Top 10 Strategies to Land Your First Remote Tech Job from Finland in 2024

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: July 27th 2024

A person researching on a laptop with Finnish landscapes in the background, representing remote tech job opportunities in Finland for 2024

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To land your first remote tech job from Finland in 2024, focus on deep tech startups, gaming, and cleantech industries. Tailor your resume for Finnish employers, build a strong LinkedIn profile, and leverage Finnish job boards. Enhance your technical skills with relevant certifications, network with local tech communities, improve Finnish language skills, and utilize career services and mentoring programs. Embrace Finland's work culture and work-life balance to increase your chances of success.

Finland's tech scene is lit right now, and it's only gonna get hotter in 2024! Based on some fresh research, here are the hottest sectors you should be eyeing if you wanna score that first remote tech gig from Finland:

  • Deep tech startups: Companies like Aircohol (using CO2 to make drinks), Carbonaide (making concrete sustainable), and Hycamite (zero-emission hydrogen production) are blowing up.
  • The gaming industry: With companies like Supercell and Yahaha, this sector is also massive.
  • Cleantech: Don't sleep on industries like cleantech, with innovators like Paptic creating sustainable packaging solutions.

You gotta stay on top of emerging trends like quantum computing, AI governance, and biotech too.

Check out Nucamp's guide on essential tech skills Finnish employers want - AI, machine learning, and cloud tech are key.

With the right skills and a hustler mentality, you can definitely break into this booming scene!

Table of Contents

  • Tailor Your Resume with Finnish Employers in Mind
  • Build a Strong LinkedIn Profile
  • Leverage Finnish Job Boards and Websites
  • Network with Finnish Tech Communities
  • Enhance Your Technical Skills with Relevant Certifications
  • Prepare for Remote Tech Interviews with Finnish Companies
  • Understand Finland’s Work Culture and Work-Life Balance
  • Polish Your Finnish Language Skills
  • Seek Assistance from Finnish Career Services and Mentoring Programmes
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

Tailor Your Resume with Finnish Employers in Mind


Alright, so you're looking to land a remote tech gig in Finland, huh? Crafting a killer Finnish CV is key.

These folks value straight-up, no-nonsense resumes that get to the point. Start with your personal deets - name, contact info, all that jazz. Then, dive into your work experience, listing everything in reverse chronological order, from your most recent job backwards.

Don't go overboard with the details; keep it tight, highlighting major responsibilities and achievements.

For the education section, stick to the essentials - degree, university, graduation year.

If you've got certs or training relevant to the role, toss those in too. Now, the skills section is where you'll really shine.

Nail down those technical abilities, programming languages you're fluent in, and anything else that aligns with what the gig calls for. Mention those soft skills like communication and teamwork - Finnish employers dig that stuff.

When it comes to formatting, simplicity is the name of the game.

One to two pages tops, clean layout with clear section headings, and a professional font like Arial or Times New Roman. No need for flashy visuals or over-the-top designs; let your qualifications do the talking.

And remember, tailor that bad boy for each job you're applying to - that'll show you're really invested in the opportunity.

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Build a Strong LinkedIn Profile


Optimizing your LinkedIn profile is key if you want Finnish recruiters to notice you and land that sweet remote tech gig in 2024.

Did you know that like 87% of Finnish companies use LinkedIn to scope out potential hires? To stand out, you gotta tailor your profile to highlight the skills and experiences that Finland's booming tech industry is craving.

According to the Finnish IT Center for Science (CSC), the top skills that Finnish tech companies are looking for in 2024 include:

  • Cloud computing: Being a pro at cloud platforms like AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud.
  • Data analytics: Mastering SQL, Python, and data visualization tools.
  • Cybersecurity: Having knowledge of ethical hacking, risk assessment, and security protocols.
  • AI/Machine Learning: Being familiar with frameworks such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, and scikit-learn.

Make sure your LinkedIn profile screams these in-demand skills through your work experience, certifications, and endorsements.

To really connect with Finnish employers, use LinkedIn's networking features like a boss:

  1. Join industry-specific groups: Get involved in discussions to showcase your expertise.
  2. Follow and interact with companies: Like, comment, and share their updates.
  3. Use the alumni tool: Link up with professionals from your uni who are working in Finland's tech scene.

Consider adding a quote or testimonial from a previous employer or client to boost your credibility.

As Thomas Johnson, CEO of Helior Software, says: "A well-crafted LinkedIn profile showcasing relevant skills and an active presence within the tech community can be a game-changer for job seekers."

Leverage Finnish Job Boards and Websites


If you're trying to land a sick remote tech gig in Finland next year, leveraging those Finnish job boards is key. We're talking major platforms like Duunitori, Monster, and Te-palvelut - these sites are stacked with tech openings, and most Finnish tech pros rely on them to scope out new opportunities.

  1. Tailor your profile and resume to match what Finnish employers are looking for, highlighting those in-demand tech skills.
  2. Set up custom job alerts based on your preferences like location, job title, industry - that way, you'll never miss a beat.
  3. Apply ASAP to relevant gigs, 'cause top Finnish companies are all over these job boards.

Another pro move? Join niche communities or specialized forums like Finnish IT Professionals to network with insiders and gain that insider knowledge.

Oh, and check out JobiSee - it aggregates listings from multiple Finnish job boards, so you can track all your applications in one place.

John Jones even said,

"JobiSee has revolutionized my job search process, saving me countless hours and ensuring I never miss an opportunity."

Clutch, right? Stay persistent and put in the work, and that dream remote tech role in Finland could be yours in 2024.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Network with Finnish Tech Communities


Remote tech jobs in Finland? Bet! The key is networking with the dope tech communities out there. Helsinki's scene is straight fire - you got React Finland with over 3,000 React heads, Helsinki DevOps with 1,800+ DevOps homies, and even a Cybersecurity Meetup Group with 950+ security nerds.

But it ain't just Helsinki - Tampere, Turku, and Oulu got their own thriving tech squads too.

Getting involved in these crews opens up some major perks:

  • Job Opportunities: A 2022 survey said 85% of Finnish tech pros landed their gigs through networking. Boom!
  • Knowledge Sharing: Drop some hot takes, code snippets, or tutorials, and you'll be seen as a subject matter expert. Employers dig that.
  • Mentorship: Lots of groups hook you up with mentors - seasoned Finnish tech OGs to learn from.

To really slay the networking game, try:

  1. Show you're open to work: Adding that "open to work" badge on GitHub and LinkedIn.
  2. Attend tech events: Hitting up virtual and IRL tech events like Slush in Helsinki.
  3. Engage in forums: Posting thought-provoking content on forums like
  4. Volunteer your time: Volunteering to organize meetups or workshops - shows off those leadership skills.

As Mary Jones, CTO at Claned Group, puts it, "The Finnish tech community is so supportive. Getting involved early boosts your growth and career prospects like crazy."

Enhance Your Technical Skills with Relevant Certifications


If you're trying to score that sweet remote tech gig in Finland next year, you gotta level up your skillset with some dope certifications. The hottest certs that employers are hyped about include the AWS Certified Solutions Architect for cloud wizardry, the Certified ScrumMaster for agile mastery, and the legendary CISSP for cybersecurity prowess.

These bad boys will show the Finnish companies you're a total tech beast!

To prep for these exams, you can tap into online courses from platforms like Coursera and edX, or hit up the vendor's training programs.

AWS has a whole suite of certification resources, and the Scrum Alliance hooks you up with CSM prep. Word on the street is that certified tech pros have a 25% higher chance of landing jobs and can rake in 10-15% more cash than their uncertified homies.

So, if you're serious about scoring that remote Finnish tech role, investing in these certs is a no-brainer. Trust me, it'll make you stand out like a boss in the competitive job market!

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Prepare for Remote Tech Interviews with Finnish Companies


Alright, let's talk about nailing those remote tech interviews with Finnish companies.

You know the drill - research the company, practice coding challenges, and all that jazz. But there's more to it than just that tech stuff.

These Finnish folks value honesty and initiative big time, according to Christopher Gonzalez.

So, you gotta be real with them and show that you're proactive. Also, punctuality is key – don't be late, it's a major turn-off for them.

Now, here's the real deal-breaker: they might ask you some inappropriate questions about your personal life, health, or background.

But don't sweat it – you have the right to keep that info private. Just politely refuse to answer or give a vague response.

And let's not forget the soft skills they're looking for.

Finnish companies dig candidates who can collaborate, think analytically, and communicate clearly, according to the Confederation of Finnish Industries. So, be ready to showcase those skills during the interview, especially in any group activities or presentations.

Lastly, networking is a big deal in Finland's tech scene, according to Daniel Thomas.

Events like Slush and Arctic15 are great places to make connections and maybe even land a job through the "hidden job market" that Lisa mentioned. So, get out there and start building your network before the interviews even begin.

Understand Finland’s Work Culture and Work-Life Balance


If you're gunning for a remote tech gig in Finland, understanding their work culture and work-life balance is critical. Finland is like the happiest country on the planet, and a big reason for that is their chill approach to balancing work and life.

They've had laws in place for decades that allow employees to shift their schedules by up to three hours, so you can stay productive while still enjoying those precious daylight hours or handling personal stuff.

In Finnish workplaces, it's all about trust and independence.

Employees work fairly independently, without constant supervision, as long as they deliver on their tasks.

Punctuality and reliability are key, but you also get the freedom to structure your day as you see fit. And let's not forget those generous vacay days and family leave policies – they really value that work-life harmony.

To thrive in this setup, you gotta be self-motivated and skilled at time management.

But don't sweat it! The Finnish work culture is all about open communication and addressing issues directly.

So, if you're feeling overwhelmed or need some guidance, just hit up your colleagues or manager, and they'll be happy to lend a hand. The key is finding that sweet spot where you're crushing it at work while still making time for your hobbies, social life, and personal growth.

Polish Your Finnish Language Skills


If you want to land that sweet remote gig in Finland, mastering the Finnish language is a serious power move.

English is widely spoken in the tech scene, but knowing Finnish puts you a level above the rest. It shows you're committed to the culture and ready to blend in seamlessly.

So, where do you start? Well, the University of Helsinki has got your back with killer resources like the Suomen Mestari series – perfect for self-study or classroom settings.

If you're more of an app person, apps like Babbel, Duolingo, and Memrise offer Finnish courses that'll keep you engaged and learning on the go.

Experts agree that language skills are crucial for career advancement and social integration in Finland.

Companies like Reaktor, a top-notch tech consultancy, seriously value candidates who can speak Finnish. It shows you're in it for the long haul and ready to vibe with the local tech community.

So, don't sleep on learning Finnish, my friends.

It's a game-changer that'll set you apart from the competition and open doors to some seriously awesome opportunities in Finland's thriving tech scene. Let's get learning!

Seek Assistance from Finnish Career Services and Mentoring Programmes


When you're on the grind to snag that sweet remote tech gig from Finland in 2024, tapping into the country's network of career services and mentoring programs can be a total game-changer.

Finland's got a thriving ecosystem of resources tailored to help techies like us, offering guidance, networking opportunities, and career development assistance on a silver platter.

One major player is the Finnish Information Processing Association (Tivia), which runs a killer mentoring program that pairs seasoned industry pros with up-and-coming tech talents like ourselves.

This program is all about sharing knowledge, getting career coaching, and scoring invaluable networking opportunities. Plus, organizations like Finnish Software Entrepreneurs Association (SWEFi) and Startup Sauna offer mentorship, workshops, and events designed to help us grow and connect with potential employers.

To tap into these resources, here's what you gotta do:

  1. Explore Opportunities: Check out the websites of relevant organizations like Tivia, SWEFi, and Startup Sauna to learn about their offerings and sign up for mentoring programs or membership.
  2. Network Locally: Hit up local tech events, hackathons, and conferences to network and connect with potential mentors.
  3. Connect Online: Leverage online platforms like LinkedIn to connect with professionals in your desired field and ask about mentorship opportunities.

Participating in mentorship programs can be a total game-changer:

  • Gain Industry Insights: Mentors can give you the inside scoop on industry trends, best practices, and job market dynamics, helping you stay ahead of the curve.
  • Expand Your Network: Mentorship programs give you access to a massive network of industry professionals, opening doors to potential job opportunities and valuable connections.
  • Accelerate Career Growth: With the guidance of an experienced mentor, you can learn from their successes and challenges, refine your skills, and navigate your career path like a pro.

As Patricia Jackson, CEO of Tivia, said, "Mentorship is a powerful tool for personal and professional growth. Our programs connect ambitious tech professionals with seasoned industry leaders, fostering knowledge transfer and nurturing the next generation of talent."

Check out these job hunting strategies from Nucamp for more tips!

Frequently Asked Questions


Which sectors in Finland's tech industry are predicted to be hot in 2024?

In 2024, Finland's tech industry is expected to see significant growth in sectors such as deep tech startups, the gaming industry, and cleantech. Companies like Carbonaide, Hycamite, and Paptic are leading the way in these fields.

How should I tailor my resume to appeal to Finnish employers?

Finnish employers prefer straightforward, concise resumes. Ensure your resume includes your personal details, work experience in reverse chronological order, education, and relevant certifications. Highlight your technical skills and soft skills, keep the layout simple, and tailor your resume for each job application.

How can I optimize my LinkedIn profile for Finnish tech recruiters?

To attract Finnish tech recruiters, ensure your LinkedIn profile highlights in-demand skills like cloud computing, data analytics, cybersecurity, and AI/machine learning. Engage with industry-specific groups, follow and interact with companies, and use the alumni tool to connect with professionals working in Finland's tech sector.

Which Finnish job boards and websites should I use to find remote tech jobs?

Key Finnish job boards for remote tech jobs include major platforms like JobiSee,, and Work In Finland. Tailor your profile and resume to match what Finnish employers are looking for, set up custom job alerts, and make use of niche communities and specialized forums for networking and insider knowledge.

What are the benefits of networking with Finnish tech communities?

Networking with Finnish tech communities can open up job opportunities, facilitate knowledge sharing, and provide mentorship. Engaging with tech events, forums, and volunteering can help you build connections, enhance your reputation as a subject matter expert, and gain the support and guidance needed to thrive in the Finnish tech industry.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.