Interview Tips: How to Explain Your Code Effectively

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

Image of a developer explaining his code during an interview

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In interviews, effectively explaining code is key. Hiring managers value problem-solving (95%) and communication skills (86%). Tailor explanations to the audience's tech level, simplify code, use analogies, and visual aids. Practice and mock interviews enhance delivery under pressure. Stand out with clear, engaging explanations.

When you're up for those technical interviews, being able to explain your coding process is crucial.

It's not just a nice-to-have; it's a must-have skill. A HackerRank study found that 95% of hiring managers want to see you can solve problems, and 86% care about your communication skills.

You can't just be a coding machine; you have to be able to break down your thought process too. This whole explaining your approach thing that industry pros recommend? It's a big deal at places like Google, where they use it to gauge your problem-solving abilities in real-time.

The International Association of Software Architects says good communication can cut down development time by 17-21%! Plus, there are stories of devs spending like 70% of their time just trying to understand existing code on sites like Stack Overflow.

Being able to translate your technical thoughts into something anyone can understand, whether it's a tech lead or a non-techie teammate, is a game-changer. That's why our blog is all about giving you the tools to not only present your solutions but also make them crystal clear to anyone watching.

It's the key to standing out in your next technical interview!

Table of Contents

  • Understanding Your Audience
  • Breaking Down Complex Code
  • Using Analogies
  • Visual Illustrations
  • Practice Makes Perfect
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Understanding Your Audience


When you're tryna explain some complex code in interviews, it's super important to understand how much your audience already knows, ya dig? This book called "Fundamentals of Engineering Technical Communications" that you can find at Ohio State Pressbooks talks about how you gotta tailor your message to match your audience's level of understanding.

To get a feel for how much they know, you could give them a little pre-interview quiz or just ask them about some tech they're familiar with. Once you know what they're workin' with, you might need to adjust how technical you get, like Pressbooks suggests, and explain the code in a way that makes sense to them.

  • Audience Knowledge: If they're not too techy, keep it simple and avoid fancy words, use real-life examples to help them understand better.

But if your audience is a bunch of techies, you can really get into the nitty-gritty of the algorithms and talk about ways to optimize that stuff.

Just don't go too overboard and leave them confused, like the Google Developers guide on tech writing says.

If you've got a mixed crowd, start with the basics first and then gradually get more advanced, so everyone's on the same page.

This way, you make sure nobody gets lost or bored. By adapting your explanations to match their level of expertise, you're not only making the code easier to understand but also showing that you can communicate effectively and teach others – skills that are super important when you're workin' with a team.

At the end of the day, good communication is all about meeting your audience where they're at and helping them get where they need to be.

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Breaking Down Complex Code


When you're in a tech interview and they ask you to explain some complex code, you gotta have some tricks up your sleeve to make it easy to understand. The Turing Blog talks about keeping your code readable and avoiding unnecessary complications that can make it a nightmare to maintain or lead to bugs.

To break it down for them, split your code into smaller, more manageable chunks and start with the core functionality first. Here's how you can do it:

  • Identify the main components of your code and explain what they do.
  • Detail the logic flow step-by-step, using techniques like context-driven dependency injection from declarative coding practices in C#, as explained in CodeSimple.
  • Illustrate decision points and data transformation processes, taking inspiration from Haskell's guide on simplifying complex systems.
  • Use simple language to clarify complex algorithms and data structures, like how the Python community simplifies complex numbers.

If you're explaining to non-developers, you gotta be systematic and make it easy to understand.

Give them the big picture first, then dive into the details, like "The Art of Code Clarity" suggests. Make complex stuff relatable by using everyday analogies, like comparing loops to your morning routine - both involve repetition with variations.

This helps non-techies understand the functionality without knowing the syntax. Pseudo-code can also help bridge the gap by focusing on the logic and design patterns, not just the language-specific syntax.

Back up your explanations with well-documented research cases, like this Hacker News discussion on the value of comprehensive commenting.

And most importantly, stay tuned to their questions and be ready to adapt your explanation based on their level of understanding.

Using Analogies


When you're prepping for a coding interview, being able to explain your code in simple terms to non-techies is just as important as the code itself. However, a lot of people struggle with breaking down all that techy mumbo-jumbo into something a regular person can understand.

That's where analogies come in clutch! 59% of hiring managers say that if you can make coding make sense to them using analogies, you're way more likely to get hired.

"Analogies are like a bridge connecting the unknown to the known," says some communication expert. Here's how they work their magic:

  • Analogies draw parallels to stuff you already know, making complex coding concepts way more relatable. Like explaining object-oriented programming using gardening - you start with code snippets and nurture them into full-blown programs.
  • They act as a mental shortcut, making it easier to wrap your head around new techy info. It's like using the "box analogy" to picture how variables store data.
  • Using analogies helps you remember stuff better, according to research. If something's explained through an analogy, you're more likely to remember it accurately.

For example, comparing variables to hotel rooms not only shows how they can hold different values but also reminds you that, just like rooms, they have unique identifiers.

Dope analogies like that show you're thinking critically and creatively - qualities that 76% of tech bosses love to see in their team members. To craft sick analogies for complex explanations, you gotta pinpoint the core functions of the code and connect them to everyday scenarios, like these educators suggest in this convo.

That makes the explanation way simpler and helps the listener understand better. By using the power of analogies, you're not just flexing your technical skills but also your communication game, which is super important since communication skills are highly valued by employers in the tech world.

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Visual Illustrations


When you're in a coding interview and situations are getting complex, visuals are your best friend. This Microsoft study says that using visuals like diagrams and sketches helps people understand complex topics much better.

It's like breaking down all that heavy data into bite-sized pieces. So, when you're in that high-pressure interview situation, making use of diagrams and sketches like flowcharts, UML diagrams, and entity-relationship diagrams can really make your coding explanations crystal clear.

These visuals act as anchors, guiding the interviewer through your thought process.

Simple sketching techniques can be powerful in showing off your coding logic.

For example:

  • Sequence diagrams illustrate the order of processes,
  • Class diagrams categorize system components, and
  • State diagrams reveal object transitions in response to events.

These visuals are key for bridging the gap with non-technical interviewers, translating those abstract concepts into something they can relate to.

It's like the old saying, "A picture is worth a thousand words," but in this case, that picture could be worth the job offer.

Nowadays, there are tools and software like Lucidchart,, and Visio that make creating visuals for your code super easy.

They've got templates and symbols galore, so you can quickly draft clear, comprehensive visuals that'll help you explain even the most complex systems like a pro.

Using these tools not only helps you communicate your ideas clearly but also shows that you're skilled with modern technical communication tools, which is a big plus in the tech world.

Practice Makes Perfect


Acing those tech interviews ain't no cakewalk, but with the right prep game, you'll be slaying it like a boss. Timed practice runs and mock interviews are where it's at.

Along with smashing those algos and data structures on AlgoExpert and InterviewBit, you gotta simulate the real deal.

Bust out that whiteboard or real-time collab editor, 'cause that's how they roll in the interview room.

Nail that, and you could see a sick 20% boost in landing offers, according to career experts.

  • Set a timer for 30 to 45 minutes to get used to that crunch time pressure.
  • Mock interviews with your crew, mentors, or services that keep you on your toes with wild questions.
  • Record your sessions and critique your communication skills and tech explanations like a pro.
  • Get that feedback and craft a customized improvement plan to level up.

Don't sleep on platforms like freeCodeCamp for extra coding projects to sharpen those problem-solving skills.

The "Think Aloud" technique, where you vocalize your thought process while coding, is clutch for identifying gaps in your understanding. It's not just about coding like a wizard; it's how you sell your solutions under pressure.

"Explaining complex tech in simple terms is an art—an art that's perfected with practice," as the industry giants say. Thorough prep ain't about memorizing code; it's about articulating your rationale with that clock ticking away. Combine timed practice with structured mock interviews, and you'll convey your expertise with confidence—a trait that'll make interviewers swoon.

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And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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We're about to wrap up this guide on how to explain your code effectively. Whether you're talking to a Nucamp mentor or a potential employer, these strategies will help you showcase your skills:

  • Break it down into bite-sized chunks
  • Use pseudocode for a high-level overview
  • Simplify your solutions to their core logic

Analogies are the real MVP here.

They can boost understanding by a whopping 70% for non-techies by comparing code to relatable scenarios. Visual aids like diagrams can also help them remember your explanation better, with retention rates up to 65% higher.

Pretty neat, right?

To level up your game, practice is key. Mock interviews can improve your coherence under pressure by 40%, according to a study on informational interviews.

Here's what you gotta do:

  1. Assess your interviewers' tech knowledge
  2. Simplify complex code blocks
  3. Use analogies to break it down
  4. Illustrate with visuals for better understanding
  5. Practice, practice, practice those mock interviews

"The art of communication is the language of leadership." - James Humes.

Nailing a technical interview isn't just about coding skills.

It's about translating your code into something everyone can understand. Your ability to explain your code in an engaging way could be the game-changer in landing your dream job.

With practice, the right approach, and Nucamp's bootcamp training, you'll be ready to excel in your next coding interview.

Frequently Asked Questions


Why is it important to explain code effectively in interviews?

Effectively explaining code in interviews showcases problem-solving skills (95% importance) and communication abilities (86% importance), making you stand out as a candidate.

How can I tailor my code explanation to the audience's tech level?

Tailor your explanation by limiting jargon for non-technical listeners and delving deeper into algorithm intricacies for technical experts. Begin with a fundamental overview for mixed audiences.

Why should I use analogies when explaining code?

Analogies make abstract concepts relatable, aiding in understanding and retention of information. They help bridge the gap between technical and non-technical individuals.

How can visual illustrations enhance code explanation?

Visual aids like diagrams enhance audience retention and understanding by simplifying complex ideas. They serve as a powerful tool to guide through technical explanations effectively.

What are some tips for practicing code explanation for interviews?

Practice timed runs, engage in mock interviews, record sessions for self-assessment, and review feedback to improve communication skills and technical explanations under pressure.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.