Ranking the Top 10 High-Paying Tech Jobs in New Zealand

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: August 2nd 2024

High-paying tech jobs in New Zealand with job role icons and salary figures.

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Discover New Zealand's top high-paying tech jobs with salaries up to NZ$200K in roles such as Software Architect, IT Manager, Cloud Engineer, Data Scientist, and AI Engineer. Key trends include rapid growth in fintech, AI, and cloud computing, with an expected rise in job demand by up to 25% over the next few years.

Alright, let's talk about the hottest tech gigs in New Zealand! The tech worker scene here is on fire, with salaries staying high but sometimes it can be tough to afford housing, even on $150K. But don't sweat it, there are ways to make it work.

According to the New Zealand Tech Ecosystem Report 2024, the startup and VC world is thriving, with record investments going into Kiwi tech companies.

  • a) Central theme: Tech trends shaping the future. b) Deloitte's Tech Trends 2024 shows AI and creative tech are the future, opening up crazy opportunities for us young guns to get paid and innovate at the same time.
  • a) Central theme: Fintech sector growth. b) With fintech leading the charge as NZ's fastest-growing sector (check out the 2024 TIN Fintech Report), there's no better time to explore top companies like Vend and scope out the highest-paying roles to launch your career in the Southern Hemisphere's tech capital.

Table of Contents

  • Methodology
  • Software Architect
  • IT Manager
  • Cloud Engineer
  • Data Scientist
  • DevOps Engineer
  • Cybersecurity Specialist
  • AI Engineer
  • Full-Stack Developer
  • UX/UI Designer
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:



To get the real deal on the top money-making tech gigs in New Zealand, we dug into legit sources like gov data and industry reports. We started with the deets from MBIE's salary calculator and Occupation Outlook for the average pay and future job prospects.

But we didn't stop there - we also checked what insiders at places like Dice and Robert Half had to say about the highest-paid roles and skillsets.

To rank the top 10, we looked at three key factors: current salary, job demand over the next 5 years based on gov forecasts, and growth potential from new tech trends highlighted by industry experts.

Roles with fatter paychecks, more open jobs predicted, and a bright future scored higher in our ranking system. By weighing all three elements, we could separate the truly lucrative long-term tech careers from the ones that might be hot now but could fizzle out down the road.

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Software Architect


If you're looking to land a sweet gig as a Software Architect in New Zealand, you could be raking in some serious cash.

We're talking an average annual salary range of NZ$100,000 to NZ$170,000 in 2024, according to the experts.

But it's not just about the money. You'll be the one calling the shots, designing and overseeing the development of an organization's software systems from start to finish.

To score this coveted role, most companies want you to have a bachelor's degree in computer science, software engineering, or a related field, plus extensive experience in software development and architecture design.

You'll need to be a coding wizard, with skills in programming languages like Java, Python, and C++. But that's not all! You'll also need to have a killer understanding of architectural patterns, frameworks, and problem-solving abilities that could put Sherlock Holmes to shame.

Oh, and let's not forget those communication and leadership skills – you'll be leading a team of developers, so you better be able to keep everyone on the same page.

The good news is, the demand for Software Architects in New Zealand is expected to skyrocket by 15% from 2019 to 2024, according to the Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment (MBIE).

That's because businesses across industries are going digital like never before. So, if you're up for the challenge, you could find yourself working for some of the biggest names in the game, like Xero, Datacom, Orion Health, or Jade Software.

But let's keep it real.

According to the New Zealand Computer Society, one of the biggest challenges you'll face is striking a balance between innovation and maintaining existing systems.

You'll need to ensure system scalability, manage complex integrations, and stay ahead of rapidly evolving technological trends. But hey, if you're up for the challenge, this could be the career move that takes you to the next level.

IT Manager


Let's talk about being an IT Manager in New Zealand - it's basically like being the tech boss! You get to lead teams and make all the calls on an organization's digital setup.

With businesses going full-on tech these days, having a skilled IT Manager is crucial, and they're being paid serious cash for their expertise. We're talking an average annual salary of around NZ$100K-$190K by 2024 - not too shabby, right?

To snag one of these roles, you'll need a degree in computer science, IT, or something similar.

But don't sweat it if you don't have a fancy degree - companies also value real-world experience and certifications. The key is having a diverse skill set, like being a pro at project management, leadership, and communication.

You'll also need to stay up-to-date with the latest tech trends and know how to strategize, manage risks, and handle budgets like a boss.

The demand for IT Managers in NZ is expected to skyrocket by over 700 job openings in Auckland alone by 2024.

Companies are going all-in on cloud computing, data analytics, cybersecurity, and more, so they need tech-savvy leaders to guide them through these digital transformations.

It's a sweet gig if you can handle the pressure and love being at the forefront of innovation.

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Cloud Engineer


Being a Cloud Engineer in New Zealand is where it's at if you want to rake in some serious cash.

We're talking an average salary of NZ$123,500 per year, according to Glassdoor. Not too shabby, right?

But it's not just about the money. This gig is all about being at the forefront of cutting-edge tech.

You'll be designing, implementing, and managing cloud computing systems for companies that are leading the charge in the digital revolution. It's like being an architect, but for the virtual world.

Now, to land this sweet job, you'll need a solid foundation.

Most employers require a bachelor's degree in computer science, IT, or a related field. But diplomas and certifications from big names like AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform can also give you a serious edge.

And let's not forget about hands-on experience – that's like gold in this game.

The skills you'll need to have on lock? Cloud architecture, virtualization, automation, scripting languages (Python, Bash), and containerization tools (Docker, Kubernetes).

Basically, you'll need to be a tech ninja, ready to slay any coding challenge that comes your way.

But the demand for Cloud Engineers in New Zealand is skyrocketing.

According to the Digital Skills Forum, the need for skilled professionals like you is expected to grow by 25% over the next three years. That's insane! So, if you're looking for a career that's not only lucrative but also future-proof, this is the path to take.

Just imagine being the one responsible for designing and implementing scalable and secure cloud architectures, automating deployment processes, monitoring resource utilization, and ensuring everything runs smoothly and complies with industry standards.

It's like being the gatekeeper of the virtual realm, and that's pretty cool.

Data Scientist


Being a Data Scientist is like being a code-slinging, number-crunching wizard! It's about spotting mind-blowing insights hiding in massive data dumps. The demand for these data pros in NZ is going off - we're talking 25+ job openings on Indeed right now! Companies can't get enough of folks who can turn raw data into straight-up gold.

The pay for Data Scientists is where it gets really insane.

The average is around NZ$150K annually, and top data dogs can rake in over NZ$170K! That's more cash than you can shake a cyberstick at.

To land one of these stellar gigs, you'll need at least a bachelor's degree in something brainy like Math, Comp Sci or Stats. But having a master's in Data Science or related fields will make hiring managers go wild.

The skills that'll make you irresistible:

  • Python, R, and SQL better be your middle names. Programming languages are essential for data manipulation and analysis.
  • You've gotta be a ninja at data mining, statistical modeling, and machine learning. These are the core skills required for advanced data analysis.
  • Plus, top companies like TVNZ are searching for folks who can visualize and communicate insights like pros. Communication and visualization skills are key to conveying data findings effectively.

With data driving decisions across industries from tech to healthcare, scoring a Data Scientist role means putting yourself on the fast track to a life of big bucks and big impact.

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DevOps Engineer


Alright, let's talk about this DevOps Engineer gig in New Zealand. It's like the glue that holds the dev team and the ops squad together, and companies here are going crazy for peeps who can make that magic happen.

The average salary for a DevOps pro is set to hit NZ$120,000 by 2024, according to the latest SEEK data.

That's some serious cash!

Now, to land one of these sweet roles, most Kiwi companies want you to have a bachelor's degree in comp sci or something similar.

But don't sweat it if you don't have that fancy paper - relevant experience and certifications can get you in the door too. The key skills you'll need are coding chops (Python, Ruby, Go, etc.), mastery of DevOps tools (Git, Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes), cloud platform knowledge (AWS, Azure, GCP), killer communication skills, and the ability to automate like a boss.

With businesses in New Zealand going all-in on agile and cloud-native setups, the demand for DevOps Engineers is skyrocketing.

According to the "New Zealand Tech Talent Report 2023," DevOps job openings are expected to grow by a whopping 18% in the next couple of years, making it one of the hottest tech roles in the country.

So, if you've got the skills, this could be your ticket to a seriously lucrative career!

Cybersecurity Specialist


Alright, there are over 190 Cyber Security job listings on Seek in New Zealand right now! That's crazy.

These Cybersecurity Specialists are in mad demand, and for good reason.

With all the hacking and data breaches happening, companies need someone to keep their digital stuff locked down tight.

From what I've seen, their typical job involves stuff like setting up firewalls, monitoring networks for any sketchy activity, and having a plan ready if some shady hacker tries to break in.

They're like the bouncers of the digital world, keeping the bad guys out. some of them can make anywhere from $120K to $200K per year! That's a serious paycheck for keeping the cyber realm secure.

To become one of these cyber warriors, you'll need a degree in something like computer science or IT, and maybe even some fancy certifications like CISSP or CEH. But it's not just about the tech skills - you gotta have sharp analytical abilities and stay up-to-date on the latest threats and security measures.

It's a constantly evolving field, so you've gotta be ready to level up your knowledge game.

AI Engineer


Artificial Intelligence is taking over the world, and New Zealand is no exception.

Companies here are going all-in on AI, which means they need skilled AI Engineers to design and build these cutting-edge systems. We're talking about the tech wizards who work with machine learning, deep learning, and all that futuristic stuff straight out of a sci-fi movie.

But let's talk money first.

According to the latest job listings, the average salary for an AI Engineer in NZ in 2024 is a whopping NZ$125,000 per year.

That's some serious cash! Of course, you'll need the right qualifications, like a degree in computer science or data science, and skills in programming languages like Python, R, and Java.

You also gotta be a pro at machine learning algorithms, deep learning frameworks, data mining, and all that jazz.

The demand for AI Engineers is skyrocketing, with industries like finance, healthcare, manufacturing, and tech leading the charge.

Engineers New Zealand projects a 22% increase in job openings for AI Engineers by 2024, as companies race to get that competitive edge.

As an AI Engineer, you'll be responsible for designing and developing AI models and algorithms, implementing AI solutions for various business problems, analyzing complex data sets, collaborating with cross-functional teams, and keeping up with the latest advancements in AI. It's a challenging role, but also one that offers opportunities for innovation, growth, and, of course, that sweet, sweet paycheck.

Full-Stack Developer


Full-Stack Developers are seriously in demand right now in New Zealand, with job openings expected to skyrocket by 21% by 2024, according to the latest reports.

These coding wizards are like the Swiss Army knives of the tech world, mastering both the front-end and back-end of web apps and software systems. Their gig involves designing slick user interfaces, wrangling databases, and making sure everything runs smoothly across different platforms.

The average paycheck for a Full-Stack Developer in New Zealand ain't too shabby, ranging from NZ$70,000 to NZ$120,000 per year, with top dogs raking in even more.

To rock this role, you'll typically need a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering, or something similar, plus mad skills in programming languages and frameworks like JavaScript, React, Angular, Node.js, Python, Ruby on Rails, and SQL.

These developers also need to be problem-solving machines, with communication skills on point and project management prowess.

Major players in New Zealand like Xero, Trademe, Vend, Spark, and Datacom are always on the hunt for Full-Stack Developers.

They often utilize a tech stack with React, Node.js, MongoDB, and AWS for their web and mobile apps, making proficiency in those tools a major asset.

The career growth potential for Full-Stack Developers in New Zealand is seriously promising, with opportunities to level up to senior roles or specialize in areas like DevOps, Cloud Computing, or Cybersecurity.

As the demand for robust and scalable web apps keeps soaring, Full-Stack Developers will be at the forefront, driving innovation across industries in New Zealand.

UX/UI Designer


Let's talk about the UX/UI Designer role in New Zealand - it's seriously hot right now! These creative masterminds are responsible for designing user-friendly digital products and websites that keep people engaged.

With companies going all-in on their online presence, the demand for UX/UI talent is skyrocketing. Job listings on SEEK show a range of opportunities from junior to senior levels across industries.

So what does it take to become a UX/UI pro? You'll need some solid design chops - expertise in tools like Adobe CC, Figma, and prototyping software is a must.

But it goes beyond just making things look pretty. You've got to understand how people interact with tech and use research methods to create user-centric designs.

Strong visual skills, knowledge of UI patterns, and the ability to collaborate cross-functionally are also key.

The payoff for this in-demand skill set is pretty sweet.

According to PayScale, an entry-level UX Designer in New Zealand can earn around NZ$54,500, while experienced professionals can make up to NZ$105,000 per year.

The job outlook is fire, with a projected 15% growth rate by 2024! Tech giants like Vend, innovative startups, and even government agencies are all on the hunt for UX/UI wizards.

If you're creative, tech-savvy, and keen to shape the digital world we live in, this could be your calling. The future of user experience design in New Zealand is looking seriously bright!



New Zealand's tech scene is booming, and the money you can make is insane! Roles like Technical Architect and Cybersecurity Architect can score you up to NZ$185K per year, according to Talent International.

The most in-demand tech jobs in 2024 cover everything from Data Architects (up to NZ$200K) to Development Managers (NZ$200K) and even ERP/CRM roles (NZ$200K).

It's like a goldmine for techies with the right skills!

If you're looking to level up your career and cash in on the tech boom, check out Nucamp's coding bootcamps.

They've got programs like the Full Stack Web + Mobile Development bootcamp that'll teach you the hottest skills employers are hunting for. Plus, they offer financing options to make it easier to invest in your future.

Start exploring your options and get ready to join the ranks of New Zealand's highest-paid tech pros!

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the top high-paying tech jobs in New Zealand?

The top high-paying tech jobs in New Zealand include Software Architect, IT Manager, Cloud Engineer, Data Scientist, DevOps Engineer, Cybersecurity Specialist, AI Engineer, Full-Stack Developer, and UX/UI Designer.

What qualifications are required to become a Software Architect in New Zealand?

To become a Software Architect in New Zealand, most companies require a bachelor's degree in computer science, software engineering, or a related field, along with extensive experience in software development and architecture design. Skills in programming languages like Java, Python, and C++ are also essential.

What is the average salary of a Cloud Engineer in New Zealand?

The average salary of a Cloud Engineer in New Zealand is approximately NZ$123,500 per year.

What skills are necessary for a Data Scientist role in New Zealand?

To be successful as a Data Scientist in New Zealand, essential skills include proficiency in programming languages such as Python, R, and SQL; expertise in data mining, statistical modeling, and machine learning; and strong abilities in data visualization and communication.

What is the job growth outlook for DevOps Engineers in New Zealand?

The job growth outlook for DevOps Engineers in New Zealand is very positive, with job openings expected to grow by 18% over the next few years.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.