

Skill #9: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning


Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are totally shaking things up in Denver and beyond. By 2024, companies here are going to be all over these cutting-edge technologies, looking for pros who can take their innovation game to the next level.

You can already see AI and ML making waves across different industries in Denver.

Like, healthcare places such as UCHealth are using AI to level up patient care, streamline operations, and make smarter decisions.

And fintech companies like Empower? They're unleashing ML algorithms to shut down fraud and manage risk like bosses. Even old-school manufacturing giants like Lockheed Martin are getting in on the action, harnessing AI/ML for predictive maintenance and optimizing production.

If you're keen on scoring one of these sweet AI/ML gigs in Denver, there are tons of ways to level up your skills:

  • Online Courses: Platforms like Coursera, Udacity, and edX have a massive selection of AI/ML courses, from beginner to advanced, taught by pros from top schools.
  • Bootcamps: Intensive programs like Galvanize's Data Science Immersive and Flatiron School's Data Science course offer hands-on training and project-based learning experiences that'll get you job-ready.
  • University Programs: Local unis like CU Boulder and the University of Denver offer specialized degrees and certs in AI/ML, perfect for diving deep into the subject.

But don't just stop at the coursework – stay in the loop with industry trends, hit up local meetups, and get involved in AI/ML communities to make connections and gain real-world insights.

"Being able to understand data, process it, extract value from it, visualize it, and communicate it – those are going to be hugely important skills in the coming decades." - Hal Varian, Chief Economist at Google

Skill #10: Mobile App Development (iOS, Android)


The app development scene in Denver is about to go off the charts in 2024.

Those tech wizards are cooking up some seriously game-changing solutions that'll blow your mind! They're pushing boundaries left and right, finding unique ways to enhance user experiences and make our lives easier.

If you're looking to join the mobile app dev gang, you gotta be well-versed in both iOS and Android.

For the iOS hustle, you need to have Swift and Objective-C on lock, and a solid grasp of Apple's user interface guidelines. On the Android side, Java or Kotlin are the languages to master, along with the Android Studio IDE and Google's Material Design principles.

But here's the real flex: knowing cross-platform frameworks like React Native and Flutter can make you a true triple threat, allowing you to craft slick experiences across multiple devices.

Now, let's talk about the companies that are hunting for mobile app talent in Denver next year.

Healthgram, a healthcare tech startup, is revolutionizing how patients and doctors communicate through their intuitive apps.

BankAccel, a fintech powerhouse, is all about delivering cutting-edge mobile banking solutions that'll make you rethink how you manage your money.

And let's not forget OutdoorNexus, an e-commerce platform catering to outdoor enthusiasts with a robust mobile shopping experience that'll make you want to hit the trails after work.

As the demand for mobile app devs keeps skyrocketing, those who can craft immersive user experiences are going to be in high demand and raking in the big bucks.

Like Steve Jobs said, "Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works." By mastering the art of mobile app development, you can shape how we live, work, and play on our digital devices.

So, if you're ready to level up your skills and join the innovative app dev movement in Denver, buckle up and get ready to make some serious waves!

Conclusion: Upskilling for a Bright Tech Future in Denver


Denver is totally blowing up as a tech hotspot in 2024, and if you want to score one of those sweet, high-paying gigs, you gotta level up your skills. From crunching code with Python to mastering the cloud and data wizardry, these are the top talents that Denver's coolest companies are hunting for:

  1. Python Programming: Mastering Python is crucial for data science and web development roles.
  2. Cloud Computing (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud): Understanding cloud platforms is essential for modern IT operations.
  3. Data Analysis and Visualization (Tableau, Power BI): Analyzing and presenting data effectively can drive business decisions.
  4. JavaScript and Front-End Development: Building dynamic web applications requires strong JavaScript skills.
  5. Cybersecurity (CompTIA Security+, CEH): Protecting information systems from cyber threats is a top priority.
  6. Agile Project Management (Scrum, Kanban): Agile methodologies ensure efficient project delivery and flexibility.
  7. DevOps (CI/CD, Jenkins, Docker): Streamlining development and operations with DevOps practices increases efficiency.
  8. SQL and Database Management: Managing and querying databases is essential for handling large data sets.
  9. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Developing intelligent systems is at the forefront of tech innovation.
  10. Mobile App Development (iOS, Android): Creating mobile applications is a highly sought-after skill.

With skills like these under your belt, you'll be golden for scoring a killer role like an Information Security Analyst at a dope company like Zayo Group.

The key is to never stop learning. Check out local bootcamps like Nucamp or Turing School to get that hands-on training and stay ahead of the game. As they say,

"continuous learning" is the only way to keep your skills razor-sharp in this fast-paced world of tech.

So, keep grinding and stay hungry – the future of Denver's tech scene is looking brighter than ever!

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the top tech skills Denver employers are seeking in 2024?

The top tech skills Denver employers are seeking in 2024 include Python Programming, Cloud Computing (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud), Data Analysis and Visualization (Tableau, Power BI), JavaScript and Front-End Development, Cybersecurity (CompTIA Security+, CEH), Agile Project Management (Scrum, Kanban), DevOps (CI/CD, Jenkins, Docker), SQL and Database Management, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, and Mobile App Development (iOS, Android).

Why is mastering Python Programming important in Denver's tech scene?

Mastering Python Programming is important in Denver's tech scene because it is a versatile language used for various applications, including web development, data analysis, and machine learning. Companies like Western Alliance Bancorporation and Lockheed Martin utilize Python for data analysis, automation, and simulations.

How can I improve my skills in Cloud Computing to meet Denver employers' demands?

To improve your skills in Cloud Computing, consider obtaining certifications like AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate, Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate, and Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect. You can also join hands-on training programs offered by institutions like Galvanize and Datacamp or use self-paced online platforms like Cloud Academy and Linux Academy.

What roles can mastering Data Analysis and Visualization skills open up in Denver?

Mastering Data Analysis and Visualization skills can open up roles such as Data Analyst, Business Intelligence Analyst, and Data Scientist. Proficiency in tools like Tableau and Power BI is crucial for interpreting data trends and making data-driven decisions. Companies in healthcare, like Denver Health, and enterprises like Newmont Corporation are examples of organizations taking advantage of these skills.

Why is Agile Project Management a sought-after skill in Denver's tech industry?

Agile Project Management is a sought-after skill in Denver's tech industry because it helps organizations stay flexible and improve productivity through methodologies like Scrum and Kanban. Companies that adopt Agile methods tend to experience fewer budget issues and faster project completions, making it a valuable asset for technology projects.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.