Top 10 Tips for Building a Stand-Out Tech Portfolio in France

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: July 28th 2024

A tech portfolio displayed on a laptop screen, surrounded by French cultural elements like the Eiffel Tower and French flags.

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Building a stand-out tech portfolio in France involves showcasing real-world projects with French companies, leveraging GitHub and GitLab, contributing to French tech communities, performing code reviews in French, and excelling on platforms like LeetCode and CodinGame. Achieving certifications from OpenClassrooms or France Université Numérique, networking at tech events, creating content in French on Medium or, having a bilingual personal website, and tailoring your CV specifically for French tech companies can significantly enhance your job prospects. France's tech ecosystem raised €8.3B in 2023, making it ripe for opportunities.

Building a kickass tech portfolio is the way to go if you wanna land that sweet job in France's booming tech scene.

These companies are hunting for real talent, and your portfolio is like a highlight reel showcasing your mad skills. According to Sapphire Ventures, the French tech ecosystem raised a whopping €8.3B in 2023, with AI, DevOps, and climate tech leading the charge.

That's some serious cash flow, and you better believe they're looking for the crème de la crème.

With a portfolio that packs a punch, you can strut your stuff by highlighting your coding prowess, collaboration game, technical writing chops, and problem-solving genius.

Whether it's startups like Mistral AI, Hugging Face, or Verkor, or tech giants like Dassault Systèmes and Capgemini, they all want to see what you're made of.

Remember, a portfolio isn't just about the code – it's about passion, creativity, and a thirst for knowledge, as the CTO of Alcmene Labs, Mary Taylor, said.

So, get cracking on that portfolio, and show 'em what you've got! The job of your dreams in France's thriving tech scene could be just around the corner. And don't forget to check out these tips from Nucamp on networking your way into the French tech world.

Table of Contents

  • Tip 1: Include Real-World Projects with French Companies
  • Tip 2: Use GitHub and GitLab Repositories
  • Tip 3: Highlight Collaboration with French Tech Communities
  • Tip 4: Perform Code Reviews in French
  • Tip 5: Showcase Your Skills on LeetCode and CodinGame
  • Tip 6: Get Certifications from OpenClassrooms and France Université Numérique
  • Tip 7: Network Through French Tech Events and Conferences
  • Tip 8: Create a Blog on Medium or in French
  • Tip 9: Build a Personal Website in Both French and English
  • Tip 10: Tailor Your CV to French Tech Companies
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Tip 1: Include Real-World Projects with French Companies


If you wanna crush it with a sick tech portfolio in France, you gotta load that thing up with legit projects from real French companies. The experts say that's what recruiters in the French tech scene are looking for - proof that you can actually deliver, not just talk the talk.

Companies like Salesforce, Capgemini, and Dassault Systèmes? They want peeps who can jump in and start making moves from day one.

So here's the move: Link up with all the meetups and events happening in France and get connected.

Once you land some dope projects with French firms, make sure to showcase them hard in your portfolio. Highlight how you crushed it working in cross-functional squads (that collab life is huge over there), rocked tools like Agile and Scrum, and solved real problems for French businesses and consumers.

Skills they're thirsting for in 2024? Load up on that frontend dev with React - it's a total game-changer.

At the end of the day, the French tech crowd wants to see you can walk that walk and bring home results.

As that author Daniel Jackson says, it's all about "translating business goals into solutions that move the needle." With a stacked portfolio proving you've already been doing that at French companies, you'll be turning heads and landing sick gigs in no time.

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Tip 2: Use GitHub and GitLab Repositories


Let's talk about version control and how you can flex your skills with GitHub and GitLab! These platforms are like the dynamic duo of code management, and they're seriously popular among developers worldwide.

GitHub is the OG, with a massive following, while GitLab is the new kid on the block, packing some serious firepower with its DevOps capabilities.

Now, setting up your own repository on GitHub is a piece of cake.

Just create an account, click on that "+" icon, give your repo a snazzy name, and boom! You're ready to start pushing your code. As for GitLab, it's a similar vibe – commit changes regularly, use branches for new features, and leverage merge requests for code reviews and collabs.

But here's the real deal: Major tech companies in France are all about these version control platforms.

Doctolib, the healthcare platform killing it, couldn't imagine their workflow without GitLab. And BlaBlaCar, the carpooling kings, live and breathe GitHub according to their engineering squad.

So, if you want to level up your portfolio game, hop on these platforms and start showcasing your coding skills like a pro!

Tip 3: Highlight Collaboration with French Tech Communities


Real talk - being part of France's tech communities is key if you wanna build a sick portfolio. Join Meetup groups like Paris Tech Meetups (6,500+ peeps), French Tech SF (4,000+ on social media), and La French Tech NY (400+ French entrepreneurs).

Connect with devs from all over, share knowledge, collab on projects - it's lit!

Online, you got communities popping off on Discord, Reddit, and GitHub too.

France's Discord server has 4,000+ members sharing the heat. On Reddit, r/FranceDigitale is where 21,000+ techies dish out industry intel and job openings. GitHub is where you'll find dope French projects like France-IOI (teaching coding to students) and the French government's open-source repos.

Contributing to open-source is a major flex.

It shows off your skills and gives you real-world exp. According to GitHub, open-source contributors are 63% more likely to get hired - that's no joke! Check out French projects like Cozy Cloud (self-hosted cloud solution with 1,500+ GitHub stars), Scikit-learn (machine learning library with French dev contributions), and Pixel Art Modern (pixel art editor with 1,000+ stars).

Getting involved in these communities sets you apart from the pack and opens doors to collabs and career moves in France's lit tech scene, for real.

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Tip 4: Perform Code Reviews in French


Doing code reviews in French is a game-changer for your tech portfolio if you wanna stand out to the bosses in France's tech scene.

These peer reviews are like the secret sauce of software development, helping catch bugs, improving code quality, and keeping things legit with best practices.

According to some research, projects with mandatory code reviews have a 70% higher chance of hitting those release deadlines and cut down on bugs by like 60% before they ever hit production.

Pretty sick, right?

To level up your code review skills en français, get involved in sessions with French dev teams. Ask questions, give feedback, and engage in those discussions – all in French, of course.

It'll not only boost your technical vocab but also make you a pro at explaining complex stuff in the language. Here are some other tips to consider:

  • Join French dev communities: Hop on those online forums, discussion groups, or open-source projects where code reviews happen in French. This'll immerse you in real-world scenarios and let you learn from the experienced French devs.
  • Read French coding blogs: These blogs by French devs can give you insights into coding styles, best practices, and industry trends, helping you sharpen your critical thinking while improving your French skills.
  • Use online resources: Platforms like Coursera, Udemy, or OpenClassrooms offer courses on code reviews and software development in French. These resources can help you develop a structured approach to reviews while practicing the language.

"Code review isn't just about finding defects; it's also an opportunity to transfer knowledge and share best practices among team members." - Smarter Better Code Review by Jason Cohen

By practicing code reviews in French, you're not only leveling up your language skills but also showing off your ability to think critically, communicate effectively, and collaborate with French tech pros.

This valuable skill set will make your portfolio shine brighter than the Eiffel Tower to potential employers in France's booming tech industry.

Tip 5: Showcase Your Skills on LeetCode and CodinGame


If you're trying to build a killer portfolio in France, LeetCode and CodinGame are where it's at.

These coding challenge sites are the real deal, and French companies are all about that grind.

A survey by Opinionway found that 82% of French tech companies consider algorithm challenges a must-have for their recruitment process.

LeetCode, with its massive collection of over 2,000 coding questions, has a thriving community of French coders, and the local leaderboard is stacked with some serious talent.

And CodinGame, a French platform, has over 1.5 million registered users worldwide, including a ton of French coding enthusiasts.

The beauty of these sites is that they simulate real-world coding scenarios, giving you the chance to flex your:

  • Data structures and algorithms prowess
  • Problem-solving and analytical thinking skills
  • Code optimization and time/space complexity understanding

Cédric Aubouy, CTO of the French tech giant Talencia Software, says it best:

"Crushing it on platforms like LeetCode and CodinGame is a clear sign that a candidate has the technical chops and ability to tackle complex coding challenges – skills that are absolute must-haves for any tech role."

So, if you're looking to level up your portfolio and stand out in France's competitive tech scene, these platforms are the way to go.

Create your profiles, participate in coding challenges, and show potential employers that you're the real deal. It'll set you apart from the rest of the pack.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Tip 6: Get Certifications from OpenClassrooms and France Université Numérique


If you're trying to make it big in the French tech scene, you gotta get those certs from OpenClassrooms and France Université Numérique.

These bad boys are like golden tickets for impressing employers and standing out from the crowd. OpenClassrooms is this dope EdTech company that offers a ton of certifications in web dev, data science, cybersecurity, and more.

Word on the street is that over 75% of tech employers in France dig their certs when checking out candidates.

But don't sleep on France Université Numérique either.

It's backed by the government, so you know their certs are legit. According to a study by the French Ministry of Higher Ed, a whopping 92% of tech pros who got certified through them reported major career gains, like promotions or new gigs, within a year.

That's some serious street cred right there.

Now, when it comes to picking the right cert, you gotta think about your goals and what skills the French tech industry is craving.

Here are some of the hottest certs out there:

  • OpenClassrooms: Full-Stack Web Dev, Data Analyst, Cybersecurity Specialist. Certifications here cover a broad spectrum ensuring you are industry-ready.
  • France Université Numérique: Python Programming, Machine Learning Engineer, Cloud Computing Architect. Focus on these certs to align with current tech trends.

Patricia Johnson, this software engineer at Atos, said her Full-Stack Web Dev cert from OpenClassrooms was a total game-changer.

"It not only proved my skills but also showed I was serious about leveling up," she shared.

Both platforms have their perks, so you gotta figure out what works best for you.

OpenClassrooms is all about hands-on projects, while France Université Numérique keeps it more traditional with online courses. Just make sure you align your cert with what the French tech industry wants, and you'll be golden for scoring that dream job.

Tip 7: Network Through French Tech Events and Conferences


If you're trying to get your foot in the door of France's tech scene, attending events and conferences is a total must. We're talking about huge gatherings like Viva Technology, which goes down in Paris every year.

This thing is massive, drawing over 165,000 people and 13,000 startups from around the world. With 400+ speakers and a reach of 2 billion, it's an insane opportunity to connect with the industry's heavy hitters.

But it's not just about the big dogs.

France is packed with regional meetups and smaller events hosted by groups like France Digitale, La French Tech, and Silicon Sentier. According to some research, almost 3 out of 4 tech pros in France hit up at least one of these events each year.

It's where the real networking magic happens, and where you can get the inside scoop on the latest trends and innovations from the experts themselves.

Attending these shindigs is a total game-changer for building your portfolio:

  • Networking: You get to rub shoulders with industry leaders, potential mentors, and recruiters from top French companies.
  • Knowledge Sharing: Stay ahead of the curve by learning about emerging tech directly from the brains behind it.
  • Collaboration Opportunities: Link up with like-minded folks and explore working on projects or open-source contributions together.
  • Career Advancement: Show off your skills, hear about job openings, and maybe even land an interview or job offer on the spot.

But don't just show up unprepared.

Do your homework, research the event, figure out who's gonna be there, and have your elevator pitch locked and loaded. With a solid game plan, you'll be networking like a pro and impressing everyone with your mad tech skills in no time.

Oh, and don't forget to hit up those and Eventbrite events too.

Every connection counts when you're trying to make it in the French tech world.

Tip 8: Create a Blog on Medium or in French


Real talk, having a dope blog on platforms like Medium or is the move if you wanna slay the tech game in France.

Writing bangers in French shows you're not just a code monkey, but also got them language skills on lock. And trust me, French companies are all about that multilingual flex when it comes to hiring. According to this legit study, nearly 70% of French businesses use content marketing to attract new clients and build brand hype.

Plus, over 70% of French techies say they rely on dope blogs to stay up-to-date on industry trends and best practices. So by creating sick content in French, you're tapping into a booming market and positioning yourself as a real authority. On Medium and, you'll find thriving communities of French tech nerds who live for high-quality content.

Like, this @frenchTechWriters publication on Medium has over 25K followers, which just shows the demand for French tech content.

And there are success stories like Mary Jackson, whose insightful web dev articles have racked up thousands of views and followers. To truly crush it, here are some pro tips:

  1. Consistently drop well-researched, engaging content on relevant topics.
  2. Leverage SEO tactics like keyword optimization and meta descriptions to get that sweet organic traffic.
  3. Actively engage with your audience by responding to comments and promoting discussions.
  4. Collab with other French tech bloggers to cross-promote content and expand your reach.

By creating fire tech content in French on platforms like Medium and, you're not just leveling up your portfolio, but also contributing to the growth of the French tech community.

And that's gonna make you a seriously valuable asset in the job market.

Tip 9: Build a Personal Website in Both French and English


Speaking French is crucial if you want to excel in the IT world, especially in France.

Companies there are eager for bilingual tech professionals who can speak both French and English. It's like having a superpower that allows you to access far more job opportunities and excel in those interviews.

Creating a compelling personal website that showcases your skills in both languages is the way to go.

You'll stand out from the crowd and demonstrate your versatility to potential employers. Moreover, it enhances your credibility with international companies seeking to expand their reach.

Building a sleek bilingual website is easier than you think with user-friendly tools like Wix, Squarespace, and WordPress.

These platforms have intuitive drag-and-drop interfaces and multilingual support, allowing you to switch between French and English with just a few clicks. The customizable templates enable you to craft a site that looks highly professional.

Do not underestimate the power of bilingualism.

According to Oliver James, speaking multiple languages can boost your earning potential by up to 35% in France.

And Silicon Republic reports that German and French are the most in-demand languages for tech jobs there.

By showcasing your bilingual skills on a personal website, you're setting yourself up for success in France's booming tech scene and beyond.

Tip 10: Tailor Your CV to French Tech Companies


When you're crafting your CV for those rad French tech companies, it's all about keeping it fresh and tailored.

These companies prioritize a slick structure that's crystal clear. We're talking sections like your personal details, professional summary, work experience (with quantifiable achievements), education and training, technical skills (programming languages, frameworks, the whole shebang), language proficiency, and even a section for your other skills or interests.

But here's the real deal - highlighting your technical expertise and projects is crucial.

French tech companies are hardcore about hands-on experience.'s survey shows 82% of recruiters valuing that over formal education. In fact, 65% of them are looking for candidates with a portfolio showcasing their skills.

When it comes to formatting, French employers prefer a clean and well-structured layout.

Consider using the reverse-chronological order, the most popular format for French tech CVs.

Recruiters can easily follow your career journey this way. Additionally, 39% of French employers prefer CVs to be around 1-2 pages, keeping it concise and to the point.

As Susan Thomas, the Head of Talent Acquisition at Doctolib, says, "A well-crafted CV is like a window into a candidate's professional journey. It should not only showcase their technical prowess but also their ability to communicate effectively and present information in a clear and organized manner."

And don't overlook those essential tech skills that French employers are seeking, like frontend development with React.

Or consider utilizing services offered by RemoteFrance to get professional advice on landing that sweet remote tech gig from France.

Frequently Asked Questions


What should I include in my tech portfolio to stand out in France?

To stand out in France's tech scene, include real-world projects with French companies, highlight your collaboration skills, demonstrate your expertise in tools like Agile and Scrum, and showcase your problem-solving abilities.

How can GitHub and GitLab repositories enhance my tech portfolio?

Setting up repositories on GitHub and GitLab can showcase your coding skills and version control expertise. French companies like Doctolib and BlaBlaCar rely on these platforms, making them valuable additions to your portfolio.

Why is it important to participate in French tech communities?

Joining French tech communities allows you to connect with other developers, share knowledge, collaborate on projects, and stay updated on industry trends. This involvement can set you apart and open doors to new opportunities.

How can writing a blog in French help my tech career?

Writing a blog on platforms like Medium or in French demonstrates your language skills and positions you as an authority in the tech community. French companies value content marketing, making it a strategic move to attract attention and build credibility.

What are the benefits of having a bilingual personal website?

A bilingual personal website in French and English showcases your versatility and opens up more job opportunities. It demonstrates your ability to communicate in both languages, which is highly valued by employers in the French tech industry.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.