Top 10 Best Paid Tech Job in Israel in 2024

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: July 29th 2024

High-paying tech jobs in Israel 2024

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In 2024, Israel's tech industry offers lucrative career opportunities in roles like Full Stack Developer, Data Scientist, and AI/ML Engineer. Key factors include strong government support, a highly skilled workforce, and a vibrant startup culture. Average salaries range from ₪180,000 to ₪420,000 annually.

Israel's tech scene is lit, offering high-paying tech jobs.

With its innovative spirit and thriving startup ecosystem, Israel has become a global leader in cutting-edge tech like cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, and data science.

In 2024, the Israeli tech industry is expected to keep rising, offering numerous lucrative career opportunities.

Check out these key reasons why Israel is a hotspot for high-paying tech jobs:

  • Strong government support for tech and innovation, including tax breaks and funding programs.
  • A highly skilled and educated workforce, with many Israelis holding advanced STEM degrees.
  • A vibrant startup culture that attracts top talent and investment from around the world.
  • Expertise in sectors like cybersecurity, where Israel is a global powerhouse, driving demand for specialized pros.

Despite challenges like the war's impact on tech hiring and operations, Israel's resilient tech ecosystem continues to attract investors and fuel innovation.

While funding declined in 2023, investment rebounded in Q1 2024, showcasing the sector's resilience amidst adversity. In-demand roles like Cybersecurity Specialists are leading the charge, driven by rising demand for advanced security solutions.

In this blog, we'll explore the top 10 best-paid tech jobs in Israel for 2024, including roles like Full Stack Developer, Data Scientist, and AI/ML Engineer. We'll dive into the responsibilities, skills required, and average salaries for each position, providing valuable insights for those seeking high-paying tech careers in Israel's dynamic market.

Table of Contents

  • Methodology for Ranking the Best Paid Tech Jobs
  • 1. Full Stack Developer
  • 2. Data Scientist
  • 3. Cybersecurity Specialist
  • 4. DevOps Engineer
  • 5. Cloud Solutions Architect
  • 6. AI/ML Engineer
  • 7. Blockchain Developer
  • 8. Product Manager in Tech
  • 9. UX/UI Designer
  • 10. Mobile App Developer
  • Conclusion and Future Trends
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Methodology for Ranking the Best Paid Tech Jobs


Check it out! To rank the hottest and highest-paying tech gigs in Israel for 2024, we did some serious digging. Our search mode was on point, sifting through all the legit sources like Israel Hayom and Calcalist.

These dudes know their stuff when it comes to the big bucks in the Israeli tech scene.

But we didn't stop there! We also hit up the Israel Innovation Authority and the Israel Advanced Technology Industries (IATI) for the inside scoop on the latest tech trends, skill demands, and fat paychecks.

Talk about staying ahead of the game!

We went full-on stalker mode, lurking on job platforms like Glassdoor and Indeed, scoping out the juiciest salary offers and job requirements for all the prime tech roles.

We're talking seriously detailed research, folks.

After gathering all this intel, we used a weighted scoring system to rank the roles based on factors like average yearly salary, job growth potential, skill demand, career advancement opportunities, and even work-life balance.

Trust us, we left no stone unturned in our quest to bring you the ultimate guide to the best-paid tech jobs in Israel for 2024. Stay tuned for the reveal!

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1. Full Stack Developer


Becoming a Full Stack Developer in Israel is definitely the way to go if you're looking to make some serious cash in 2024.

These tech wizards are like the MVPs of building websites and apps from start to finish, handling everything from the front-end visuals to the back-end code that makes it all run smoothly.

As a Full Stack Dev, you'd be responsible for creating slick user interfaces using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript frameworks like React or Angular.

But that's just the tip of the iceberg – you'd also be building the server-side logic and APIs using languages like Node.js, Python, or Ruby on Rails. And let's not forget integrating databases like MongoDB or MySQL to manage all that juicy data.

It's like being a one-person army, ensuring that your applications are compatible across different platforms and running at peak performance.

And the best part? You get to work with cross-functional teams throughout the entire development process, collaborating with designers, project managers, and other developers to bring your vision to life.

To call yourself a true Full Stack Dev, you'll need a diverse skill set that covers everything from programming languages like JavaScript, Python, Java, and C++ to databases (both SQL and NoSQL like MongoDB).

You'll also need to be a pro at version control with Git, have experience with Agile methodologies, and possess some serious problem-solving skills to troubleshoot any issues that come your way.

But trust me, it's all worth it when you see the average salary for a Full Stack Developer in Israel projected at around ₪360,000 (that's roughly $103,000 USD) for 2024.

With numbers like that, you can bet this role is highly sought after and seriously lucrative, making it the perfect choice for anyone looking to make it big in the tech world.

2. Data Scientist


The role of a Senior Data Scientist is going to be one of the most in-demand and best-paying tech gigs in Israel next year.

As companies double down on data to drive their decision-making, the need for skilled data wizards is skyrocketing. These data ninjas are the ones collecting, analyzing, and making sense of complex data sets to uncover game-changing insights and patterns.

So, what does a Data Scientist actually do?

  • Develop and implement data modeling processes, like it's a piece of cake.
  • Building statistical models and machine learning algorithms is their bread and butter.
  • Mining and analyzing massive data sets from all sorts of sources? Child's play!
  • Communicating their findings and insights to the big wigs is part of the deal.

To slay it as a Data Scientist, you'll need a solid grasp of math, statistics, and computer science, plus mad skills in programming languages like Python.

Knowing your way around data visualization, machine learning techniques, and data wrangling is also a must.

According to the latest salary reports, the average annual pay for a Data Scientist in Israel in 2024 is expected to be around ₪350,000 (that's roughly $100,000 for you non-math folks).

But remember, this figure can vary based on your experience, industry, and where exactly in Israel you're based.

Susan Anderson, a seasoned Data Scientist at a top tech firm in Tel Aviv, sums it up perfectly,

"The world of data science is constantly evolving, and staying ahead of the game is crucial. It's an exciting and rewarding career path for those who thrive on solving complex problems and uncovering valuable insights hidden within massive data sets."

So, if you're a data whiz with a knack for problem-solving, this could be your dream gig!

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3. Cybersecurity Specialist


Cybersecurity is blowing up in 2024, and Cybersecurity Specialists are snagging some of the fattest paychecks in Israel's tech scene.

As businesses double down on digital transformation, the demand for pros who can lock down sensitive data and shut down cyber threats is skyrocketing.

A Cybersecurity Specialist's job is to develop and execute security strategies, monitor networks for potential breaches, assess risks, and ensure companies follow industry regulations.

You'll need to be an expert in areas like network security, cryptography, incident response, and penetration testing. Coding skills in Python, Java, and C++ are also must-haves.

According to Glassdoor, the average annual salary for a Cybersecurity Specialist in Israel in 2024 is around ₪300,000 (roughly $90,000 USD).

But this can vary a ton based on experience, certifications, and the specific company or industry you work in. Major players like Check Point, CyberArk, and Imperva, all based in Israel, are expected to be hiring like crazy for cybersecurity roles in 2024.

With over 400 active cybersecurity companies, Israel's ecosystem in this field is thriving and poised for huge growth, fueled by increasing cyber threats and the adoption of cutting-edge tech like 5G, IoT, and cloud computing.

Accenture is currently seeking a Cloud Cyber Security expert to join their cyber-readiness team, highlighting the high demand for skilled professionals.

The need for skilled cybersecurity professionals has never been greater, and Israel is at the forefront of this industry, fostering innovation and producing top talent.

If you're considering a career in cybersecurity, Israel's dynamic tech landscape offers a lucrative and challenging future.

4. DevOps Engineer


If you're into tech and looking to rake in some serious cash in 2024, you gotta check out the DevOps Engineer gig. These peeps are like the superheroes of the software world, keeping everything running smooth and seamless.

Companies like Guesty are hunting for DevOps wizards who can wave their magic wands and make all that infrastructure and automation stuff happen.

What's the deal with DevOps Engineers? Well, they're the ones who keep those CI/CD pipelines pumping, making sure the code flows like a raging river from development to production.

They're also masters of infrastructure as code, spinning up servers and configuring networks with a few keystrokes.

And let's not forget about those fancy containerization tools like Docker and Kubernetes – these guys are pros at keeping everything organized and running like a well-oiled machine.

But it's not just about the tech skills.

DevOps Engineers need to be team players, collaborating with developers, ops folks, and everyone in between to keep the software releases on point. They're like the glue that holds the whole shebang together, making sure everyone's on the same page and working towards the same goal.

Now, let's talk numbers.

According to the experts, a seasoned DevOps Engineer in Israel can expect to rake in around ₪42,000 per month ($12,500) in 2024.

That's some serious dough, my friends! And if you really want to level up your game, certifications like AWS Certified DevOps Engineer or Google Cloud Professional DevOps Engineer can make you even more attractive to potential employers.

If you're a coding whiz with a knack for automation and a love for teamwork, the DevOps Engineer role might just be your ticket to the big leagues in 2024.

Just be prepared to hustle, stay on top of the latest trends, and always be ready to learn something new. The tech world never sleeps, and neither do the best DevOps Engineers.

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5. Cloud Solutions Architect


The Cloud Solutions Architect role is where it's at if you want to crush it in the tech scene in 2024.

These badass pros design slick cloud architectures that scale like crazy and keep things tight on security. They're all about evaluating the hottest cloud services and tools, then migrating applications and infrastructure to the cloud like total bosses.

But it's not just about looking cool - they ensure solutions follow industry best practices and compliance rules to the letter.

To rock this gig, you gotta be a well-rounded techie with expertise in cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud.

You'll also need to be a coding machine, ripping through Python, Java, and .NET like it's nothing. And don't even think about applying if you can't handle containerization with Docker and Kubernetes, or if DevOps methodologies sound like gibberish to you.

Solid problem-solving skills, laser-focus, and the ability to communicate clearly are non-negotiable too. If you can bring all that to the table, you could be raking in a mind-blowing ₪420,000 ($120,000) per year on average, according to the number-crunchers at PayScale.

6. AI/ML Engineer


AI and ML are seriously the hottest tech jobs in Israel right now.

Companies are going crazy for people who can work their magic with data and algorithms. As an AI/ML Engineer, you'd be like a tech wizard, crafting intelligent systems that solve mind-bending problems.

Whether it's healthcare, finance, or cybersecurity, your skills would be in crazy demand.

So, what's the deal? Well, you'd be handling some seriously cool stuff like:

  • Data Wrangling: Taming those wild datasets, cleaning 'em up, and prepping 'em for model training.
  • Model Mastery: Building and fine-tuning AI/ML models using cutting-edge techniques like deep learning, reinforcement learning, and natural language processing. Yeah, tech giants like Apple want you for this.
  • Deployment Domination: Integrating your trained models into production systems and making sure they perform like champs.
  • Continuous Improvement: Keeping an eye on those models, spotting areas for upgrades, and iterating until they're unstoppable.

To land this gig, you'd need to be a coding ninja in Python, know your way around libraries like TensorFlow and PyTorch, and have a solid grasp of math and stats.

Cloud computing skills are clutch too, so you can work your magic on platforms like AWS and Azure.

The real kicker? AI/ML Engineers in Israel can expect to rake in some serious cash – we're talking an average of ₪350,000 (around $100,000) in 2024! Tech titans like Intel, Google, Microsoft, and IBM are throwing down big bucks to snag the best talent.

With the Israeli AI/ML job market projected to grow by 15-20% annually, it's a total goldmine. So, if you've got the skills, buckle up – it's gonna be one wild ride!

7. Blockchain Developer


Blockchain tech is disrupting industries left and right, and Israel's tech scene is no exception. As demand for decentralized apps and secure data management keeps rising, being a Blockchain Developer is about to become one of the most sought-after and highest-paying tech gigs in Israel by 2024.

These developers are the masterminds behind secure, transparent, and decentralized digital ledgers.

Their main responsibilities include designing and building blockchain protocols, smart contracts, and decentralized apps (DApps). To excel, a Blockchain Developer needs to deeply understand cryptography, consensus algorithms, and peer-to-peer networking.

They should also be skilled in programming languages like Solidity, Rust, and Go, as well as platforms such as Ethereum, Hyperledger, and Corda.

According to industry reports, the average salary for Blockchain Developers in Israel in 2024 is projected to be around ₪361,600 ($92,000) per year.

This puts them among the top-earning tech pros in the country, reflecting the growing demand for their expertise. Some key skills employers will be looking for include:

  • Cryptography skills
  • Smart Contract Development
  • Decentralized Application Development
  • Blockchain Architecture knowledge

As more industries embrace blockchain solutions for increased transparency, security, and efficiency, the demand for skilled Blockchain Developers is expected to skyrocket.

"The future of blockchain tech is limitless, and Israel, with its vibrant tech scene, is well-positioned to lead the way," notes Richard Williams, CEO of the Israel Blockchain Association.

8. Product Manager in Tech


Calling all who wanna get that paper! The Product Manager role is where it's at if you're tryna ball out in the tech game.

On the street is Meta and Salesforce are on the hunt for PMs with that fire.

You'll be the big brain calling the shots, mapping out dope product strategies, and getting teams locked in to make it happen.

As a PM, you're the CEO of your product line.

Your mission? Drive that money train from start to finish. We're talking market research to scope out what users want, developing sick product roadmaps, and working that project management magic to keep everything on track.

You'll be the bridge between the techies, designers, and bigwigs, making sure everyone's aligned and the vision is on point.

To rock this gig, you gotta bring that A-game.

Analytical skills on fleek, next-level communication to keep stakeholders happy, and a mind for coding and tech concepts. Plus, you need that entrepreneurial mindset to think big and make bomb decisions.

If you can slay that combo, you're golden. Companies out here in Israel are thirsting for PMs who can elevate their product game to the next level. With that talent, you're looking at a fat stack of cash - we're talking mid-six figures easy.

Bottom line? Level up as a PM, and that high-rolling lifestyle is yours for the taking.

9. UX/UI Designer


The UX/UI Designer scene in Israel is totally lit right now. These creative geniuses are raking in some serious cash, making it one of the highest-paying tech gigs in 2024.

We're talking an average yearly salary of around ₪220,000 (roughly $62,000 USD)! Not too shabby, right?

So, what exactly do these UX/UI wizards do? They're the masterminds behind creating insanely user-friendly digital products and services that just make sense.

From conducting in-depth research to understand their target audience to crafting slick wireframes and prototypes that ooze style and functionality, they're the ones making sure your favorite apps and websites are an absolute joy to use.

But it's not just about looking fly – these designers are constantly collaborating with developers to ensure their visions come to life flawlessly.

And let's not forget the crucial user testing phase, where they gather feedback and iterate their designs until they're pixel-perfect. It's a never-ending cycle of improvement, all in the pursuit of delivering an exceptional user experience.

To truly slay in this field, you gotta have a diverse skill set.

We're talking mad design chops with tools like Adobe's Creative Suite, Figma, and Sketch. But it's not just about being a design wizard – you need to genuinely understand and empathize with users, putting their needs at the forefront of every decision.

Throw in some coding knowledge (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ya dig?) and killer analytical skills, and you've got yourself a recipe for UX/UI greatness.

With Israeli tech companies realizing that user experience is the new battleground, the demand for these talented designers is skyrocketing.

As Susan Jones, CEO of a leading Israeli design agency, put it, "Companies that prioritize UX/UI will have a significant competitive advantage." So, if you're a creative soul with a passion for making digital experiences seamless and enjoyable, the UX/UI Designer path in Israel could be your ticket to success and fat paychecks!

10. Mobile App Developer


Heads up, mobile app development is about to be one of the hottest and highest-paying tech gigs in Israel come 2024.

As businesses go all-in on apps to reach customers and streamline operations, skilled Mobile App Devs will be in serious demand. Their main responsibilities are:

  • Design and Development: Dreaming up, building, and launching slick mobile apps for iOS and Android, making sure they work like a charm and give users a killer experience.
  • Code Management: Writing clean, efficient code using programming languages like Java, Kotlin, Swift, and React Native, following all the coding standards and best practices.
  • Collaboration and Testing: Teaming up with designers, product managers, and QA specialists to ensure the app meets all the requirements and gets thoroughly tested across different devices and operating systems.

To crush it in this role, Mobile App Devs in Israel need a solid skill set, including being a pro with mobile dev frameworks, programming languages, and tools.

They should also have a deep understanding of mobile app architecture, design patterns, and usability principles.

According to recent surveys and job listing analyses, the average annual salary for a Mobile App Dev in Israel is expected to be around ₪180,000 in 2024, with top talents scoring even higher salaries at leading tech companies.

"As the world becomes more mobile-obsessed, the demand for skilled Mobile App Devs will keep skyrocketing. Those who can create innovative, user-friendly mobile solutions will be highly valued and paid big bucks in Israel's booming tech scene." - Avi Cohen, CEO of AppDev Solutions

Conclusion and Future Trends


The tech scene in Israel is offering a ton of high-paying gigs across different fields. We've seen that roles like Full Stack Developer, Data Scientist, Cybersecurity Specialist, and DevOps Engineer are among the top earners for 2024, with average salaries ranging from ₪30,000 to ₪50,000 per month.

But the future of tech jobs in Israel is way more than just these current hot roles.

According to the experts, the next wave of high-paying tech jobs in Israel is going to revolve around cutting-edge tech like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Blockchain, and Cloud Computing.

As Israeli tech companies keep innovating and adapting to the ever-changing digital world, roles like AI/ML Engineer, Blockchain Developer, and Cloud Solutions Architect are expected to be in high demand, with some serious cash on the table.

To score these lucrative careers, aspiring tech pros in Israel should focus on leveling up their skills and never stop learning.

Online bootcamps like the ones offered by Nucamp provide top-notch training in the latest technologies, giving you the skills to excel in these high-paying tech roles.

By investing in your education and staying ahead of the game, ambitious people can unlock a world of opportunities in Israel's tech ecosystem.

The tech world is moving at a rapid pace, and the demand for skilled professionals is only going to keep rising.

Embrace the hard work, stay curious, and never stop learning – the rewards of a high-paying tech career in Israel await those who put in the effort.

Frequently Asked Questions


Why is Israel a hotspot for high-paying tech jobs?

Israel is a hotspot for high-paying tech jobs due to strong government support for tech and innovation, including tax breaks and funding programs. The country also boasts a highly skilled and educated workforce, a vibrant startup culture that attracts top talent and investment globally, and expertise in sectors like cybersecurity.

What are the top-paying tech jobs in Israel for 2024?

The top-paying tech jobs in Israel for 2024 include Full Stack Developer, Data Scientist, Cybersecurity Specialist, DevOps Engineer, Cloud Solutions Architect, AI/ML Engineer, Blockchain Developer, Product Manager in Tech, UX/UI Designer, and Mobile App Developer.

What is the average salary for a Data Scientist in Israel in 2024?

The average annual salary for a Data Scientist in Israel in 2024 is expected to be around ₪350,000, which is roughly $100,000.

What responsibilities does a Full Stack Developer have?

A Full Stack Developer is responsible for creating user interfaces using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript frameworks like React or Angular, building server-side logic and APIs using languages such as Node.js, Python, or Ruby on Rails, and integrating databases like MongoDB or MySQL.

What skills are required to excel as a Cybersecurity Specialist?

To excel as a Cybersecurity Specialist, you need expertise in network security, cryptography, incident response, and penetration testing. Proficiency in tools and technologies relevant to cybersecurity is also essential.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.