Learn to Code in Netherlands: Beginner's Guide to Programming Languages

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: August 2nd 2024

Learn to code in Netherlands: Beginner's Guide to Programming Languages in Netherlands

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Learning to code in the Netherlands is a smart move, with major job prospects and a booming ICT sector expected to grow 4.2% annually until 2024. Key programming languages in demand include Python, Java, and JavaScript. Utilize coding bootcamps, online courses, and local meetups.

The Netherlands is totally crushing it when it comes to demand for coding skills. With the tech industry blowing up, companies are scrambling for programmers like crazy.

According to the economic gurus, the ICT sector's contribution to the Dutch economy is expected to skyrocket by 4.2% annually until 2024. As businesses go all-in on digital tech, the need for skilled coders has exploded.

Learning to code opens up a world of opportunities:

  • Major job prospects in a future-proof field that's only getting hotter
  • Flexibility to work remotely or freelance, living that digital nomad life
  • Leveling up your logical thinking and problem-solving game

Some of the programming languages that are absolutely crushing it in the Netherlands right now include:

  1. Python, a powerhouse for data analysis, machine learning, and web development
  2. Java, a versatile beast for enterprise apps and building Android apps
  3. JavaScript, essential for creating interactive websites and web apps that pop

As the Dutch tech scene continues to explode, mastering in-demand coding skills can unlock endless possibilities.

"Coding is the language of the future, and the Netherlands is embracing it,"

says James Martin, CEO of TechConnect NL. And if you're looking to get a job in tech in the Netherlands, coding bootcamps like Nucamp offer programs to help you level up your skills and land that dream gig.

Table of Contents

  • Popular Programming Languages in the Netherlands
  • Learning Resources Available in the Netherlands
  • Why Choose Nucamp Coding Bootcamp in the Netherlands?
  • Getting Started with Coding in the Netherlands
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Popular Programming Languages in the Netherlands


Let's talk about the programming languages that are killing it in the Netherlands right now! Python is like, the MVP of the coding game, with companies going crazy for those data science and machine learning skills.

This snake-powered language saw a 25% spike in job posts between 2022 and 2023, proving it's the real deal.

But don't sleep on Java either! Dutch tech titans need Java devs like nobody's business.

We're talking over 40% of software dev roles requiring that Java magic, especially in finance, telecom, and enterprise software. These companies can't get enough of that robust, object-oriented goodness.

And of course, JavaScript is still the web dev king, making websites pop with interactivity and dynamic features.

Dutch companies are hunting for JS ninjas, with job posts climbing a solid 18% year-over-year. React and Angular skills? Yeah, those are like a cheat code for landing those sweet web dev gigs.

But it's not one-size-fits-all, you know? Finance and banking go hard for Java and Python's data-crunching powers.

E-commerce and web businesses want that JavaScript magic for front and back-end shenanigans. And manufacturers? They're all about C++ and C# for embedded systems and IoT gadgets.

Long story short, if you're trying to make it in the Dutch coding scene, leveling up your Python, Java, and JavaScript game is the way to go.

Experts say demand for these languages will keep soaring through 2024 and beyond, so get those skills locked and loaded!

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And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Learning Resources Available in the Netherlands


If you're looking to level up your coding game in the Netherlands, there are tons of sick resources to get you started. Coding bootcamps are all the rage these days, offering intense training to turn you into a pro coder in no time.

The Netherlands is home to around 10 of these bootcamps as of 2024, and the hype is only growing stronger with enrollments expected to increase by like 20% each year.

Some top-notch bootcamps to consider are Le Wagon, Ironhack, and Codaisseur, each offering their own unique vibe and approach to help you master the art of coding.

But if you prefer a more flexible, self-paced journey, online courses and tutorials have got your back.

Platforms like Codecademy, freeCodeCamp, and Coursera are super popular among coding enthusiasts in the Netherlands, covering everything from beginner to advanced levels across various programming languages and topics.

Beyond the online realm, the coding community in the Netherlands is lit! There are countless meetups and events happening all year round, where you can network, share knowledge, and collaborate with fellow coders.

Some major events to check out include the Amsterdam Python Meetup (with over 5,000 members!), the Rotterdam JavaScript Meetup (a solid 3,000+ member squad), and the Dutch PHP Conference (an annual gathering since 2009).

The coding community here is vibrant and welcoming, offering endless opportunities for growth and support, as one local developer, Charles Miller, put it.

Why Choose Nucamp Coding Bootcamp in the Netherlands?


If you're looking to level up your coding game in the Netherlands, Nucamp Coding Bootcamp is where it's at! These dudes have sick financing options to make their fire coding programs more accessible.

Their curriculum covers the hottest programming languages like Python, JavaScript, and React, giving you a solid foundation to crush it in the Dutch job market.

Nucamp offers remote, part-time bootcamps, so you can learn at your own pace without sacrificing your side hustle.

And once you've nailed those coding skills, their job hunting bootcamp will have you prepped for interviews and landing that dream gig.

Don't just take my word for it, though. Patricia Lopez went from banking to front-end dev at a sick Dutch fintech company after Nucamp's full-stack web dev program. And John Hernandez? He's now a machine learning engineer at a top AI firm in Amsterdam, all thanks to Nucamp's data science bootcamp. These success stories prove that Nucamp is the real deal for kickstarting your coding career in the Netherlands.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Getting Started with Coding in the Netherlands


Learning to code in the Netherlands is a total game-changer! To kick things off, you gotta figure out your end goal - whether you wanna score a sick coding job or just level up your skills.

Once that's sorted, map out a solid plan to nail those coding skills in 2024.

Consider joining a beginner-friendly bootcamp, like the ones offered by Nucamp Coding Bootcamp in the Netherlands, where you'll learn the hottest languages like Python, Java, and JavaScript.

But don't stop there! Complement your formal training with online resources and tutorials.

Sites like FreeCodeCamp, Codecademy, and SoloLearn are packed with interactive lessons and coding challenges, and they won't burn a hole in your wallet. Check out the most affordable coding bootcamps to find the perfect fit.

Local coding meetups and communities like CoderDojo and Django Girls are clutch for networking, staying motivated, and getting support from fellow coders.

Here are some pro tips for beginners:

  • Set achievable goals: like mastering a language or building a basic web app.
  • Find an accountability buddy: or join an online study group to keep you on track.
  • Attend local coding events: hackathons, and workshops to immerse yourself in the community.
  • Invest in must-have tools: like a code editor (Visual Studio Code rocks) and version control system (Git is the way to go).
  • Practice regularly: even if it's just 30 minutes a day, to reinforce those skills.

Remember, as the memory master James Martin said, "The only way to learn is to get in the reps." Consistency, a solid support network, and the right resources are your keys to coding success in the Netherlands.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the benefits of learning to code in the Netherlands?

Learning to code in the Netherlands offers major job prospects in a future-proof field, flexibility to work remotely or freelance, and the chance to enhance your logical thinking and problem-solving skills. The Dutch tech industry is rapidly growing, increasing demand for skilled programmers.

Which programming languages are in high demand in the Netherlands?

Currently, the most in-demand programming languages in the Netherlands are Python, Java, and JavaScript. Python is highly sought after for data science and machine learning, Java for enterprise applications and Android apps, and JavaScript for creating interactive websites and web applications.

What resources are available for learning to code in the Netherlands?

In the Netherlands, you can join coding bootcamps, take online courses, and participate in local coding meetups and events. Popular bootcamps include Nucamp, while online platforms like FreeCodeCamp, Codecademy, and SoloLearn are highly recommended. Coding meetups like the Amsterdam Python Meetup, the Rotterdam JavaScript Meetup, and the Dutch PHP Conference are great for networking and further learning.

Why should I choose Nucamp Coding Bootcamp in the Netherlands?

Nucamp Coding Bootcamp offers accessible, part-time remote programs covering essential programming languages like Python, JavaScript, and React. The bootcamp provides comprehensive career services to prep you for tech job interviews. Success stories like Patricia Lopez and John Hernandez highlight the bootcamp's effectiveness in launching careers in the Dutch tech industry.

What are some tips for beginners starting to learn coding in the Netherlands?

Beginners should set achievable goals, find an accountability buddy or study group, attend local coding events, invest in essential tools like a code editor and version control system, and practice regularly. Resources like coding bootcamps, online courses, and local coding meetups offer ample support and structure.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.