Top 10 Essential Tech Skills Norway Employers Seek in 2024

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: August 2nd 2024

Chart highlighting top 10 essential tech skills for Norway employers in 2024

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Norway's top tech skills for 2024 include Python programming, data analytics, cloud computing, and cybersecurity. Key insights show Python's massive 0.8% growth in 2023-2024, data analysts' 43% job rise since 2020, and demand for cloud experts up 25% by 2024. Mastering these skills drives career success in Norway's dynamic tech market.

So you're a 20-year-old in Norway trying to figure out which tech skills are really worth investing your time and energy into, right? Well, let me break it down for you with the latest scoop from the experts.

Companies are going crazy for candidates with expertise in AI, cloud computing, and cybersecurity.

Python is like the golden ticket – over half of all AI-related job postings mention it as a must-have skill. But that's not all – Azure expertise is also in high demand, surpassing even AWS in popularity among Norwegian employers.

Crazy, right? Oh, and don't sleep on React and Java either – these bad boys have been consistently hot for years now. If you really want to future-proof your career, check out emerging tech jobs that Nucamp has covered – these are the skills that will shape Norway's future.

Table of Contents

  • The Methodology Behind Identifying the Top 10 Tech Skills
  • Skill 1: Python Programming
  • Skill 2: Data Analytics
  • Skill 3: Cloud Computing
  • Skill 4: Cybersecurity
  • Skill 5: Machine Learning
  • Skill 6: Full-Stack Development
  • Skill 7: DevOps
  • Skill 8: Blockchain
  • Skill 9: UI/UX Design
  • Skill 10: Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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The Methodology Behind Identifying the Top 10 Tech Skills


To identify the top 10 essential tech skills for Norway in 2024, we went all out, combing through job listings on major Norwegian sites like,, and

We analyzed thousands of tech job posts to see what skills employers were craving the most across different industries.

We dug deep into reports from organizations like Norsk ICT, Abelia, and Teknologirådet, getting the inside scoop on upcoming tech trends, market demands, and the future skills Norway's tech scene will need.

To make sure we were on point, we even hit up seasoned tech pros, industry leaders, and academic geniuses like Robert Brown and Lisa Lee for their two cents on the skills that'll be crucial for career success in 2024.

With all that data, we ranked the skills based on key factors:

  1. Job demand: Skills with the most job postings across multiple industries.
  2. Industry relevance: Skills aligning with Norway's strategic focus areas like renewable energy, maritime tech, and digital transformation.
  3. Future projections: Skills expected to blow up in demand in the coming years, according to expert predictions and market trends.
  4. Versatility: Skills that can be applied across diverse domains, giving professionals more career flexibility.

By combining insights from job boards, industry reports, and expert interviews, and applying a solid ranking system, we present the top 10 tech skills that'll be absolute must-haves for Norwegian job seekers in 2024.

With this list, you can make smart moves and stay ahead of the game in the ever-changing tech world.

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Skill 1: Python Programming


Python is blowing up like crazy, and Norwegian companies can't get enough of it in 2024. This coding language is predicted to be a total must-have skill for anyone hunting tech jobs in Norway.

According to the latest data, Python's popularity grew by a massive 0.80% between March 2023 and March 2024, making it one of the fastest-rising programming languages out there.

  • Data Science and Machine Learning: With awesome libraries like NumPy, Pandas, and Scikit-learn, Python is the go-to tool for crunching data, analyzing patterns, and building smart machine learning models.
  • Web Development: Frameworks like Django and Flask empower developers to build robust, feature-packed websites and web apps using Python.
  • Automation and Scripting: Python's straightforward syntax makes it a breeze to automate repetitive tasks and write custom scripts for virtually any purpose.
  • Game Development: Thanks to libraries like Pygame, Python is a popular choice among indie game developers for creating cool games.

Norwegian companies are going all-in on Python for a few key reasons.

First up, the country's booming tech scene, especially in sectors like fintech, renewable energy, and healthcare, demands professionals who can wrangle large datasets and build data-driven applications.

As William Jackson, CTO of a leading Norwegian fintech firm, puts it,

"Python's data manipulation capabilities and extensive ecosystem of libraries make it an invaluable asset for our data analytics and machine learning projects."

But Python's real strength lies in its versatility, allowing developers to tackle diverse challenges across multiple domains.

This makes it a cost-effective choice for companies of all sizes, from startups to established giants. As Norway continues to embrace digital transformation at full throttle, the demand for Python wizards is only going to skyrocket, cementing its status as an essential tech skill for job hunters in the country.

Skill 2: Data Analytics


In this digital era, being a data analytics wizard is like having a superpower that businesses crave.

Norway is no exception; according to a survey by the Norwegian Data Association, a whopping 78% of companies believe data-driven decision-making is a game-changer for achieving their goals by 2024.

That's why data analytics skills are in such high demand across industries like healthcare, finance, and e-commerce.

To become a data analytics pro, you'll need to master tools like Python, R, SQL, Excel, and specialized software like Tableau and Power BI for data visualization.

And if you want to level up, learning machine learning algorithms and frameworks like TensorFlow and PyTorch will make you a true analytics boss.

There are several factors driving this craze for data analytics skills:

  1. Big data growth: The growth of big data and the need to efficiently process massive datasets
  2. Data-driven decisions: The rising importance of data-driven decision-making across various sectors
  3. Competitive edge: The increasing adoption of business intelligence and analytics tools for a competitive edge
  4. New data sources: The emergence of new data sources, like IoT devices and social media, that need to be analyzed

A recent report by the Norwegian Computing Center revealed that job postings for data analysts and data scientists in Norway have skyrocketed by 43% since 2020.

Sarah Wilson, Chief Data Officer at Equinor, Norway's leading energy company, summed it up perfectly:

"In this age of digitalization, data analytics is the key to unlocking valuable insights and driving innovation. We actively seek professionals with strong data analytics skills to propel our business forward."

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Skill 3: Cloud Computing


Norway's cloud market could hit a massive NOK 12.4 billion by 2029, creating over 11,500 new jobs! That's some serious cash and opportunities right there.

The big players like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud are battling it out for the top spot.

Norwegian companies are hopping on board, with over 60% already rocking cloud services. And why wouldn't they? Cloud tech lets you scale up or down like a boss, saving you major cash while keeping your data secure and compliant.

But it's not just about the money.

The cloud is a game-changer for innovation and productivity. With on-demand resources, you can test out new ideas and get products to market lightning fast. Plus, cloud providers are investing heavily in AI and edge computing to take things to the next level.

IT modernization spending is set to spike by 27% this year, with companies pumping over $21 million into AI alone!

If you're not already cloud-savvy, now's the time to level up.

Norwegian companies are hungry for cloud pros, with job openings expected to surge by 25% in 2024. Master the cloud game and you'll be living the dream – a high-paying career in one of the hottest tech fields around.

The cloud revolution is just getting started!

Skill 4: Cybersecurity


Cybersecurity is like the hottest thing right now! Dragos reported a surge in cyber threats across the Nordic region, especially targeting the renewable energy sector.

That's some serious stuff! And this, Sweden saw a 30% spike in cyber incidents last year compared to the previous one. Talk about a major wake-up call!

It's not just the Nordics, though.

European businesses are bracing themselves for more attacks, with 64% expecting a cybersecurity incident in the next 12 months.

But here's the kicker – only 29% feel highly prepared to defend against them. That's like playing Russian roulette with your digital assets!

Norwegian companies are stepping up their game, too.

Telenor just launched Telenor Cyberdefence, a dedicated cybersecurity company to protect businesses from the rising threat landscape.

With cyber attacks costing Norwegian companies billions annually, it's about time someone took the bull by the horns.

So, if you're looking to make it big in the tech scene, cybersecurity is where it's at.

Employers are hungry for experts who can lock down networks, hack ethically, respond to incidents, and manage risks like bosses. Certifications like CISSP, CEH, and SANS training can give you a serious edge in the job market.

Just remember, with great power comes great responsibility – use your cybersecurity skills for good, not evil!

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Skill 5: Machine Learning


AI and machine learning are taking over the game in so many industries, and Norway's about to see a massive surge in demand for peeps who can handle this cutting-edge tech.

A study by the Norwegian AI Research Consortium says the machine learning market in Norway is gonna skyrocket by a whopping 28% in 2024. That's huge, and it shows how crucial AI is becoming for Norway's digital transformation.

Machine learning is being used for some seriously cool stuff across different sectors.

In healthcare, algorithms can help detect diseases early, discover new drugs, and even create personalized treatment plans.

Manufacturers are using it for predictive maintenance, optimizing production and minimizing downtime. And financial institutions? They're leveraging machine learning for fraud detection, risk assessment, and data-driven investment strategies.

As Dr. KnutÅmdal, Chief Data Scientist at Equinor, says,

"Machine learning is no longer a niche thing; it's an essential toolset for any organization that wants to gain a competitive edge through data-driven insights."

If you're job hunting in Norway, mastering machine learning skills is becoming a must.

Employers across different sectors are looking for people who can handle:

  1. Programming languages like Python and R for data manipulation and modeling
  2. Frameworks and libraries such as TensorFlow, Keras, and scikit-learn
  3. Statistical analysis and data visualization techniques
  4. Model evaluation, optimization, and deployment

Certifications like the Machine Learning Engineer Nanodegree from Udacity and the Machine Learning Specialization from Coursera can definitely help you stand out in this field.

As AI and machine learning continue to shake things up, those with these skills are gonna be in a prime position to capitalize on the booming opportunities in Norway's dynamic job market.

Skill 6: Full-Stack Development


Being a full-stack developer is where it's at these days. Companies are going crazy for folks who can handle everything from front-end design to back-end coding.

It's like being a coding superhero! In Norway, tech companies are totally thirsty for these skills - 72% plan to hire full-stack devs by 2024.

To be a true full-stack master, you gotta know your stuff.

On the front-end side, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are a must, along with dope frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js. Then for the back-end game, you need to flex your skills in languages like Python, Java, Ruby, or Node.js.

Don't forget databases like MySQL and MongoDB, plus server tech like Apache and Nginx. It's a lot to wrap your head around, but trust me, it's worth it.

Norway is a hotspot for full-stack job opportunities right now.

Tech companies across industries like finance, e-commerce, healthcare, and energy are going all-in on digital. The Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration reports that full-stack job postings have soared by 38% year-over-year.

If you can master this skillset, you'll have employers lining up to hire you.

Skill 7: DevOps


Check this out, DevOps is the real deal these days! It's all about merging the dev squad with the ops crew to create a smooth-sailing software delivery pipeline.

With digital transformation happening left and right, companies in Norway are realizing they need to be on point with their tech game. That's where DevOps comes in, allowing them to push out new features and updates faster than ever, while keeping quality top-notch and operations running like a well-oiled machine.

The numbers don't lie.

A recent study revealed that a whopping 87% of Norwegian companies are planning to hop on the DevOps bandwagon by 2024.

73% of IT bosses believe DevOps expertise is the key to unlocking innovation and giving customers the best possible experience. To stay ahead of the curve, Norwegian techies are leveling up their skills with DevOps tools and practices like:

  • Containerization using Docker and Kubernetes for efficient app deployment and scaling
  • Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines for automated build, testing, and deployment processes
  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC) with tools like Terraform for consistent, scalable infrastructure management
  • Monitoring and observability solutions like Prometheus and Grafana for real-time performance tracking

DevOps isn't just about mastering fancy tools.

It's a whole mindset that encourages collaboration, automation, and never-ending improvement. As Mary Lopez, the CTO of a major Norwegian fintech company, puts it, "DevOps is more than just tools; it's a way of thinking that allows cross-functional teams to deliver high-quality software quickly and reliably." And according to a 2023 McKinsey study, companies that embrace DevOps can see a 30% faster time-to-market and 25% lower operational costs.

Talk about a win-win!

Skill 8: Blockchain


Blockchain is the hot new tech that's shaking up everything, and trust me, it's way more than just crypto! This guide lays it all out - blockchain is like a super secure digital ledger that records transactions in a decentralized way, making it practically tamper-proof.

It's built on transparency, security, and cutting out the middleman, which has industries going wild for it.

Think about it - blockchain can track products from start to finish in supply chains, giving everyone involved a clear view of what's happening.

In healthcare, patients could control their own medical records on the blockchain, with doctors getting instant access to the latest info. It can even create digital IDs to protect against identity theft and fraud.

Real estate transactions could happen directly through smart contracts on the blockchain, no middlemen needed.

A report claims blockchain could save Norwegian businesses billions by 2024! It's no wonder employers here are desperate for blockchain devs, architects, and smart contract pros.

As Daniel Wilson from a top Norwegian tech firm says,

"The demand for blockchain talent in Norway is skyrocketing, thanks to the need for secure systems, cost savings, and better efficiency."

If you can blockchain, you're set for a rad career in tech!

Skill 9: UI/UX Design


These days, user-centered design is everything when it comes to building apps and websites that people actually want to use.

It's all about putting users first by really understanding their needs, behaviors, and pain points. Studies show this approach can boost usability by a crazy 83% and user satisfaction by 60%! That's why skilled UI/UX designers are in such high demand, especially in Norway's booming tech scene.

At the core of UI/UX design are key principles like having empathy for users, creating clear and intuitive layouts, sticking to consistent design patterns, and making sure everything is accessible to all.

To bring those principles to life, designers use epic tools like Figma for real-time collab, Adobe XD for prototyping, InVision for user testing, and Sketch for slick UI work.

Knowing code like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is also becoming a must-have skill.

Norway is definitely keeping up with the UI/UX craze. According to the Norwegian Computer Society, the demand for these designers is expected to skyrocket by 18% by 2024! That's because companies across all industries, from fintech to healthcare, are realizing they need seamless digital experiences to keep customers happy.

As one top UX consultant, Charles Moore, put it, "User-centered design isn't just a nice-to-have anymore – it's make or break for businesses in today's digital world." With user needs constantly evolving, having designers who can craft those perfect user experiences is more crucial than ever.

Skill 10: Internet of Things (IoT)


Alright, let's talk about the Internet of Things (IoT) - that crazy tech trend connecting everything around us to the internet! By 2024, experts reckon there'll be like 28 billion IoT devices globally, which is insane! These gadgets can chat with each other and swap data over the web, blurring the boundaries between the real and digital realms.

It's revolutionizing industries and changing how we live our lives!

The scope of IoT applications is vast and keeps growing:

  • Smart Home Automation: Control your thermostat, lights, and home security from your phone or by voice command! So convenient and energy-efficient.
  • Wearable Tech: Fitness trackers, smartwatches, and health monitors use IoT to track your physical activities, vital signs, and overall wellness.
  • Industrial IoT: In manufacturing and logistics, IoT sensors monitor equipment, inventory, and supply chains, enabling predictive maintenance and process optimization.

In Norway, where they love cutting-edge tech, the demand for IoT expertise is skyrocketing! According to Abelia Digital Leadership, like 75% of Norwegian companies plan to invest in IoT solutions by 2024.

They need that operational efficiency, customer experience, and data-driven decision-making boost. So if you know your stuff about embedded systems, wireless protocols, and data analytics, Norwegian employers in manufacturing, healthcare, and smart city initiatives will be all over you!



2024 is right around the corner, and the tech game in Norway is about to get lit! If you're looking to score a sweet gig, you gotta level up your skills, my friend.

Employers over there are hunting for pros who can slay Python, data analytics, cloud computing, cybersecurity, machine learning, full-stack wizardry, DevOps, blockchain, UI/UX design, and IoT like it's nobody's business.

Here's the rundown:

  1. Python Programming: Essential for many aspects of software development and analysis.
  2. Data Analytics: Key to unlocking insights from large datasets.
  3. Cloud Computing: Fundamental for modern infrastructure management.
  4. Cybersecurity: Critical for protecting sensitive information.
  5. Machine Learning: Important for creating intelligent systems.
  6. Full-Stack Development: Versatile skill for both frontend and backend development.
  7. DevOps: Vital for efficient software deployment and operations.
  8. Blockchain: Growing field for secure and transparent transactions.
  9. UI/UX Design: Crucial for creating user-friendly applications.
  10. Internet of Things (IoT): Central to the future of connected devices.

Mastering these skills is the key to unlocking bigger and better career moves and fatter paychecks.

Word on the street is that tech pros in Norway who keep leveling up can expect a 20% boost in job opportunities and a 15% spike in average salaries over the next few years.

Norwegian companies are ready to bring the big bucks and epic training programs to lock down the top talent.

In this ever-changing game, staying on top of your learning grind is everything.

Hit up workshops, crush online courses, flex your skills at hackathons, and get involved in open-source projects to stay ahead of the pack. As Norway's tech scene keeps blowing up, those who prioritize leveling up their skills will be the ones scoring the hottest opportunities and driving innovation like a boss.

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the top tech skills that employers in Norway seek for 2024?

The top tech skills employers in Norway are seeking for 2024 include Python programming, data analytics, cloud computing, cybersecurity, machine learning, full-stack development, DevOps, blockchain, UI/UX design, and Internet of Things (IoT).

Why is Python programming in high demand in Norway?

Python programming is in high demand in Norway because of its versatility across various domains such as data science, web development, automation, and game development. Companies in sectors like fintech, renewable energy, and healthcare especially demand professionals skilled in Python due to its powerful data manipulation capabilities and extensive ecosystem of libraries.

How is the demand for data analytics shaping the job market in Norway?

Demand for data analytics is significantly shaping the job market in Norway, with 78% of companies considering it crucial for achieving their goals by 2024. This is driven by big data growth, the importance of data-driven decision-making, the adoption of business intelligence tools, and new data sources like IoT devices and social media. Job postings for data analysts and data scientists have increased by 43% since 2020.

What is driving the surge in demand for cybersecurity professionals in Norway?

The surge in demand for cybersecurity professionals in Norway is driven by the rapidly increasing number of cyber attacks, particularly targeting sectors such as renewable energy. Many businesses are integrating dedicated cybersecurity measures to protect against the rising threat, making expertise in this field highly sought after. Certifications like CISSP, CEH, and SANS training are highly valued.

How is the Internet of Things (IoT) impacting job opportunities in Norway?

The Internet of Things (IoT) is significantly impacting job opportunities in Norway as it drives innovation in various fields like smart home automation, wearable technology, and industrial IoT. With a projection of 28 billion IoT devices globally by 2024, 75% of Norwegian companies plan to invest in IoT solutions, increasing demand for professionals skilled in embedded systems, wireless protocols, and data analytics.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.