How to Switch from a Non-Tech Background to a Tech Job in Indonesia

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: July 28th 2024

Guide to switching from a non-tech background to a tech job in Indonesia.

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Switching from a non-tech background to a tech job in Indonesia is achievable with the right skills and mindset. The e-commerce sector will create over 4 million jobs by 2030, while the "Making Indonesia 4.0" initiative aims for 9 million tech jobs. Key transferable skills include project management, communication, problem-solving, and attention to detail. Upskill through online courses and coding bootcamps. Building a strong tech-focused resume and portfolio is crucial, as 81% of recruiters prioritize portfolios. Networking at events and online platforms enhances job search success.

Indonesia's tech scene is straight-up blowing up. We're talking mad job opportunities for those who got the right skillset. According to reports, this nation is gunning hard for growth mode, and the tech industry is leading the charge.

By 2030, the e-commerce industry alone is expected to create over 4 million new gigs.

That's insane! Big-name startups like Gojek, Tokopedia, and Traveloka are among the top dogs, offering prime jobs left and right. Plus, the government's "Making Indonesia 4.0" plan aims to boost digital skills and create over 9 million tech jobs by 2030.

Roles like software engineers, data analysts, and cybersecurity specialists are in high demand, with average salaries ranging from Rp.

5 million to Rp. 15 million per month. That's some serious cash, my friends!

As Susan White from East Ventures said:

"Indonesia's burgeoning digital economy presents immense opportunities for job seekers with relevant tech skills."

So, if you're ready to grind and level up your tech game, the possibilities are endless.

Non-tech background? No sweat! With the right training and hustle, you can unlock a lucrative career in this rapidly evolving industry.

Table of Contents

  • Identifying Transferable Skills from Non-Tech Backgrounds
  • Upskilling: Essential Tech Skills and How to Acquire Them in Indonesia
  • Building a Tech-Focused Resume and Portfolio
  • Networking and Job Search Strategies in Indonesia
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Identifying Transferable Skills from Non-Tech Backgrounds


Switching from a non-tech background to a tech job in Indonesia? Totally doable! While coding skills are important, don't sleep on the other talents you already got.

Problem-solving, communication, and being able to adapt are valuable in the tech world.

According to the University of Indonesia, 87% of tech leaders in the country want candidates with solid people skills and analytical abilities, not just technical know-how.

Check out these common transferable skills that can level up your chances of landing a tech gig:

  • Project Management: If you've managed teams, coordinated tasks, or led projects before, those skills are valuable for tech project management roles.
  • Communication: Being able to communicate effectively is key in any field, but it's essential in tech where collaboration and clear documentation are everything.
  • Problem-Solving: The ability to identify issues, analyze data, and find solutions? Tech companies love that.
  • Attention to Detail: Whether you're testing for bugs or debugging code, having an eagle eye is a must-have skill in tech.

To make the most of your existing skills, try these tips:

  1. Highlight Relevant Experience: When creating your resume and portfolio, spotlight projects or tasks that showcase your transferable skills in action.
  2. Find a Mentor: Connect with pros in your desired tech field to get insider tips on how to position your non-tech experience effectively.
  3. Show Off Self-Learning: Sign up for online courses or bootcamps like NuCamp to level up your technical skills and prove you're serious about learning.

"I went from sales to front-end dev by flexing my communication and customer service muscles. Understanding user needs and translating them into intuitive designs? Total game-changer." - Patricia Brown, UI/UX Developer in Jakarta

With the right mindset, transferable skills, and dedication to upskilling, you can land your dream tech job in Indonesia.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Upskilling: Essential Tech Skills and How to Acquire Them in Indonesia


Switching careers ain't easy, but the tech world in Indonesia is where it's at! According to the JetDevs report, companies are thirsting for Java, PHP, .NET, Flutter, Android, and iOS experts.

But the real game-changers? Soft skills like communication, analytical thinking, creative problem-solving, and language proficiency. These babies transform plain ol' coders into collaborators, innovators, and leaders that businesses crave.

So, how do you level up? Online courses are a solid start, with platforms like TutorNaungan, Arkademi, and Hacktiv8 offering dope programs in web dev, data science, and more.

But coding bootcamps? They're the real dealio. Hacktiv8 and Purwadhika are slaying it in 2024, giving you hands-on training to become an industry-ready tech whiz.

Don't sleep on local initiatives either.

Coding Mom is empowering women to break into tech careers, while Code.Jakarta is hooking you up with free coding classes and hackathons.

And for all you AI and data science geeks, Indonesia.AI has your back with online courses, meetups, and resources.

As McKinsey says, "Developing digital skills is critical for Indonesia's workforce to remain competitive and drive economic growth." So, get on it and unlock those tech career dreams!

Building a Tech-Focused Resume and Portfolio


Switching careers to the tech world without any past experience can be tough, but building a fire resume and portfolio is key to breaking into tech from a non-traditional background.

81% of Indonesian tech recruiters, according to BINUS Career Center, prioritize applicants with strong portfolios over those with just academic creds. So showcasing your skills and projects through a well-crafted portfolio is an absolute must.

When creating your tech resume, the focus should be on highlighting transferable skills like problem-solving, critical thinking, and communication.

As career coach Rika Iskandar says, "Even without direct tech experience, emphasizing your adaptability, attention to detail, and ability to learn quickly can make you an attractive candidate." Structure your resume to showcase relevant projects, online courses, or self-study initiatives that prove your passion for tech.

To really stand out, create an online portfolio.

Here are some tips:

  • GitHub: For developers, a GitHub profile flaunting your coding projects, contributions, and collaboration efforts is crucial. CodinGame found that 92% of Indonesian tech recruiters use GitHub to evaluate candidates.
  • Personal Website: Develop your own website as a central hub for projects, blog posts, and tech writing samples. This shows off your web dev skills and provides a platform to showcase your work.
  • Case Studies: Document your problem-solving process, challenges, and solutions through detailed case studies. As Karen Lee, a UI/UX designer at Traveloka, advises, "Case studies showcase your thinking process and ability to tackle real-world problems."

And don't forget, as suggests, adding a cover letter can help explain "why you would be a perfect candidate for the role, and how your non-traditional background can be an asset." Joseph Jackson, CTO of Bukalapak, sums it up perfectly: "In today's competitive job market, a well-crafted portfolio can set you apart and demonstrate your passion for technology, even if you're transitioning from a non-tech background."

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Networking and Job Search Strategies in Indonesia


Alright, let's talk about landing that sweet tech gig in Indonesia! In this fast-paced digital world, networking events are a total game-changer.

Don't just sit around waiting for jobs to come to you – get out there and make connections! Sign up for those meetups and conferences, and start mingling with the tech crowd.

You never know who might hook you up with your dream job or drop some insider knowledge.

But it's not just about attending events – you gotta be strategic about it.

Do your research, follow up with people you meet, and stay active on platforms like LinkedIn.

And don't forget to check out those job boards, like JobStreet Indonesia, for openings and insights into what companies are looking for.

With a solid networking game and some dedicated job hunting, you'll be coding your way to success in no time!

If you're feeling a bit lost or need to level up your skills, consider enrolling in a coding bootcamp like Nucamp.

Their programs are designed to help you land that dream job, with job hunting support and guidance on the latest industry trends.

Just remember, networking is key – so get out there and start building those connections!

Frequently Asked Questions


How is the tech job market in Indonesia evolving?

Indonesia's tech scene is rapidly growing with significant job opportunities. By 2030, the e-commerce industry alone is expected to create over 4 million new jobs. The government's 'Making Indonesia 4.0' initiative aims to boost digital skills and create over 9 million tech jobs by 2030. Companies like Gojek, Tokopedia, and Traveloka are leading the way, offering numerous roles with competitive salaries.

What transferable skills from a non-tech background are valuable in the tech industry?

Skills such as project management, communication, problem-solving, and attention to detail are highly valuable in the tech industry. These skills can be leveraged for roles such as tech project management, collaborative tasks, and identifying and fixing issues.

How can I upskill and acquire essential tech skills in Indonesia?

You can start by taking online courses on platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and edX. Additionally, coding bootcamps like Nucamp offer hands-on training to make you industry-ready. Local initiatives such as Coding Mom and Code.Jakarta also provide free coding classes and hackathons to help you upskill.

What steps should I take to build a tech-focused resume and portfolio?

Focus on highlighting your transferable skills, relevant projects, and any technical training in your resume. Create an online portfolio using platforms like GitHub to showcase your coding projects and contributions. Developing a personal website and documenting your problem-solving processes through case studies can further enhance your portfolio.

What networking and job search strategies can help me land a tech job in Indonesia?

Attending tech meetups and networking events, staying active on professional platforms like LinkedIn, and checking job boards regularly are effective strategies. Researching companies, following up with people you meet, and joining coding bootcamps that offer job hunting support can significantly improve your chances of landing a tech job.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.