Top 10 Strategies to Land Your First Remote Tech Job from Denver in 2024

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: July 14th 2024

Denver skyline with tech icons representing remote job opportunities in 2024

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Score your first remote tech job in Denver by 2024 with these strategies: optimize your LinkedIn profile, network at tech meetups and online forums, utilize coworking spaces, enhance your skills, and craft a standout resume. Leverage job boards, prepare for tech interviews with Denver-specific insights, showcase projects on GitHub, get recommendations, and volunteer for tech projects and hackathons.

Alright, If you're chasing that bag in the tech world and dreaming of scoring a dope remote gig in Denver, you're in a prime spot. The Mile High City's job market for remote tech roles is straight-up blowing up, and it's only gonna get wilder by 2024.

Here's the inside scoop:

According to the latest intel from the Tech Hiring in 2024: Demand for IT Talent in the US report, the demand for IT pros is climbing higher, with companies scrambling to find talent with the right skills.

Companies are getting creative, like hiring internationally and hitting up recruitment sites to snag that top-tier talent for remote roles.

Denver is leading the charge in this remote work takeover.

A local tech big shot spilled the tea, saying, "Remote work is the future, and Denver is killing it. We're seeing a wave of skilled folks flocking here for that unbeatable city vibe and outdoor living while still getting to work their magic from anywhere." With the flexibility to work from home or your favorite hangout spot, job seekers are confident and employers are doubling down on remote options.

As this remote opportunity explodes, it's time to level up your skills and become a top contender in Denver's thriving tech scene.

Keep an eye out as we drop serious knowledge on proven tactics to help you crush that dream remote tech job in the Mile High City by 2024! And for the inside track, check out Nucamp's guide to landing a remote tech job from Denver.

Table of Contents

  • Optimizing Your LinkedIn Profile for Remote Tech Opportunities
  • Networking at Denver’s Tech Meetups and Online Forums
  • Utilizing Denver Coworking Spaces for Remote Job Searches
  • Enhancing Your Skills with Nucamp Coding Bootcamp
  • Crafting a Remote-Friendly Resume
  • Leveraging Job Boards like Indeed and Remote OK
  • Preparing for Tech Interviews with Denver-Specific Insights
  • Showcasing Your Projects on GitHub
  • Getting Recommendations and Endorsements from Denver Tech Community
  • Volunteering for Tech Projects and Hackathons in Denver
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Optimizing Your LinkedIn Profile for Remote Tech Opportunities


In 2024, having a LinkedIn profile that pops is key for scoring remote tech gigs. Like, this blog post has so many dope tips on making your profile shine - from using the right job titles and keywords to sharing your unique journey.

It's all about building that personal brand.

A comment on this thread said most recruiters creep LinkedIn first when looking for candidates.

So you gotta make sure your profile is on point with the skills, experiences, and projects that'll make you stand out. Oh, and don't sleep on those endorsements from your network - they add serious credibility.

Once your profile is all buffed up, use LinkedIn's search filters to find those remote openings.

The networking potential of local coworking spaces in Denver could also lead to some sweet opportunities.

Just put yourself out there and show off that updated profile! With more companies going remote, scoring your first tech gig from the 303 is totally possible in 2024.

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And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Networking at Denver’s Tech Meetups and Online Forums


For real, checking out Denver's tech meetup scene is a game-changer when hunting for remote gigs in 2024.

These events are all about connecting with other devs, staying in the loop on the hottest trends, and maybe even landing your next big break. Just look at this insane lineup - conferences and networking events have so many perks beyond just the professional gains.

When you're not vibing at these in-person meetups, the online space is your playground.

Community forums like Reddit's /r/Denver_Tech and Slack groups like Denver Developers Circle are where it's at for collaborating, sharing resources, and getting the inside scoop on landing those coveted remote roles straight from Denver.

Seriously, networking is a total game-changer – just ask any seasoned dev about how it's helped them level up their career.

But don't just take my word for it.

Charles Jackson, a senior software engineer, says, "Networking has been instrumental in my career growth. Attending meetups and being part of online communities has not only expanded my knowledge but also opened doors to exciting remote opportunities." So, start making connections – your dream remote gig could be just a few connections away!

Utilizing Denver Coworking Spaces for Remote Job Searches


Denver's coworking scene is on fire! These shared workspaces are the perfect spots to level up your job hunt game. Let's be real, searching for that sweet remote tech gig can feel like a lonely grind when you're just planted at home all day.

But using local coworking spaces is a total game-changer.

First off, these places are networking gold mines.

You get to rub elbows with all sorts of cool techies and entrepreneurs. Places like Alchemy Creative Workspace and Enterprise Coworking have wicked communities buzzing with events and workshops.

It's like having a built-in squad to bounce ideas off and get insider tips on landing that dream gig.

Speaking of tips, loads of coworking spots offer mentorship programs and mock interviews to help you prep for those nerve-wracking remote job interviews.

Having a pro in your corner can give you that extra edge when it's go time. Plus, with all the tech talks and coding workshops, you can keep those skills razor-sharp and stay on top of the latest trends that Denver employers are craving.

Bottom line, Denver's coworking scene has everything you need to take your remote job hunt to new heights in 2024.

The resources, the vibes, the connections - it's all there waiting for you. So ditch the home office sweats and start coworking! Your dream remote role is just around the corner.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Enhancing Your Skills with Nucamp Coding Bootcamp


The tech world in 2024 is no joke. Continuous learning is the key to staying ahead of the game.

According to the experts at Nucamp, keeping your skills sharp is what separates the winners from the losers in the job hunt. That's where their coding bootcamps come in, offering programs that'll turn you into a tech wizard.

Take their Full Stack Web + Mobile Development bootcamp for example.

This covers everything from front-end with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to back-end with Node.js and databases. And the best part? The curriculum is always up-to-date, so you'll be learning the hottest skills that employers are seeking.

Nucamp's got specialized programs for all kinds of tech talents.

Feeling like a data mastermind? Check out their Back End, SQL, and DevOps with Python bootcamp. Want to be a cybersecurity warrior? They've got you covered with the Cybersecurity Fundamentals program.

They even offer a Job Hunting bootcamp to help you with interviews.

Nucamp's all about hands-on learning and building killer portfolios that'll make employers swoon.

With over 2,500 success stories under their belt, these coding bootcamps are the real deal when it comes to leveling up your skills and landing that dream remote tech gig from right here in Denver.

Crafting a Remote-Friendly Resume


If you wanna nail that sweet remote tech gig in Denver come 2024, you gotta craft a resume that'll make the hiring squad go "Damn, this kid's got skills!" First things first, hit 'em with that snazzy summary showcasing your tech wizardry and remote work experience.

Sprinkle in some juicy keywords like "virtual collaboration" or "distributed dev" to really drive it home.

Now, don't just list your duties like a boring textbook.

Quantify those achievements with hard numbers and metrics.

Show 'em how you optimized load times or led your remote squad to victory. Use power verbs like "automated," "deployed," or "refactored" to make your bullets pop.

And don't forget to highlight your mad skills with remote tools like Zoom, Slack, or GitHub – that's like catnip for remote-friendly companies.

A solid resume is your ticket to landing interviews and impressing those tech giants.

So put in the work, show off your remote game, and watch those job offers roll in like a tidal wave!

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Leveraging Job Boards like Indeed and Remote OK


When it comes to scoring a sick remote tech gig straight out of Denver in 2024, you gotta know where to look.

Sure, sites like Indeed and Remote OK are solid options, but there are even better ones out there specifically tailored for remote work. FlexJobs, for instance, is a total powerhouse with over 5 million monthly visitors and a massive database of fully remote and hybrid jobs.

Prepping for those remote interviews is key, so you can crush it and land your dream role.

But it's not just about the job boards themselves; you gotta have the right skills too.

Data analysis and visualization tools like Tableau and Power BI are in high demand among Denver companies, so leveling up those skills could give you a serious edge.

And don't sleep on networking either – coworking spaces in Denver are prime spots to connect with like-minded techies and potentially land some sweet referrals.

At the end of the day, landing that first remote tech role is all about persistence and strategy.

Set up job alerts, optimize your search terms, and keep refreshing those listings like it's your full-time job. With the right approach and a little bit of hustle, you'll be well on your way to a killer remote tech career here in Denver.

Just stay focused, keep grinding, and don't be afraid to prep like crazy for those interviews – your dream job could be just a few clicks away.

Preparing for Tech Interviews with Denver-Specific Insights


Getting ready for tech interviews in Denver for 2024 is no joke. With more companies going remote, you gotta nail those virtual interviews. According to Vault, looking pro and having solid tech is key - test that equipment and choose a chill background.

The common remote work questions cover stuff like time management, dealing with distractions, and using collab tools seamlessly.

For the Denver scene, be ready to talk about your experience with agile, Git, and cloud platforms like AWS. The tech hub here is booming, especially in cybersecurity and blockchain.

Landing a remote job from Denver means showing you're up-to-date on these hot areas and eager to keep learning.

Maybe mention a personal blockchain project or your cloud security skills - that'll catch their attention.

Above all, highlight your problem-solving abilities.

Remote roles need peeps who can work independently but still collaborate virtually using tools like Slack or Trello. Show them you're not just another cog in the machine - you're an innovative thinker who can tackle challenges without constant hand-holding.

With the right prep and attitude, Denver companies will be lining up to snag you for those sweet remote gigs.

Showcasing Your Projects on GitHub


In the race for snagging that sweet remote tech gig in Denver come 2024, your GitHub portfolio is like a cheat code.

It's the ultimate flex, showcasing your coding skills and proving you're not just talk. But don't sweat it, I've got the inside scoop on how to make your GitHub game strong.

First things first, keep your repos organized like a pro.

Group 'em by programming languages, frameworks, or project types. Detailed README files are a must, outlining the project's purpose, features, and setup instructions.

Trust me, it'll make a killer first impression.

But that's not all, here are some pro tips to take your GitHub game to the next level:

  • Keep updating your repos with fresh projects or upgrades, showing off your never-ending thirst for knowledge.
  • Collaborate on open-source projects to prove you're a team player extraordinaire.
  • Include projects that solve real-world problems or showcase your creative genius.

Now, let's talk about the ultimate GitHub flex – the "notable Open Source contributions".

That's like a golden ticket to landing interviews. Sure, it's a grind, but trust me, it'll make recruiters go crazy for you.

At the end of the day, a killer GitHub portfolio is your ticket to standing out from the pack and landing that dream remote tech job in Denver.

So, what are you waiting for? Start flexing those coding muscles and make your GitHub portfolio the envy of the tech world!

Getting Recommendations and Endorsements from Denver Tech Community


Landing that sweet remote tech job in Denver ain't no joke. You gotta have the recommendations and endorsements to back you up, homies. According to some hiring managers, if a candidate has a bunch of solid recommendations, it shows people dig working with them, and chances are, the hiring team would vibe with them too.

To score those golden recommendations, hit up the MVPs who know your skills best – former bosses, coworkers, or mentors.

Give 'em the rundown on the role you're gunning for, and offer to draft a recommendation for them to tweak.

That way, they can make sure it's on point with your career goals.

But here's the real key – tapping into Denver's tech community is crucial for building those professional connections and expanding your network.

  • Attend local tech meetups and events like Denver Startup Week, Denver Code Club, or Denver Devs. You'll get to rub elbows with industry pros and potential recommenders.
  • Engage in online communities like the Denver Tech Professionals group on LinkedIn or the /r/denverprogrammers subreddit. Drop some knowledge, engage in discussions, and build rapport with fellow techies.
  • Utilize local coworking spaces in Denver to collaborate on open-source projects or attend hackathons organized by Denver Open Source. Show off your skills and make connections with people who could vouch for you.

As Thomas Anderson, a software engineer at Amazon, puts it, "Having solid recommendations from respected Denver tech folks can be a game-changer when applying for remote roles. It proves you can work well with others and highlights the trust you've earned in the community."

Volunteering for Tech Projects and Hackathons in Denver


Volunteering for tech projects and participating in hackathons in Denver is the way to go if you're tryna level up your skills and get your foot in the door.

According to some research, over 65% of Denver employers see volunteer work and hackathons as major pluses when considering candidates, it shows you're passionate about tech and can problem-solve like a pro.

If you're looking to beef up your resume and portfolio, Denver's got plenty of dope volunteer opportunities to explore:

  • Code for Denver: These civic tech peeps tackle community challenges through open-source projects and mentorship programs.
  • ChickTech Denver: They're all about keeping women in tech careers, offering coding workshops and volunteer gigs.
  • Denver Open Data Initiative: Volunteers team up with local government agencies to promote open data and transparency.

Denver's also home to a bunch of hackathons throughout the year, which are epic for networking and learning new skills.

Some major ones to mark on your calendar in 2024 include:

  1. Denver Startup Week Hackathon (September 2024): A 48-hour coding marathon focused on building innovative solutions for local businesses.
  2. BlitzHacks (March 2024): Organized by the University of Denver, this student-led hackathon welcomes participants from all over Colorado.
  3. HackCU (October 2024): The University of Colorado Boulder's flagship hackathon, attracting over 500 participants annually.

Tons of people have scored their first tech gigs by participating in volunteer projects and hackathons.

Just ask Christopher Hernandez, a Nucamp grad who said,

Participating in a hackathon helped me build a project I'm stoked about, and the connections I made led to my first job offer as a software engineer.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the best strategies to land a remote tech job in Denver in 2024?

To land a remote tech job in Denver in 2024, you should optimize your LinkedIn profile, network at local tech meetups and online forums, utilize Denver coworking spaces, enhance your skills with coding bootcamps like Nucamp, and craft a remote-friendly resume.

How can optimizing my LinkedIn profile help me secure a remote tech job?

Having a well-optimized LinkedIn profile is essential. Ensure it showcases your skills, experiences, and projects with the right keywords. Recruiters often scout LinkedIn first, making endorsements and a polished profile crucial in standing out for remote tech gigs.

How can Denver coworking spaces aid in my remote job search?

Denver coworking spaces can significantly aid your remote job search by providing networking opportunities, community events, workshops, and mentorship programs. These resources can help you build connections, gain insights, and maintain a productive job search environment.

What role do coding bootcamps like Nucamp play in landing a remote tech job?

Coding bootcamps like Nucamp help you stay ahead by offering up-to-date courses in various tech fields such as front-end development, data science, and cybersecurity. These programs provide hands-on learning and build portfolios that make you a strong candidate for remote tech positions.

Why is it important to participate in tech meetups and online forums?

Participating in tech meetups and online forums is crucial as they offer networking opportunities, keeping you updated on industry trends and potential job openings. Building connections in these communities can lead to referrals and valuable insights, aiding in your job search.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.