How to Land a Remote Tech Job from Orem: A Step-by-Step Guide

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: August 14th 2024

Orem, Utah remote tech job guide - skills, networking, job search, interviews.

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Landing a remote tech job in Orem is achievable with the right steps. Utah's tech industry is thriving, with a 4.6% growth rate surpassing national averages and a projected 12% employment increase by 2026. Orem is a hub for companies like Domo and, offering roles in AI, data analytics, and cloud computing. Focus on skills in AI, data science, and cybersecurity, craft a personalized resume and cover letter, and engage in local tech networks. With strategic preparation and networking, you can secure a remote tech position in Orem's vibrant tech scene.

Orem is where it's at if you're looking to score a sweet remote tech job.

The scene here is booming, with Utah's tech industry gaining jobs at a crazy 4.6% rate last year – that's more than double the national average! Experts predict a 12% jump in tech employment across the state by 2026.

Utah is seriously becoming a tech mecca.

Orem itself is a hotspot for major companies hunting for remote talent. You've got openings galore with Vivint Smart Home (software engineering, data analytics, cybersecurity), Domo (engineering, product management), and (AI, machine learning, cloud computing).

The Utah Technology Council says the tech industry contributes a mind-blowing $21 billion to the state's economy and employs over 200,000 workers. With its startup-friendly vibe and endless opportunities, Orem is a prime spot to launch your remote tech career.

Just check out these networking tips from Nucamp to get connected in the local scene.

Table of Contents

  • Building the Right Skill Set for Remote Tech Jobs in Orem
  • Crafting an Impressive Resume and Cover Letter for Orem Employers
  • Networking in the Orem Tech Scene
  • Finding Remote Tech Job Opportunities in Orem
  • Preparing for Interviews with Orem Tech Companies
  • Staying Productive While Working Remotely in Orem
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Building the Right Skill Set for Remote Tech Jobs in Orem


If you're eyeing those sweet remote tech jobs in Orem, you gotta build the right skill set.

The future is all about mastering Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning, Data Science & Analytics, Cybersecurity, and Cloud Computing.

These are the skills that'll make you stand out like a unicorn in a herd of donkeys.

Don't sweat it! Orem and the surrounding area have got your back with tons of resources to level up your game.

You can check out local training programs like DevMountain Coding Bootcamp or Utah Valley University's Workforce Development Division.

They'll hook you up with some serious knowledge in web dev, data science, and cybersecurity. Plus, organizations like Silicon Slopes and Utah Tech Leads are always hosting meetups and workshops, perfect for networking your way into Orem's tech scene.

And if you're more of an online learner, no worries! Utah has got plenty of digital resources too.

Pluralsight,, and Codecademy are just a few clicks away, offering courses and tutorials in all the hottest tech topics.

With so many options at your fingertips, you'll be a coding ninja in no time!

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Crafting an Impressive Resume and Cover Letter for Orem Employers


Landing a sweet remote tech gig in Orem is all about showcasing your remote work skills on your resume and cover letter.

You gotta make those Orem employers see you're the real deal when it comes to virtual collaboration. Here's the scoop:

  • Enhance your resume with details on how you've crushed it with tools like Zoom, Slack, and project management apps. If you've rocked it with remote teams before, lay out those deets and how you killed it with minimal supervision. Sprinkle in keywords from the job description too, like "virtual meetings" and "distributed teams" to show you're fluent in the lingo.

Now, for the cover letter, you can't just copy-paste some generic intro.

Orem Tech Talent's career coach James Hernandez says,

"A personalized cover letter is key to standing out."

Do your homework on the company's mission, products, and recent wins.

Then, tie your skills and experience to the role's responsibilities with a solid example of how you've made an impact while remote.

Quantify that impact with metrics to really drive it home.

By tailoring your materials to highlight your remote chops and showing you've done your research, you'll be one step closer to landing that interview and scoring your dream remote gig in Orem's booming tech scene.

Just remember to keep it real and let your personality shine through!

Networking in the Orem Tech Scene


Let's be real, networking is key for scoring that sweet remote tech gig in Orem. By tapping into the local scene, you'll gain insider knowledge, job leads, and a solid support squad.

Here's how to connect with Orem's thriving tech world:

  • Hit Up Local Tech Events: Orem and the surrounding areas are poppin' with tech meetups and gatherings. Check out Silicon Slopes - Utah's massive quarterly tech networking bash in Lehi. There's also the Orem Developers Meetup every month for coders and techies. BYU also hosts a Tech Meetup with speakers from local companies and networking opportunities.

These events are the perfect spot to learn from industry pros, discover job openings, and link up with like-minded individuals.

  • Leverage LinkedIn for Orem Connections: LinkedIn is a game-changer for networking in the tech world. Here's how to make the most of it:
  1. Optimize Your Profile: Make sure your profile showcases your tech skills, experience, and career goals.
  2. Join Relevant Groups: Get involved in Orem-based tech groups like "Orem Software Developers" and "Utah Tech Network".
  3. Engage with Content: Like, comment, and share posts from Orem tech professionals and companies to boost your visibility.
  4. Reach Out: Connect with Orem tech pros and inquire about job opportunities or informational interviews.

Networking isn't just about connecting people – it's about connecting people with ideas, opportunities, and each other.

By immersing yourself in Orem's vibrant tech community through meetups, events, and strategic LinkedIn networking, you'll gain valuable insights, expand your professional network, and increase your chances of landing that dream remote tech job.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Finding Remote Tech Job Opportunities in Orem


Alright, so you're on the hunt for a rad remote tech gig in Orem? No sweat, I got you covered with the insider scoop. First off, peep FlexJobs - they've got a ton of legit remote openings for Utah listed, from coding to data analytics and more.

And don't sleep on Utah's own job resources, they're a treasure trove for finding the perfect remote role.

Ever heard of Built In? These guys are killing it with their listings of dope tech companies hiring remote workers in the Salt Lake area.

From startups to big names like Pluralsight and Venafi, you're bound to find something that fits your vibe.

Pro tip: Keep your eyes peeled on job boards like KSL and Indeed, filtering for "remote" jobs in Orem.

And seriously, don't underestimate the power of your network - slide into those LinkedIn DMs and let your connections know you're on the hunt. With the right strategy and hustle, that dream remote tech job in Orem is yours for the taking!

Preparing for Interviews with Orem Tech Companies


Landing a sweet remote tech gig in Orem ain't no joke, but if you're prepped right, you'll slay the interview.

The techies here are all about candidates who can talk the talk and walk the walk. They want to see if you've got the skills to solve complex problems and can vibe with the team, even when you're working remotely.

So, get ready to show off your coding chops and prove you're a team player who can stay motivated and productive on their own.

When it's time for the virtual interview, expect questions like:

  1. Describe a complex coding issue you tackled and how you solved it. Highlight your problem-solving abilities and explain your approach clearly.
  2. How do you collaborate effectively with a remote squad? Showcase your teamwork and communication skills.
  3. What's your secret sauce for staying focused and getting stuff done when you're working from home? Discuss your self-motivation and time management strategies.

Craft your answers to highlight your tech prowess, team spirit, and ability to hustle independently.

The career peeps at Utah Valley University can hook you up with mock interviews to practice your pitch.

Remember, virtual interviews are a whole different ballgame.

Dress like you're meeting the CEO, and make sure your background looks clean and well-lit. Tech companies in Orem won't dig it if you look like you just rolled out of bed.

Test your audio and video setup beforehand to avoid any technical snafus.

As Richard Martin, an Orem tech boss, said at a recent panel,

"Preparation is key to nailing a remote tech interview. Anticipate the questions, practice your responses, and show them you've got the passion for the role and the company."

With the right prep strategies, you'll crush that interview and land your dream remote tech job in Orem.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Staying Productive While Working Remotely in Orem


Staying productive while working remotely from Orem isn't always a breeze, but with the right mindset and tactics, you can totally boss it. A study showed that 22% of remote workers struggle to unplug after hours, so setting clear boundaries is key.

Here are some tips to keep your productivity game strong in your Orem home office:

Create a dedicated workspace: Designate a specific area just for work to help you zone in and switch into "work mode" easily.

An Atlassian study found that 36% of remote workers said having a dedicated office space boosted their productivity.

Optimize your environment: Take advantage of Orem's natural beauty to recharge and spark creativity.

Go for walks or hikes in nearby canyons or parks during breaks, which can reduce stress according to the American Psychological Association.

Master time management: Use techniques like the Pomodoro Method or time-tracking apps to stay focused and avoid distractions.

A RescueTime study showed that sticking to a structured routine can increase productivity by up to 40%.

Prioritize work-life balance:

  • Regular work hours: Maintain regular work hours to avoid burnout.
  • Frequent breaks: Take breaks throughout the day to recharge.
  • Outside activities: Pursue hobbies or activities outside of work.

An Owl Labs survey revealed that 32% of remote workers struggle with loneliness, so make time for social interactions, whether in-person or virtual.

By implementing these strategies, you can rock the remote work lifestyle in Orem while staying productive and fulfilled.

Don't forget to check out Nucamp's top strategies for landing your first remote tech job from Orem.

Frequently Asked Questions


Why is Orem a great place to look for a remote tech job?

Orem is a hotspot for tech companies seeking remote talent. The tech industry in Utah is booming, growing at a 4.6% rate, with a predicted 12% increase by 2026. Major companies like Domo and are actively recruiting in Orem for roles in software engineering, AI, and cloud computing.

What skills are essential for landing a remote tech job in Orem?

Key skills include Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Data Science and Analytics, Cybersecurity, and Cloud Computing. Orem offers numerous resources to build these skills, including local programs and online courses.

How can I craft an impressive resume and cover letter for tech jobs in Orem?

Highlight your experience with virtual collaboration tools like Zoom and Slack. Customize your cover letter by researching the company’s mission and relating your skills to the job responsibilities. Include quantitative impacts where possible.

How important is networking in finding a remote tech job in Orem?

Networking is crucial. Participating in local tech events and engaging with the Orem tech community on platforms like LinkedIn can provide job leads and industry insights. Connecting with like-minded professionals can increase your chances of landing a remote tech job.

What strategies help in staying productive while working remotely in Orem?

Establish a dedicated workspace, maintain a structured timetable, and use time management techniques like the Pomodoro Method. Taking breaks to enjoy Orem’s natural surroundings and maintaining work-life balance is essential for avoiding burnout and enhancing productivity.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.