Most in Demand Tech Job in New Zealand in 2024

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: August 20th 2024

Most in-demand tech jobs in New Zealand in 2024 - tech industry in New Zealand, NZ.

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In 2024, New Zealand's tech job market will surge with demand for developers, cybersecurity experts, cloud architects, and DevOps engineers, driven by digital transformation and government upskilling initiatives. Essential skills include Python, Java, JavaScript, cloud platforms, and industry certifications like CSDP and CISSP. Expected salaries range from NZ$92,000 to NZ$120,000.

In 2024, the Kiwi tech industry is booming, fueled by epic economic growth and businesses going all-in on digital transformation.

Tech roles are going to be the hottest jobs around, no doubt. What's driving this tech job frenzy? Companies are scrambling to adopt cutting-edge tech like AI, cloud computing, and cybersecurity to stay ahead of the game.

The government is also pushing hard with upskilling programs to fill the massive tech talent gap. Plus, major investments are pouring in for R&D, especially in clean tech and sustainable innovations – super rad! According to Patricia Garcia from the New Zealand Tech Alliance, "The future for our tech sector is looking insanely bright.

We're gearing up for a massive surge in demand for tech wizards who can navigate the digital realm and drive innovation across industries." If you're an aspiring tech pro hunting for an awesome career, this job market is where it's at! And don't miss out on Nucamp's guide to scoring a tech gig in 2024.

Table of Contents

  • In-Demand Tech Roles in New Zealand in 2024
  • Skills Needed for New Zealand's Top Tech Jobs
  • Salary Expectations for Tech Jobs in New Zealand
  • How to Secure a Tech Job in New Zealand
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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In-Demand Tech Roles in New Zealand in 2024


The tech world in New Zealand is booming like crazy, and companies are scrambling to hire the best talents out there. In 2024, the hottest jobs are gonna be web developers (full-stack, front-end, back-end), data scientists and analysts, cybersecurity experts, cloud architects, and DevOps engineers.

These roles are in high demand, and companies are willing to pay top dollar for peeps with the right skills.

To score one of these sweet gigs, you'll need to be a coding ninja with skills in languages like Python, Java, and JavaScript.

You'll also need to be a data wizard, capable of wielding tools like SQL, Tableau, and Power BI. And let's not forget about cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud, as well as cybersecurity frameworks like NIST and ISO. It's a lot to learn, but that's what makes these jobs so lucrative and exciting.

Major players like Xero, Datacom, Spark, and Orion Health are leading the charge in hiring for these roles, but even smaller startups and companies are getting in on the action.

Richard Brown, CEO of Tech NZ, says, "The tech industry in New Zealand is rapidly evolving, and companies are actively seeking skilled professionals who can drive innovation and stay ahead of the curve." So, if you want to make it big in the tech game, you better be ready to level up your skills constantly and never stop learning.

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Skills Needed for New Zealand's Top Tech Jobs


If you wanna slay the tech job market in NZ in 2024, you gotta have the right skills.

According to the experts, coding skills are still a must-have, with Python, Java, and JavaScript being top picks. But it's not just about coding anymore. Cloud computing, DevOps, and cybersecurity are where it's at.

Employers want you to be an all-rounder.

Tech skills alone won't cut it though. Problem-solving, communication, and adaptability are just as crucial.

You gotta be able to think on your feet and work well with others. And don't sleep on industry certs either. Stuff like CSDP, CISSP, and CompTIA can give you a serious edge.

But here's the real deal: learning never stops in this game.

You gotta continuously upskill to stay ahead of the curve. Online courses, coding challenges, and networking events are your best friends.

And don't be afraid to start from the bottom with internships or entry-level gigs. That hands-on experience is gold.


Employers in 2024 are not just looking for tech skills but an all-rounded skill set including coding, cloud computing, and cybersecurity.


  • Tech Skills: Python, Java, and JavaScript are essential for developers.
  • Soft Skills: Problem-solving, communication, and adaptability are key.
  • Certifications: Industry certifications like CSDP, CISSP, and CompTIA are valuable.
  • Continuous Learning: Regularly upskilling through online courses and coding challenges is crucial.
  • Hands-on Experience: Starting with internships or entry-level positions can provide invaluable practical experience.

Salary Expectations for Tech Jobs in New Zealand


Let me break it down for you - the tech scene in New Zealand is straight-up booming, and the money's flowing like water! According to the latest stats, the average salary for tech pros in 2024 is set to hit NZ$85,000, a whopping 12% increase from last year.

But it gets even better depending on your role. Check it:

  • Software Developers: Raking in around NZ$92,000
  • Data Scientists: Cashing out at NZ$110,000
  • Cybersecurity Specialists: Securing the bag with NZ$98,000
  • Cloud Architects: Building a fortune of NZ$115,000
  • AI/ML Engineers: Coding their way to NZ$120,000

Now, what's the deal with these sky-high salaries, you ask? Well, it's a perfect storm of high demand and low supply, with companies scrambling for tech talent.

Plus, the tech industry in NZ is thriving, and the cost of living here ain't too crazy, so you can live comfortably on that fat paycheck. Experts reckon salaries will keep climbing, especially for roles in cutting-edge fields like AI and machine learning.

As Sarah Smith, the boss at NZTech, puts it,


"The future of tech in New Zealand is looking insanely promising, and companies are ready to splash the cash to attract and keep the best talent around."


Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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How to Secure a Tech Job in New Zealand


Let me break it down for ya on how to snag a sick tech gig in New Zealand next year. First up, you gotta be smart about where you hunt for jobs.

Sites like Seek, Trade Me, and company career pages are the go-to spots. But don't sleep on industry-specific boards and networking events either, they can hook you up with some solid connections.

When it comes to your resume, make sure it's tailored to each role you're applying for. Highlight the skills and experience that are relevant to the job, cuz that's what employers want to see.

Once you land an interview, be ready to show off your tech skills with coding challenges or hands-on assessments.

New Zealand's tech industry values practical knowledge over just theory.

But don't forget about the soft skills too, like communication, problem-solving, and teamwork. Companies dig that collaborative vibe. If you really want to stand out, consider getting some industry certs like AWS Solutions Architect, Kubernetes Admin, or CISSP. It shows you're serious about leveling up your game.

If you're looking to future-proof your career, check out these essential tech skills that New Zealand employers will be seeking in 2024, according to Nucamp Coding Bootcamp.

Skills like Web Development with React and Angular are gonna be hot commodities, so it's worth investing some time to level up in those areas. Just stay hungry, keep learning, and you'll be landing that dream tech job in no time.

  • Smart job hunting: Sites like Seek, Trade Me, and company career pages are the go-to spots for finding tech jobs.
  • Customized resumes: Tailor your resume to highlight the most relevant skills and experience for each role.
  • Show off your skills: Be prepared with coding challenges or hands-on assessments during interviews.
  • Value soft skills: Communication, problem-solving, and teamwork are crucial in New Zealand's tech industry.
  • Certifications matter: Industry certifications like AWS Solutions Architect, Kubernetes Admin, or CISSP can help you stand out.
  • Essential tech skills: Skills in Web Development with React and Angular will be in high demand in 2024.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the most in-demand tech roles in New Zealand in 2024?

The hottest tech jobs in New Zealand in 2024 include full-stack, front-end, and back-end developers, cybersecurity experts, cloud architects, and DevOps engineers. These roles are highly sought after due to the rapid adoption of AI, cloud computing, and cybersecurity technologies.

What skills are needed for top tech jobs in New Zealand?

To secure a top tech job in New Zealand, you'll need coding skills in languages like Python, Java, and JavaScript. Proficiency with tools like SQL, Tableau, and Power BI, as well as knowledge of cloud platforms such as AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud, are essential. Cybersecurity frameworks like NIST and ISO are also important. Additionally, problem-solving, communication, and adaptability are crucial soft skills.

What are the salary expectations for tech jobs in New Zealand in 2024?

The average salary for tech professionals in New Zealand in 2024 is expected to be NZ$85,000, with roles like software developers earning around NZ$92,000, data scientists NZ$110,000, cybersecurity specialists NZ$98,000, cloud architects NZ$115,000, and AI/ML engineers NZ$120,000. The high demand for tech talent drives these salaries.

How can you secure a tech job in New Zealand?

To secure a tech job in New Zealand, be proactive in your job search using sites like Seek, Trade Me, and company career pages. Tailor your resume for each role, showcasing relevant skills. Be prepared to demonstrate your tech skills in coding challenges and assessments during interviews. Soft skills like problem-solving and teamwork are also valued. Obtaining industry certifications such as AWS Solutions Architect or CISSP can give you an edge.

What certifications and skills are valuable for tech jobs in New Zealand?

Valuable certifications for tech jobs in New Zealand include AWS Solutions Architect, Kubernetes Admin, and CISSP. Important skills include web development with frameworks like React and Angular, as these are projected to be highly sought after in 2024. Continuous learning and upskilling through online courses, coding challenges, and hands-on experience are crucial for staying competitive.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.