Most in Demand Tech Job in Israel in 2024

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: July 29th 2024

Most in Demand Tech Job in Israel in 2024 - Software development, data science, AI, cybersecurity.

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Israel's booming tech scene made up 53% of exports, valued at $73.5 billion, and 19.7% of GDP in 2023. With 10,000 new jobs, key sectors like software development, data science, AI, and cybersecurity are in high demand. Software development expects 18% job growth, and data science/AI predict a 27%-38% surge by 2024.

Alright, so the Israeli tech scene is absolutely killing it these days, and 2024 is shaping up to be even crazier.

Just look at these wild stats: The tech industry made up a whopping 53% of Israel's exports last year, valued at a mind-blowing $73.5 billion. And it accounted for nearly one-fifth (19.7%) of the entire country's GDP, coming in at a massive 338.8 billion shekels.

That's insane growth! But what's really mind-blowing is that despite the challenges of the war crisis, the tech workforce actually grew by 10,000 employees, now standing at around 396,000 strong.

While investments took a hit, dropping by 54% to $8 billion in 2023, the future looks promising.

Key sectors like organizational software, cyber, and fintech still pulled in a solid 60% of that funding. And with the energy tech landscape absolutely booming, showcasing over 160 leading companies, global investors are taking notice.

It's clear that Israel's innovative solutions and tech talent are still in high demand worldwide, despite the setbacks.

Bottom line, if you're looking to get into the Israeli tech game, you gotta stay on top of the trends and hottest skills.

Check out Nucamp's articles on the top tech skills employers want, like cloud computing with AWS. Or check out their ranking of the highest-paying tech jobs, where data science is killing it.

With the right skills and some serious hustle, you could be part of this tech powerhouse in no time.

Table of Contents

  • Software Development: Leading the Tech Job Market in Israel
  • Data Science and AI: Emerging Opportunities in Israel
  • Cybersecurity: Essential Tech Job in Israel
  • How to Prepare for a Tech Job in Israel
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

Software Development: Leading the Tech Job Market in Israel


The tech scene in Israel is straight-up fire right now, and software development is where it's at! According to the experts, this field is expected to blow up with an insane 18% job growth by 2024.

That's some serious opportunity knocking. Whether you're a coding ninja or just starting, these skills are a must-have:

  • Programming Languages: Python, Java, C++, JavaScript – master these, and you're golden.
  • Web Development: Get your hands dirty with front-end and back-end frameworks like React, Angular, and Node.js. Web dev is where the action is.
  • Cloud Computing: AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud – knowing your way around these cloud platforms will make you a hot commodity.
  • Agile Methodologies: Scrum, Kanban – learn how to collaborate like a pro with these agile practices.

The big dogs like Microsoft, Intel, and IBM are all over this, but the real game-changers are the homegrown heroes like Wix,, and CyberArk.

These startups are shaking up industries left and right, and they need skilled coders to keep crushing it. If you want to be part of that action and score a sweet gig with serious perks, software development in Israel is where it's at!

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And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Data Science and AI: Emerging Opportunities in Israel


Israel's tech scene is ON FIRE right now! Data science and artificial intelligence (AI) are straight-up exploding, with job openings expected to surge 27% for data scientists and a mind-blowing 38% for AI specialists between 2022 and 2024.

It's the place to be if you're into crunching numbers and making machines think!

To get in on the action, you gotta level up your skills. Sure, a Bachelor's in Computer Science or Stats could work, but many companies now want hot shots with a Master's or even a Ph.D. in Data Science, Machine Learning, or AI.

Coding chops in Python, R, and SQL are essential, and you better be smooth with data visualization tools and cloud computing platforms too. It's a competitive world out there!

Some of Israel's biggest players are totally killing it with data science and AI tech:

  • Mobileye is revolutionizing self-driving cars with computer vision and AI algorithms to keep you safe on the roads.
  • Waze, that genius navigation app, uses machine learning and real-time data to guide you through traffic like a boss.
  • OrCam is changing lives with wearable AI devices that help visually impaired people read and see the world.

The opportunities are endless in Israel's data science and AI realm, but you gotta bring your A-game.

As Dr. Yossi Matias, the big kahuna at Google's AI Research Center in Israel, puts it,

"The future belongs to those who can extract insights from data and leverage AI to drive innovation."

Time to level up and join the data revolution!

Cybersecurity: Essential Tech Job in Israel


Let me give you the 411 on the hottest tech job in Israel for 2024 - cybersecurity! This gig is blowing up faster than a hacker's script, and it's no wonder why.

With Israel being the cyber defense capital of the world, everyone's trying to lock down their digital assets tight. According to the Israeli Cyber Companies Association, the cybersecurity job market is set to skyrocket by a massive 20% by next year, leaving other tech fields in the dust.

So what kinda skills are companies hunting for? Know your way around programming languages like Python, Java, and C++, and you're already golden.

Network security protocols, risk assessment, and ethical hacking techniques are also must-haves. Big names like Check Point, CyberArk, and even the Israeli Defense Forces are all thirsty for cybersecurity talent.

With data breaches becoming more common than your buddy's bad jokes, Israel's strict data protection laws have turned the country into a cybersecurity breeding ground.

Industries like finance, healthcare, and critical infrastructure are scrambling to fortify their digital defenses by hiring the best cybersecurity pros. As Yigal Unna from the Israel National Cyber Directorate puts it,

"The demand is driven by the need to protect our most valuable assets – data and digital infrastructure."

So if you're looking to get paid while playing digital bodyguard, cybersecurity in Israel is where it's at!

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

*By checking "I Agree", you are opting-in to receive information, including text messages from Nucamp. You also agree to the following Terms of use, SMS Terms of use & Privacy Policy. Reply STOP to stop receiving text messages.

How to Prepare for a Tech Job in Israel


If you're trying to get that tech job in Israel! The scene here is on fire, with companies looking for skills in areas like mobile app development, AI, web development, and data science.

But don't sweat it, I got you covered with some insider tips.

First off, you gotta level up your skills in cloud computing, especially AWS - that's a must-have for any self-respecting techie these days.

Bootcamps like Nucamp can hook you up with the latest knowledge in web development, cybersecurity, and data analytics, so you'll be ready to slay those job interviews.

  • Level up your skills: Focus particularly on cloud computing skills, especially AWS.
  • Increase your knowledge: Bootcamps provide training in web development, cybersecurity, and data analytics.

But don't just stop there.

You gotta get out there and network your butt off. Attend tech meetups, conferences like Cyber Week, and hit up those career training courses to connect with industry pros.

  • Networking opportunities: Participate in tech meetups and conferences like Cyber Week.
  • Career training: Engage in career training courses to enhance your professional connections.

Build a sick portfolio on GitHub to show off your mad coding skills, and don't be afraid to craft those applications to stand out from the crowd.

With the right mindset and hustle, you'll be landing that dream tech gig in no time. Just remember, stay hungry and keep grinding!

  • Showcase your work: Maintain an impressive portfolio on GitHub.
  • Application crafting: Make your applications stand out to get noticed.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the forecast for software development jobs in Israel in 2024?

Software development jobs in Israel are expected to see an 18% growth by 2024, making it a highly lucrative field.

Which programming languages should developers master to succeed in Israel's tech scene?

Developers should master Python, Java, C++, and JavaScript to succeed in Israel's tech industry.

What are the key sectors driving tech investments in Israel despite the decline in overall funding?

Key sectors like organizational software, cyber, and fintech are driving tech investments in Israel, accounting for 60% of the funding.

What are the projected growth rates for data science and AI jobs in Israel?

Job openings for data scientists are expected to surge by 27%, and for AI specialists by 38% between 2022 and 2024.

How can one prepare for a tech job in Israel?

To prepare for a tech job in Israel, focus on cloud computing skills, attend tech meetups and conferences, build a strong portfolio on GitHub, and partake in bootcamps for web development, cybersecurity, and data analytics.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.