What Networking Events Should Los Angeles Tech Enthusiasts Attend?

By Samantha Anderson

Last Updated: April 9th 2024

Image of tech enthusiasts at a networking event in Los Angeles

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Los Angeles tech scene thrives with 500+ companies. In 2020, $7 billion funding. 85% jobs sourced via networking; career-enhancing tech events pivotal. LA events cover AI, cybersecurity, and niche markets. Attending yields 89% industry insights, 70% job hires. Prep, engage, and network for success in the dynamic tech ecosystem.

LA's become a real tech hotspot, with Silicon Beach packing over 500 tech companies and startups. It's so lit that LA tech companies scored a massive $7 billion in funding last year.

The networking events here are crucial for leveling up your career in this dope community. Events like the ones hosted by LAEDC aren't just about discussing market trends and tech advancements, but also about making vital connections – because around 85% of jobs are landed through networking, according to the Adler Group.

These gatherings aren't just social shindigs; they're gateways to opportunities and growth, giving you access to the juicy, often hidden job market. As tech pros navigate the third-largest tech hub in the US, our upcoming blog posts will dive deeper into this innovation nexus, spilling the tea on the most significant networking events to boost your career path.

Our guides, from exploring inspiring work cultures to uncovering freelancing gigs, will be your compass in this ever-changing tech landscape.

Table of Contents

  • Top Tech Networking Events in Los Angeles
  • Benefits of Attending Networking Events in LA
  • Practical Tips for Attending Tech Events in LA
  • Conclusion: Harnessing the Power of LA's Tech Scene
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Top Tech Networking Events in Los Angeles


LA is lit for tech geeks and pros! There's a ton of networking events catering to everyone from slick entrepreneurs to code jockeys and more. This annual tech conferences guide sheds light on the city's massive event scene for 2024, featuring must-attend shindigs like Cisco Live, Gartner Security & Risk Management Summit, and Dreamforce.

These conferences are crucial for keeping up with the latest in AI, cybersecurity, and digital infrastructure. Don't miss out on the Los Angeles CyberSecurity Conference and TECHSPO either – they'll hook you up with cutting-edge security tactics and killer tech.

If you're into niche markets, check out specialized forums like the Academy Software Foundation Open Source Forum and medical tech events like the Emerging Medtech Summit.

The Los Angeles County Procurement Technical Assistance Center is another solid option for local small tech businesses to score government contracts through workshops and networking meetups.

These structured events are crucial for businesses gearing up to dominate the digital economy.

For regular tech meetups, Tech in Motion events are where it's at, proving the LA tech community is always engaged.

The Women in Tech Conference is also a game-changer, fostering diversity with growing attendance each year and supporting women's advancement in tech.

LA is a melting pot of tech talent, where every event is an intersection of innovation and opportunity.

From open-source software discussions to the ever-expanding realms of privacy and cybersecurity, LA's tech events showcase a dynamic network that's hungry for learning, collaboration, and exchanging ideas that drive the region's innovation ecosystem.

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Benefits of Attending Networking Events in LA


Tech events in LA are the move, fr. Joints like ViVE 2024 and TECHSPO Los Angeles are where it's at – you get the inside scoop on all the fresh tech and can chop it up with the big dogs in the game.

Real talk, 89% of people get hella knowledge about the industry at these things, according to Eventbrite. LinkedIn says 70% of jobs are landed through connections made at these professional shindigs.

In LA's poppin' tech scene, you'll be rubbing elbows with startups, venture capitalists, and OGs who wanna put you on game.

With over $1 bil flowing into purchases and contracts each year, as Los Angeles County Economic Development says, these events are a gold mine for making moves and changing your life.

Real spit.

Like Christine Comaford-Lynch said,

"Networking is marketing. Marketing yourself, marketing your uniqueness, marketing what you stand for."

At these gatherings, you got 58% of people getting instant benefits like job offers or deals.

It's not just a transaction, though – you build real connections that can take your career to new heights, from locking in that crucial funding to hiring that game-changer.

With LA's diversity and ambition, hitting up the local tech events is a no-brainer. They're not just meetups; they're career boosters, essential for leveling up in the city's fire tech scene.

Practical Tips for Attending Tech Events in LA


Networking in LA's tech scene is a total must if you wanna level up your career game. But you gotta come prepared, ya dig? Before hitting up those dope events, do your research on who's gonna be there and what they're all about.

According to LinkedIn, having a hit list of people you wanna connect with increases your chances of making meaningful contacts by like 30%.

When you're mingling, body language and a fresh elevator pitch are key.

Practice that pitch till it flows like butter, and keep it tight - around 30 seconds to introduce yourself and let 'em know what you bring to the table. Scope out events like Network After Work or anything by PMI – Los Angeles Chapter.

And don't sleep on the Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC) if you're trying to get your hustle on with government contracts.

Engage with people on a real level, beyond just work talk, and you'll make a lasting impression.

And don't forget to rock those business cards - they're a must according to Reddit's networking gurus. Having a slick digital portfolio on deck is clutch too, shows you're a true pro.

Here's a quick checklist to make sure you're locked and loaded for LA's tech networking scene:

  • Research the dope events and who's gonna be there: Know the vibe and opportunities to align with your goals.
  • Prep a fire elevator pitch: Introduce yourself and your value in 30 seconds or less.
  • Bring business cards and a fresh digital portfolio: Look like a total professional.

"Your network is your net worth,"

as Charles Thomas says, so make every handshake and conversation at these tech meetups count.

Follow these tips, and you'll be well on your way to scoring new opportunities and leveling up your career in LA's booming tech world.

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Conclusion: Harnessing the Power of LA's Tech Scene


Have you heard about the tech scene in LA? It's lit! With all kinds of industries like biotech, entertainment, and trade, LA is the place to be for innovators and forward-thinkers.

The Los Angeles Economic Development Corporation (LAEDC) says that tech jobs in LA shot up by like 24.3% from 2010 to 2019. That's insane growth!

Tech events like ViVE 2024 and meetings with top companies are where it's at.

These networking opportunities have helped professionals level up their careers and even launch their own startups. It's all about making those connections and building relationships at meet-ups and mixers.

  • Level Up Your Skills: Immerse yourself in discussions and workshops to amp up your expertise.
  • Get Your Name Out There: Keep showing up at community events to solidify your presence.
  • Stay Connected: Nurture those post-event connections with industry leaders and your peers on social media.

Entrepreneurs and tech hustlers can thrive by tapping into these networking opportunities.

The key is to have a game plan for each event, craft a dope elevator pitch, and follow up like a pro. You never know what opportunities might pop up!

LA's tech growth is tied to the mentorship and community-building vibes at these networking events.

To get in on the action, you gotta subscribe to event updates, join local tech groups, and even volunteer at events. Like Mark Suster said, "Networking is your net worth in Los Angeles." With Silicon Beach on the rise, getting plugged into LA's networking scene could be your ticket to the next big tech breakthrough.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are some of the top tech networking events in Los Angeles?

Key networking events in Los Angeles include Cisco Live, Gartner Security & Risk Management Summit, Dreamforce, Academy Software Foundation Open Source Forum, Emerging Medtech Summit, Tech in Motion events, and Women in Tech Conference.

What are the benefits of attending networking events in LA?

Attending tech networking events in Los Angeles provides critical industry insights, opportunities to connect with industry leaders, and a high chance of job finds - with 70% of jobs sourced through networking events and 89% of professionals gaining industry knowledge.

What practical tips can help when attending tech events in LA?

To maximize networking events in Los Angeles, prepare by researching the agenda, have a concise elevator pitch, engage with peers beyond work topics, and equip yourself with necessary tools like business cards and a digital portfolio.

How can one harness the power of LA's tech scene through networking events?

One can optimize their networking experience in LA by setting clear objectives, perfecting their elevator pitch, maintaining proactive follow-ups, and engaging in the culture of mentorship and collective growth that thrives in networking sessions.

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Samantha Anderson

Marketing Manager

Part Illustrator, part Graphic Designer, and part Digital Marketer—with a sprinkle of sales savvy and a dash of empathy. I'm all about using my creativity to craft captivating stories through both illustration and writing. When I'm not at my computer, you'll find me drawing nature inspired patterns and portraits on my other favorite screen: my iPad. To keep myself inspired (and to get away from my slight tech addiction) I garden, golf, and go on nature walks with my dog and cat leading the way.