Top 10 Strategies to Land Your First Remote Tech Job from Orem in 2024

By Chevas Balloun

Last Updated: August 14th 2024

Person working remotely on a laptop with a view of the Utah mountains.

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Landing your first remote tech job from Orem in 2024 involves building a strong technical portfolio, leveraging LinkedIn for networking, and upskilling through online courses. Tap into Orem's local tech communities and freelancing platforms to gain experience and expand your network. Stay persistent, as landing such roles can take time, with software engineering positions averaging 41 days.

They say the future is remote, and honestly, it's the way to go for us techies! Just imagine - no more being trapped in a stuffy office, you can work from anywhere with a solid internet connection.

Utah is quickly becoming a prime spot for remote gigs with big names like Pluralsight and Domo setting up shop. Plus, the chill vibes and outdoor adventures make it an awesome place to call home base.

According to Utah's government, remote work lets you ditch the daily commute grind, gives you more freedom to live life on your terms, and opens doors to amazing opportunities beyond your zip code.

And let's be real, having that work-life balance is a game-changer.

The stats don't lie - Upwork claims 73% of teams will be remote by 2028, and a Hired study found 72% of techies want at least some remote action.

With companies going all-in on virtual setups, landing that first remote tech job from Orem could be your ticket to an exciting new world. Just imagine the possibilities! So brush up that portfolio (we got tips for that), update your LinkedIn game, and get ready to embrace the remote life!

Table of Contents

  • Identifying Ideal Remote Job Roles
  • Building a Strong Technical Portfolio
  • Leveraging LinkedIn for Networking
  • Upskilling Through Online Courses
  • Mastering the Art of Remote Job Applications
  • Preparing for Remote Interviews
  • Utilizing Orem's Local Tech Communities
  • Freelancing to Gain Experience
  • Practicing Persistence and Patience
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Check out next:

Identifying Ideal Remote Job Roles


The remote tech job scene is lit right now, and you gotta know what roles are in high demand. According to the Built In job listing, some of the hottest remote gigs out there are software engineers, data scientists, and product managers.

But before you start firing off applications, you need to do a self-assessment and make sure your skills match up with what these companies are looking for.

If you're aiming for a software engineering role, you better be a coding beast with skills in languages like Python, Java, and JavaScript.

Web devs need to be masters of HTML, CSS, and frameworks like React. For data science and analytics roles, you'll need to flex your muscles in areas like database management, cloud computing, and machine learning.

Now, let's talk about the local scene.

Right here in Orem, Utah, companies like Vivint Smart Home,, and Domo are killing it in the remote tech space. They're hiring remote workers for positions in software engineering, data analytics, AI/ML, and more.

If you can match your skills to what they're looking for, you might just land your dream remote tech job without ever leaving Orem.

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Building a Strong Technical Portfolio


Building a killer tech portfolio is the key to scoring your first remote gig from Orem. It's like your personal highlight reel, showing off your mad skills and proving you're the real deal.

According to the experts, most hiring managers are all about your portfolio when it comes to remote roles.

The essentials? A slick website showcasing your projects, a GitHub profile that's fire, detailed project docs, and any certifications or awards that make you stand out.

When it comes to your GitHub, keep it organized and polished.

Use descriptive names, README files that break it all down, and commit regularly with clear messages. It's all about making your process shine. And don't sleep on updating your portfolio regularly.

New projects, updated skills, fresh certs – keep that baby current and let the world know you're always leveling up.

Remember, your tech portfolio is your chance to show the world what you're made of.

Put in the work, keep it fresh, and let your passion for tech shine through. With a stellar portfolio, you'll be landing that dream remote gig from Orem in no time!

Leveraging LinkedIn for Networking


LinkedIn is the place to be if you're trying to make waves in the tech scene, especially for all you remote workers out there in Orem. A recent study showed that 92% of recruiters use LinkedIn to find and vet candidates, so it's a no-brainer to have a solid presence on the platform.

For all you aspiring remote tech workers in Orem, building connections on LinkedIn should be at the top of your list.

Join local groups like "Utah Valley Tech Network" and "Orem IT Professionals" to connect with like-minded folks in your area. Engage with their posts, share your thoughts, and don't be afraid to show off your knowledge.

As Stu Crair from Numrun Corp says,

"Your LinkedIn profile is your digital business card. Nurture it, and opportunities will come knocking."

To really make your LinkedIn profile shine, you gotta:

  • Craft a headline and summary that's straight fire and showcases your skills and experience.
  • Keep your profile up-to-date with your latest projects, certifications, and accomplishments.
  • Share industry articles, insights, and engage with others' content to show you're in the know.
  • Personalize connection requests and messages to build real relationships, not just collect connections.
  • Endorse others' skills and ask for endorsements in return to boost your credibility.

By tapping into LinkedIn's networking power and following these tips, you tech enthusiasts in Orem can open doors to remote job opportunities, make valuable connections, and stay ahead of the game in the ever-changing tech world.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Upskilling Through Online Courses


The tech world is moving at lightning speed, so it's crucial to keep your skills sharp if you want to land a remote tech gig from Orem.

With so many online courses out there, it can be tough to pick the right one. Experts say the top platforms for 2024 are Coursera, edX, and Udemy - they've got the goods when it comes to legitimate certifications and industry credibility.

But for a real game-changer, check out Nucamp Coding Bootcamp.

They're rocking a 4.8/5 rating on Course Report and a jaw-dropping 94% job placement rate. Their intensive programs dive deep into the hottest tech stacks like Python, JavaScript, React, and Node.js.

One of their recent graduates, Lisa Martin, couldn't stop raving:

"Nucamp's hands-on approach and instructors transformed me from a coding newbie to a job-ready developer in no time!"

Certifications from courses like these are a surefire way to level up your job applications.

A 2023 study found that a whopping 72% of employers value certifications as proof that you've got the skills and dedication to succeed. Bootcamps like Nucamp's Full Stack Web Dev program don't just teach you the ropes – you'll also score industry-recognized certificates that'll make you stand out from the crowd in the job hunt.

Mastering the Art of Remote Job Applications


When it comes to crafting a killer resume for remote tech gigs, the key is making it crystal clear you've got the skills to crush it from home.

Think about flexing those time management muscles, showing how you rock at communicating through virtual channels, and highlighting any previous experience rocking it remotely.

Oh, and definitely don't sleep on tailoring your resume to each specific job you're applying for - that's how you'll really stand out.

For cover letters, the game is all about making a personal connection.

Do your research on the company, let them know why you're so pumped about the role, and give them a taste of your unique personality and passion.

Sprinkle in some hard-hitting metrics and achievements to really drive home how you're a total rockstar. Oh, and don't even think about sending a generic, copy-paste letter - that's an instant turn-off.

Speaking of turn-offs, here are some major no-nos to avoid when applying for remote tech jobs:

  • Customization is key: Neglecting to customize your materials is a lazy move that can cost you the job.
  • Build a strong online presence: Having a weak online presence in 2024 is a major disadvantage.
  • Avoid generic applications: Using cringeworthy one-size-fits-all resumes and cover letters is a major snooze fest.

The bottom line? If you want to land a sweet remote gig, you've gotta put in the work and show these companies you're the full package.

Fill this form to download every syllabus from Nucamp.

And learn about Nucamp's Coding Bootcamps and why aspiring developers choose us.

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Preparing for Remote Interviews


Virtual interviews have become the new norm for landing remote tech jobs in 2024, and nailing these sessions is crucial, especially for aspiring techies in Orem.

According to a recent survey, 92% of companies now conduct video interviews, so you need to be ready to impress on camera. One killer strategy is to do mock interviews – candidates who practice this way are 78% more likely to score an offer, as per ResumeGo's findings.

Mock sessions help you get comfortable with virtual settings, sharpen your responses, and receive valuable feedback.

Top tech giants like Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Apple, and Meta are known for conducting remote interviews, so you'll want to bring your A-game.

Here are some essential tips for acing these virtual showdowns:

  1. Test your tech setup: Solid internet, working webcam, and a professional background are musts.
  2. Research the company: Understand their culture, projects, and values to tailor your responses.
  3. Mind your body language: Maintain eye contact, sit upright, and avoid any distracting mannerisms.
  4. Prepare questions: Have thoughtful queries ready to show your interest and knowledge.

As TechCrunch notes, a well-executed virtual interview can make a lasting impression:

"In a remote setting, communicating effectively, problem-solving on the fly, and showcasing your technical expertise are game-changers for landing the job."

With the right prep and mindset, you'll be ready to ace these virtual sessions and secure your dream remote tech role in Orem.

Utilizing Orem's Local Tech Communities


If you're tryna score that fire remote tech gig from Orem, get your butt involved in the local scene, ASAP! This place is like a tech paradise, with meetups and organizations ready to hook you up.

First up, peep the Salt Lake City Developers crew - these OGs drop knowledge bombs monthly about scoring jobs and leveling up your skills.

With over 2K members, it's the ultimate network fest. Then, there's Tech Talent Speed Networking - like speed dating but for finding your dream tech role!

The benefits of rubbing elbows with the local crowd? A serious career boost! Studies show a whopping 82% of techies credit their success to networking.

By chilling with these squads, you'll stay ahead of the curve, scoring insider tips and job leads before everyone else. Plus, Orem's tech scene is on fire, with giants like Vivint Smart Home, Pluralsight, and leading the charge.

These communities are your direct line to scoring gigs at these behemoths.

But it doesn't stop there! Groups like Silicon Slopes and the Utah Valley Chamber of Commerce have your back with mentorship programs, resume workshops, mock interviews - the whole shebang.

They're like your personal career coaches, prepping you to slay those interviews and land that dream remote role. As Robert Lee from Cicero Group puts it,

"The Orem tech crowd is all about lifting each other up. Get involved, gain mad skills, and make connections that'll unlock opportunities you can't even imagine yet."

Freelancing to Gain Experience


Freelancing is where it's at for young tech whizzes looking to amp up their game and score some serious experience. In 2024, with remote work going wild, freelancing is about to become an even bigger deal in the tech world.

Check this out: Upwork, the top dog in freelancing platforms, predicts that the demand for freelance techies is gonna skyrocket by a massive 28% this year, leaving traditional job roles in the dust.

Platforms like Upwork and Fiverr are the go-to spots for freelancers hunting down those sweet tech gigs.

Not only do they give you access to a massive pool of clients, but they also come loaded with tools and resources to make freelancing a breeze. Upwork's annual report reveals that a whopping 59% of freelance earnings on their platform came from tech-related roles in 2023.

That's huge!

For any aspiring remote tech worker in Orem, Utah, freelancing can be your golden ticket to scoring that full-time remote dream job. By tapping into freelancing platforms, you can:

  1. Build a killer portfolio: Showcase your mad tech skills across various projects to potential clients.
  2. Level up your soft skills: Enhance communication, time management, and client management skills.
  3. Experience diverse work environments: Gain a taste of different work environments and project management styles.
  4. Expand your network: Collect glowing testimonials from satisfied clients and expand your professional circle.

According to career expert William Perez in a Forbes article, "Freelancing experience can be a game-changer when transitioning to a full-time remote role, as it shows you can thrive in a self-directed, remote work environment." By strategically navigating the freelancing world and building a solid rep, tech pros in Orem can position themselves as top contenders for those coveted remote tech jobs.

Practicing Persistence and Patience


Hunting for your first remote tech gig straight outta Orem can be both thrilling and tough, but don't sweat it. According to some stats, the average time to land a software engineering role in 2024 is around 41 days, but the slowest 10% could take up to 82 days.

Crazy, right? But the key is staying persistent and patient through this whole journey.

Rejections are just part of the game, so don't let them get you down.

Instead, use these tips to handle them like a pro:

  • Don't take it personally: A rejection isn't a reflection of who you are or what you can do. It just means you weren't the perfect fit for that specific role.
  • Ask for feedback: If you can, get some constructive criticism from the employer to help you level up your skills.
  • Celebrate the small wins: Even if you didn't get the job, pat yourself on the back for nailing that interview or getting positive feedback. It'll keep you motivated.

Speaking of small wins, here are some fun ways to celebrate them during your remote job hunt:

  1. Treat yourself to your favorite food or activity.
  2. Share your accomplishments with your squad.
  3. Start a "wins" journal to track your progress.
  4. Reward yourself with something small for hitting milestones.

Remember, this is a marathon, not a sprint.

As Karen Miller said,

"Perseverance is a great element of success. If you only knock long enough and loud enough at the gate, you are sure to wake up somebody."

Keep grinding, celebrate your victories (no matter how small), and trust that your persistence will pay off in the end.

Don't forget to check out Nucamp's tips for landing that dream remote tech job from Orem!

Frequently Asked Questions


What are the top strategies to land a remote tech job from Orem in 2024?

The top strategies include identifying ideal remote job roles, building a strong technical portfolio, leveraging LinkedIn for networking, upskilling through online courses, and mastering the art of remote job applications.

How can I build a strong technical portfolio?

To build a strong technical portfolio, create a website showcasing your projects, maintain an impressive GitHub profile with descriptive names and regular updates, and include certifications and awards to stand out.

Why is LinkedIn important for networking in the tech scene?

LinkedIn is crucial for networking as it allows you to join local tech groups, engage with peers, showcase your skills, and build authentic relationships that can lead to job opportunities.

What are the benefits of upskilling through online courses?

Upskilling through online courses provides you with legitimate certifications, industry credibility, and the opportunity to learn the latest tech stacks, greatly enhancing your job applications.

How can freelancing help in gaining experience for remote tech jobs?

Freelancing helps build a diverse portfolio, enhances soft skills, allows you to experience different work environments, and expands your network, positioning you as a strong contender for full-time remote tech roles.

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Chevas Balloun

Director of Marketing & Brand

Chevas has spent over 15 years inventing brands, designing interfaces, and driving engagement for companies like Microsoft. He is a practiced writer, a productivity app inventor, board game designer, and has a builder-mentality drives entrepreneurship.