Top 10 Schools & Coding Bootcamps to Learn to Code in Bangalore, India

By Ludo Fourrage

Last Updated: June 5th 2024

Top 10 coding schools and bootcamps in Bangalore

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Discover the top 10 coding schools & bootcamps in Bangalore, India offering focused, practical programs with a quick job readiness turnaround. Data shows 79.3% of graduates secure employment within six months. Criteria for ranking include accreditation, curriculum relevance, job placements, and student reviews. Standouts include Masai School, Pesto Tech, and AttainU.

The job market these days is crazier than a lit party, and coding skills are the new hotness! Bangalore, India's tech capital, has got your back with a bunch of coding bootcamps that'll get you job-ready in a snap! Unlike those dragged-out computer science degrees that take forever, these bootcamps are intense, hands-on programs that last just a few weeks to months.

You'll be coding like a pro and landing those sweet tech gigs in no time! According to the stats, nearly 80% of bootcamp grads score jobs within six months after finishing up.

These bootcamps cover all the cool stuff too, from web dev to cyber security, so you can pick your poison. It's a game-changer for tech education! Coding is the key to unlocking endless opportunities in this digital world we're living in.

And let's be real, having those coding skills on your resume is like a cheat code for landing dope jobs, higher pay, and staying ahead of the game in any industry.

Bangalore's bootcamp scene is where it's at if you want to level up your career in the tech world!

Table of Contents

  • Methodology
  • Masai School
  • Pesto Tech
  • AttainU
  • Jed-i
  • CodeQuotient
  • The Valley Bootcamp
  • Geekskool
  • InterviewBit Academy
  • Learnbay
  • UpGrad
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:



Here's the deal on how we ranked the top coding schools and bootcamps in Bangalore. We looked at a bunch of important factors, like accreditation, how relevant their courses are, job placement rates, and student reviews.

These things are super crucial in making sure the education you're getting is legit and will actually help you snag a job after.

First up, accreditation is a big one.

Accredited bootcamps are officially recognized as legit, and students at these places are 15% more satisfied on average. It's a stamp of approval that the education you're getting meets certain standards.

Definitely important if you want to make sure your coding education is worth it. Check out the benefits of accreditation in coding bootcamps for more deets.

Next, curriculum relevance is key.

Tech moves fast, so you want to make sure the stuff you're learning is up-to-date and relevant to what's happening in the industry. Bootcamps that keep their curriculum fresh see a 33% higher success rate for students landing jobs after graduating.

Makes sense, right? You want to learn skills that companies are actually looking for. Peep coding bootcamps in Bangalore to see how they stack up.

Job placement rates are another major factor.

Bootcamps with over 90% job placement tend to attract more students and have a stronger alumni network, which can be super helpful for your career. High placement rates show that the bootcamp is doing something right and preparing you for the real world.

Get the scoop on Bangalore's bootcamp job placement rates to see which ones are crushing it.

Last but not least, student reviews give you the inside scoop on what it's actually like to attend a bootcamp.

Positive reviews usually mean higher rankings, and bootcamps with an average rating of 4.5 stars or higher are more likely to produce successful grads. Checking out reviews is a great way to get a feel for the vibe and see if a bootcamp is worth your time and money.

So, in a nutshell, we looked at:

  • Accreditation: Making sure the bootcamp meets educational standards.
  • Curriculum relevance: Checking if the courses are up-to-date with the industry.
  • Job placement rates: Seeing how successful the bootcamp is at helping grads find jobs.
  • Student reviews: Getting the inside scoop from people who have actually attended.

With all these factors in mind, you can make an informed decision on where to learn coding and get the most bang for your buck in Bangalore.

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Masai School


Have you heard about the Masai School over in Bangalore? This place is a total game-changer for aspiring coders like you! They've got this "Pay after Placement" deal where you don't have to cough up the cash until you land a sick job.

Talk about a win-win situation!

They offer some seriously flexible programs in web and mobile dev, so you can pick your poison. We're talking Full Stack Web Development, Android App Development, and even Part-Time Software Development.

They'll take you from a total noob to a coding rockstar, ready to crush it in the ever-changing tech game.

Now, let's talk about their curriculum. It's all about that project-based and interactive learning.

No boring lectures here! You'll be diving headfirst into:

  • Intense coding challenges (prepare to grind!)
  • Real-time projects that simulate the real deal
  • Collaborative coding sessions with your squad
  • Comprehensive soft skills and interview prep (gotta nail those job interviews!)

This hands-on approach means you'll not only be a coding wizard but also a well-rounded pro who can fit into any company culture like a boss.

Over 90% of Masai School grads land jobs within six months after graduation! That's what I call a serious success rate. They've got connections in the industry and a dedicated career services team to help you transition into the workforce like a pro.

The Full-Stack Developer Course With Placement really drives home their commitment to putting students first.

As the founder says, "ensures that our interests are perfectly aligned with those of our students". Ain't that the truth?

In the heart of Bangalore's tech scene, Masai School is shaking up the game and showing how coding education should be done.

With their practical approach, killer placement track record, and that sweet "Pay after Placement" model, it's the ultimate spot for aspiring techies like yourself to level up and break into the world of web and mobile dev.

Pesto Tech


Check this out! There's this coding bootcamp called Pesto Tech in Bangalore, India. They're like the OGs when it comes to turning you into a full stack dev pro.

Their Pesto Fellowship Program is the real deal, combining theory and hands-on experience to make you a coding wizard.

It gets better.

Pesto Tech isn't just about the basics. Their curriculum covers everything from Git to MongoDB to React.js and more. And they've got options for both a 12-week intensive course in Delhi or a 10-month fellowship program where you get one-on-one mentorship from industry veterans.

Talk about flexing!

What really sets Pesto Tech apart is their approach to learning. It's not just about coding languages; they'll have you building full-on side projects and mastering frontend and full stack development under the guidance of seasoned devs.

By the time you're done, you'll be a master of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, DS Algo, Problem Solving, and system design. Basically, they're grooming you to be the ultimate remote hire for tech giants.

Pesto Tech is all about that flexibility.

You can learn remotely or in-person, whatever works for you. And even though they're based in Delhi, their remote learning game is so strong that they can reach students worldwide.

So whether you're chilling at home or globetrotting, you can still level up your coding skills with Pesto Tech.

And here's the real kicker: Pesto Tech's got mad connections with tech giants and Silicon Valley startups.

Their placement records are off the charts. Not only do their grads score major salary bumps, but they also get direct access to top-tier remote jobs at prestigious companies.

We're talking about average salaries of $80k+, just for being a Pesto Tech alum. Talk about a career glow-up!

In the end, Pesto Tech isn't your average coding bootcamp.

It's a whole community of innovation, learning, and opportunities. If you're serious about becoming a full stack web dev, want the freedom of remote learning, and dream of landing a sick job at a tech powerhouse, Pesto Tech is where it's at.

They're setting the bar high in Bangalore's tech scene, and you don't want to miss out on this ride.

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If you're a tech-savvy 20-year-old looking to level up your coding game, check out AttainU in Bangalore. This place is the real deal for aspiring full-stack devs.

Their curriculum covers everything from the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to advanced server-side programming with Node.js and Express, plus database management with MongoDB. By the time you're done, you'll be a coding machine, ready to tackle any tech challenge head-on.

AttainU is all about keeping it real with the latest tech trends, like React.js.

That means you won't just be job-ready, but you'll also be a total boss in dynamic work environments. AttainU was founded by ex-employees from giants like Google, Uber, and GeeksforGeeks, so you know they've got the inside scoop on what the industry needs.

One of the coolest things about AttainU is the hands-on project approach.

You'll be building real-world stuff like e-commerce platforms, social media apps, and interactive web apps. It's like a coding playground, but with actual skills you can flex in your portfolio and impress potential employers.

Just check out Akash Verma's placement story on YouTube to see how AttainU helped him bridge the gap from learning to actually applying those skills.

It gets even better! AttainU has this sweet Income Share Agreement (ISA) deal.

Basically, you don't have to cough up any tuition fees upfront. You only pay 90% of the course fee after you land a job, according to FindCareerBootcamps.

And they even offer career counseling and placement support, so you're not just left hanging after graduation.

AttainU's ISA model shows they're serious about your success.

In their own words,

Our ISA model aligns AttainU's success with that of our students.

It's a win-win situation. With their student-focused approach, solid curriculum, and hands-on learning, AttainU isn't just another coding bootcamp – it's a launchpad for your tech career dreams.



Check this out - there's this dope coding bootcamp called Jed-i in Bangalore that's making waves. It's not your typical classroom snoozefest, though. These peeps are all about making learning fun and interactive.

Here's the deal: they mix online theory lessons with hands-on coding sessions, so you get the best of both worlds.

It's like learning by doing, you know? And that approach works like a charm. You'll be coding up a storm in no time!

But what really sets Jed-i apart is their specially designed programs for kids and young adults.

They're making sure we get a taste of that tech life from an early age, sparking that passion for coding and innovation. It's like planting the seeds for our future careers in the tech biz.

They've got some seriously legit mentors on board, like industry hotshots from DevTown.

These guys know their stuff and are all about giving us that personalized guidance to level up our skills. It's like having your own coding sensei.

Jed-i isn't just about teaching us to code; they're also prepping us to be job-ready straight out of the bootcamp.

That's the goal, right? To land that sweet gig and start making bank. They're on the same wavelength as The Hacking School, India's OG coding bootcamp that's all about churning out employable coders.

Data highlights show that Jed-i grads are killing it when it comes to problem-solving and understanding the ins and outs of software development.

And it's when you consider the dope curriculum they've got:

  • It covers everything from basic programming languages to advanced engineering concepts, so you'll be a coding beast by the end.
  • They mix up online modules with in-person workshops, keeping things fresh and engaging.
  • The projects they throw at you aren't just academic busy work; they've got real-world applications, so you'll be ready for the job market.
  • And the mentors - these industry vets have got your back, bridging the gap between theory and practice with their mad knowledge.

If you're looking to get your coding game on point while still having a blast, Jed-i is where it's at.

They're all about making tech accessible to everyone, no matter your age or skill level. It's like the founder said, "The future belongs to those who understand technology, and at Jed-i, we're committed to making this future accessible to everyone, regardless of age."

And they're keeping things global with their curriculum and international internships, just like Flatiron's coding bootcamp.

It's a complete package.

Bottom line: if you're a young gun looking to get your feet wet in the coding world, or if you're a parent trying to give your kid a head start in tech, Jed-i is the move.

They're fostering that love for coding from an early age, nurturing creativity, problem-solving skills, and logical thinking - all the good stuff you need to thrive in this tech-driven world.

It's not just about learning to code; it's about shaping the future of technology, one young coder at a time.

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And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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In the heart of Bangalore's tech scene, there's this dope program called CodeQuotient that's all about turning newbies into full-fledged full-stack developers in just 6 months.

It's an intense ride, but they've got your back with a solid curriculum covering everything from front-end wizardry with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS to server-side sorcery with Node.js, Express, and database management with SQL and MongoDB.

The real game-changer is their mentorship program.

You get to work with industry vets who've been slaying it at top tech companies. These mentors aren't just teaching you to code; they're showing you how to tackle real-world challenges, optimize your code for maximum efficiency, and prep you for the ever-changing tech landscape.

They've got a SuperCoders program where you can get your hands dirty with open-source projects and even score a stipend to cover your basic expenses.

Talk about a sweet deal!

Now, here's the real kicker: CodeQuotient guarantees you interviews with major tech players once you've completed their program.

They're so confident in their curriculum and the skills you'll gain that they're willing to put their money where their mouth is. And it's not just empty promises – their alumni have been landing killer jobs left and right.

Check out these success stories for proof that this program can be a total game-changer for your career.

But it's not all about coding like a boss.

They'll also help you level up your soft skills and teach you how to apply your coding knowledge through project-based learning. You'll work on assignments that mimic real-world scenarios, culminating in a capstone project that'll make your portfolio shine brighter than a supernova.

It's a well-rounded experience that'll have you feeling like a coding Jedi in no time. Plus, they'll cover everything from the fundamentals to full-scale application deployment, so you'll be ready to slay any challenge that comes your way.

In the end, CodeQuotient's 6-month full-stack developer program in Bangalore is a serious contender if you're looking to break into the tech world with real-world skills.

With mentors who've been there and done that, project-based learning, and a guarantee of interviews, it's like having a cheat code for your dream career in tech.

As one alum put it, "CodeQuotient wasn't just a bootcamp; it was a total transformation that gave me the skills, confidence, and opportunities to crush it in my dream tech career."

The Valley Bootcamp


Heard about this kickass coding bootcamp called The Valley in Bangalore? It's crazy intense but gets you totally ready for the real deal in full stack development.

We're not just talking theory here, they actually make you work on legit projects like e-commerce sites and data viz tools, so you get a feel for what it's like out there in the wild.

They're not just grinding you at their campus, they also do these epic coding retreats in Bangalore.

Imagine coding your brains out surrounded by nature, then chilling and swapping ideas with other devs and industry pros. It's like a tech retreat on steroids! The whole vibe is all about collaboration, creativity and leveling up your coding game.

The numbers don't lie either.

They boast a 90% employment rate within 3 months of graduating, which is insane. Plus, they're rated 4.7 on Glassdoor and have tie-ups for student loans, so they're clearly doing something right.

Their curriculum covers the latest tech like React, Node.js, MongoDB and Express, so you're learning the skills that are actually in demand right now.

Here are some highlights of the Valley experience:

  • Real-world projects - You'll be working on stuff that's directly aligned with what companies need, so you're job-ready from day one.
  • Coding retreats - This is their unique selling point – chilling and learning at the same time. It synergizes relaxation with coding in a way that really lets you dive deep.
  • Network expansion - Plenty of chances to connect with industry bigwigs, which is clutch for landing that dream job or just expanding your professional circle.

One of the co-founders, Karen Martin, summed it up perfectly: "We're all about empowering people through practical learning and real-world application." And that's exactly what they're doing, churning out devs who not only know their stuff but also have the confidence and skills to absolutely crush it in the tech world.

With their hands-on approach and those dope coding retreats, The Valley Bootcamp in Bangalore is shaping the next gen of software devs, no doubt.



Check this out! There's this kickass coding bootcamp in Bangalore called Geekskool, and it's totally free for a 3-month intensive program.

Crazy, right? They're all about sharpening your problem-solving and algorithm skills, which are like, the bread and butter for any aspiring software engineer.

Their curriculum covers the essentials for full-stack web and mobile development, both iOS and Android.

You'll be diving deep into data structures, algorithms, and systems design, working on dope open-source projects along the way. It's like a crash course in becoming a coding ninja.

But here's the real kicker: Geekskool is laser-focused on prepping you for real software engineering jobs.

Just check out the reviews on Course Report and the 4.8/5 rating on Career Karma. Alumni are raving about how it transformed their coding skills and problem-solving mindset.

It's not just about learning to code; it's about cultivating that analytical thinking that'll help you crack any complex problem like a boss.

Even if you're a career-changer or didn't go to college, you can still enroll as long as you know at least one programming language.

Talk about inclusivity!

The proof is in the pudding, though. Geekskool grads are killing it in software engineering interviews and landing sweet gigs at top tech companies.

Here's the lowdown on what you can expect:

  • Curriculum Focus: Algorithms, data structures, problem-solving, and full-stack web dev.
  • Learning Outcome: You'll become a problem-solving machine, designing complex algorithms and contributing to open-source projects like a pro.
  • Job Placement Success: High placement rate with grads working at leading tech firms.

Geekskool has this sick "free until hire" policy, which means they won't charge you a dime until you land a job.

Talk about putting their money where their mouth is! They're so confident in their program that they're willing to remove any financial barriers, making quality education accessible to anyone serious about tech.

One student nailed it: "Geekskool not only taught me how to solve problems but also how to approach them, preparing me thoroughly for the challenges of a software engineering role."

Bottom line: if you're in Bangalore and want to level up your coding game, Geekskool is a no-brainer.

With their focus on problem-solving, algorithms, and zero upfront cost, it's like a golden ticket to a software engineering career. So, what are you waiting for? Check out the Geekskool website and get ready to become a coding rockstar!

InterviewBit Academy


Bangalore's tech scene is poppin', and InterviewBit Academy is where the real gamers go to level up their coding skills. This ain't your average bootcamp; they're all about prepping you for those intense tech interviews that'll get you hired at the hottest companies.

They've got this dope software dev course that's like a full-on bootcamp, but with a focus on solving problems and crushing mock interviews with industry vets.

Plus, they hook you up with real-world projects to beef up your portfolio.

The real MVP move is their Scaler Academy - a two-year program that takes your coding game to the next level.

They cover everything from problem-solving to system design, and you get personal mentorship and career support to make sure you're ready to slay those job interviews.

The best part? Their "Free until hire" policy means you don't have to pay a dime until you land that sweet gig.

Grads are spitting mad respect, saying the interview prep was a game-changer for their confidence.

Scaler Academy's got your back with live classes from top instructors, one-on-one mentors, and career support that'll have you landing high-tier positions in no time.

They're legit - a ton of students have already scored mad gigs, proving this investment is worth its weight in gold.

InterviewBit Academy ain't playing around.

They're giving you the real-world skills and insider knowledge to crush those tech interviews, all while making sure you don't have to break the bank until you're employed and ballin'.

It's a win-win situation for any aspiring coder looking to level up in Bangalore's booming tech scene.



Check this out - Learnbay is like the hotspot for all you ambitious peeps in Bangalore who wanna level up their careers in the booming data science and AI game.

What makes 'em stand out is their specialization in curating courses that aren't just hype-trains following market trends, but they're tailored specially for those of you with at least 2 years of professional experience under your belt.

So, instead of starting from scratch, you get to build on your existing skills and make a smooth transition into these cutting-edge tech domains. A whopping 85% of Learnbay grads have successfully pivoted into data science and AI roles - that's some serious street cred for their bootcamp's effectiveness and industry alignment!

Flexibility is the name of the game at Learnbay.

They get that you hustlers are juggling work and life, so they offer various learning schedules that can be customized to your needs. We're talking weekend and evening batches that alumni have been raving about in reviews on Trustpilot and Course Report.

This allows you to keep grinding at your job while getting that sweet, sweet knowledge on the side. And the best part? You can apply what you learn to your job in real-time, which is a total win-win for reinforcing those newfound skills.

Plus, Learnbay offers learning cohorts both online and offline in multiple cities, so location ain't gonna hold you back from leveling up in tech.

The program is all about hands-on learning, with real-world projects and case studies across different industries.

You'll be learning from industry experts who have been there, done that, and have the alumni network to prove it - we're talking big shots working at leading tech companies.

And the curriculum? It's constantly updated in collaboration with these experts, ensuring you're always ahead of the curve when it comes to technology and industry needs.

Oh, and if you're looking to bridge those career gaps and guarantee yourself some interview calls, check out Learnbay's Advanced Data Science and AI Program.

It's got specialized modules for you pros looking to leverage your work experience for a relevant career transition, plus an average salary hike of 175% - now that's what I call a level up!

Learnbay's motto? "Transforming careers in technology through education and mentorship." And they're walking the walk with their impressive placement record.

But it's not just about learning new tech - they're big on mastering the art of problem-solving using these technologies. So, you won't just be a coding wizard, but a pro at tackling complex biz problems, making you a valuable asset to any company.

With flexible schedules, real-world projects, and extensive mentorship, Learnbay is the spot for you aspiring tech pros in Bangalore and beyond who wanna level up their game.



Check out this dope online school called UpGrad. These guys are killing it in Bangalore with their coding bootcamps. They don't just teach you the basics, they hook you up with real-world experience and industry connections.

UpGrad ain't your typical online course.

They team up with top universities to offer legit degrees that'll make your resume stand out. Their collab with the International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore (IIIT-B) is fire! You can get an Executive Post Graduate Program in Software Development that'll put you ahead of the game.

Their curriculum is designed to match what's happening in the industry.

You'll work on dope projects that'll prep you for the real deal. Check out their Full Stack Development program:

  • Real-world projects for web and mobile apps, so you'll be a coding beast!
  • Mentors from the industry to keep you up-to-date with the latest trends and challenges.
  • AI and machine learning to future-proof your skills.

UpGrad ain't playin' around.

They'll make sure you're job-ready with solid coding skills and the ability to tackle complex problems. That's what tech companies are looking for! Over 85% of their graduates land sweet gigs at top tech firms and startups.

UpGrad wants you to be a lifelong learner.

In tech, the only constant is change, so they'll help you stay ahead of the curve and innovate like a boss.

Bottom line, UpGrad's coding bootcamps in Bangalore are the real deal.

They combine academic excellence with hands-on training, industry connections, and a forward-thinking mindset. If you want to level up your coding game and secure a dope career, UpGrad is the way to go.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the benefits of attending a coding bootcamp in Bangalore?

Attending a coding bootcamp in Bangalore offers benefits such as focused curriculum, shorter duration compared to traditional degrees, high job placement rates, diverse specializations in tech fields, and practical learning approaches for quicker job readiness.

How were the top 10 schools and coding bootcamps in Bangalore ranked?

The ranking of the top 10 schools and coding bootcamps in Bangalore was based on criteria such as accreditation, curriculum relevance, job placement rates, and student reviews. Each institution was evaluated comprehensively to ensure quality and efficacy of the coding education provided.

What makes Masai School stand out among coding bootcamps in Bangalore?

Masai School in Bangalore stands out due to its flexible programs, 'Pay after Placement' model, expansive course offerings including web and mobile development, immersive project-based learning, high job placement rates, and a student-centric philosophy aligned with student success.

What sets CodeQuotient apart from other coding bootcamps in Bangalore?

CodeQuotient in Bangalore distinguishes itself through its rigorous curriculum covering full stack development, mentorship by industry experts, guaranteed interview opportunities, practical project-based learning, hands-on involvement in open-source projects, and a unique stipend offering, contributing to a high job placement success rate.

What unique learning approach does Jed-i coding bootcamp offer in Bangalore?

Jed-i in Bangalore offers an innovative learning approach combining online theoretical learning with practical, hands-on experiences, specialized coding programs for kids and young adults, integration of global curriculum and international internships, network expansion opportunities, and an emphasis on real-world project exposure.

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Ludo Fourrage

Founder and CEO

Ludovic (Ludo) Fourrage is an education industry veteran, named in 2017 as a Learning Technology Leader by Training Magazine. Before founding Nucamp, Ludo spent 18 years at Microsoft where he led innovation in the learning space. As the Senior Director of Digital Learning at this same company, Ludo led the development of the first of its kind 'YouTube for the Enterprise'. More recently, he delivered one of the most successful Corporate MOOC programs in partnership with top business schools and consulting organizations, i.e. INSEAD, Wharton, London Business School, and Accenture, to name a few. ​With the belief that the right education for everyone is an achievable goal, Ludo leads the nucamp team in the quest to make quality education accessible