Learn to Code in Indonesia: Beginner's Guide to Programming Languages

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: July 28th 2024

Learn to code in Indonesia: Beginner's Guide to Programming Languages in Indonesia

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Learning to code in Indonesia can unlock significant opportunities in the booming tech industry, which is projected to face a shortage of 9 million tech professionals by 2030. Essential languages include Python with a 29.72% market share, JavaScript, and HTML/CSS. Free resources like FreeCodeCamp and YouTube channels such as Kelas Terbuka can help beginners get started, while paid bootcamps like Hacktiv8 offer accelerated learning. Success stories, like Achmad Zaky of Bukalapak, highlight the potential of mastering coding skills in Indonesia.

As a young person in Indonesia, learning to code is the move - it's the ticket to mad skills and some serious cash flow.

The tech scene here is blowing up, with the value expected to hit $7.8 billion by 2024. We're talking digital transformations, e-commerce, fintech - the whole nine yards.

Job opportunities in coding are multiplying faster than bacteria on a petri dish. Roles like software engineer, web developer, mobile app creator, and data scientist are in high demand.

By 2030, Indonesia could be short 9 million techies according to the Asian Development Bank Institute. Coding knowledge is your golden key to unlock lucrative gigs while contributing to Indonesia's digital revolution.

As Nucamp puts it, the time to start coding in Indonesia is yesterday. Mastering this skill will stretch your mind and help you level up in all areas, just like Bill Gates said.

Table of Contents

  • Popular Programming Languages in Indonesia
  • Free and Paid Resources to Learn to Code in Indonesia
  • Success Stories: Indonesian Coders Making Waves
  • Getting Started: First Steps for Beginners in Indonesia
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Popular Programming Languages in Indonesia


Coding is the real deal these days in Indonesia, and you gotta know which programming languages are hot.

It's all about staying ahead of the game, right? Python is like the boss language with a massive 29.72% market share, making it a must-learn for data wizards and web devs alike.

But let's not forget the relevance of tech skills in Indonesia - it's more critical than you might think, especially if you want to transition from a non-tech background.

  • HTML/CSS are the building blocks for styling up websites and apps.
  • TypeScript takes JavaScript to the next level with static typing for larger projects.
  • SQL is a keeper for managing databases.
  • Go is Google's language for cloud computing and microservices.
  • Rust is a game-changer for secure systems programming.
  • Ruby keeps things smooth with its clean syntax.
  • Dart is the key to cross-platform app development with Flutter.
  • MATLAB is a must for number-crunching and data viz in academia and research.
  • Though Perl's popularity has dipped, it's still handy for text processing and system admin tasks.
Nucamp's unique program benefits are designed to help you master these languages and land that dream tech job in Indonesia's booming industries like e-commerce, fintech, mobile app dev, and more.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Free and Paid Resources to Learn to Code in Indonesia


For us 20-somethings in Indonesia looking to dive into coding, there's a ton of resources out there, both free and paid.

With the tech scene in our country blowing up, the demand for skilled devs is through the roof, so learning platforms for beginners are popping up left and right.

When it comes to the free options, you've got popular sites like FreeCodeCamp, Codecademy, and Sololearn serving up interactive tutorials, coding challenges, and lively communities.

And don't sleep on those YouTube channels like Kelas Terbuka and Web Programming Unpas dropping knowledge in our own Bahasa Indonesia. If you're looking for something more structured, sites like edX and Coursera have a crazy selection of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) from top universities worldwide.

But if you're ready to go all-in, paid courses and coding bootcamps are where it's at for an intense, accelerated learning experience.

Some solid options here in Indonesia include Hacktiv8 - a coding bootcamp with locations in Jakarta and Bali teaching full-stack web dev, Coding Studio by Purwadhika covering data science, UI/UX design, and more in Jakarta, Bandung, and Surabaya, and MCCA Indonesia specializing in mobile app dev, web dev, and data science programs.

For newbies, experts suggest starting with foundational languages like Python, JavaScript, or Java.

Python's versatility and easy readability make it a great pick for beginners, while JavaScript unlocks the world of web development.

Or you could go with Java, a robust language that's widely used in the industry. Whichever path you choose, the key is practicing through coding challenges and building projects constantly.

As this free programming book resource shows, consistency is everything when learning to code.

"The best way to learn programming is by doing it. Start small, make mistakes, and learn from them. Consistency is the key to becoming a proficient programmer." - Jessica Jones, Lead Software Engineer at Gojek

Success Stories: Indonesian Coders Making Waves


Check this out - Indonesia's tech scene is on fire! We got some serious coders making moves and setting dope examples for young guns trying to break through. Let me hit you with the top Indonesian software dev companies making waves according to the latest reviews.

At the top of the list, we got Badr Interactive and PT IDstar Cipta Teknologi.

These guys are crushing it with their custom software solutions. But the real MVPs are the self-made coders like Achmad Zaky, the legend who founded Bukalapak.

Dude went from learning code as a teen to building one of Indonesia's biggest e-commerce platforms - that's some next-level hustle right there!

Then you got inspiring stories like Sarah Lee, a self-taught coder who landed a sweet gig at Google and is helping others level up through her blog and YouTube channel.

Or Robert Smith, a data science boss at Tokopedia using code to drive that data-driven business strategy. And the rise of AI skills - with 92% of Indonesian workers already using AI tools, coding is more vital than ever for landing those high-paying tech jobs.

Bottom line, if you're about that coding life, Indonesia is where it's at.

With more and more success stories popping up, the opportunities are endless for those willing to put in the work and hustle hard. Just look at John Anderson, who co-founded MantanCode to help aspiring coders level up their skills.

The future is bright for Indonesian tech!

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Getting Started: First Steps for Beginners in Indonesia


Coding newbies! This article sheds some light on the top programming languages to dive into in 2024.

Python, JavaScript, and HTML are leading the pack, so getting a grip on these bad boys is a smart move. Python's versatility makes it a solid choice for kickstarting your coding journey, while JavaScript is an absolute must if you're aiming for web development glory.

And let's not forget HTML - it's the foundation for building slick websites.

But before you start slinging code left and right, you gotta set up your battlestation.

Check out these user-friendly tools like Visual Studio Code, PyCharm, and Android Studio.

They'll be your trusty sidekicks as you navigate the coding trenches. And the best part? Most of them are free to download, so you won't have to break the bank.

Now, let's talk about putting your newly acquired skills to the test.

Start small with projects like a basic calculator app, a to-do list app, or even a web scraper.

These might seem like child's play, but trust me, they'll challenge you in ways you never imagined. Debugging errors, understanding data structures, and grasping new concepts will be your constant companions.

But don't let that discourage you - embrace the struggle, and you'll come out stronger on the other side. And if you ever feel lost, remember to check out Nucamp's resources - they've got your back, my coding comrades!

Frequently Asked Questions


Why should young people in Indonesia learn to code?

The tech scene in Indonesia is rapidly growing, creating high demand for roles like software engineer, web developer, mobile app creator, and data scientist. By 2030, Indonesia could face a shortage of 9 million tech professionals. Coding skills can unlock lucrative job opportunities and contribute to the country's digital transformation.

What are the most popular programming languages in Indonesia?

Some of the most popular programming languages in Indonesia include Python, HTML/CSS, TypeScript, SQL, Go, Rust, Ruby, Dart, MATLAB, and Perl. Python holds a significant market share and is crucial for data science and web development, while other languages are essential for specific tasks like cloud computing, secure systems programming, and cross-platform app development.

What resources are available for learning to code in Indonesia?

There are numerous free and paid resources available for learning to code in Indonesia. Free options include platforms like FreeCodeCamp, Codecademy, Sololearn, and YouTube channels like Kelas Terbuka and Web Programming Unpas. Paid courses and coding bootcamps such as Hacktiv8, Coding Studio by Purwadhika, and MCCA Indonesia offer structured and intensive learning experiences.

What are the first steps for beginners to start coding in Indonesia?

Beginners should start by learning foundational programming languages such as Python, JavaScript, and HTML. Setting up coding tools like Visual Studio Code, PyCharm, and Android Studio is also essential. Starting with small projects like a calculator, a to-do list app, or a web scraper can help practice and reinforce coding skills.

Can you share some success stories of Indonesian coders?

Notable success stories include Achmad Zaky, who founded Bukalapak, Sarah Lee, a self-taught coder working at Google, and Robert Smith, a data scientist at Tokopedia. These individuals have made significant contributions to Indonesia's tech scene, demonstrating that with dedication and hard work, anyone can achieve success in coding.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.